Super Gene Optimization Fluid-Chapter 525: Roaring Tiger Parks Business

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Chapter 525: Roaring Tiger Park’s Business

Once Xia Fei was gone, Yu Hua took his fishing rod and sat down with Yu Jiang.

“The Mu Family let Xia Fei come back just like that, and they even bought that corpse of the Demon Chrysalis at such a high price. Do you not find this unusual? Struggles in both the open and in the shadows have always been common in our circle. Rarely will someone give up on a chance to hit someone while they’re down,” Yu Hua said.

Yu Jiang coldly snorted. “They’re putting on a good face to us because they noticed that the Yu Clan isn’t in as bad of a state as rumored.

“In truth, it’s a good thing that Xia Fei accidentally intruded into the Mu Clan. Regardless of how he managed to kill that Demon Chrysalis, this is still an incredible matter to them. There’s no level 4 Law Warriors out there that are capable of such a feat.”

Yu Hua picked up where he left off. “So the Mus feels that our family still has some strength, and they bought the Demon Chrysalis’s corpse at a high price because they saw Xia Fei’s future potential?”

“Precisely. Xia Fei is very special! Even I can’t see through him.” Yu Jiang sighed. “It’s good to have secrets. As long as he serves us, we don’t need to ask him too many questions. The truth will come out in the future.”

Yu Hua nodded. “I suppose it’s for the best.”

Yu Jiang said that Roaring Tiger Park was very lively, but Xia Fei did not believe him. The park only had two exotic beasts, and each day was spent in idleness.

“Master!” Pod saw Xia Fei and rushed at him. “Master, you’re finally back! I’ve missed you these last few days!”

Xia Fei patted him on the head. “I missed you too. I had no other choice except to leave you with Furball because that place, collection reservoir, doesn’t permit exotic beasts inside.”

“Master came back at just the right time. Following your orders, I gave Furball one Origin Crystal each day, but Furball has eaten all ten of the crystals you left behind. It’s been hungry since yesterday,” Pod said.

Furball stayed in its cage and ignored Xia Fei, apparently sulking.

Xia Fei raised the blanket and threw three grade 2 Origin Crystals under it. “Here, I’ll give you triple the food today.”

Furball was the classic example of the saying: ‘Whoever provides milk is your mother’. The moment it saw the Origin Crystals, its eyes turned green, and it stopped being angry with Xia Fei and started feasting on those crystals, instead.

The Demon Chrysalis’s corpse had been exchanged for one thousand grade 3 Origin Crystals, so Xia Fei was not lacking in them, but he did not give any of these higher-grade crystals to Furball.

The future was long, and Xia Fei did not have a fixed revenue; letting his pet sit by and eat while idle, it would eventually run out of things to eat.

Furball had a wicked appetite, and once he tasted a grade 3 crystal, he would be unable to eat a crystal of a lower grade.

Best to prepare for a rainy day. In all things, it was better to plan for the long term.

After being fed, Furball coat of fur regained its luster. Xia Fei grabbed it and said to Pod, “Pack up this room. We’ll be moving to a new place tomorrow.”

Pod was cheering with joy. He had been like a chattering housemaid, always grumbling about how this room was too small and too dark, unhealthy for his body. Now that Xia Fei was a level 4 Law Warrior, his privileges had naturally increased. It was no longer proper for him to live in the disciples’ quarters, and the Yu family had assigned him his house in the city. He could get the keys tomorrow and move there.

As Xia Fei arrived with Furball at Roaring Tiger Park, he was greeted with a puzzling scene.

There were more than a dozen exotic beasts penned in cages here, and several people were waiting in the courtyard.

Upon seeing Xia Fei return, a woman of twenty-some years stood up and walked up to him.

“Are you the manager entrusted with Roaring Tiger Park?”

Xia Fei nodded. “Do you need me for something, Miss?”

“It’s not a big deal. I have a grade 7 Greenhorn Python that I’d like you to help me tame,” the woman forthrightly said.

Xia Fei frowned. Taming exotic beasts was naturally a small matter to him. He simply needed to use the Beast Spirit Codex and transfer information directly into their minds, and if that did not work, he could have Furball scare them a little. Even a high-grade Beast King would succumb, but how did so many people come to know that he could tame exotic beasts? Had it become known that he cultivated the Beast Spirit Codex?

“Miss, please wait a moment.”

Xia Fei waved a hand and called Yu Sansui over.

“What’s going on here?” Xia Fei asked.

Yu Sansui smiled. “In our Yu family, there are many people who raise exotic beasts. They are all Law Adepts who are troubled by exotic beasts which won’t listen to orders. They heard that you had tamed the two Beast Kings at Roaring Tiger Park, so they came to seek your aid.”

Xia Fei nodded. It seemed that the matter of the Beast Spirit Codex had not gotten out yet. If it was just helping them with training their exotic beasts, it was no big deal, a moment’s effort.

“That’s fine. I’ll wait in my room. Tell them to lead in their exotic beasts one by one,” Xia Fei said.

Yu Sansui pulled on Xia Fei. “How do you want to take your fee?”


“Of course. It’s not like they can inconvenience you without a good cause. They have to at least pay you something.”

After seeing Xia Fei tame two Beast Kings with his two eyes and then seeing the frightening Yu Qiqi being beaten down, Yu Sansui decided that he would stop being enemies with Xia Fei, so his attitude was extremely respectful.

