SSS-Class Suicide Hunter-Chapter 258: Seal the Dragon(龍封) (1)

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Chapter 258. <Seal the Dragon(龍封) (1) >



‘Energy Dragon or whatever, in any case, it’s just a lump of aura!’

‘Let’s just suck it up like an elixir and strengthen ourselves!’

An absurdly simple assertion.

However, it was this simplicity that shook the members of the Fire River Council. The council chamber, which was hollowed out like an amphitheater, was instantly filled with the buzzing of many murmuring voices.

-Sucking the aura out of a monster like that? Is that… possible?

-It’s ridiculous.

-However, if the monster really is made of pure aura as we were told, then there shouldn’t be any reason why we can’t suck it up…


Chairman Seimslam smacked the ground with her tentacle.


Everyone immediately fell silent. The Fire River Council was a place where respecting the strong was still prevalent, so the Chairman’s behavior could be roughly translated as ‘Excuse me, but I hope all of those weaker than me would kindly shut up’.

Seimslam was the strongest, and thanks to that, a graceful silence hung around her.

-Let me ask you, Uburka. Can we really get rid of that monster with aura training?

-Ugor! I think so.

Although the snail, who was much younger than him, spoke informally, Uburka didn’t pay it any mind. He just grinned like an evil brat playing a cruel prank.

-Think about it. When we eat something, doesn’t it become a part of our bodies? In the same way, even if it comes from that guy’s lungs, the aura we suck will become our aura.

Uburka banged his clenched fists together.

-That’s why I’ll take a bite, and you’ll take a bite too! If we gather everyone and share every bite with each other, ugor! That turtle will disappear without a trace, and all that will remain is we who have grown stronger!


Seimslam pondered deeply.

The members of the snail race were naturally small in size. They were similar to or smaller than goblins, but now that the members of the goblin race had evolved into hobgoblins, they couldn’t compare at all. Even now, the one sitting next to Seimslam with his arms folded was Uburka— the greatest warrior in the history of the goblin race.


So how small did Seimslam look next to Uburka?

Even when it came to tentacles, which were the pride of the snail race, Seimslam only had one left. The old shell on her back was wrinkled and ugly.

However, despite sitting beside the huge Uburka, who was like a green mountain, Seimslam’s confidence and dignity were unaffected.

-Everyone, listen.

Maybe it was natural.

-We will now determine the Fire River Council’s course of action in this unprecedented situation.

I had spread the teachings of the demonic cult in that world, and the goblins were a race that had been disciplined and trained according to those teachings. The snails had submitted to and been living under the goblins for hundreds of years. The teachings of the Infernal Heavens had also penetrated the Fire River Council, therefore, if Uburka could be considered the 1st Heavenly Demon, then Seimslam was the 417th Heavenly Demon.

Under the doctrine of the Infernal Heavens, the wound of having all their tentacles cut off was not a shame but a pride. As the number of wounds increased, so too did the sword path increase, and as the depth of the wounds increased, the Infernal Heavens Demonic Art became freer.

-We will listen to the advice of former Chairman Uburka and absorb the aura of the Energy Dragon that Dwells in the Deep Sea!

That was the moment the Fire River Council decided on the course of action for the Energy Dragon incident.

Before long, several council members jumped up as if they had been waiting for that signpost to be put in place.

-Chairman! I will send a summons to all elves!

-Why are the elves trying to get ahead? The Snake God should go first, which means those with horns should have precedence!

-Uhuhu… everyone is so lively. Do you think we’ll be able to get there without a boat?

-Oho, everyone is overflowing with greed. We, the [group that firmly opposes the exclusive use of the Energy Dragon], would like to strongly recommend the establishment of a committee for the fair and equal use of the Energy Dragon…

-Everyone be quiet!

Seimslam smacked the ground again.

-I know you all want to represent your own races, rime! However, we are ‘all’ the same! Everyone is gathered here to represent their respective race!

The council members paused,

Seimslam continued.

-That is why we should draw conclusions that represent ‘every race’! And it is our duty as members to draw such conclusions!

The words caused the members of the Fire River Council to cough sheepishly.

She was the first non-goblin in history to rise to the position of Chairman. Therefore, not only was Seimslam strong, but she also had the political power to back that strength.

Before long, the Fire River Council was able to reach an agreement.

-Our vampire race will immediately announce this to the world. We will inform them with the Dream Notice.

A vampire council member said.

The members from other races followed.

-Our elf race will utilize our highest mobilization order for the [pilgrimage]. A Dream Notice would only cause chaos.

-Our oni race will take care of the security for the journey so that bandits will not make any moves.

-Our mermaid race will assemble boats for the pilgrims. Leave the large scale passenger transport to us.

