SSS-Class Suicide Hunter-Chapter 211. God’s Possession (1)

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Chapter 211. God’s Possession (1)


Translator: Seven

(TL: Firstly, I’d like to apologize for the many notes that are in this chapter. It was just quite a bit confusing so I added them so that no one would be lost at least.)


There was an incident that caused Ja Soo-jung to be widely recognized as a nutjob.

At that time, there was a major conflict between the human race and the sub races. A terrorist organization led by Wizard called the Black Witch began to slaughter humans. On the other side, a group known as the [Stone Assembly] slaughtered the sub races.

Revenge and revenge. Resentment and anger.

Slaughter bit the tail of slaughter, giving the racial hatred no chance to cool.

“The distinction between humans and the sub races should be stricter!”

The kingdom’s conservative noble faction could not stand still.

“My fellow honorable members of the Noble Council! The reason why the kingdom’s territory is currently in chaos is due to the indiscriminate mixing of humans and non humans, moral and immoral, civilized and uncivilized. Under the current marriage laws, it is possible for humans and sub races to marry. Not only that, same sex marriages and incestual marriages are also legal! These are all products of barbarism from hundreds ago. How could we hope for peace when things that shouldn’t be mixed are mixed? Lamentingly, our faction would like to propose a 7th [Unified Marriage Act].”


Baron Amethyst* looked at the Noble Council and smiled. (TL: The author is using ‘Jasoojung’ both as a family name and the name of the character. So to separate them, it’ll be the ‘Amethyst family’, and her name will be ‘Ja Soo-jung’.)

“How interesting.”

That month, a family war broke out in the Amethyst Barony.

When a war was declared between two families, it wasn’t easy for a third party to intervene. The families fighting in the war were the Amethyst Baron Family and the Citrine(黃水晶)* Baron Family. Originally, they had been one family, but they had separated 6 generations before. (*: 황수정 – Hwangsoojung.)

The Citrine Family had launched a family war by surprise.

They were confident.

The kingdom was on the verge of collapse. And the Amethyst Family was collapsing a bit faster. When the [Young Lady of the Amethyst Family] killed her father and became the family head, all the vassals who were loyal to the previous family head left.

“I didn’t want to do this.”

Baron Citrine drew her bow.

When Hwang Soo-jung and Ja Soo-jung were young, they were as close as real sisters. They had even been kidnapped together by terrorists. Recalling the distant past, Baron Citrine had a sad expression.(*: Same idea for ‘citrine- hwangsoojung’)

“Sorry. Soo-jung.”

“You don’t have to be sorry. Unnie*.” (TL: Way for a girl to address an older sister/female.)

Baron Amethyst smiled.

“This one wanted to do this.”

Baron Citrine’s army was devastated.

All of the reports Hwang Soo-jung had received were fabricated.

The Amethyst Barony might be on the brink of collapse, but the current Baron Amethyst was a genius. All the vassals had left, but new vassals had taken their places instead. Hwang Soo-jung never would have expected that an Archmage, who locked himself away in a small room for 60 years, would suddenly become Baron Amethyst’s lackey.

The price the incompetent noble had to pay was large.

“I don’t care if I die.”

Hwang Soo-jung’s face was solemn.

“However, please spare my vassals. They are only guilty of following me.”

“That’s interesting.”

Ja Soo-jung beheaded all of the enemy vassals one by one.

“Because this one intended to do the exact opposite.”

When the third vassal’s head fell to the ground, Baron Citrine’s knees also fell. The solemn expression she’d had since the war had begun finally caved. It was only then that she realized that she hadn’t been prepared to lose this war.

“Sorry. No. I’m sorry. My vassals, please spare them… Everything they did was on my orders, and when I was captured, they surrendered. I beg you… please.”

“There’s only one way.”

Ja Soo-jung whispered into the ear of her distant relative.

“I will formally request a noble trial. Do what this one says there.”

The nobles in the Royal Capital gathered in the courtroom.

A ruling was made on the family war. The one at fault was obvious to everyone. Baron Citrine had initiated the war, shot the first arrow, and was subsequently defeated.

The conservative faction raised suspicions that the reports were fabricated.

There was no evidence.

The only witness was Baron Citrine’s vassal, but, unfortunately, he could not make it to the trial. He was one of the vassals that Ja Soo-jung had slain.

“We acknowledge the victory of Baron Amethyst.”

The presiding judge spoke a few words.

“From now on, all of Baron Citrine’s property, including her life, will belong to Baron Ja Soo-jung.”

“So everything is up to this one to decide. Including Baron Citrine’s life or death.”

“That’s correct.”

“Did you hear that, unnie?”


Baron Citrine, who was bound by ropes, lowered her head.

