Super Gene Optimization Fluid-Chapter 527: Do you have a license?

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Chapter 527: Do you have a license?

“Hundred Pace Red switched out for Small Net Red extract? Are you trying to save someone or kill someone?” A cold and sinister voice sounded.

Xia Fei frowned and turned his head. He saw that the one who had spoken was a fatty with a rather fierce face. He appeared sixty-some years old and was squinting at him with a pair of triangular eyes.

“Switching out Hundred Pace Red for Small Net Red is naturally to save someone,” Xia Fei sternly replied.

“Hmph!” The fat old man swaggered his body over and sat across from Xia Fei. Zhuo Sen and Yu Kaixuan hastily bowed and then explained to Xia Fei, “This is the owner of Plentiful Peace Hall, Master Yu Youdu.”

Xia Fei gave a slight nod. He sincerely disliked this fatty and kept an aloof and cold attitude.

“Small Net Red is also known as ‘Ten Step Rapture,’ an indicator of just how strong its medicinal effects are. If you take 70% purity extract and mix it with the gentle Sultan Grass, the ferocity of the medicinal effect will be reduced by 70%, and what adept doesn’t have a tough body? This degree of medicinal strength is perfect.

“While Hundred Pace Red doesn’t seem to be as fierce as Small Net Red, there is no way of neutralizing it. Mixing it with Sultan Grass only strengthens the effect! Making it lethal medicine!”

Xia Fei ignored Yu Youdu, focusing on Zhuo Sen and Yu Kaixuan as he explained why the seemingly fiercer Small Net Red was a better choice than Hundred Pace Red.

His theory was practically sound, and it was in line with the style he learned from the Assassin Sect, which focused on maximizing the uses of ingredients to their limit. Phantom listened and repeatedly nodded his head in praise.

In truth, Xia Fei had a lot of talent in pharmacology. If he was not so focused on cultivation, he would have been able to become a rather excellent Apothecary. Phantom was absolutely certain of this.

Zhuo Sen and Yu Kaixuan found this explanation very reasonable and pensively lowered their heads. As for Yu Youdu, he coldly snorted and appeared very impatient.

“You there. Are you an Apothecary or something?” demanded Yu Youdu disdainfully.

Xia Fei raised an eyebrow and sternly said, “My name isn’t ‘You’. I’m Xia Fei, an adept, not an Apothecary.”

Yu Youdu seemed not to care, saying, “You there, since you’re not an Apothecary, what are you blabbering on about? This one is an experienced Apothecary. What are your credentials to participate in a discussion between apothecaries?”

“Credentials?” Xia Fei felt very indignant, coldly speaking. “An Apothecary is nothing more than a license. If you pass a test, you get the license, but that doesn’t mean that you actually meet the standards.”

Yu Youdu coldly laughed. “Why don’t I tell you what it means? If you can’t even pass the test for the Apothecary license, that just goes to show how pathetic you are. It means that you still don’t have the right to join discussions between apothecaries and that you still haven’t reached that level!

“Hundred Pace Red switched out for Small Net Red? Ridiculous! With so little knowledge, you dare to try and mess around in Plentiful Peace Hall? I feel embarrassed for you!”

Xia Fei felt like he had eaten a fly, and he could not stand the look on Yu Youdu’s accursed face. Phantom was even angrier. After all, Xia Fei had learned everything about pharmacology from him, and he scowled after hearing Yu Youdu demean all of his knowledge.

“Kill him!” Phantom gruffly said. “This arrogant scoundrel with all his nonsense dares to call himself an Apothecary? He brings shame on this hallowed profession!”

Phantom normally did not curse, but Yu Youdu had so provoked him that he no longer cared about being polite.

Xia Fei clenched his fists, but he then unclenched them.

“Forget it. If I kill someone like him, I’ll essentially have to wipe out a third of the world. He’ll understand the bitter consequences once he actually does use the Hundred Pace Red in his medicines.” Xia Fei felt that there was no meaning in arguing with Yu Youdu. Though he was angry, he had no plans of taking the man’s life.

Phantom stomped his foot and returned to his little home, presumably too angry for words.

At this time, the woman at the counter returned with the ingredients Xia Fei required, packed in a small box. Xia Fei went up to the counter to inspect the goods.

This was the Law Realm, and though Xia Fei some of the ingredients required that would be extremely rare in the Alliance, the little old Plentiful Peace Hall barely needed any effort to get them. This was a sign of just how abundant this place’s ingredient stockpile was.

“The quality of these goods are rather high, and as you are a major client, the price will be one hundred and sixty-five Tier 3 crystals. I’ve gotten rid of the remainder for you,” the woman smilingly said.

Xia Fei shrugged. While they had all the ingredients he wanted, the price was a bit on the expensive side.

He took out the crystals from his spatial ring and paid the bill. The woman’s eyes lit up. The sum she had quoted was not small, but Xia Fei had casually taken it out, and it was in hard cash. She wondered if Xia Fei was not one of those legendary wealthy scions.

“In truth, you can open an account at the union bank. The crystals can be stored there and will even generate interest. It also makes payment much easier,” the woman whispered. Perhaps because she had received snacks from Xia Fei, she treated him rather generously.

In truth, Xia Fei was no wealthy scion. It had taken him a great deal of effort to get these crystals. He had used three on cultivation, and he had now spent another 165 to buy these medicinal ingredients. He now had only 832 crystals left. As for the smattering of Tier 2 crystals, those were all Furball’s food.

