Strongest Counterattack-Chapter 357 - Don't Bully Women

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Chapter 357 Don’t Bully Women

Though Qin Sheng’s mental state had been troubled by various issues lately, his inherent wariness was still there. After all, he developed this instinct back when he had been trained by his grandfather in the Zhongnan Mountains, during that period. Previously, when he had been fighting recklessly with the beasts in Qinling, it had not been as easy as fighting with his peers in the cities.

Consequently, Qin Sheng’s instincts told him that somebody was watching him.

As for the answer as to who was watching him, it was not difficult to guess. Apparently, except for Qin Changan, it would be the group of enemies in Hangzhou. However, since he had cast the latter off in Huang Mei Town earlier and gone to Tsingtao, his enemies in Hangzhou should not be the ones here.

Qin Sheng would feel more indignant if it was Qin Changan’s underlings who was watching him. It was because originally, he had been dissatisfied with Qin Changan. Could it be because he was just a good-for-nothing without any skills at all? Or, could it be that Qin Changan still wanted to keep him under close control, so that he could get information about him, whenever and wherever he liked?

Consequently, Qin Sheng wanted to tell Qin Changan that even though he was his father, he had not really accepted him yet. As a result, Qin Changan did not need to treat him in that way. After all, he was not a scumbag.

Qin Sheng sped up all of a sudden and ran forward. After he jumped over two obstacles, he observed the road and surroundings, and then turned right conveniently at the T junction of the residential quarters. It happened that the villas there were out of the range of the watcher behind him. Consequently, Qin Sheng had more opportunities to ambush the watcher.

Of course, it was Nan Gong who was shadowing Qin Sheng. When she received Gongsun’s call, she had come to Yanqi Lake, reluctantly. Along the way, she had cursed Qin Sheng often. Since the weather in Beijing was icy cold, originally, Nan Gong had planned to go to Hainan to rest for half a month, and come back before the Spring Festival. It did not occur to her that she would be assigned a new task. She thought, “It’s OK that the master stopped me from going to Hainan. After all, the master should have allowed me to stay home and enjoy the warm air. It is simply a fate worse than death to come here to keep watch over Qin Sheng.”

However, even though Nan Gong was pretty reluctant, she had no choice but to come over obediently. After all, it was an order from her Foster Father and Qin Sheng was her Foster Father’s son. She thought, “The treatment for those who are blood kin and those who are not, are naturally different.”

Nan Gong had arrived in Yanqi Lake right after Qin Sheng and Qin Ran. She lived in the villa across them, which had been vacant for a long time. It was unknown how Gongsun had got the key to the villa. Nan Gong arrived and lived there directly.

She was indeed smart. She got a telescope, which was pointed right at the villa where Qin Sheng was living. After that, she positioned the monitoring camera right at the lens of the telescope so that she could sit inside, while drinking coffee and watch movies, and at the same time watch over Qin Sheng. By doing so, she managed to mix business with pleasure. Sometimes, she would go to the windows and check the situation. If Qin Sheng went out, she would follow him out.

Consequently, at this moment, after Qin Sheng went out, Nan Gong had been hiding behind and keeping a reasonable distance from Qin Sheng, as long as Qin Sheng did not move out of her sight. She thought that Qin Sheng would not run about randomly. However, it did not occur to her that Qin Sheng would speed up all of a sudden and run toward the lakeside. Nan Gong did not what happened. She had no choice, but to follow Qin Sheng in rushing forward.

Unfortunately, since the distance between Qin Sheng and herself was too wide, she only saw Qin Sheng turning right at the junction, and lost sight of him after that. She certainly did not know that was Qin Sheng’s plan.

After Nan Gong turned right at the junction, she looked around and saw that Qin Sheng had disappeared completely. At this moment, Nan Gong felt somewhat panicky and did not know what she should do. If Qin Sheng left in such a manner for real, her Foster Father would definitely blame her. Consequently, Nan Gong had to figure out the solution quickly. Should she go on chasing after Qin Sheng, or should she turn to the property to obtain the surveillance video? In the meantime, she was thinking about whether she should inform her Foster Father.