“This one will generously spare all of the vassals. Instead, unnie, swear that you will entrust your life, fate, and everything else to this one’s hands.”

“The Baron already has everything I have… I won’t hesitate to obey your orders, regardless of what it is.”

The nobles in the assembly clicked their tongues.

Baron Citrine’s declaration of war had been instigated by the conservative faction.

Baron Amethyst smiled brightly as she looked at the sour expressions of the nobles watching the trial.

“Then marry this one.”


Baron Citrine raised her head.

“If you do so, I’ll forgive you.”

The mouths of the conservative nobles fell open.

“Your honor? I would like you to officiate this one’s marriage. Please agree.”

“Wait a moment.”

The presiding judge raised one hand and placed the other on his forehead.

The judge’s mind raced.

Every law was promulgated by order of the king or from a vote of the Noble Council. Marriage laws fell under the council laws. And every council law was recorded in hundreds of books of minutes, which looked closer to bricks than books, called The Proceedings of the General Assembly.

The presiding judge was recalling the minutes that had accumulated over 2,000 years.

“…marriage between relatives was allowed in the 5th Marriage Act, and blood relations are distant enough to not defy the 6th Marriage Act. Same sex marriages, which were made illegal in the 3rd Marriage Act, was allowed under the 5th Marriage Act… And the announcement of a marriage between nobles must be done in the presence of other nobles.”

The presiding judge looked round.

The mouths of the nobles in the audience grew wider.

“The conditions are satisfied. I can do… the notarization process.”𝘧𝑟𝘦𝒆w𝚎𝙗nov𝘦𝗹.𝐜o𝓶

The presiding judge nodded.

“Does anyone object to this marriage?”

No one was able to speak.

“Officially and undoubtedly, in a situation where the Amethyst Baron Family has the justification, the family war has ended in their victory. Baron Amethyst will receive all of her reported acquisitions, and in the process, the handling of Baron Citrine is also left to Baron Amethyst. While she has full ownership of Baron Citrine, Baron Amethyst intends to take Baron Citrine as her wife.”

It was only then that the nobles were able to shake themselves from their stupor.

However, it was too late.

“I accept your marriage.”

It was a same sex and same name marriage.

The political implications of this case was clear. It was a middle finger to the face.

The conservative faction realized they had been screwed over by an 18 year old noble, a young girl who had only just become a Baron.

It didn’t take very long for the world to realize that Ja Soo-jung was a nutjob.

[Madness to Insanity)]

Rank: A-

Effect: A curse from a certain Dragon. ‘No matter what’, someone who has this skill cannot lose their mind. Even if mental attacks or mental spells are used, they will never go crazy. This person will always be self aware, and they will always know who they are, where they are, and when it is.

A curse created by a Dragon, who fell in love with a human in the past, to protect the weak human mind. Rumor has it, the Dragon’s lover went crazy because they couldn’t go crazy.

※However, once you have this skill you can’t remove it.

Baron Amethyst and Baron Citrine became a family.

Baron Citrine lost her title and became Mrs. Hwang Soo-jung instead. Baron Amethyst absorbed her wife’s title and became Viscount Amethyst. After six generations, the divided family had become one once again.

“That crazy bitch!”

The conservative nobles could not take it.

Dozens of nobles grit their teeth.

“She really is a crazy bitch.”

Even factions that were hostile to the conservative could not stay still.

Dozens of radical nobles acknowledged Ja Soo-jung’s existence.

“But is there anything else you’re good at apart from being crazy?”

Apathetic Duke.(TL: This isn’t exactly correct… I’ll keep thinking of an alternative)

In the kingdom, there were only six great nobles who were in charge of the artists. Ja Soo-jung was interested in one of those nobles, a woman nicknamed Lady of Leisure.

And as could be seen from the fact that she handled artists, she was also insane.

“This one is good at everything.”

“Exactly 133,643 people have sat in front of me and said those same words.”

The Apathetic Duke was an ascendant. In this world, due to the blessing of a Dragon, humans could obtain eternal life as long they could overcome a [Trial]. Of course, the blessing of the Dragon was not all powerful, it wouldn’t block the blade of a psycho on the street.

The Apathetic Duke was cautious every time she walked down the street. Thanks to this, she hadn’t been stabbed to death for more than 1,000 years. In order to obtain this Duke, she had to be careful

“Sir Duke.” (TL: Sticking to the male titles since the author did.)

Ja Soo-jung shook her head.

“Don’t you feel like life is boring?”

“Oh. Impressive. 517,570 people have asked me that.”

“Your excellency raises artists. But even if a talented artist is able to shine brightly and has the ability to tear apart the great river, they couldn’t save the Duke.” (TL: I believe it means ‘save him from boredom’)


“Because to that person, their art is more important than the Duke.”