-Our snail race will be in charge of the construction, rime. That turtle is huge so we will need to construct structures to get on its back.

-Our goblin race will mobilize all the fire play troupes. Ugor. We also plan to share the know-how of the theater companies to create a study fire play that will allow beginners to easily practice aura.

Even the issues were sorted one after the other, Seimslam was not satisfied.

-You idiots! Aren’t you forgetting the most important problem?!

Looking around at the council members, Seimslam said.

-If you want to make turtle soup, you have to catch the turtle first. Rimu. However, that turtle is still alive! How can you talk about which plate to put it on before talking about how to cook it?!

Once again, shame blossomed on the council members faces.

Happily watching this scene, Uburka, the former Chairman, smiled

-Ugor, that’s right. That problem is like a millet grain.

-It’s not a millet grain, this problem is like a turd, rimu.

-You could say that too. Anyway, the Energy Dragon has a [ego].

Uburka touched his chin.

-Like that dragon whose head you lopped off and dropped into the sea…

-How long ago was that? That’s a story from decades ago. Rime.

-Ah, sorry. Ugor. When you become a Constellation and focus only on training, your sense of time changes greatly from that of normal people. In any case, the dragon you messed up didn’t have an ego. It was nothing more than a beast that could only roar in pain after getting hurt, and fight back when it’s attacked. However, that turtle is different.

Scratching his chin, Uburka said.

-How a mere mass of aura was able to develop an ego is a strange topic for those scholars who like to roll their brains. Ugo. While they excitedly have their book party, we will be in a bind.

-He’ll just get rid of the little things clinging to him like pests. In order to prevent that, we should chop off his head like I said before, but…

Seimslam scratched her shell with her one remaining tentacle.

-It’s too big for us to deal with. It’s hard to say how many warriors will die, no, even if they did die, there’s no guarantee that we will be able to take off its head.

-Ugor. We can just stick to him and suck out his aura. In time, his resistance will gradually weaken.

-Don’t think by your standards. Rime. The basic method to practice aura is to sit in the lotus position with as calm a mind as possible, but if that turtle is constantly rampaging, we won’t even be able to sit in the lotus position.

Scratching her shell, Seimslam said.

-Moreover, a rampage of that size will definitely affect the world. Ships traveling between the new and old continents will capsize, cities along the coast will be swept up by tsunamis, the damage would be indescribable. No, it is also possible for the building pressure to cause volcanic eruptions to occur like pimples popping. Rimu.

Seimslam fell into deep thought.

Her worries were vividly conveyed through the hologram. Indeed, the fate of the continent, the direction all the races would take, depended on this council, and she was the current Chairman of this council.

And the story was that she was the ‘Chairman’ of the council, in other words, she was not the ‘King’ of the council.

-Excuse me.

The representative of the vampire race raised their hand.

It was the person who had used the Dream Notice to share the location and identity of the Energy Dragon to everyone.

-I might have a good idea for that.

Since she was the Chairman and not the King, Seimslam didn’t have to come up with and implement all the plans on her own.

The council was a place to exchange opinions.

As Seimslam herself said, the members gathered in the council were those whose job was to express their opinions.

-A good idea. What is it?


The vampire council member began to speak. His neatly trimmed kaiser mustache moved along with the movement of his lips.

Moments later, after he closed his lips, the council members who’d heard him speak were in shock.

-Hoh, indeed.

-It’s definitely a good idea.

-Mm. But is that even possible?

-Is it possible since it has an [ego]?

Amidst the flurry of opinions, Seimslam tapped the table with her only tentacle.

-It might be worth a try. Rime.

The vampire council member grinned.

However, Seimslam hadn’t finished talking.

-However, in order for that good idea to work, we’d need to attack that turtle’s attention.

Sounds of ‘mm’ and ‘hmm’ came from all over the meeting room.

It was a topic that was equivalent to putting a bell around a cat’s neck, so their reactions were natural, and Seimslam didn’t mind.

-I’ll be the first to volunteer.

The council members paused.

Purpurp, Chairman Seimslam looked at them and let out a laugh unique to the snail race.

-Think about it, you pieces of athlete’s foot*. Won’t the kids who come into contact with the Energy Dragon first and manage to start meditating be the ones to suck up the most honey in the end? (*:Blanking on how to word this lol, it’s basically ‘you athlete’s foot like guys’)


-I, of course, am not willing to surrender such a lucky position to someone else, that’s why I, the 629th Chairman, declare that I will stand on the frontlines.

Chairman Seimslam turned her head to look at Uburka.

-What will the ancestor do?

-Ugo. I’m the only one with the confidence to sit on that turtle’s back and suck honey regardless of if it starts burping or going insane.

