Super Gene Optimization Fluid-Chapter 512: Roaring Tiger Park

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Chapter 512: Roaring Tiger Park

Unless someone was insane or senile, no one out there would reject the chance to be an Energy Master. Because Origin Crystals were the most precious form of wealth in the Law Realm, Energy Masters were considered as the most precious talents. It was basically a great opportunity not to be missed—one that people could only dream of becoming.

It was obvious to all that Xia Fei was no low intellectual, so his rejection of Duba’s invitation could only be seen as deranged.

“Xia Fei, are you running a fever?” Yu Luxuan asked in astonishment.

Everyone was stunned. Even the family patriarch, Yujiang, was left with his mouth agape. No one would have dared imagined Xia Fei would reject the offer to become an Energy Master. Could he have gone insane?

Master Duba’s expression went from stern to pale before turning to anger. It was a very exciting transformation.

Duba turned around without even bidding Patriarch Yujiang goodbye and left by himself, muttering underneath his breath. There was no need to guess that nothing nice was being said.

Yujiang froze for a bit before laughing out loud. “Xia Fei, would you like to come fishing with me?”

“Fishing?” Xia Fei nodded. “The phoenix tail carved spirit fish tastes refreshing and I was just hoping to taste them again soon.”

Yujiang nodded to Yu Luxuan, so the man patted Xia Fei on the back. “You’ll be entering the collection reserves in three days’ time to choose your needed martial arts skill. Someone will inform you when it’s time.”

With that said, Yu Luxuan departed, and Xia Fei followed Yujiang to that little river over a hundred miles away.

Though they walked, every step Xia Fei took covered hundreds of meters at a time, so it took him no more than three to four hundred paces to arrive by that pier.

Xia Fei was greatly puzzled. It was as if the space itself was moving along with him. He had no idea what technique Yujiang used to achieve this, to actually shrink the distance so drastically.

“How would you rate what I just did with your speed ability?” Yujiang asked as he picked up a fishing pole and sat by the pier.

Xia Fei answered, “Incomparable. Speed ability utilizes the physical body to break the limit forcefully. Though it’s called a special ability, it is still just a physical strengthening. What just happened is changing the cycle of space, seemingly some form of spatial control technique. It’s completely extraordinary.”

Yujiang chuckled. “This is the power of the Law of Space. If you can coordinate your speed ability with that spatial cycle technique I just used, the effect will reach limits beyond imagination.”

“Will it break past the speed of light?” Xia Fei asked. The speed ability by itself was already powerful enough. Adding this sort of Law technique, which could shorten the distance traveled, would make it possible to race with light itself.

Yujiang smiled as he replied mysteriously, “Trust me. The speed of light isn’t the end.”

Xia Fei sighed. There were simply too many things in the Law Realm that transcended his comprehension. Witnessing so many inexplicable phenomena had made him more composed than before.

“You rejected Duba because of the disrespect he showed before and the fact that he demoted Gu Tong into a sentry on Snake Isles, I take?” Yujiang asked.

Xia Fei nodded, wordless.

Yujiang continued. “Rejecting an offer to be an Energy Master isn’t something any smart person will do. In the Law Realm, energy comes first. There will be no way to utilize the Law of Space and open a spatial door without sufficient energy. In fact, even cultivation and promotion will be made incomparably harder without it.”

Xia Fei simply responded. “Perhaps I didn’t make the smart choice, but at least I didn’t make a decision which went against my code. Even if the heavens choose to stop me from doing what I want to do, I’ll still do it. Similarly, there’s no amount of benefit anyone can offer to make me do something I don’t wish to do.”

Yujiang burst out into laughter. “What a personality. Your resolve is indeed a must-have characteristic for any exceptional warrior. I’m afraid that you wouldn’t have had the chance to eat some Phoenix Tail Carving spirit fish today had you agreed to Duba.”

“Does that mean that I did the right thing by rejecting Duba’s kindness?”

Yujiang nodded. “A hundred people similarly cultivating the Law of Space will all have a hundred different comprehension. In this circle, comprehension is critical, but persistence is even more important.