As Nan Gong was still deciding, she sensed a pile of accumulated snow falling on her head and heard the sound of tree leaves’ rustling. Nan Gong knew something was wrong and instinctively looked up. All she saw was a black shadow dropping from the sky and coming at her directly. Nan Gong retreated hurriedly. Though she managed to respond in time, it was still too late. The black shadow pressed her down to the ground directly, making her suffer a heavy fall.

The black shadow turned out to be Qin Sheng, who had set the ambush. After he made the turning, he was thinking about how he could trap the person who was trailing him. After he saw the trees along the sides of the road, he had an idea instantly.

During Qin Sheng’s childhood days in Zhongnan Mountains, he had often climbed trees, gone nesting, and picked fruits. He had even set up traps for the beasts. Consequently, it was not difficult for Qin Sheng to climb trees. Besides, originally, the area was the trailer’s blind spot. Even if the trailer arrived, he or she would not even notice the tree at the edge, which was his or her psychological negligence zone. Qin Sheng had thought this through.

It did not occur to him that the trailer would linger around after he or she caught up with him, and would now be his prey. He did not know that it was Nan Gong. After all, Nan Gong had worn a hat and a scarf and her face was barely visible.

As a result, Nan Gong was restrained by Qin Sheng, as she lay on the ground. The picture they made looked somewhat indecent. Nan Gong intended to fight back. Unfortunately. Qin Sheng was not less powerful than her. If they had ever contended with each other publicly, Qin Sheng might not necessarily have beaten Nan Gong. However, since Qin Sheng had taken the lead, he had the advantage over Nan Gong.

Nan Gong saw Qin Sheng’s face first, and looked a bit bewildered as she said, “What do you want to do?”

Qin Sheng squinted and responded, “Oh, it’s you!.”

Qin Sheng was not awkward around Nan Gong, as he was aware of her presence during the past few days. However, they had little communication. Even though she was a great beauty, who made men drool with desire, at this moment, Qin Sheng was not interested in her at all. It was because she was part of Qin Changan’s connection.

Nan Gong stopped struggling, snorted and she said, “Is it fun for you to play like this?”

Qin Sheng questioned her as he asked, “Did Qin Changan send you here?” They went on with their respective questions, and were not on the same channel at all.

The ground was icy-cold. Though Qin Sheng felt comfortable, Nan Gong was uncomfortable. Besides, she had fallen heavily a moment ago. She said indignantly, “Do you think I came here out of my own free will? Get up now.”

Qin Sheng did not have a tender heart for the fair sex at all. Instead, he responded as he said, “It’s OK for me to get up. You tell Qin Changan that he should stop asking people to watch over me when you get home. I am not his puppet.”

Since this issue was one between Qin Sheng and Qin Changan, Nan Gong didn’t even bother with it. She would only do what she was told to do. Consequently, she replied, “None of my business. You tell him in person if you are capable. Get up.”

Qin Sheng had no intention of getting up. At this moment, Nan Gong became really angry and thought, “If I don’t show my colors, you will take me for a weakling.” Consequently, she exerted her power all of a sudden, and broke free from Qin Sheng’s restraint, using her left hand. After that, she directly gripped Qin Sheng’s neck, used the muscles in her abdomen, and threw Qin Sheng off directly.

Qin Sheng ever had never seen Nan Gong in action before. He had thought Nan Gong was a feeble and weak woman. Consequently, when he discovered that Nan Gong was the one trailing him, he had not given a damn about it at all. It did not occur to him that Nan Gong would seize the chance, to make him suffer.

After Qin Sheng, who had been caught off guard, was thrown down, he rolled on the ground and was covered with snow, and looked decidedly awkward.

Nan Gong sprung to her feet directly and knelt on the ground, her posture looking the same as that of a standard female killer, like the Black Widow in Marvel Movies Series. Her composure was simply alluring.

