Super Gene Optimization Fluid-Chapter 492: Controllable Laser

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Chapter 492: Controllable Laser

A black warship slumbered in an unknown part of the universe, with a shabby industrial ship slowly flying around it.

“This is the warship that we came to human territory on, the Xana. The outer shell has been modified so that it seems like neither a warship of the mech race nor a human ship. It appears somewhat out of place,” Dimsky bitterly said.

He and Warstar stood side by side next to the window, their eyes flashing as if they were recollecting that frightening period in history. Hami had been sent to the boarding module to prepare for the linking with the ship, while Xia Fei was keeping the two of them company.

“The Xana?” Xia Fei frowned. “This warship is Xana’s actual body?”

Dimsky shook his head. “To be more precise, it once was Xana’s actual body. The mechs can change their appearance as they please, and as of late, no one has seen what Xana really looks like, but I only need to find Xana’s old body to find out where her new body is.”

Hami sent a signal from the boarding module that the linking was complete.

The industrial ship and the mech warship came together. Dimsky used the temporary command system to take control of the ship, and then he joined Xia Fei in boarding the warship.

The insides of the ship were meticulously made and complex. Xia Fei looked around in shock at the ancient and mysterious mech modules, most of which he had never seen before.

About one hundred steps down the corridor was a massive cargo hold. This was where the Sentinel Goddess had been stored, and the cargo hold had been built specifically for her, taking up more than half of the warship.

Past the Sentinel Goddess’s room was a row of mech warriors that were held in ovular transparent containers.

“These are all Xana’s reserve bodies. There are twelve in total, but seven were damaged beyond repair, and Xana is using another one right now, leaving just these four,” Warstar said.

“So Xana should be like this right now?” Xia Fei asked.

“There’s a very high chance, yes, if she hasn’t found another body to switch into.”

Xia Fei carefully examined the appearances of these mech warriors. Xana did not have a body made of liquid metal but rather some sort of very light and tough alloy. Her weapons were not cold weapons but four pulse lasers, instead. Besides that, she also had an ability mimicry unit, the same as Warstar.

“Xana’s energy indicator has thirty lights? Three times more than you?” Xia Fei asked Warstar.

“Correct. Xana is a battle-type mech, and she doesn’t need to change the shape of her body at any time. This allows her to have a better energy storage unit and a more powerful engine. At maximum fighting capability, Xana can last for twenty to thirty minutes, making her more suitable for longer battles than me.”

Xia Fei nodded. Mech warriors and mech soldiers differed by only a single word, but their abilities were completely different. Warstar’s body had advantages when it came to toughness, making him perfect for duels, but Xana was a war machine who had been designed for large-scale battles, so she had more firepower.

“Come, let’s get to the command deck and activate this ship’s search system. Once we do, we will be able to find out Xana’s current location and form.”

Xia Fei shook his head. “You two go. I need to research on how to defeat Xana. Her laser weapon seems very special and doesn’t seem like something meant solely for attacking.”

Warstar shot a glance at Dimsky, indicating that he should go to the command deck alone while Warstar stayed with Xia Fei to answer any questions and research strategies.

“Even if you didn’t ask me, I would tell you. Besides imitating abilities, Xana also has a special laser. In normal circumstances, a laser can only fire in a straight line, striking the enemy like a cannon, but Xana’s laser can be controlled. This means that her laser can be used for long-distance attacks and can also change forms as it pleases.”

Xia Fei was stunned. “Controllable laser technology?! That’s terrifying! All I can say is that you, mechs, have absurd technology!”

Warstar nonchalantly replied, “We truly did have a glorious history and achievements, but that’s all in the past.

“Controllable lasers can be called terrifying because their attacks are unpredictable. If you see Xana shooting a laser at you, don’t think that you’re safe just because you dodge it. This laser might suddenly turn around and strike you from the back as it can be controlled!

“Plus, the laser beam can take the form of cold weapons. Laser axes, laser swords, and laser swords are all possible.”

Xia Fei firmly nodded. He carefully listened to Warstar’s words, not daring to miss out on anything. Xana was a frightening opponent that controlled a nigh incomprehensible technology, and her fighting style was extremely complex and ever-changing.

“What is the ability that Xana is mimicking?” Xia Fei asked.

“Prediction!” answered Warstar solemnly. “She can analyze her opponent’s brain waves and predict what they’ll do next!”

The shabby industrial ship took off once more. Dimsky had obtained Xana’s coordinates. She was currently at the robot production headquarters. Ths was a heavy-duty factory that designed and produced an endless stream of new robots.

Alone in the training room, Xia Fei simulated in his mind all the possible scenarios that might occur in his battle with Xana.

