Super Gene Optimization Fluid-Chapter 558: Demonic Pastel Ice Spider

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Chapter 558: Demonic Pastel Ice Spider

“Go and die!”

Xia Fei used Peacock Blue to constrict Mu Qiubo’s neck, while Blood Crystal was madly drawing out his blood essence.

Be it human or beast, the neck was where countless arteries and veins were located, and there was plenty of blood flowing through. Blood Crystal position was right across the aorta, and plenty of fresh blood was being drained every second, causing the dagger to turn even darker.

Mu Qiubo let out a low croak which traveled down deep into the earth. Upon hearing this sound, a monster sleeping deep underground suddenly moved. It began madly digging through the earth, rock, and ice, making a beeline for Xia Fei.

The Lionheart King Oro once warned Xia Fei that there was not just one monster living on this entire planet!

In the natural world, there was a male and a female. Aside from a Holy Beast that was like Furball, most living creatures would have both, and the Ice Spiders were of course the same!

The ground rumbled!

The eleven rainforest beast kings all retreated far away, their fear visible in their eyes. Even Xia Fei’s seemed to have turned solemn as well.

Like the vigorous shaking akin to a volcanic eruption, it was as if something was breaking through the planet’s crust!

Xia fei gritted his teeth, not at all relaxing his stranglehold over Mu Qiubo. It was similar to when the Spider Empress emerged from the depths, and Xia Fei guessed that there must be another monster about to appear, so he must first kill off Mu Qiubo no matter what!


The ground fissured! Fragmented rocks and dirt covered the skies, as a huge creature appeared from underneath the ground!

It was a monstrosity, which was over two kilometers wide, similar to a huge millstone, with a pink pastel shin across its carapace!

The Demonic Pastel Ice Spider!

This monster was the partner of the Spider Empress, a gigantic pink Ice Spider!

The Demonic Pastel Ice Spider leaped up, bringing with it a snow of pink! Just like a scatter of cherry blossoms, the temperature dropped to sub-zero levels!


The Pastel Ice Spider let loose a long bellow, as the pink snow in the air suddenly froze and turned into icicles, interlaced together to form a web. A pink, ice web!

This web was large, and it covered an area of several dozens of kilometers. Be it Xia Fei or any of the Beast Kings, all were caught in it!

Several seconds later, the temperature within the web dropped below -60 degrees!

These Beast Kings, which were used to the humid rainforest, were suddenly in agony, shivering all over, but Mu Qiubo, who had transformed into an Ice Spider, was slowly coming alive in the cold!

The Demonic Pastel Ice Spider crooked its head toward Mu Qiubo. The Spider Empress’s form had changed and was different from what that huge spider remembered, and it even had a bit of human scent to it, which left the Pastel Ice Spider very confused.

However, the aura of the Spider Empress remained, so the Pastel Ice Spider very quickly recognized its partner. It also saw Xia Fei, who was presently beating its partner up.


A leg, which was the size of a huge claymore, shot out, aiming its sharp claw at Xia Fei. The sound of rushing wind stirred!

Xia Fei did not dare to take a direct attack from the Pastel Ice Spider, so he had no choice but to retract his Peacock Blue and Blood Crystal, dodging to the side!

“Crafty Approach!”

He did several somersaults in mid-air before safely landing on the ground, retreating behind a large tree.

“Another Ice Spider? Why is this guy pink? It looks to be even more powerful than the Spider Empress!” Phantom commented.

Xia Fei responded. “Half of Mu Qiubo’s blood essence has already been drained by the Blood Crystal, so I doubt that he’ll have much left to live. Our target will still be him. Once we slay him, we can retreat to the restriction boundary created by the Law of Ternary Spectrum, so who cares how powerful that strange pink spider is?”

He saw as the Demonic Pastel Ice Spider approached its partner and let out a series of anguished cries, seemingly ignoring Xia Fei and those rainforest Beast Kings. It appeared to be in a lot of pain that the Spider Empress was dying.

The life of Mu Qiubo, who was basically the Spider Empress, was slowly leaving him. A huge amount of blood was gushing out from his neck, with nothing that could stem its flow. He was most likely going to die very soon.

Xia Fei waved his hand, and the frustrated Beast Kings all spread out, waiting for the next opportunity to strike.

That was when something strange happened!

The eyes of the Spider Empress flashed a last sliver of life as it bit into the Demonic Pastel Ice Spider with its sharp mandibles, sinking it deeply into the body of the Demonic Pastel Ice Spider.

“Is it trying to cannibalize?” Phantom was puzzled.

Xia Fei was stunned. He discovered that the two huge Ice Spiders were starting to fuse together!

“D*mn it! It’s the Law of Fusion! Mu Qiubo can’t hold onto his life after fusing with the Spider Empress, so he’s now recklessly attempting to merge with the pink spider, instead! That d*mn Law is truly hard to deal with!” Xia Fei hissed.

Sure enough, the body of the two huge Ice Spiders were gradually becoming one, and it was shrinking smaller in size!

When Mu Qiubo stood upright again, his shape changed once more.

His back bulged like two humps, with two legs, six arms. Walking alone, he stood well over five hundred meters, and he looked more humanoid than before.

Mu Qiubo had already lost his sense of self after fusing with two Ice Spiders, completely becoming a monster. His irises had turned blood red, looking especially vicious and savage.

The Law of Fusion was very powerful, able to merge two completely different lives as one, but it was also very dangerous, only able to be used just once. This was because the original self would lose control after fusing two lives, which was the case for Mu Qiubo at present. What was really in control were the two Ice Spiders, while only the hatred that Mu Qiubo had toward Xia Fei remained!

The two Ice Spiders of course also hated Xia Fei, since practically all of the Ice Spiders that lived in the Eternal Ice Plains had been exterminated because of him!


