Steel, Guns, and the Industrial Party in Another World-Chapter 283:

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Chapter 283:


A millstone-sized stone fell from the sky, fortunately missing any people, but the loud noise it made upon hitting the wall still caused a shiver of fear.

If such a large stone had hit a person, wouldn’t they have been instantly reduced to a pile of flesh?

The garrison of Fort Bidou was intimidated, each of them cowering behind the battlements, afraid to show their faces.

Outside the walls, Jace was highly satisfied with the trial firing of the catapult, laughing heartily.

He turned his head slightly and praised, “Captain Doug, the technology you brought is really useful! I’ve always struggled to counter the rebels’ Thunder Hammer, but now we’ve created such a weapon, it’s no less formidable than theirs.”

The cloaked mercenary captain, Doug, smiled slightly: “Your Lordship flatters me. But I am curious to see this ‘Thunder Hammer’ you speak of. I’m actually looking forward to them firing a few shots.”

Jace, gesturing towards Fort Bidou with his riding crop, said, “There! Those dark shapes on the wall are the Thunder Hammers. But, hmph, it seems that without Grayman, these fools can’t make good use of such a fine weapon.”

Before the attack, he had sent scouts to thoroughly reconnoiter Fort Bidou. There were no flags of the Grayman or Ganard families on the walls, although flags of other families in the alliance were abundant. It seemed these two lads were indeed tied down by matters in their domains, proving his father’s strategy effective.

Mercenary Captain Doug followed Jace’s gaze, and even with his excellent vision, he could only make out vague shapes at that distance.

He requested, “My Lord Viscount, after the battle is over, could I…?”

Jace smiled, “Rest assured, if you fight well, you’ll certainly get your share.”

“Thank you, my Lord! Heh, we mercenaries love to collect and study novel weapons. More knowledge, more security.”

“Hmph, once we take down this castle, it’s not just the Thunder Hammer I’ll give you, but much more…”

While Jace and the mercenary captain were engaged in their conversation, the lords of the allied forces were throwing a tantrum in the most fortified tower.

“Fools! Idiots! So quickly suppressed by the enemy!”

“Did you forget everything the instructor taught you as soon as he left?”

The instructors sent by Paul had mentioned in passing not to let the gunpowder get damp, a common knowledge in the Alda army, so they hadn’t paid much attention to it.

Unfortunately, the chosen gunners of the allied forces were completely absorbed in the great power of the cannons, letting the instructor’s warning go in one ear and out the other.

Before the arrival of Kent’s troops, the artillery instructors, along with the transport company responsible for moving supplies, had withdrawn back to Alda. Paul didn’t want his prized artillerymen to remain in such a dangerous place where they couldn’t be supported by their own troops.

The novice gunners of the allied forces, left to their own devices, took all the gunpowder from the storeroom and piled it at the base of the wall for convenience, as the enemy could attack at any time.

Unfortunately, just before the arrival of Kent’s forces, a moderate rain fell over Fort Bidou.

As Kent’s forces set up their catapults, the lords of the allied forces confidently ordered their gunners to take the initiative, hoping to destroy the catapults before they were ready.

Then, the four cannons, which were expected to perform excellently, misfired under everyone’s watchful eyes!

It was only then that they remembered that gunpowder should not get wet!

Without the aid of the cannons, the allied forces could only watch helplessly as Kent’s army prepared their catapults, repeatedly hurling millstone-sized rocks onto their heads.

“Ah! What on earth are you doing?” Viscount Johnstone drew his sword and waved it wildly in the air, appearing so enraged he seemed ready to kill! Several officers in charge of the artillery trembled on their knees.

However, the Viscount restrained himself, knowing these officers, who had learned to operate the cannons, were precious and were trusted members of various families.

Count Parker, his face dark with anger, barked, “Hurry up and use the sun to dry the gunpowder.”

Count Malron also threatened ominously, waving his fist: “Any more mistakes, and you’ll lose your heads.”

Several artillery officers scrambled away in fear.

The lords looked at each other in silence, and Derrick spoke slowly, “We’ll have to hold on for now. Fortunately, we still have a dozen boxes of grenades.”

As the battle reignited at Fort Bidou, Alda’s army began their “Overlord Operation”.

On the river north of Fish Tail Town, four sailing warships were aligned in a row, their dark cannon barrels menacingly aimed at the town.

Though called a town, its size could qualify it as a small city. The northern wall, built along the river, even had water gates connecting the outer river with the town’s artificial waterways.

Schroeder stood on the deck of the flagship, calmly using a telescope to look into the town, flanked by Yarman and Tirpitz.

The two fleet commanders appeared a bit anxious. Tirpitz kept muttering, “Why haven’t they returned yet?” while Yarman frequently checked his pocket watch.

As they waited anxiously, the water gate on the city wall opened, and a small boat emerged, heading straight for the flagship.

After the boat reached them, an officer climbed onto the deck and approached Schroeder.

“I’m sorry, Viscount Soro Carter has not accepted our offer to surrender. Here is his reply.”

Schroeder opened the envelope and carefully read the reply, then handed it to Tirpitz and Yarman.

Tirpitz, after reading, was furious. The letter, though worded politely, insulted Paul Grayman for joining the “unjust” side and “betraying” the new Duke.

“Lord Schroeder, begin the attack. Baron Claude and Andrew have already landed at the west gate and are waiting for your command.”

Schroeder checked his watch and nodded.

“Begin the operation!”

With his command, noise erupted from all four warships.

In less than a minute, thunderous booms resonated from the south side of each warship.

Fish Tail Town was immediately bombarded with dozens of cannonballs.

Some cannonballs hit the city walls, scattering bricks and stones, causing casualties among the soldiers there.

Others flew over the walls into the town, igniting large fires when the red-hot cannonballs hit flammable materials.

“It’s the Thunder Hammer! The legendary Thunder Hammer!”

“Quick! Fire the crossbow cannons in retaliation!” 𝔣𝖗𝔢𝖊𝔴𝖊𝔟𝔫𝔬𝖛𝔢𝖑.𝔠𝔬𝔪

The soldiers on the wall were either cowering behind the battlements or running around like headless flies.

Those responsible for the crossbow cannons bravely stayed by their side, straining to turn the torsion winches to shoot farther.

The commanding officer bellowed, “Fire!”

The torsion springs drove the crossbow arms, propelling four large bolts, shooting towards the Alda fleet…

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