Super Gene Optimization Fluid-Chapter 489: A robot with an ability!

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Chapter 489: A robot with an ability!

Xia Fei and Warstar stood across from each other at two ends of a black sand dune.

“I’ve always been very curious. Those robot warriors have you as the original model, so after encountering so many of your copies, I’m rather excited to exchange blows with the original,” Xia Fei nonchalantly said.

Warstar shook his head. “The original model for the combat robots is Xana. I’m the model for the robot warriors. Though both exist for the sake of battle, there are still many differences.”

Xia Fei smiled. “Whatever. Then let me see what’s so special about the strongest robot warrior.”

“You’ll soon find out.” Warstar stood proudly like a master, with one hand held behind his back and the other held in front of him, creating a rather strange posture.

His movements were clearly much more flexible than those of ordinary robot warriors. Robots were made of metal, and this flexibility that Warstar possessed originated from a difference in the metal he was made from and how it was constructed. His outer shell was not tough and inflexible but appeared to truly be rippling with muscles like an actual human. The material did not seem like tough and sturdy metal but rather flexible alloy. This was the first time Xia Fei had seen such a special alloy.

In short, Warstar seemed much stronger than ordinary robot warriors in every aspect. In truth, on a fundamental level, they did not even seem to be the same thing.

At the start, Xia Fei was confused. Though they were all robots, why were Warstar and Dimsky so much more advanced than their fellows? But as he pondered it more and more, he gradually understood.

“We’ll decide it with one battle, and the victor decides what happens to the loser,” Warstar coldly said.

Xia Fei smiled. “Alright, but I know that the General is conflicted, just like the Sentinel Goddess. If I win, I hope that you can forsake your ability to think and decide and listen only to my orders.”

“It is decided.”


At these words, the man and robot suddenly began to move.

Neither chose to attack first. Keeping a distance of twenty-some meters, they circled around each other, their footsteps slow and steady.

In an exchange of blows between experts, they first had to proceed through the probing and feigning phase. Of course, if this was a life-or-death battle, this phase would be omitted. Other than the outcome, Xia Fei also hoped to find some evidence for his conjectures on this strongest robot warrior or perhaps some valuable battle experience.


“Demon Axe!”

In the middle of calm, killing intent suddenly emerged! Xia Fei, using the Dragonscale Hectoslasher in its dual-blade form, swung them through the air! This was the tier 1 psychokinesis combat technique, the Demon Axe!

On the other end, thunder rumbled and lightning flashed!

The air seemed to freeze, and even the wind came to a stop!

Air chafing against itself at high speeds created blue crackles of electricity, and these lightning bolts were like wriggling tadpoles in a river as they shot at Xia Fei!

“An ability user!”

“A robot ability user!”

No matter how imaginative Xia Fei was, he could have never imagined that there would be an ability user among the robots, and a nature special ability user that could control the air at that!

Upon seeing those blue crackles with electricity, he immediately knew that it was the result of air friction. This was the area attack that Warstar had created with his ability!

“Crafty Approach!”

Rather than retreating, Xia Fei charged into the lightning, slithering through the openings between the lightning like a sly mudfish and making it straight at Warstar!


Warstar moved at the same time!

His movement technique was not as nimble as Xia Fei’s, nor was it as fast, but it was more efficient!

Each turn and each step was a movement performed after meticulous calculation!

Even more amazing were his mechanical parts. No other mechanical part could operate at such high speeds. It was clear that Warstar’s motor modules had reached an absurd level of technology!

Was this a product of high tech or was it the work of a god?


In less than one-ten-thousandth of a second, Xia Fei had reached Warstar’s side. In his left hand, October Flying Snow appeared, flashing with cold and silvery light.

“Good speed! Be sealed!”

October Flying Snow thrust at Warstar’s face, moving with incredible speed!

Alas, Warstar’s reaction speed was just as fast!


Two arms crossed to protect his head, just in time to block October Flying Snow!

“Break!” Xia Fei roared. He focused all his strength on his right arm, and Warstar groaned. Xia Fei’s sudden exertion of strength forced him back several dozen meters, his body floating in the air.

At this time, the Dragonscale Hectoslasher had already finished making three blows with the Demon Axe, and it now shifted into 108 flying daggers!

“Thousand Venerables!”

As Xia Fei’s knife parted with Warstar, he unleashed his second psychokinetic attack!


This time, Xia Fei attacked from all angles. The surrounding several kilometers were all affected by his attack. No matter how quickly Warstar moved, he was unable to dodge.

This sort of incessant attack was truly like the ceaseless tide, and each attack was imbued with immense power!

After countless battles, Xia Fei had finally developed his own fighting style. In the space of one second, he had used Demon Axe, Crafty Approach, and Thousand Venerables! He did not give his opponent even one second to catch his breath!


Warstar crouched and thrust his arms in front of him. The air pressure suddenly increased, forming an invisible barrier!

