SSS SKILL: DUPLICATE-Chapter 34 Dragon and Snake

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Chapter 34 Dragon and Snake

Oscar fiercely stares at Aira.

Each snake head forms an energy ball, then they attack.

Aira controls the ice swords to block the attack.

Bang! The energy ball and ice swords exploded.

Aira stretched her right arm to the sky.

A huge magic circle appears above the ancient snake.


Many sharp ice came out of the circle and start to rain.

Two heads of the snake aim at the ice rain. The energy balls in their mouths are getting bigger.


The ancient snake attacked. The two energy balls moved to the ice rain, then they suddenly turned into many smaller energy balls.

Boom! Boom! Boom! Many explosions appear in the air.

The three heads resumed their attacks on Aira.

Explosions keep happening in the air as ice swords and energy balls clash.

Aira flies closer to the snake, then she attacked where Oscar is hidden.

The swords hit the snakes that blocked the attacks. The parts hit by the swords turned into ice and cracked, but the snakes are made up of water and they immediately recover.

The three snake heads stretched their heads, tried to bite, and crushed Aira's body. Aira is swiftly avoiding and blocking them with her ice swords.

Oscar stares at Aira, who is like a fly that is very difficult to slap and kill.

"The navy's magicians might catch up. I need to kill her now!" Thought Oscar as blue energy starts to cover his body. The energy looks like a flame that keeps waving up. The heads of the snake stopped chasing Aira and gathered together.

Aira felt the big fluctuation in mana from Oscar. She went down and stands on the surface of the sea.

The ice swords crumble as a big magic circle appears beneath Aira.


A beautiful fifteen-meter white ice dragon rises. Aira is standing on its head.

The three heads of the snake moved close to each other. They opened their mouths that has a magic circle, then threads of water element rotate and gather. One blue energy ball started to form and rapidly became bigger.

Aira also starts to use a large amount of mana. Her body is clad with white energy, waving like a flame, making her hair wave. She stretches her left hand. The ice dragon opens its mouth, then threads of ice element rotate and gather. A white energy ball forms and gets bigger.

Oscar is shocked that Aira has so much magical power, although she is still very young. He spent his entire lifetime trying to reach his current stage, but a little girl is on par with him. He feels a boiling rage within him, as if fate is so unfair to him!

"Damn monster! Where did you come from? You should not exist in this world!" Oscar furiously shouted to Aira.

"I'm not a monster, old wretch! I'm a member of the special force Blue Dragon Guard! Old wretch, you are too old! For the sake of your innocent victims, I will help you step into your coffin!" retorted Aira.

"Damn BITCH!! DIE!" Oscar shouted.



Both Aira and Oscar attack. The white energy beam from the ice dragon and the blue energy beam from the ancient snake clash.

BANG! The clash put pressure on the water. The water beneath the clash parted sideways, and huge waves move to the sides. The beams keep pushing each other. There is no clear winner.



Both Aira and Oscar are pushing themselves to the limit.

Crakk! The blue beam that has direct contact with the white beam started to turn into ice and crack.

Crakk! Crakk! Bang! The blue beam is defeated.

Oom! The white beam became unimpeded and moves toward the snake. The white beam expanded, and the whole snake is hit.

"NOOO!" desperate cry of Oscar.

The three-headed snake and Oscar, who is hiding inside it, are turned into ice. The water near the snake is also turned into ice.

Crakk! Crakk! The snake started cracking, and the crack is spreading.

Bang! Bang! Debris of ice fall and created big splashes of water. The three-headed snake and Oscar are destroyed.

Aira feels so exhausted. She is panting heavily. She's losing strength in her feet. The ice dragon crumbled, and she fell together with the ice. Her eyes are closed. She really wants to fall asleep. She wants to sleep on her comfy bed invented by the king's company, then eat her favorite ice cream when she wakes up.


Aira felt someone hold her. She still feels like falling, but someone is holding her like a princess.They landed on the sea surface.

"You did a good job. Just continue to sleep. You are in good hands."

Aira heard the voice of a man. She vaguely sees the handsome face of Feiyu. She no longer held on to her urge to sleep and fell directly into her dreamland because she knew she is really in good hands.

Meanwhile, the remaining ships of the enemy's fleet raise a white flag.

The navy ships aim the crossbow at the ships that surrendered. They will be immediately destroyed if it is a false surrender.

The vice captain of Wilder approached him and informed him of the situation.

"Captain, no ship of the enemy escaped. Most people in the ship that surrendered are neither aura users nor magicians.The water magicians ambushed by blue dragon guards are either killed or surrendered. Some blue dragon guards are severely injured because of desperate counterattacks from enemies. There is no death reported during battle. Captain! This is a perfect battle of the navy against a powerful fleet!" The vice captain was very excited when he saw the report. He even repeatedly asks to check if it's real.

Wilder is silent as he stares at the wide gap in the middle of the enemy's ship formation.

"Feiyu really exceeded our expectations." Wilder murmured to himself. 𝑏𝑒𝘥𝑛𝘰𝑣𝑒𝑙.𝘤𝑜𝘮

He looks at his vice captain and said,"Check the injured soldiers, report them for pension or light work if they cannot return to service. The list for meritorious service must be clear. It will be presented to his majesty. Never try to make it biased. King Van has eyes and ears everywhere. They even know the color of your underwear. Arrange the prisoners. Minister Topas still likes using them as free labor. He feels a sense of accomplishment when he successfully reforms the prisoners and makes them die hard citizens of Baynard. Repair the enemy's ships that can still be saved. There are still only fifty ships in our navy even when the shipyards are working over time."

"It can't help it. We only have a few shipbuilders. It takes time to teach apprentices. It is difficult to lure shipbuilders from other kingdoms because they are being watched. They will not allow our navy to become stronger easily," answered the Vice Captain with a helpless expression.

Wilder smiles and said,"King Van also realized it. He already assigned some magic production corps to learn shipbuilding. One magician can do several works for many shipbuilders. Our enemies will probably be surprised by the size of our navy in the future."

"I should thank Minister Roy later. His spy on Duke Wesly has given accurate information. Duke Wesly might vomit blood if he knew that his secret fleet that spent so much money is annihilated," thought Wilder. Roy's secret association with the two dukes and the empire is only known to a few people. Wilder thinks that Roy's name will really be immortalized. Roy is playing with two kingdoms and one powerful empire while risking his life. He is buying time for the kingdom to have enough power to confront the two kingdoms and even the powerful empire.