“Mm, these ingredients aren’t bad. They should be enough to last you one week.” Just when Xia Fei was in pain over how many crystals he had just spent, Phantom suddenly spoke.

Truly, the one who did not manage the household had no idea how much firewood and rice cost. The medicinal ingredients he had bought for 165 Tier 3 crystals was only good for a week? There was no need to mention the depression in Xia Fei’s heart.

There was nothing to be done. Cultivating the Law of Energy Purification had to come at a price. If it was that easy to become an Energy Master, the streets would be full of them, and it would not have been such a revered profession in the Law Realm.

Putting away the package, Xia Fei prepared to leave.

At this moment, Yu Youdu suddenly smiled. He took out a card and placed it on the coffee table. Pointing at it, he said, “Go on, then. Get out of here. When you’re worthy enough to get the title of Apothecary, you can come back. If I’m happy, I may even teach you a thing or two.

“For now, you’re still not at a high enough level to talk to me.”

Xia Fei furrowed his brows. As the saying went, once or twice was fine, but thrice was once too much. Xia Fei was not planning to quarrel with him, but Yu Youdu’s repeated provocations were simply too much! It had exceeded Xia Fei’s patience!

Even saints had their breaking points, and when Xia Fei’s line was crossed, he would erupt without reservation!

Xia Fei sat down across from Yu Youdu, a smile on his face.

Yu Youdu continued to casually smile, refusing to look Xia Fei in the eye.


Xia Fei grabbed the card on the table.

“Yu Youdu, level 3 Intermediate Apothecary,” Xia Fei coldly read out the words on the card.

Yu Youdu frowned. “Are you allowed to put your grungy hands on? Put it down already!”


With a slight exertion of strength, that Apothecary license that Yu Youdu was so proud of, his precious treasure, was torn in two!

Three people, six eyes, stared at Xia Fei in shock.

Destroying an Apothecary’s license! This was an immense humiliation!

It was like smashing the sign of a dojo. This was undoubtedly a challenge from Xia Fei! A blatant one! Not even killing Yu Youdu was as bad!

A smirk on his lips, Xia Fei nonchalantly said, “Today, the license of level 3 Intermediate Apothecary Yu Youdu has been shredded.”


Xia Fei threw the remnants of the metal card onto the table, and Yu Youdu frantically picked them up and tried to piece them back together.

Alas, the remnants of the license were not that easy to join together.

“Brat! You did that on purpose!” roared Yu Youdu, his complexion ashen.

“Yes, it’s on purpose.”

Messing with Xia Fei was futile. He had grown up on the streets and had seen every sort of hoodlum. The moment Xia Fei became unreasonable, no one could hope to take advantage of him.

“You, you, you stay right there! I’m going to settle this score with you!”

Xia Fei cracked his wrists, his finger joints clicking.

“Excellent. That’s exactly what I wanted.”

Yu Youdu paled. He was an Apothecary and knew no martial arts. When it came to brute strength, the three of them together were no match for Xia Fei.

Gritting his teeth, Yu Youdu spat, “Since you’ve destroyed my license, I presume that you want to compete with me in pharmacology. I’m going to find an elder in the Family to act as a referee!”

Xia Fei chuckled. “Whatever you say. Though you call yourself an Apothecary, do you have a license?”

Xia Fei was clearly the one who had snapped apart his Apothecary license, and now he was asking if Yu Youdu had one! Xia Fei was the lowliest of scoundrels, pouring salt on the wound!

Phantom laughed. “Alright! Compete with him! With me here, you can rest easy! Today, we’re going to mess up this ball of fat!”

Yu Youdu really did find an elder of the Family. This old fellow was called Yu Changgeng, and he appeared to be a relative of Yu Youdu.

In the Yu Family, the number of people running around with the Yu surname stood at one million at least, and anyone could be considered a relative to another in some sense. It was very normal for Yu Youdu to be able to invite an elder as a referee.

Two tables were laid out. Yu Youdu seemed intent on competing with Xia Fei.

Quite a few people came to see the show. In the Law Realm, Apothecary was an unpopular profession. A scene like this had never happened at Plentiful Peace Hall before, and so many people had never paid so much attention to an Apothecary. Many of the spectators did not even know what an Apothecary did.

Rather than saying that they had come to see an Apothecary, it was better to say that they had come to see Xia Fei. After all, it was already known throughout the family that Xia Fei had killed a Demon Chrysalis all by himself, leaving everyone shocked.

Besides that, Xia Fei had also tamed those two savage Beast Kings of Roaring Tiger Park, and he also had a seventh brain region that was 100% open. These various rumors made everyone curious.

Xia Fei acted like nothing was going on as he puffed on a cigarette. Suddenly, a smiling Yu Hua walked toward the crowd.

The moment people saw Yu Hua, they immediately greeted him and opened a path. They all appeared to respect and fear him.

Sitting down next to Xia Fei, Yu Hua asked, “You truly cause a lot of trouble. A Warrior quarreling with an Apothecary? What am I supposed to say about this?”

“He challenged me first,” said Xia Fei coolly.

Yu Hua’s eyes brightened. “Then Yu Youdu is your enemy, yes? Rather than killing him, you compete with him in drug concoction? This doesn’t match your style, does it?”

“Relax. He won’t survive,” Xia Fei casually said. “and it will be even more miserable than death.”