Xana could attack with a controllable laser and had the ability to predict her opponent’s actions. This was truly a foe that was difficult to deal with, and her engine was even more advanced than Warstar’s. This also meant that her reaction speed was faster, so fast that it was enough to deal with Xia Fei’s high speed attacks.

“Through the Delusion technique, you can make Furball into a clone, and with Furball’s energy, you should be able to reach thirty five thousand meters per second of speed. With Crafty Approach, this might be enough to get you close to Xana, where you can launch a surprise attack,” Phantom strategized for Xia Fei.

Xia Fei did not agree or disagree. “Even if I use Delusion, I can only boost my speed by five thousand. You saw Warstar’s reaction speed, and Xana’s will only be faster. Moreover, in close combat, I risk being encircled by the controllable laser, so it’s not necessarily a good thing.”

After some thought, Phantom said, “Why not use the Rhombus Shift again? The attacks of the Rhombus Shift are like a rapid-fire cannon. She may not be able to dodge it.”

Xia Fei shook his head. “She can predict attacks, and she also has the protection of the controllable laser. If I use the Rhombus Shift, I can last three minutes at most. If I can’t destroy her in three minutes, I’ll be the one in danger.”

Phantom sighed, sternly saying, “Mechs are truly powerful to have built a monster like Xana.”

On the screen was a battle simulation program. It could analyze the situation on the battlefield and predict the result of a battle.

Xia Fei inserted everything he knew about Xana, and with the program’s assistance, he simulated and analyzed the battle. The result was very disappointing.

“The important thing is Xana’s prediction system. My speed and reaction time are both better than hers, so in normal circumstances, we should be able to fight evenly, but the prediction ability allows her to know my next action within 0.003 seconds, neutralizing any of my advantages,” Xia Fei stared at the numbers on the screen and muttered. “It seems like I”ll have to find a way to avoid her prediction system.”

The robot factory was also located on the Metal Planet. Innumerable giant factories were set up on the surface, producing a new robot every second.

However, today, the mood was rather strange. There was no rumbling of machinery, for all of the production lines had temporarily stopped their operations. What should have been a bustling planet was now pervaded by a suffocating silence.

“Xana knows that we’re coming. By using the mech warship to find her, she’s able to sense that we’re coming,” Dimsky said.

Warstar looked ahead with an arrogant expression and coldly said, “There’s no need to guess. Xana is right there.”

Following Warstar’s gaze, they saw a red combat robot in the shape of a woman striding toward them. Behind her were countless robot warriors in orderly ranks.

“The robot warriors are only semi-intelligent. If Xana orders them to kill us, they’ll do it without hesitation,” Warstar said as he inspected his energy indicator, preparing for battle.

“I’ll ask you one last time. Is there any other solution to this struggle besides shutting off Xana?”

Xia Fei smiled. “Why ask? Your logic system has already provided the answer.”

Warstar firmly nodded. His body of liquid metal became extremely soft and fluid, ready at any time to change forms and begin the attack. “Understood, then shut her off.”

There was some reluctance in his words but also an odd resolve.”If possible, try your best to keep her alive. After all, we are the only four remaining members of the mech race,” Warstar softly said.

*Bang bang bang!*

The army of robot warriors drew closer and closer, and as they marched in sync, the ground shuddered!

Less than one kilometer separated the two sides. Xana waved her hand, ordering the army to stop.

“Dimsky, Warstar, it’s been a long time,” she said in her synthesized female voice, “but I am very disappointed to see that you’ve chosen to abandon your comrade and trust a human.”

Warstar loudly said, “Xana, we didn’t abandon you. Rather, you brought this upon yourself. The mech race is already history, and you must forget the past! We are now allies with humans, not enemies!”

Xana laughed. “Allies? We are the powerful mech race! We do not need the puny humans as allies!

“Look behind me. These loyal robots are far more trustworthy than humans! If the Goddess permits it, I can build many more robots than there are humans. With these loyal soldiers, the mech race can still be a formidable existence in the universe!”

Warstar slowly shook his head. “The mech race no longer exists whether you are willing to accept it or not. Unless the Goddess herself personally gives her permission, anyone who attempts to leave the Hidden Realm is a traitor to the Goddess! I can’t let you do that!”

“The Goddess did not oppose my construction of this army, nor did she deny me the permission to leave the Hidden Realm!” Xana coldly said.

“But she also did not agree with your actions!” Warstar shot back.

“So there’s no negotiating then?”

“None!” Warstar firmly declared.

“If you can shut off Xana, I can take control of the army behind her,” Dimsky said. Seeing as the battle was imminent, Dimsky retreated to the rear. He was not a combat model, so there was no point in him remaining on the battlefield.

Xia Fei sternly said, “Warstar, use your ability to suppress the robot warriors behind Xana.”

“That will take a lot of energy. I can only hold them back for three minutes.”

Xia Fei smiled. “Enough. Three minutes is enough!”