Super Card System-Chapter 534: Killing Intent

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Chapter 534: Killing Intent

Ian felt like there was something wrong with his approach. Ivankov’s appearance made him want to facepalm himself…

You’ve been walking in the snowstorm for so long, and only now do you realize it’s cold?

Helplessly, Ian had to approach him and smiled, “Ivankov, long time no see!”

“Your flames are so warm…” Ivankov, like staying near a campfire, reached out to warm his hands with Ian’s flaming wings. Then, he smiled and said to Ian, “Yeah, that cute Ian boy from back then has grown up! I never thought you’d be the one who killed a Celestial Dragon and became one of the Seven Warlords. When I saw the news, I thought it was someone with the same name…”

Zoro looked a bit dumbfounded as he watched Ian and Ivankov reminisce. He also figured out that Ivankov knew Ian when he was a child, meaning it was during the time in Frostmoon Village. However, why didn’t he have any impression of this person?

Even Kuina had never met Ivankov and his group. When Kuma and Ivankov came to Isshin Dojo, they came quietly and left quickly. If Ian hadn’t coincidentally encountered them, they might have missed each other.

Nami, holding Chopper in her arms, turned to Franky and said, “This person is even more per-verted than you! At least you don’t wear high heels…”

Franky couldn’t be bothered to argue with Nami. At this moment, the tuft of hair on his head had frozen and drooped down…

On the other hand, Bon Clay was trembling with excitement, staring at Ivankov. Brook noticed his excitement and couldn’t help asking, “Who is he?”

“He… he is the miraculous person who once left behind the ‘legend of salvation’ in the world, the strongest Queen of the Okama, Ivankov!” Bon Clay’s voice trembled, “I… I finally met him!”

At this moment, Ian also remembered Bentham, waved to call him over, and intended to introduce Ivankov to him. Excitedly, Bentham rushed forward with a ballet step.

Law and Urouge stood together, arms crossed, watching this scene.

“Amazing! I never thought it’s really the legendary Queen of the Okama…” Urouge grinned, “I’ve heard stories about him!”

“He… I heard he is also a doctor!” Law adjusted the fluffy hat on his head, feeling quite complex. He couldn’t help but think of his own “Amber Lead poisoning” from back then. If Rosinante could have found this Queen of the Okama back then, maybe… things would have been different?

As for Shiryu in the back, he suddenly looked a bit uncertain. He took a few consecutive puffs from his cigar, and the thick smoke mixed with the snowstorm covered Shiryu’s gaze.

“Darn it… Ivankov is not dead?” Shiryu thought to himself, “And it seems like Ian knows him… He’s a member of the Revolutionary Army. Does this mean…”

Although Shiryu had been imprisoned by Magellan for several years, he was once the Head Jailer of Impel Down. He knew about Ivankov’s imprisonment. When the World Government arrested Ivankov, they already suspected his affiliation with the Revolutionary Army. However, due to the lack of crucial evidence and Ivankov being the Queen of the Kamabakka Kingdom at that time, they could only use a “baseless” charge to arrest and send him to the fifth level of Impel Down.

Originally, the World Government wanted to use Ivankov to interrogate other members of the Revolutionary Army. However, what they didn’t expect was that shortly after entering prison, Ivankov mysteriously disappeared!

There were no signs of any jailbreak; he just disappeared like that. Since then, no one has ever seen him again. This incident, at the time when Magellan had just been promoted to the Chief Warden, led to reprimands from the World Government.

And now, that legendary Okama Queen Ivankov, who had disappeared due to the “Devil’s Invitation,” suddenly reappeared before the world, and he seemed quite familiar with Ian…

At this moment, Shiryu suddenly felt like he had discovered a big secret!

Meanwhile, Ian was still in conversation with Ivankov. Ivankov was curious about Ian’s appearance in Impel Down and hadn’t figured out the purpose of Ian’s visit, so he asked, “Are you here to find me? Did that guy Kuma send you?”