“Back when the ancestor of our Yu family had a completely different comprehension of the Law of Space, others mocked him, believing that he had made a major error in his comprehension, yet he obstinately persisted until finally, not only did he succeed, he even did so spectacularly. All those who mocked him back then were shocked, and the Yu family managed to develop into a proper clan in the Law Realm all thanks to the uniqueness of our comprehension toward the Law of Space.

“From this point, your stubbornness might not be a bad thing. Speaking of which, let me test you. Just what exactly is different about the Yu family’s comprehension of the Law of Space? Do you know the answer to that?”

Xia Fei took some time to ponder on the question before replying seriously, “Shattering. The ability to tear space.”

A nearly imperceptible glow shone in Yujiang’s eyes as he smiled and nodded. “That’s right. The Yu family is well-versed in tearing space. You have very keen observation skills, so I take it that you have come to that conclusion during your fights?”

“Yes, practically every warrior in the Yu family has Spatial Tear as their first choice of attack, most likely because they’ve been influenced by the teachings of the family.”

Yujiang replied, “It’s very normal, because this is what we’re best at. That is why our people have a stronger comprehension toward the tearing space better than any other families or clans out there. Unfortunately, you haven’t been influenced in such a manner. I’ve seen you fight, and the Law of Space you wield appear to be very peculiar, giving me this feeling that I can’t describe.

“It’s clearly not the strength of tearing; instead…”

Yujiang let out a self-deprecating laugh, “I really can’t find the right words to describe it. How should I describe that strange strength? Twist? That doesn’t seem right.”

Xia Fei knitted his eyebrows together. That strength he had added was the Law of Primal Chaos, a truly disruptive power! Having the Law of Primal Chaos was Xia Fei’s secret, and he had no idea if it was a blessing or his misfortune for Yujiang to have sensed it.

Recalling back to the words the two dumb birds had told him, the Law of Primal Chaos was hidden inside himself, and no one other than Phantom and him could see it. Xia Fei slightly composed himself deep down, believing that the exotic beast of the God race should not have told him a lie.

Xia Fei was again very puzzled over just what race that was. Was it similarly a Law-wielding family like the Yu?

His thoughts ran wild, while on Yujiang’s side, the old man had given up on trying to find a word to describe the Law of Primal Chaos. In his eyes, that powerful disruptive force that Xia Fei wielded was simply too strange.

“The fact that you’re able to create a different kind of power with the Law of Space is also considered an abnormal talent. I can’t tell if that’s a good or bad thing for you yet, but I do hope that you will continue to persist and walk this path that no else has trodden.”

Xia Fei nodded, walking a path unique to himself was precisely what he had been doing up until now. Even if Yujiang did not tell him to do so, he already intended to continue and forge a road for himself.

“Do you know of the Roaring Tiger Park?”

Xia Fei shook his head, indicating that he had not heard of it.

Yujiang proceeded to explain. “The Roaring Tiger Park is where the Yu family rears exotic beasts. Unfortunately, the family lacks people with talent, and these years, the Roaring Tiger Park has only been keeping some low-level exotic beasts, not any better even after changing the overseer in charge of the place countless times. At this rate, I’m afraid that the Roaring Tiger Park will fall into disuse. Right now, I’m searching for the right candidate to take over that place.

“I wonder if you have any interest in the position?”

Xia Fei was stunned. His time here in the circle of Law Realm was rather short, and saying that the position he held in the family was insignificant would be an understatement. Why would Yujiang offer him the position to be in charge of a park which reared exotic beasts? Even if the park was dilapidated and would fall into disuse, there was no reason why he would get a newcomer to take care of that place, would he?

Recalling the passionate glow in Yujiang’s eyes when he saw Furball, Xia Fei had a vague suspicion that this thing was related to his pet.

“Patriarch, there are over a million other people in the Yu family, so why me?” Xia Fei asked.