After fusing, the first thing the monster did was attack Xia Fei!

Pink icicles were like metal knives which suddenly bloomed from underground, and the monsters’ icicle ability was much stronger after fusion!

“Crafty Approach!”

Xia Fei ducked to the left and right, evading every attack by using the trees as cover.


A single icicle sprouted right in front, barely a meter away from him!

Xia Fei clearly avoided it, but he ended up being thrown several hundred meters away as a result of the huge impact!

“Argh! This monster also inherited Mu Qiubo’s law force, so its icicle ability is imbued with the powerful Law of Space!” Phantom exclaimed. It was evident that what had struck Xia Fei just then was not ice, but law force!

Twisting forcefully in the air, Xia Fei barely managed to regain his balance as he landed, a burning pain that throbbed on his chest.

The Silver Desert liquid war armor was very strong, able to defend physical attacks and reduce law attacks, but that attack moments ago was simply too sudden, and before Xia Fei could even gather his Law of Primal Chaos, he was already struck and lightly injured.


The monster let out a powerful bellow as if it recognized Xia Fei. It seemed to recognize only him, for it ignored all other Beast Kings completely as it charged straight for Xia Fei.

Xia Fei’s speed ability and Crafty Approach made him very agile and fast, but there was no way he could defend himself from every angle because there was a chance for an icicle with law force to appear from the sky or underground anytime!

These icicles were sharpened in the front, looking very much like big bamboo shoots that could appear from every inconceivable place and attack him!

‘It can’t go on like this. The power of those icicles is too much. I need to engage in close combat!’ Xia Fei thought to himself.

Pushing himself off the ground, Xia Fei darted right to the monster. As long as he stuck close, those icicles would lose their effect. If the monster were to continue attacking like before despite being so close, the icicles would also end up hitting itself even as they hit Xia Fei!

Just as Xia Fei expected, the monster stopped creating icicles once he was in melee range and, instead, used his six pairs of sharp arms to attack!


With arms like blades, the monster struck from above!

Xia Fei inexplicably leaned back sideways, using Crafty Approach to dodge the said attack and counterattack with a cut of his own!


The sound of metal meeting metal rang about. Blood Crystal had actually failed to penetrate this monster’s defenses!

No matter how powerful this Blood Crystal was, Xia Fei had to first plunge it into the enemy’s body before it could work, and given that it was not that sharp in the first place, it completely depended on Xia Fei’s brute strength in order to penetrate the defenses and dig into the enemy’s body. This was also why Xia Fei did not really like it. For combat, using a blunt knife was a lot more difficult than that of a sharp one.

This monster had not only inherited the strength of Mu Qiubo’s Law of Space, it also gained the defense of the two Ice Spiders, so its body was like stainless steel, hard for Xia Fei’s Blood Crystal to stab in!

As such, Xia Fei was in trouble; he would be subjected to the icicle attacks if he were to stay far away from the monster, and while staying in melee range would avoid this, his Blood Crystal could not be of use, and depending on just his physical agility was difficult.

“Law of Primal Chaos!”

Xia Fei knew that the only thing he could depend on in this current situation was this mysterious disruptive power! He needed to break through his enemy’s defenses!


His fist was like a hammer as it struck the monster’s body hard!

The surrounding outer layer of the spatial barrier got shattered, allowing Xia Fei to deliver his Blood Crystal to the monster’s fore!

“I still can’t get through!” Xia Fei was shocked!

Though he had managed to break past the spatial barrier, it was like the body of the monster had an ice armor around it, for a sturdy ice carapace blocked the Blood Crystal from making contact, unable to reach in sufficiently.

The defense of the ice spider before it had been strengthened was hardly this abnormal. Xia Fei just had to use the Law of Primal Chaos’s power to break the first layer of defense when it was just Mu Qiubo and the Spider Empress, and then his bloodsucking dagger could easily puncture the body. The fused monster now had two layers, with the first being the spatial barrier and the second that sturdy ice carapace. If Xia Fei wanted to hurt it, he would have to break both layers of defense at the same time!

The Law of Primal Chaos possessed miraculous strength, and the strength Xia Fei had was already much stronger than before, yet it still could not be deemed perfect.

When attacking, he needed to impart a small amount of the disruptive force in order to attain decent effect from his attack, and Xia Fei had never tried combining both the power of the Law of Space and The Law of Primal Chaos.

Combining laws was extremely difficult, and few could succeed in doing so.

Adding a law was not equivalent to combining. Just like using two fists at once to attack an enemy, two fists could strike the enemy at the same time, but they could not achieve the same strength. Both arms grew from his body, and the division of labor was different. Some people were used to using their right, while others were used to their left.

Combining laws required two laws which were characteristically different from each other to strike with the same power. It must be perfectly balanced, no more or less, so the feat was very difficult to accomplish.

Right now, the situation required Xia Fei to combine his Law of Space and Law of Primal Chaos or to make the latter the primary force and the former the auxiliary. Only such a disruptive force was enough to shatter the spatial barrier and then break the second layer of defense, making a path for the fatal Blood Crystal to be sent in.

This was easier said than done. There was no one to instruct Xia Fei, and he could only rely on what little he had comprehended of the Law of Primal Chaos to make sense of things. His desire to make the Law of Primal Chaos his primary attack method was very difficult, and wanting to combine the Law of Space and the Law of Primal Chaos was even harder!

Presently, it was still Mu Qiubo’s Law of Fusion that held the upper hand, merging the benefits of a Law Emperor and two huge ice spiders together into one body. Though he ended up losing his sense of self, he also ended up creating a whole new monstrosity which had insanely tough defenses!

In this battle between the Law of Fusion and the Law of Primal Chaos, Xia Fei began to feel that he lacked the power to achieve what he wanted.