After entering the prison, Ivankov had been developing Revolutionary Army members within the Newkama Land. According to his plan, he intended to wait until Dragon’s call and then lead these Revolutionary Army members in an escape, joining the wave to overthrow the World Government. However, Ian’s appearance disrupted his plan.

Ivankov, through newspapers, learned that Ian had become a Shichibukai. He believed that Kuma had sent Ian to find him.

Could it be that Dragon is ready? Ivankov wondered.

But what he didn’t know was that Ian had already become a member of the Revolutionary Army.

“Ivankov, there’s something I need to tell you!” Ian smiled and said, “In fact, after the Mariejois incident, I was officially introduced by Kuma and joined the Revolutionary Army! I am now also a member of the Revolutionary Army!”

“What!?” Ivankov was instantly shocked by Ian’s words, looking at him in disbelief. “You, you, you! You’re also our comrade!?”

Behind Ivankov, Inazuma who had been holding a wine glass and wearing two-tone sunglasses, couldn’t help but be surprised when he heard this. He took off his sunglasses and glanced at Ian.

However, the most shocked were probably the prisoners following Ian, including Trafalgar Law and Urouge. No one had expected that Ian, the Shichibukai, had a covert identity as a Revolutionary Army officer!

“This… this is the most astonishing news I’ve heard today!” Urouge widened his eyes, looking incredulous.

As for Buggy, his jaw dropped in astonishment. He, along with Cabaji, Alvida, and Mohji, all stared at Ian in dumbfounded disbelief. Buggy never imagined that Ian had such a significant background! He was an officer under Dragon, the most dangerous criminal in the world!

Suddenly, Buggy felt that he might never be able to bully Ian back in his lifetime…

“By this calculation, are we now considered members of the Revolutionary Army since we are following him?” Law could still control his expression. He suddenly grinned and said, “Well, this identity is not bad at all. Overthrowing the damn World Government sounds good!”

Law’s childhood experience of witnessing his parents being killed and his sister burned to death left him with no sympathy for the World Government and the Marines. He harbored an intense hatred for them, especially since his arch-enemy, Donquixote Doflamingo, became one of the Seven Warlords recruited by the World Government. Having the title of Shichibukai added a significant obstacle to Law’s revenge.

Not only him, but none of the prisoners present had any favorable feelings towards the World Government. So, after the initial shock, the prisoners quickly calmed down and even felt an inexplicable sense of excitement.

Due to Dragon’s secretive approach, the Revolutionary Army has always appeared mysterious to the public. Although many people are aware of the Revolutionary Army’s existence, they have never actually seen any of its members. However, when Ian, an unbelievably powerful Shichibukai in the eyes of the prisoners, proclaimed himself as a member of the Revolutionary Army, it unexpectedly gave the prisoners a sense of pride.

Wow! Not only is he a Shichibukai, but also a Revolutionary Army officer, the biggest enemy of the World Government! Such a prominent figure was just warming himself up with us a moment ago!?

Damn, we can boast about this for the rest of our lives…

The prisoners’ expressions, from the initial shock, turned into vibrant and enthusiastic gazes. Ian naturally noticed this scene and couldn’t help but smile inwardly.

He had anticipated such a reaction, which was why he didn’t shy away from mentioning it when talking to Ivankov.

As for Shiryu, Ian also noticed his gloomy gaze and couldn’t help but sneer.

He knew that Shiryu was probably regretting his previous choices.

Upon learning that Ian was a Revolutionary Army officer, Shiryu understood that they were not on the same side at all. He had chosen the wrong person to align with.

Ian speculated that this guy might be considering an exit strategy, planning to part ways upon leaving Impel Down.

But… hehe, parting ways? Well, he would need to leave Impel Down first!

While Shiryu was contemplating turning the tables, Ian, too, had already harbored murderous intentions towards him…