“That’s far from enough!” Xia Fei called.

Thousand Venerables accelerated into streaking comets! It was as if they wanted to break through the defenses that Warstar had set up.

“Explode!” Warstar turned grave as he called.


There was a massive explosion. Warstar knew that the barrier of air would not be enough to stop those flying daggers, so he decided to just blow it all up! He would use the shockwave from the explosion to destroy those comets!

Black sand plumed. The explosion created by the air was immense. Xia Fei’s attack was dangerous enough, and when brought together with the barrier’s explosion, they created a lethal explosion!

*Whoosh whoosh!*

Xia Fei rapidly retreated several hundred meters in the face of this intense explosion.

A few moments later, the dust cleared. That giant dune made of metal dust was no more. Warstar was like a statue, one knee on the ground, ten-some flying daggers thrust into his body!

“You are very strong!” Warstar spread out his arms and once more assumed that strange posture.

“You are also very strong,” Xia Fei smiled and said.

“A pity that my body isn’t made of ordinary metal. Knives are useless against me.”

Xia Fei raised an eyebrow, not knowing what he meant, and then something incredible happened!

The light metal that made up Warstar’s body suddenly became as supple as water, and the flying daggers stabbing into his body slid off, having dealt not even the smallest bit of damage.

Xia Fei laughed. “A robot with an ability and also a body of liquid metal. How many more secrets are you hiding?”

Warstar retorted, “A mortal with a completely open seventh brain region and with the abilities of speed and psychokinesis. I’m also very curious about your secrets.”

After a few moments of silence, they both burst into laughter, and their desire to fight each other intensified! Only an expert could get another expert excited! This saying was true beyond a doubt!

“It’s been a long, long time since I’ve been this happy. Come! Let me see how much skill you have!” Warstar said with a laugh.

Although he was a machine, at this moment, he appeared more like a warrior obsessed with battle. Xia Fei’s attack had completely awakened him, revealing that frenzied killing intent embedded in his code!

“Lord Warstar, he…” Hami was so shocked that he could not speak. Hami and Dimsky were viewing the battle from ten-some kilometers away using their electronic eyes. On the side, Furball did not seem to care whether Xia Fei lived or died and was taking a nap.

Dimsky picked up Hami’s words and asked, “Warstar has left you very surprised?”

“That’s true. We have only ever heard of Lord Warstar’s power, but I never imagined that he would be this powerful!” Hami said in shock.

“Liquid metal, a hyperengine, the ability to electromagnetically control gases… Lord Warstar’s abilities are simply unimaginable. How can he have so many as a robot?”

“Why not?” Dimsky countered. “Your understanding of robots is still too limited, but I can’t blame you. Just sit back and watch. Remember everything you see. Robots have much more potential than you think.”

Hami nodded in confusion. He suddenly discovered that the Lord Dimsky he was so familiar with had become strange. Were they really both robots? Hami wondered.

Meanwhile, Xia Fei and Warstar continued to battle. Xia Fei had two abilities while Warstar had technology beyond human understanding.

This was not a simple contest of strength, but a clash of physical cultivation and top-class technology!

A metal that could freely shift between solid and liquid was something scientists had only ever dreamed about. As for an engine that could match the speeds of a speed ability user, while theoretically possible, it had never been realized.

However, all of these impossible things were now reality! Xia Fei was seeing Warstar use them perfectly with his two eyes!

Incredible excitement!

Xia Fei suddenly thought of something. How absurd would it be if he could one day use the technologies that Warstar was using?

There had never been a clash like this in the universe, a contest of ultimate technology and ultimate martial arts strength!

Xia Fei did not know if Warstar’s technologies could work against a Law Adept, but in the present-day society, this level of technology would be enough to sweep through the stars!


Xia Fei and Warstar once more brushed past each other. Warstar’s attacks were not able to injure Xia Fei with his thirty thousand meter per seconds speed, but Xia Fei’s attacks were not able to deal any substantial damage on Warstar, either.

The two sides were evenly matched!

“I’m very happy today,” Xia Fei said, his eyes brimming with energy. “You’ve let me witness technology that I wouldn’t even dare to dream about. This alone makes my trip to the robot world worth it.”

Warstar replied, “The same is true for me. As a legendary dual ability user with a completely open seventh brain region, you are an opponent I could only dream about facing.

“Robots exist because of technology, and technology is our religion. Today, I’d like to see which is more formidable: an ability user who has broken the limit or the most advanced technology of the robot race!”

“A battle between technologies and abilities. Quite interesting,” Xia Fei murmured.

“Who do you think will win?”

Xia Fei laughed. “Is there any need to say it? Naturally, the stronger one!”

“Watch out. The Tier 6 psychokinesis technique Rhombus Shift with my thirty thousand meters per second speed will break your body!”

“That’s quite a boast!”

“Rhombus Shift!


Both combatants used their strongest techniques at the same time!

A storm whipped up!