Super Gene Optimization Fluid-Chapter 520: Law of Energy Purification

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Chapter 520: Law of Energy Purification

Space was not as perfect in people’s eyes. Ever since the warp engine was discovered, humans had come to realize that even space could be torn, folded, and pierced through.


Boundless darkness with not even a single trace of light.

Xia Fei floated in this darkness, and he could also hear the intense breathing of that Demon Chrysalis from afar. It was evident that the attack from the elite warriors led by Yujiang had injured it quite extensively.


The night-vision function, including the air circulatory system, of his suit automatically operated. Xia Fei calmed himself down and observed his surroundings.

He soon felt disappointed. Without a doubt, he was in a dark inverse. It was a channel by which space was connected to space. He had accidentally been sucked in, and there were some fragments of rock that got sucked in, too, besides the Demon Chrysalis. It floated in the darkness without any motion whatsoever.

Regulating Breath Control, Xia Fei hid behind a fairly large piece of rock and observed the Demon Chrysalis from afar.

After a short period of self-healing, the huge Chrysalis began moving in the darkness as if it was sledding. Its body slid far out into the distance. The creature moved with great agility as if it had long since been used to living outside space.

Xia Fei furrowed his brows. He quietly followed behind the Demon Chrysalis, maintaining a good distance away from it.

Sliding in the dark inverse was no easy feat, for there was nothing in the surroundings, much like floating in space, so there was nothing to hold onto.

Xia Fei carefully examined the way the Demon Chrysalis moved, realizing how it used the strength of spatial barriers when it moved by manipulating them as points of support.

After trying this out a few times, Xia Fei gradually caught on to the trick. By adding Law force to his two legs, it was as if he were wearing a pair of sticky space boots, able to move about in this vast emptiness without any issues whatsoever.

“Why are you following the Demon Chrysalis?” Phantom was puzzled. “That creature’s supremely powerful; you can very well lose your life if it discovers you!”

Xia Fei answered, “We’re in the gaps of space now. It’s very easy to get lost without any marker of sorts. There’s a saying that goes: ‘An old horse knows its way.’ Demon Chrysalis live in this pitch darkness, so it must be familiar with the way. At the very least, I won’t lose my sense of direction following it. Facing danger’s better than forever being trapped here, right?”

Phantom had nothing to add. Though the Demon Chrysalis was fearsome, the thought of being lost here in the gaps of space was even more frightening!

Seeing the boundless expanse of darkness all around, Xia Fei was akin to a man who had been tossed out in the middle of an ocean with the Demon Chrysalis his compass.

Though following the creature seemed like an insane move, it was actually his only chance at survival!

Hoping that the Yu family would find him here in the gaps of space?

No. Xia Fei did not wish to place his hope on others. That had always been his personality!

Casually picking a piece of fragmented rock nearby, Xia Fei held it in front of him as cover before he slowly followed the Demon Chrysalis from behind.

The deep darkness all around him seemed endless.

Xia Fei realized that the gaps in space were not completely emptiness as he would come across some strange machinery from time to time, floating out in the nothingness, not at all moving or making any sound.

Thinking that these must be things that were dragged into the gaps of space like himself, Xia Fei’s heart shuddered. The thought of sharing a similar fate with these things, stuck here forever to float through the unending darkness, was definitely unideal.

Speeding up, Xia Fei kept his eyes trained on the sliding Demon Chrysalis in front of him, afraid that he would be left behind.

Moving in this limitless dark was very boring. Xia Fei suddenly had an idea, and he tried to see if he could cultivate the Law of Space while he moved.

An imprint slowly formed in his brain, gradually converging into the pattern of Law.

Two days later, the Demon Chrysalis finally came to a halt, and Xia Fei could vaguely sense that he was about to make a breakthrough to level 3!

He noticed that there were now more floating items in front of him. Plenty of junks were all suspended in the darkness; the Demon Chrysalis collapsed on a pile of junk and began sleeping soundly. This appeared to be its nest.

Xia Fei knitted his brows and silently made his way to that pile of junks in hopes of finding anything useful. He had no idea how much longer he had to stay here in the dark inverse, which was why any supply he could find would be precious. What made Xia Fei even more uneasy was the fact that the Origin Crystals he had were dwindling.

Origin Crystals were precious, and he needed them both for fighting and cultivation.

There were only two ways Xia Fei could escape from being trapped here in the gaps of space: One, keep an eye on the Demon Chrysalis until it attacked humans again, following through the spatial tear it made so he could return to the Law Realm. Two, await rescue.

Xia Fei had already rejected the second option, so all he could do was promote himself as best as he could, taking the risk of following the Demon Chrysalis the next time it ventured into the Law Realm.

This was undoubtedly very dangerous, for Xia Fei would be exposing himself when he passed through the spatial tear with the Demon Chrysalis. There was a high likelihood that it would attack him at the first chance it got, and that meant that he could only engage in a grueling deathmatch with such a huge and powerful creature!

Moving softly and quietly, Xia Fei used the suspended junk everywhere as cover as he edged nearer, going from pile to pile, quietly sifting through for anything valuable.

Several hours passed, and Xia Fei had found nothing. He could not help but feel somewhat anxious.

All of a sudden, some junks in the distance caught his attention. It was because something among the pile looked very much like a spaceship!

Xia Fei was stunned, kicking his two legs as he drifted over.

As he got closer, Xia Fei could finally make out what it was.