“It did not occur to me that you are a master of martial arts. It’s my fault for being careless.” Qin Sheng, who managed to get to his feet by himself, came to his senses immediately. If Nan Gong were not a master of martial arts, she would not be that powerful. How could an ordinary woman overwhelm him?

Nan Gong taught Qin Sheng another lesson, and that was not to look down on any opponent, including women, who looked beautiful and innocent. At any critical moment, that kind of woman like Nan Gong, could take your life effortlessly. It was unknown how many heroes and brave warriors had died in the hands of women, especially the beautiful ones, from ancient to modern times.

Nan Gong sneered as she said, “Did you just get it now? If so, I will help you learn from your mistake that you should never bully the women.”

As Qin Sheng was still pondering on the meaning of Nan Gong’s words, Nan Gong suddenly rushed at him. Qin Sheng recovered from his earlier sluggishness immediately, and became solemn and serious. The reason why Nan Gong dared to be that confident was because she was capable. If he lost to a woman, it would be a great disgrace for him.

In a blink of an eye, Nan Gong had rushed in front of Qin Sheng and kicked him right in his face, with her slim and long legs, which were clad in high leg boots. Qin Sheng did not step back, nor did he intend to avoid Nan Gong. He put up his arms and shoulders and formed a barrier, and blocked Nan Gong’s heavy blows directly. He was dying to see how capable Nan Gong was.

Though Qin Sheng’s shoulders ached, he could still put up with it. He did not know that Nan Gong had concealed her real capability. Nan Gong could not hurt him, due to his identity.

Qin Sheng look sideways, and took the advantage to strike downwards, and punched Nan Gong’s abdomen directly. After all, Nan Gong did not set up any defense here. It was evident that he had made light of Nan Gong’s capability. Since Nan Gong had been at Zhuang Zhou’s side and travelling for thousands of miles to protect him, besides annihilating her opponents by the riverside of the Huang Mei Town, how could she be just any ordinary person?

Nan Gong faced the danger fearlessly. Before Qin Sheng could use his arms to exert his full forces, she had already caught hold of Qin Sheng’s arms, leaving Qin Sheng no chances at all. Qin Sheng, who had other solutions, kicked at one of Nan Gong’s legs directly, which were planted on the ground. He was looking forward to seeing Nan Gong’s embarrassed look, wondering what other tricks she had.

Nan Gong looked somewhat disdainful. Since Qin Sheng’s arms were still restrained by her, her chance came. As a result, Nan Gong jerked forcibly all of a sudden and withdrew her outstretched leg. Following that, her leg, which had been planted on the ground, sprung up all of a sudden. She avoided Qin Sheng’s attack successfully. However, the fighting was not over yet. It was because her purpose was not to avoid, but to take the initiative to strike out. Her leg kicked out at Qin Sheng’s chest in a reverse direction, directly.

Qin Sheng was frightened. It did not occur to him that Nan Gong would strike out in this way. He had made light of Nan Gong previously. Based on her fighting skills, she was not an ordinary master of martial arts at all.

By the time when he came to his senses, it was too late. Nan Gong’s kicking hit him right in his chest. Nan Gong then loosened her hands, which had been holding on to Qin Sheng’s arms.

Qin Sheng staggered and stepped backward. Though he intended to stabiles himself by leveraging the power, unfortunately, it did not work at all, after he reeled backward for several paces continuously. It was unknown whether it was because the gods wanted to punish Qin Sheng on purpose, but Qin Sheng did not even notice that the edge of the road was behind him. Consequently, he tripped and fell backward. “Bam!” He was thrown into a snow pile and was covered in snow.

Upon seeing this silly scene. Nan Gong mocked Qin Sheng and laughed unabashedly. It was because, at this moment, Qin Sheng looked simply ridiculous.

Qin Sheng’s experience this time verified one saying, namely, “Women are much more horrifying than men, it is especially true with the beautiful ones.”