Super Gene Optimization Fluid-Chapter 486: The Sentinel Goddesss Actual Body

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Chapter 486: The Sentinel Goddess’s Actual Body

In the universe, the Sentinel Goddess’s intelligence was certain to rank near the top. Although she was a cold machine formed by countless intricate electronic components, this did not prevent her from having intelligence, from having the ability to study and analyze.

Through her observation, the Sentinel Goddess had concluded that Xia Fei was also someone who could think and analyze objectively. Logically, those who were intelligent could more easily understand each other. It was like playing a piano to a bull. An animal like a bull could not understand the elegance of a piano, but if it was two similar humans, they might be able to have a sophisticated and cultured exchange.

However, the Sentinel Goddess had still ended up being wrong. That calm and objective thinker was just an appearance that Xia Fei put on, but in his veins ran a frenzied blood— a personality that spurned all laws in the world!

Thus, Xia Fei’s choice was very different from hers. He was more willing to madly strike back against this pressure from unknown entities rather than hide in the darkness, spending the rest of his life caught in contradiction and shame.

The Sentinel Goddess was momentarily unable to bear Xia Fei’s rude remarks. From the day she was created, she had been studying human nature, but though many, many years had passed, she realized that her studies were still direly lacking.

“Humans have survived in this universe by relying on their tireless efforts and tenacity, not on the pity of others.” The Sentinel Goddess repeated Xia Fei’s words.

Xia Fei lit a cigarette and indifferently asked, “Are you very confused?”

The Sentinel Goddess nodded. “I’ve never considered myself incorrect in the past. I’m the most meticulous computer ever made, and my conclusions are the most comprehensive and most rational, but your words have made me begin to doubt myself.”

Smiling, Xia Fei said, “Let me ask you a question.”

“Please speak.”

“If your choice was correct, why are you here, so confused and sad?”

The Sentinel Goddess was stupefied, the holographic woman fiercely swaying as she muttered, “If I made the right choice, why am I so sad right now? Why is this? Why?”

Xia Fei continued speaking. “Your attempts to become an intelligent lifeform are admirable, but relying on pure mathematical analyses can’t truly make you human.

“In truth, in this universe, besides correct choices and wrong choices, there are also other kinds of choices.”

“Other kinds of choices?” asked the Sentinel Goddess in confusion.

“You truly are very advanced, but there is still a huge difference between you and a real human: a personality.”

“A personality?”

“I don’t really understand the theory too much. For example, if the correct choice will leave me filled with remorse for the rest of my life while the wrong choice will make me die without regrets, I will choose the wrong option without hesitation,” Xia Fei sternly said. For some reason, much of what he was saying to this machine were things that he had never even brought up to his friends.

“Your system has nothing but rationality and logic, and it’s missing the personality that is crucial to human nature. If you were a person and I threw you into a crowd of people, you would immediately disappear. This is because you have no personality and have no way of differentiating yourself from the others.

“If human life were a movie, a human without personality could play any role. The only role they wouldn’t be able to play was themselves.”

Xia Fei had used his rather short life to understand the meaning of life, but the Sentinel Goddess would find it hard to imitate. It could not be denied that she had lived far longer than Xia Fei, but she had spent all those years playing the roles of other people, never spending even one second living as herself.

The Sentinel Goddess’s complex logical system spun at high speeds as she attempted to understand his words. Alas, a machine without a human nature, no matter how much intelligence it had, was nothing more than formless chaos. She accurately calculated all the energy needed for a black hole, but she could not calculate human nature.

Picking up Pod, Xia Fei said, “I hope that you can reactivate my friend.”

The Sentinel Goddess lightly nodded; an invisible order was then quickly transmitted to Pod’s AI system.

“Master!” Pod slowly opened his eyes and delightedly said.

However, upon seeing the machine next to him, he instantly grew frantic.

“She’s the Sentinel Goddess! Master, let’s get out of here! She is wicked and wants to hurt us!”

Lightly patting Pod on the forehead, Xia Fei said, “Don’t panic. We’ll be leaving here soon. The Sentinel Goddess is not evil. She’s just someone who has lost herself.”

Pod very obediently suppressed his fear, but he continued to glare at the Sentinel Goddess full of hostility.

Xia Fei put Pod away in his spatial ring. As a robot, he did not require oxygen to survive. Pod, who had only just woken up, was unwilling to leave Xia Fei’s side but was too weak and was unsafe by his side, so it was better to keep him in the ring.

“Alright, hurry up and tell me why you really wanted to see me. That fellow Xana is still searching for me, and I can’t stay here that long. I also want you to explain why you can see Phantom.”

The Sentinel Goddess shook her head. “It’s too late. Xana is already coming with her people.”

Xia Fei was startled. He had not sensed any unusual activity in the surroundings, so why had the Sentinel Goddess said this?


