Steel, Guns, and the Industrial Party in Another World-Chapter 317:

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Chapter 317:

TL: Etude

The carriage was stopped at the grand entrance of the palace.

The coachman, disgruntled, said, “This is Lord Aldridge’s carriage.”

A stern voice responded, “Sorry, just doing my duty.”

Aldridge, sitting inside the carriage, shrugged his shoulders and said to the two students, “A stranger’s voice, seems like they’ve got someone new.”

He opened the carriage door and led Mond and Kevin out.

An officer, dressed like a noble, stood by the carriage door. Upon seeing that the person inside was indeed the renowned scholar, his expression immediately tensed.

He bowed respectfully and said, “Scholar Aldridge, my apologies for the inconvenience.”

Aldridge waved his hand with a laugh, “Haha, no worries, it’s only proper to thoroughly check carriages entering and leaving the palace.”

Relieved at the scholar’s easygoing manner, the officer peered into the carriage, inspecting it carefully.

“Please reboard, Scholar Aldridge. Sorry for the delay,” the officer said, promptly instructing his subordinates to let the carriage pass. freewebnσvel.cøm

Aldridge smiled, leading the two students back into the carriage.

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As the carriage doors closed and the sound of horse hooves resumed, they slowly entered the palace.

Mond frowned slightly and whispered to his mentor, “Judging by the emblem on his uniform, he’s from the Dias family.”

Aldridge, who was resting with his eyes closed, merely smiled faintly without responding.

Kevin glanced at his senior and then at his teacher, finding the situation odd but didn’t ask further, trusting they would inform him if necessary.

After entering the palace gate and traveling some distance, Kevin estimated that they had covered enough ground to circle his village several times.

Once they alighted from the carriage, they were led by a court official to a side hall. Contrary to Kevin’s expectations, the hall’s decor was modest rather than lavishly ornate.

In the hall, there was an oval table with eleven chairs around it, seemingly used for the emperor’s meetings with his ministers.

Aldridge walked straight to a chair on the upper left and sat down, with Kevin and Mond standing attentively behind him.

About five minutes later, a voice from outside the side hall announced, “His Majesty, the Emperor, arrives!”

Aldridge immediately stood up and turned towards the door, with Kevin quickly adjusting his expression to appear solemn.

“Don’t panic, don’t panic,” he silently calmed his excitement.

His gaze fell upon a man in his forties with a beard, having a stern, commanding presence.

“This must be the ruler of the Gabella Empire, Emperor Bartley Griffin,” Kevin thought, following his mentor and senior in paying respects.

“Good day, Your Majesty,” Aldridge greeted the emperor respectfully.

“Good day, my teacher,” Bartley Griffin replied with a smile.

Kevin was astonished to realize that the emperor of the mighty Gabella Empire was once a student of Aldridge.

After Emperor Bartley took his seat at the head of the table, Aldridge sat down as well.

“I suppose you’ve guessed why I’ve summoned you to the palace, Teacher?” the emperor began.

Aldridge stroked his beard, “Is it about Prince Antonio’s return to the capital?”

“Yes! Hahaha!” Bartley laughed heartily, his joy apparent. “Antonio, that boy, has really made me proud. It’s a great victory, a grand victory indeed! Hahaha!”

Kevin, aware of what the emperor was referring to, had learned about the situation in the Gabella Empire from his senior, Mond. He knew that Gabella was at war with the Nestar Empire, located to the east.

The border between Gabella and Nestar was long and lacked natural boundaries like the Sunset Mountains that Gabella shared with Ordo. There had been friction and multiple wars between the two countries throughout history.

This war had erupted a year ago, unfortunately for Gabella, as their border defenses were breached by the Nestar forces, leading to invasions and plundering.

In his fury, Emperor Bartley had ordered Duke McDonald, a seasoned military leader, to lead the troops, with his second son, Prince Antonio Griffin, assisting the Duke.

Kevin had long been curious about Prince Antonio, having heard his senior Mond speak of him with admiration. According to Mond, the prince was intelligent and diligent from a young age, growing up amidst praise and maintaining his excellence, unlike many young prodigies who fade into mediocrity.

Prince Antonio, now just 18, was already proficient in both political and military matters. Many compared him to Princess Catherine of the Kingdom of Ordo, both far surpassing their peers in talent and insight, and shouldering responsibilities for their fathers, the rulers of their respective nations.

Seeing the emperor’s elation, it was clear that Antonio had made significant contributions to the recent victory.

Indeed, Bartley, beaming with pride, said, “It was Antonio’s plan—swift, precise, and unexpected. It caught those Nestar rats completely off guard, hahaha!”

This was the third time the emperor had laughed since entering the side hall, softening the initial impression of his majesty.

Aldridge smiled wryly at his student’s unabashed enthusiasm. Even after years as a ruler and in the presence of a stranger like Kevin, Bartley remained unchanged.

But, Aldridge thought, that was part of his appeal.

“Cough, cough!” Aldridge gently reminded the emperor to maintain composure.

“Ah… Oh! Teacher, this must be your new student!” Bartley, a bit embarrassed, quickly shifted the topic to Kevin, who stood behind Aldridge.

“Yes, Your Majesty. Mond brought him from Ordo not long ago,” Aldridge replied.

“An Ordo native, huh?” Bartley patted Kevin’s shoulder, who noted the emperor’s strong physique. “Learn well from Aldridge, it’s the greatest fortune of your life. Oh, and now you’re my junior, so don’t bring me shame!”

Kevin bowed hastily and stammered, “As you command, Your Majesty.”

Mond explained, “Your Majesty, he’s only recently learned Gabellan language and is still not very fluent.”

“Haha, take your time, no rush,” Bartley responded, unbothered.

Turning back to Aldridge, the emperor said, “Teacher, let’s get down to business. To celebrate this great victory, I plan to hold a grand ceremony.”

Bruh ‘Griffin’ and ‘McDonald’…

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