Besides, Xia Fei had risen four levels in a month! His genius reputation had spread both in and out of the Yu family, making Yu Sansui even less likely to mess around. On the contrary, he focused entirely on helping Xia Fei put Roaring Tiger Park in order.

He could make money from helping others tame exotic beasts? Xia Fei rejoiced internally.

If Xia Fei focused entirely on cultivation, he could use up ten grade 2 Origin Crystals a day, and this would only increase as he got stronger. There was also Furball. This fellow was still in his juvenile years, and for him to grow up faster required a significant amount of energy.

Besides that pitiful salary that Xia Fei received every month, he had no income. Even though he had one thousand grade 3 crystals in his spatial ring, he did not dare spend them recklessly. After all, he had a lot of places to spend this money. If he wanted to go back to the Alliance and see Avril frequently, he needed to buy the expensive spatial compass, and he needed to pay the fee for the spatial trip, too.

When he saw that miraculous Liquid War Armor, he wanted to buy a set, but the basic version of it cost one hundred grade 3 crystals. While this did not seem like a lot, it was not an amount Xia Fei could just squander away.

Thus, getting money in exchange for helping others tame their exotic beasts was a decent business. While there was little chance of getting filthy rich in one night, he could at least cover Furball’s eating expenses. There would even be a slight profit, which could serve as some sort of income.

Xia Fei nodded. “I truly should take a fee. What sort of price do you think they will accept?”

After all, Yu Sansui had grown up in the circle and was familiar with the wealth distribution in the clan. Thus, Xia Fei chose to ask his opinion first.

After considering the question for a bit, Yu Sansui said, “There’s a wealth disparity within the family, and those who raise exotic beasts are mostly not wealthy people. If you charge a high price, they won’t be able to pay. Why don’t you charge ten crystals as a base price, with one additional crystal for each rank. A rank 1 exotic beast will be eleven grade 2 crystals, rank 2 will be twelve, and so on. In this way, everyone will be able to pay.

“As for Beast Kings, we can’t do this. Those who raise Beast Kings are not ordinary individuals, nor will they care about spending some money to tame their beasts. I think that one hundred grade 2 crystals can be the starting price, with an additional ten crystals for each rank.”

Xia Fei felt that these prices made sense, so he nodded in agreement.

Once in the room, Xia Fei sat down while Furball rested on his shoulder. One controlled the Beast Spirit Codex while the other was a Holy beast who dominated the sea of stars. This sort of show of force could scare any exotic beast half to death.

Learning from how Furball’s roar of anger had almost wiped out Roaring Tiger Park last time, Xia Fei told Furball to remain silent for fear of him causing a homicide case.

In not much time at all, Xia Fei had an additional 137 second-grade Origin Crystals in his ring. With the sixteen he had before, he now had 153 second-grade Origin Crystals and one thousand third-grade crystals.

It was just over a hundred crystals in income, but it had to be understood that Xia Fei’s monthly salary was a measly fourteen, with an additional thirty for managing Roaring Tiger Park. Today, less than an hour’s work had gotten him three months of salary!

More importantly, this was not a one-time business. The Yu family had more than a million people, and the number of exotic beasts was beyond counting. Even if only one-tenth of them needed Xia Fei’s help to tame their beasts, it was still an impressive number.

Xia Fei gave two crystals each to Yu Sansui and the other assistants. All six of them benefitted, so they naturally had nothing to complain about, and all of them thanked Xia Fei.

The next day, two other people came to Xia Fei with their exotic beasts, and his reputation for taming exotic beasts began to spread.

Xia Fei’s residence was in the suburbs of the city. It was three single-story houses in a row, and the yard had a fiery-red crabapple tree and a white pear tree which formed a complimentary pair. It was small, but it did not lack for elegance.

Pod once more got to work. This diligent little fellow loved housework and cleaned up both the inside and the outside of the house. Perhaps because Avril was not at his side, Xia Fei felt like something was missing.

Xia Fei had a room on the left side cleaned up and made into a training chamber. He placed a black dagger on the ground and examined it, stroking his chin.

“The Blood Crystal seems to be getting colder and colder, a little different from before,” Phantom frowned and said, “Sharp, savage, and giving offan extraordinary aura!”

As this bloodthirsty dagger came from the Assassin Sect, Phantom was full of praise for it. He seemed to have forgotten that the one who assigned the Blood Crystal a new function was Xia Fei.

There was a faint red mark on the side of the blade which seemed to indicate the level of the Blood Crystal’s growth.

“About one-tenth,” Phantom muttered. “So you’ll have to kill nine more Demon Chrysalides to revive the Blood Crystal?”

Xia Fei replied, “Maybe, but I’m certainly not going to try and mess with those monsters. Last time, it was purely luck that Peacock Blue lent a helping hand, but there’s no guarantee about next time. I have yet to find a way to control Peacock Blue. Let’s put the matter of reviving the Blood Crystal to the side for now.”

He took out the three data storage devices from his spatial ring, and then a grade 3 Origin Crystal. Xia Fei took a deep breath.

These devices contained the Law of Energy Purification!

Energy Masters were the wealthiest and most brilliant existences in the Law Realm!

‘With energy in hand, the world is mine!’

Controlling energy meant a limitless future. After all, anything done here required the support of energy!

A mysterious pattern began taking form in his seventh brain region.

He had no guidance from anyone, so all he could do was feel his way forward.

Xia Fei was preparing for a brand-new experience, to challenge himself and become an Energy Master!

Of the more than one million people in the Yu family, Duba was the sole Energy Master.

This was proof enough of how difficult it was to become one!