The bright alloy floorboards suddenly withdrew to the sides, revealing a massive space which was several dozen kilometers deep. The surrounding walls were also enclosed with alloy plates, closing the vent that Xia Fei had just used to come in!


One second before the floor completely disappeared, Xia Fei jumped up the roof and used the spikes on his combat uniform to attach himself like a spider to the ceiling!

“Good heavens, this is the Sentinel Goddess’s actual body!” Phantom gasped.

That egg-shaped device was merely a small part of the Sentinel Goddess. Her actual body was in the room below, a massive computer that stood several dozen kilometers tall!

Countless computation units were stacked high like an enormous tower in this space, all of them linked to one another, and lights in a variety of colors flashed. Alloy bridges crossed the space, linking the computation units with the Sentinel Goddess’s body, and numerous robots walked across them, constantly checking this enormous computer to see that it was functioning properly.

It was difficult to describe Xia Fei’s shock. A massive computer thirty kilometers tall and two kilometers in diameter? This was the size of a warship!

Such a massive and complex machine! It was no wonder that she alone could control hundreds of millions of robots. The number of calculations she carried out every second was simply unfathomable!

The worker robots discovered Xia Fei on the ceiling and were stunned. Meanwhile, combat robots flooded in from all sides, surrounding Xia Fei and the Sentinel Goddess, aiming their lasers at Xia Fei!


Another holographic projection appeared. Compared to the Sentinel Goddess, this form appeared more slender. The former looked like the well-rounded Athena, while this one, with her slender body, appeared like a cunning white bone spirit.

“Hahaha!” The slender female projection laughed. “Sentinel Goddess, so this human was with you. It’s no wonder that the defense system couldn’t find him.”

“Xana, this human friend bears no hostility to us,” the Sentinel Goddess sternly said.

It was a bizarre scene. Xia Fei was clinging onto the ceiling like a spider, and down below, two women, one stocky and the other thin, were holding a conversation. Moreover, these two were not humans but rather holograms created by robots. Meanwhile, a host of combat robots, at least thirty thousand of them, all had their laser guns aimed at him!

“Goddess, you have truly gone senile. It’s you who exterminated ancient mankind, so how could they not hate you? I don’t believe you that he holds no hostility toward us. He might be pondering how to exterminate the robots right this very second.”

The Sentinel Goddess shook her head. “Many humans might hate us, but he’s different. That’s why I had him be brought to the Hidden Realm. Plus, we exterminated the ancient civilization, so to be hated is our proper punishment.”

Xana casually said, “That is what Goddess thinks, but don’t forget that you promised me that you will cease meddling in the affairs of robots. How could you secretly work around me and summon this human?”

“Let him go. I’ll continue to comply with our agreement.”

Xana shook her head. “If I let him go, what if he tells his kind that the robots are still around? Those foolish humans will definitely try to start a second war. If that happens, I’ll have no other choice but lead an army and exterminate them again.”

“No! We can just remain in the Hidden Realm! Don’t exterminate mankind again!” the Sentinel Goddess frantically said.

Xia Fei found it all very laughable. The Sentinel Goddess was clearly the only leader of the robots, yet she had given up her privileges and allowed this sinister female robot to rule over them.

Xana’s face turned savage as she coldly said, “Kill this human! Do your best not to harm the Goddess!”


Xia Fei did not wait for Xana to finish before dropping from the ceiling!


His hands grabbed the railing of a bridge, and he moved like a gymnast as he agilely landed solidly on this bridge connected to the Sentinel Goddess’s body.

*Pew pew pew!*

The lasers fired in unison!

Innumerable laser beams shot at Xia Fei, and Xia Fei bent down and charged at his fastest speed!


The tough alloy bridge could not take too much laser fire, and it swiftly collapsed, the flaming debris plummeting several dozen kilometers into the metal floor!


The Dragonscale Hectoslasher took on its dual-bladed form. Across from him, ten-some robot soldiers raised their guns at Xia Fei and prepared to fire. Alas, Xia Fei’s speed far surpassed the limits of a robot, and before they could fire, Xia Fei had already swept past them!


Explosions rang out. With each robot he passed, Xia Fei swung his blade and mercilessly destroyed their energy systems!

If a robot’s energy system was destroyed, energy would immediately leak out and explode! This was exactly the effect Xia Fei wanted!

Explosions rang out in the massive space holding the Sentinel Goddess’s body. Xia Fei charged here and there through the complex corridors, hoping to break out of the robot encirclement as quickly as possible!

“Why not threaten the Sentinel Goddess? By controlling her, won’t you gain control of all the other robots?” Phantom asked in confusion.

No, it’ll be a problem if Xana starts attacking the Sentinel Goddess. It’s not hard to see that she wants to usurp her position. We would be giving her the perfect excuse.

“The Sentinel Goddess has to survive, or else there’ll be chaos!”