SSS SKILL: DUPLICATE-Chapter 38 Kingdom’s Situation

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Chapter 38 Kingdom's Situation


ROOOAAR! There was a sound of a dragon roaring when a big purple dragon came out of the magic circle. After roaring, the dragon turned into a big purple lightning spear and rapidly moves to the huge aura blade.

Bang! There was a loud sound when the two powerful skills clashed. Lightning and fire keep flickering. Strong winds blow from the clash. The cape and hairs of Edgar and Rey are swaying.

Bang!! A very loud explosion appeared. A flash of white light appears in the whole training hall. There are strong winds that push Edgar and Rey to their back. There are many flames scattered on the floor.

Edgar is heavily panting. Rey is also panting, but he is in better condition. They use too much mana and aura, but they have smiles on their faces. Edgar is satisfied with the power of the king's sword. Rey is happy that his king is already very powerful. He is looking forward to seeing his peak. Edgar and Rey went back to the castle.

"Your Majesty, the way you use earth magic in aerial battle is really astonishing. Dan and your uncle are already quite good in aerial battle. Until now, I can't flexibly do it. It is difficult for me to control earth magic," said Rey as they walk on the long stair.

"Hahaha, your aptitude for earth magic is poor. Dan and Uncle Marco have good aptitude for earth magic. Dan was grinning from ear to ear when I taught them aerial battle. Any element that can turn solid can be used in aerial battle. It is already taught in special forces, but only some of them are currently capable of aerial battle. Keep practicing. Your attack will be a lot more versatile if you are successful in your training," said Edgar as he patted Rey's shoulder.

Edgar went to his study room and rested. He recalled the situation in the kingdom. Roy, the Trojan horse, is destroying the inside of the two kingdoms. Armies and royal guards of the two kingdoms are waiting to welcome the Baynard army with open arms. Edgar's policy of accepting refugees and resettling them played a huge part in convincing them to join.

Some armies and royal guards in both kingdoms are not satisfied with the royal family and nobles. They are longing for their kingdom to become part of Baynard after they visited the kingdom. They said they wanted to own a house in Purple Land. They visited the villages of refugees from their kingdom. The refugees who wore clothes with patches and lacked food now own brick houses, new clothes, eat three times a day, and send their children to school.

The increase in refugees is partly the fault of Edgar because he encouraged cash crops between the two kingdoms. He made them plant too much cotton and soybeans. When sea trade opens in purple land, profit from cooking oil explodes. The seed of cotton came from a Sorranian. The sale of cotton clothes also explodes. The nobles of two kingdoms are too greedy. Now food prices have increased a lot in two kingdoms.

Rostas, the man in charge of intelligence for the Maginev empire, helps lower their guard on Baynard. They investigated Roy, but all the information they got was false information fed by Edgar. Rostas believes in the lies of Roy, whom they believe is a descendant of Duke George. Roy is feeding them false information through Rostas. They think that Roy will own the kingdom and offer it to the Maginev empire.

The reason why Duke Wesly stopped encouraging war when Death Land became poison-free was because of Rosta's lobbying. Roy made them believe that true power in the royal court is in the hands of Roy and Mother Queen, and they are contesting for power. 𝒃𝙚𝒅𝒏𝙤𝙫𝒆𝒍.𝙘𝒐𝙢

Roy is buying more time for the kingdom to train Baynard's secret army and make more arrangements between the two kingdoms before making a move that will shock the whole world.

After a while, he called Martha to the study room. Martha and Calvin were blessed to have a child. They now have a cute daughter who is three years old. They have more reason to protect the kingdom, so they work harder.

"How is the magic production corps?" asked Edgar. The contract will expire next year, and he wants to know if many people will renew it because it will affect production if too many people leave.

Martha smiled and said, "Your majesty, you don't have to worry. The production will not be affected because most want to renew the contract. Those who don't want to renew the contract want to serve the kingdom by joining the army. Our ideological education works, your majesty."

Edgar smiles. In every school, he included the teaching of loyalty to the king and the kingdom. The ideology is subtle so that each citizen who hears it will not find it repulsive. Edgar cultivated the teachers who advocated the ideology in school and in the army. He cannot train ungrateful bastards that will betray him and the kingdom.

"Arrange for a venue later where those who want to join the army can demonstrate. I will invite the representatives of the army, navy, and special forces. The intelligence department will not be invited since they will find talent on their own after careful investigation." said Edgar.

"Yes, your majesty," answered Martha.

They left the study room, and Edgar went to his office with his personal guards. He is wearing a red coat with the mark of a golden lion and a golden pattern on its back, a pattern used by the king of Baynard.

The previous king passed away six months after Edgar became Van Flameworth. He abdicated the throne and passed it to his son before passing away.

There were moths trying to muddy the water in the royal court, but Edgar immediately sent the royal guards to teach them a lesson. The royal guards happily went on a mission, then went back while escorting prisoners. The nobles are again shocked by the decisiveness of the royal court. The royal family still has a backbone.

The nobles tried to marry their daughter to Edgar, but he refused. He told the mother queen to delay it. After a year, Edgar had much more grip on the royal court and the army. He talked with the queen about his plan to marry Elena. The queen refused, but Edgar insisted that it was necessary to avoid giving more power to nobles. The queen agreed in the end. The nobles are dissatisfied and feel insecure. Edgar offers them something they can't refuse, which will ally them with the king and the kingdom, easing their feelings of insecurity.

The nobles in the kingdom are successfully tied to Edgar and the kingdom. The dukes and powerful counts have shares in Flameworth Group. The royal family is also given shares, including the Mother Queen. Edgar also gave shares to his queen, Elena. Other nobles are close business partners of the group, especially in sea trade.Now they have much more money than they ever had. They can lay down in a room full of gold. Edgar slowly pushed for schools and a constitutional monarchy. Although the nobles lose power, they still retain power and have much more money.

Meanwhile, Samal and?Rowin are still on the road to the capital. Samal had never seen a thatched house in any village that he had seen. All houses are made of brick. Some houses have two floors that make others full of envy.

Children are encouraged by parents to attend school in town because people who graduated from secondary school all have high salaries. Only cities have secondary schools because of the lack of teachers.

Factories bloom all over the kingdom. Many villagers went to the city and worked for factories or started businesses. They earn much more than farming. Refugees replaced the workforce for farming food. Edgar provided the necessary protection to keep food farming profitable.

After a few days, Samal and Rowin are riding on a toll road. Rowin said that people have to pay to use the road that goes straight to the capital. Samal looks out the window. He saw many carriages on the wide road, and he felt bewildered that many people were willing to lose money. Soon, Samal and Rowin reached the capital.

Edgar met Samal and Rowin in a meeting room.

Samal is nervous, and Rowin is excited. Edgar nods to Rowin acknowledging his work. The food research team has researched a variety of foods, but it still feels lacking without red pepper. He even mobilized the intelligence team, but he still did not find it.

"Where did you get its seed?" asked Edgar while holding a red pepper.

"Your highness, we got it from deserted land and transplanted it to our village. After a few years, it became popular in our town. It is called red spice," said Samal with an expectation on his face. He hopes the reward is big enough so they can buy food for the following years.

"I will reward you ten thousand gold for this red spice. Let's call it red pepper from now on. I also want to hire you to work in the agriculture department. You will lead a team that will plant the red pepper. I will give you a house, land, and a high salary. I will help you and your family become citizens of our country." Edgar threw a bomb in Samal's mind. He wants to hire the man. He has many years of experience in planting pepper.Rowin has already said that Samal is yearning to become a citizen of the country.

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RomanceReincarnationAdventureMartial Arts