The Apathetic Duke felt that it might be worth it to pay a bit more attention to the child in front of him.

“What do you mean?”

“Artists who are less talented than you worship you. But no matter how much they serve you, their art is not enough, so they couldn’t save you.”

Viscount Amethyst felt her prey approaching the trap.

“Artists who are more talented than you wouldn’t truly care about you. So no matter how many you raise, their gaze wouldn’t be on you, so they couldn’t save you.”


“Your excellency is destined to not be helped by either side. If this were fate, then it would be like you were destined to have one unrequited love after another. There’s only one way to save yourself.”

“By raising you?”

“Yes. This one will use my art to work for you. This one’s wedding was really interesting, it must have been like a welcome rain in your life. Sir Duke. Lord of Leisure. Wouldn’t you want to have a child whose entire life will become art at your side?”

“20,351 people.”

“This one is more talented than them.”

Viscount Amethyst turned around.

In the depths of the Apathetic Duke’s mansion, many musical instruments were placed around. [The Tomb of Musical Instruments]. A musical grave. Whenever a musician that the Apathetic Duke liked died, she would collect their instrument and keep it until she found a new favorite.

Viscount Amethyst walked towards a piano and started playing.

It was a piano that had been placed in this place for 1700 years.

[Three Musics King’s Road(王道三樂)]

Rank: A-

Effect: A natural talent for composing and performing. Those with this skill are loved by music. After hearing distant notes, they can intuitively create the first and last measures of a score simultaneously.

In the noises being indiscriminately sprayed by nature, they can hear the rhythm of the stream, the rhythm of the swaying leaves, and the rhythm of babbling children.

You are a tyrant.

Because of your existence, people will now think of your melody when they hear the sound of the stream. Just like the sound of a frog is defined as ‘croak croak’, and the sound of the clock hand is ‘tick tick’, human anger, despair, and all emotions will be defined by your music.

A blessing to those who would become queen.

※However, it requires daily training and practice.

The piano rendition ended.

The Apathetic Duke nodded her head.

“750 people.”

“This one is beautiful. This one is extremely talented. With this one’s music, works, and life will be praised by all and recognized by all. Even so, this one will give that glory to you, and you will be able to hold the entire world in your hand.”

“102 people.”

The Apathetic Duke yawned.

“Even if everything you say proves true.”

She rested her chin on her hand.

“That just means you were born with astronomical luck, and with good probability, we might end up having a good connection.”

The Lady of Leisure’s gaze was solemn.

She had rotten eyes that had seen thousands of years.

“Being a protagonist with such rare luck will make me fall in love with the coincidences and fate of this world. A love of chance. Is that the end you’re trying to lead me to?”

“It’s similar, but different.”

Ja Soo-jung shook her head.

“This one will love you more than you can love yourself, Sir Duke.”


With those words, the Apathetic Duke finally looked Ja Soo-jung in the eyes.

“Your excellency doesn’t need to love anything. Only the love of this one will suffice, and finally, one day, your heart will contain something else, someone else. On that day, your excellency will finally be able to accomplish what you’d been putting off for a thousand years.”

“What I’d been putting off?”



“This one will commit suicide.”

A drop of water fell from somewhere.

The Apathetic Duke was silent.

Dead instruments were scattered around the grave.

“I could drag you into the woods and beat you to death.”


“I want to kill you.”


“I also want to see you alive.”

“I know.”

The Apathetic Duke drew a die from her bosom.

“Let’s see how lucky you are.”

The Apathetic Duke rolled a die whenever she had to make an important decision. She had declared on her authority that she would unconditionally do whatever the die said.

Years ago, after suppressing a Count’s rebellion, the Duke had to decide whether to execute the prisoners or not. She rolled an odd number, and so twenty thousand people died.

People thought she was a crazy bitch, but the Apathetic Duke also thought of herself that way.

“If it’s an odd number, I’ll kill you. If it’s an even number, I’ll spare you.”

“If you roll a 6, spare me. If you roll anything else, kill me.”

“I’ll decide that.”f𝓇𝘦e𝑤𝘦𝚋𝒏૦ѵℯ𝒍.c𝐨𝒎

The Apathetic Duke threw the die.

The die rolled along the ground of the musical grave.

[The One loved by the Dice]

Rank: SSS

Effect: Heavenly Luck(天運).

The Lady of Leisure looked over at the revealed face of the die.

Ja Soo-jun didn’t look.

She looked at one of the most powerful people in the kingdom without turning her head. A Duke who would be able to protect her from attacks by the conservative faction, and who could protect her from any political offensive.

“Has this one become just 1 person now?”

After that day.

Ja Soo-jung became the [Duke’s pet].

(TL: This chapter was so much of a brain buster that even other KTLs were confused by it.)