Yujiang laughed. “The reason is very simple: You seem to have a very powerful control over exotic beasts. Even Shatterstar is willing to sign a blood contract with you and become your exclusive beast, so I believe that letting you run the Roaring Tiger Park is a good choice.”

Xia Fei then asked, “I know that Furball is also called a Shatterstar beast, and from what you’ve said, is it a high-grade beast?”

“Very high.”

“How high?”

“Extremely high.”

Xia Fei pursed his lips. Such an answer was as good as not being given one at all. He, of course, knew just how powerful Furball was, but what he worried more was just what grade Furball was in the grand scheme of things and what sort of potential the beast had. This matter had been on his mind for a very long time.

“Roaring Tiger Park has its archives, so if you’re willing to take over the position as its overseer, perhaps you can look up on the finer details about the Shatterstar beast. By then, you’ll get a better idea of what your beast is rather than rely on what I can tell you about the topic.

“Besides, Roaring Tiger Park will get a large amount of Origin Crystals every month, receiving wages of 30 second-grade Origin Crystals. No pressure on you. It’d be great if Roaring Tiger Park could run by you, but it’s fine even if it ends up shutting down with you at the helm. Either way, it won’t impact the Yu family too greatly.

“I already said all I wish to say, and you can weigh the pros and cons of this proposal yourself.”

Xia fei was very drawn by the thirty Origin Crystals every month, for he was indeed very poor right now.

While it was true that Xia Fei had brought six tons of Purple Hearts of Spirit here to the Law Realm, only few were left of those now. His cultivation of Law had caused him to spend plenty of energy. In fact, only two grade 2 Origin Crystals were left from the over a hundred crystals he originally had, and this was with Xia Fei already doing his best to save and scrimp what he could.

While Xia Fei had indeed soared through the levels like a rocket, it had all been powered by money!

Xia Fei was not the only one who needed Origin Crystals; Furball needed them, too. Ever since the beast tasted the purified Hearts of Spirit, Furball had become even more picky and was unwilling to consume the raw ores anymore. Just Furball himself would need thirty grade 2 Origin Crystals, and that was excluding what Xia Fei needed for his cultivation.

Having an additional thirty Origin Crystal as wage might not be enough for Xia Fei and Furball, but it was still a good deal.

Nodding his head, Xia Fei asked, “Okay, I accept the job. When do I start?”

“Tomorrow,” replied Yujiang with a smile.


Roaring Tiger Park was located in a ravine thousands of miles away from where Xia Fei resided.

Though the scenery around the area was great, with a waterfall flowing right in the middle, it was evident that the Roaring Tiger Park was showing a trend of decline.

Early in the morning, six employees began their day by keeping the place tidy and clean, waiting for the new overseer to come.

“I heard that this time it’s going to be a young man by the name of Xia Fei who has recently joined the Yu family.”

“I also heard that he had been deemed a cripple when he arrived due to how heavily damaged his seventh brain region was, but who would have thought that he would make a miraculous recovery and advance from a disciple to a level 2 Law Warrior in just half a month’s time?”

“Promoting so quickly? How amazing!”

“Nothing too surprising really. Xia Fei has a 100% open seventh brain region, so it makes perfect sense for him to promote so quickly after he repaired his brain.”

Several of these employees were quietly discussing this as they tidied the place. Beside them stood Yu Sansui, who was extremely dissatisfied. He was originally the overseer for Roaring Tiger Park and the only one truly belonging to the Yu family here.

Coldly snorting, Yu Sansui stood on a platform and looked out far.

The roar of exotic beasts could be heard behind him—a blood-curdling cry that would leave anyone shaken.

The main job of Roaring Tiger Park was to take care of extoic beasts and make them submit, but the dozens of exotic beasts here were irascible. Not only did the previous overseers fail to subdue them, they were even heavily injured by the exotic beasts’ bites.

Yu Sansui was able to remain unscathed solely because he did not do anything about them. Forget taming them, he did not even dare get near their closed cages.

A sinister smile cracked on the man’s face as Yu Sansui laughed in delight. This was because he had thought of just how he could make things difficult for Xia Fei on his very first day in charge.