Compared to the Yu family’s ship that could take every kin to travel the stars, this ship was pitifully small and seemed to fit only a single person. The ship’s hull had already been badly damaged, and the engine system was strewn out, no longer usable.

Xia Fei entered the ship through the breach and began searching for anything valuable inside.

The ship was small, and it was even more cramped than Xia Fei’s Vampire.

Several minutes later, Xia Fei sat on the sofa in the lounge, feeling disappointed. In fact, he was floating rather than sitting, since there was no gravity to speak of, and half his butt was hanging suspended in the air.

With nothing to show for, Xia Fei buried his head in his two hands dejectedly.

Across the sofa was a towering metal carving, which Xia Fei felt like he had seen someplace else before.

“Oh, I remember now! Isn’t that the same pattern engraved in Energy Master Duba’s courtyard? It’s the level 1 Law of Energy Purification!” Phantom gasped.

Xia Fei nodded. “No wonder I found it familiar, so it’s the Law of Energy Purification pattern. The original owner of this ship must be an Energy Master—hence, the presence of this carved metal painting in the lounge.”

Approaching the painting, Xia Fei used his finger to trace the pattern carved onto the metal.

Slightly using force, the pattern actually moved several centimeters to the left!

“Hmm? This painting looks to be manipulatable. There seems to be something behind it!” Phantom exclaimed.

Xia Fei used a bit more strength, and the entire pattern shifted to the right!

It turned out that this painting could slide from behind; the mechanism for it had already been badly damaged from the incident, so Xia Fei was able to shift the painting without much effort, revealing a safe installed to the wall!

Xia Fei hurriedly reached out to probe it, hoping to unlock the safe.

His finger came into contact with a solid metal surface some two centimeters off which prevented him from touching the safe directly.

Xia Fei rubbed the lingering pain on his fingertip and said, “This is a barrier! A spatial barrier!”

He finally found a potentially valuable safe, but there was a barrier around it. Xia Fei could not help but feel vexed about this.

Nonetheless, Xia Fei knew of a method that could break such a spatial barrier—

The Law of Primal Chaos!

Reality had proven, time and again, that the Law of Primal Chaos, originating from the God Race, had great disruptive power, and any Law that came into contact with it would inadvertently be distorted and twisted before ultimately breaking!

Xia Fei leaned close to the wall and pressed that spatial barrier around the safe with a single palm.

Breath Control could dampen the air and sound around him, so Xia Fei leaned in an effort to include the safe into the coverage of his Breath Control. With this, even if he caused a loud explosion, it would not propagate.


When he mixed the Law of Space and Law of Primal Chaos and struck the safe, a loud sound did in fact ring about, but it had been muffled by Xia Fei’s proximity, so it did not travel out.

“What a powerful barrier!” Xia Fei gritted his teeth. “Again! I refuse to believe that I can’t shatter it!”

Half an hour and six grade 2 Origin Crystals later, the barrier finally shattered!

Xia Fei first looked through the ship’s porthole to see if the Demon Chrysalis was still asleep, and upon confirmation that its slumber had not been disturbed, he opened the safe and retrieved the two items inside.

The first was a yellow Origin Crystal, while the other was an information storage device.

“A grade 4 Origin Crystal! That’s a great find!” said Phantom with bewildered eyes. “If a single grade 3 Origin Crystal is equivalent to one hundred grade 2 Origin Crystals, a yellow grade 4 crystal is then equivalent to ten thousand grade 2 Origin Crystals!”

Xia Fei was also stunned as well. Finding something equivalent to ten thousand grade 2 Origin Crystals was a great windfall! More importantly, he only had thirty-seven grade 2 Origin Crystals left right now and would soon be used up. This grade 4 Origin Crystal had appeared just at the right time!

“We’re rich!” Phantom burst into gleeful laughter. “This much energy should last you a good while!”

Xia Fei slightly composed himself. He took the information storage device in hand and noted that it was not much different from the devices used to store martial arts techniques, though it did look a lot more exquisite and weighed slightly heavier.

Reaching his consciousness in, one to three patterns formed in his mind.

Xia Fei looked at these strange images and was dazed.

“What is it?” Phantom asked anxiously.

“Xia Fei gulped audibly as he replied soberly, “L-Law… of Energy Purification!”


Xia Fei held the yellow grade 4 Origin Crystal. He then sat cross-legged and began tracing the pattern of the Law of Space in his mind.

The complex lines rapidly formed, and a mystical and profound pattern came to be.

The fact was that, not only did this grade 4 Origin Crystal provide him with a near endless source of energy, more importantly, the energy it contained was much purer and richer!

Every increase in grade, the energy from an Origin Crystal would be purer, so if the purple grade 2 Origin Crystals Xia Fei used before were like sorghum, and the white grade 3 Origin Crystal was like rice, this grade 4 Origin Crystal would be the more nutritious milk protein.

The seventh brain region using a purer energy source meant that the effect of cultivation would be greatly increased.

Xia Fei sat there motionlessly for two whole days while Xia Fei waited by his side. Meanwhile, the Demon Chrysalis equally remained unmoving in its slumber.

Slowly opening his eyes, Xia Fei let out a sigh. An indescribable joy flooded him.

“Congratulations on finally becoming a level 3 Law Warrior,” Phantom chuckled.

Xia Fei shook his head and softly replied, “Not three, four!”

“Level 4! You took merely two days to level up consecutively!” Phantom was extremely surprised. He eyed Xia Fei strangely. “Sometimes, I even suspect if you’re really human!”