Uburka smiled, baring his fangs.

-As the first born, if I just shamelessly coveted the honey, I wouldn’t qualify to be the big brother. Ugor. However, as the younger siblings, wouldn’t it be embarrassing to always cling to your big brother whenever something happened?

In fact, the Fire River Council had rejected mine and Uburka’s help before.

Even on the 37th Floor stage, Uburka hadn’t stepped forward, and the Venomous Snake, called the Snake God, also refused to participate.

The things of this era were for the people of this era.

The things of this world were for the natives of this world.

It was this trend that had spread throughout the Fire River Council.



Seimslam snorted.

-A will is only beautiful when you have the power to prove it, rimu. A will that cannot be proven is nothing more than an arrogant struggle. And the result of that is sacrifice, rimu. In the end, it is the powerless that end up shouldering that arrogant struggle.

Bang! Seimslam slapped the desk with a whip-like sound.(TL: Author loves to add things randomly. First a table, now a desk lol)

-That turtle bastard said. He would kill everyone that couldn’t use aura.

Seemingly reminded of the Energy Dragon’s declaration, the expressions of the council members became menacing.

-That is tantamount to saying that he would not only kill those who failed to awaken their aura, but also all the newborn babies who aren’t even capable of understanding speech.

Bang! Seimslam slapped the desk again.

-I don’t know if there is any beast that doesn’t get angry when their young are threatened, but we are definitely not those kinds of beasts.

-Uooh! That’s right!

The council members raised their voices.

-That’s right, Chairman!

-We are not those kinds of beasts!

-Not…! We are not…!

-We, the [group who are not those kinds of beasts] strongly support the Chairman’s declaration….


Seimslam hit the table again.

After the council members shut their mouths, Seimslam turned to look at Uburka again in disgust.

-So, even if it’s dog shit, as long as it can be used, we will use it. Will you help us, ancestor?

-Ugor. It’s a bit harsh to treat me like dog shit, but fine.

Ubruka smiled.

-I’ll help.


Seimslam nodded.

-Then, let’s organize a special operations team to attract the turtle’s attention centered around the ancestor and me. Rime. As mentioned before, those who volunteer for the special operations team will be the first to obtain the right to climb onto the turtle’s shell and sit.

The special operations team was quickly formed. Like ants clinging to honey snacks that fell to the ground, there were countless requests to join.

After all, not only was the Fire River Council a meeting of council members, it was also a gathering of warriors. With the Chairman volunteering to be the frontline, there was nothing to fear.

-Mm. It’s a bit short.

Nevertheless, Seimslam frowned.

-To be honest, apart from me and the ancestor, the level is a bit low. I don’t know if 200 or 300 more powerful guys could fall from somewhere…


Suddenly, the door of the Fire River Council opened.

-We were waiting for those words.

As the large door opened, the sunlight poured in.

The sunlight didn’t get far before long shadows were cast on the ground. The shadows stood in a line, the single horns on their foreheads looking exceptionally sharp.

-We are the worshippers of the Snake God.

-The army of god directly under the command of the Snake God.

-[The 256 True Color Oni Squadron]!

There was a moment of silence.


Seimslam scratched her chin.

Uburka scratched the back of his head.

-Oy, at that time.


-You said you would even use dog shit if necessary, didn’t you?

-I did.

-Then will you use them?

-Mm… give me a minute, rime. I’m seriously contemplating it right now…

And so, after a long time passed, that day’s Fire River Council meeting came too an end.

And after a while, those with a mission began to move towards The Energy Dragon that Dwells in the Deep Sea.

It was the commencement of a pilgrimage path that would later be called [The Road of Aura].



The Energy Dragon that Dwells in the Deep Sea, the strongest energy dragon, howled.

The Energy Dragon that sank to the deep sea was strong enough to be called the strongest in the world.



It defeated Uburka, and the 256 True Color Oni Squadron as well. It defeated all that came at it.

The Energy Dragon who sank to the deep sea was the number one in the world.

-Uaah, we’re doomed!

-Dammit, run away!!

All the worthless beings that failed to awaken their aura fled.

However, the Energy Dragon still smashed them.

-Ahh, dammit…!

-Aura… if only I had studied aura hard…!

So their regrets came too late.


The Energy Dragon that Dwells in the Deep Sea.

It was the moment when he killed off all those who hadn’t awakened their aura very simply, completely and irrevocably…


-Big bro, is the turtle laughing?

-Leave it be. It must be having a good dream.

The Head of the vampire race said as he lit a cigarette.

Behind him, hundreds of thousands of vampires —who had merged with the dream demons— flapped their wings while releasing psychic waves.
