Super Gene Optimization Fluid-Chapter 578: Xia Feis Revenge

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Chapter 578: Xia Fei’s Revenge

Every day, when Xia Fei went to the branch of the Dragon Ascension Martial Hall in the White Horse Constellation, he would always pass that long, long list. Recorded on this list were the names and scores of every examinee. Of course, it also recorded which clan or family they came from. A clan’s rise and fall was always one of the most important things in the Law Realm—even more important than how many points an examinee got.

The White Horse Constellation was very strange, forgoing the technology of electronic screens and writing these lists by hand. Though it was a time-consuming and exhausting effort, these people were happy to do it. It was as if breaking free of advanced products was a sign of a clan’s or martial hall’s long history.

Fortunately, Xia Fei’s name was rather obvious. Along the lengthy wall of gray bricks, Xia Fei’s name could be found right near the entrance. Unfortunately, while Xia Fei’s name was immediately noticeable, his score was pitifully low, even to the extent of being absurd. Among the ten thousand-some examinees, he was the only one with a negative score.

In the third test, the painting test, the exam paper noted that, if one did not know how to or did not want to draw a scene of cuckoos amid drifting leaves, they could draw whatever they were interested in, with no restriction on the topic, but the score would be halved. No matter how perfect one’s drawing was, one could only get fifty points at most.

Thus, Xia Fei drew the most disastrous black turtle and encountered a proctor who had seemingly been having a bad day; he had not only given Xia Fei a zero but also even taken away ten points.

Just like before, Xia Fei and Ludi entered the Dragon Ascension Martial Hall through the main gate, their passcards hung around their necks. As they passed through the gate, several people gestured at him. When the ranking was released last night, Xia Fei’s name swiftly spread, and he became somewhat of a celebrity.

Before this, Xia Fei was not the only one with a zero, so he did not appear very obvious amid the pile of duck eggs, but his negative score triggered an uproar, and even his fellow duck eggs found a source of comfort in the fact that someone was beneath them, as that they would make them look better by comparison.

“Xia Fei!” someone in the crowd shouted, and he turned his head to see quite a crowd holding their bellies in laughter.

“So you’re the one.”

“You’re Xia Fei? Not bad, not bad.”

Two warriors walked past Xia Fei and called him despite the fact that they did not know him. Even more people giggled behind Xia Fei as they gossiped with one another.

Ludi, who benefitted from Xia Fei last night, deeply admired him, so when he saw all these people jeering at the latter, he rolled up his sleeves and furiously stormed up.

“Eh? Aren’t you Ludi from the Xingye Trading House?”

“Ludi? That fellow whom the young miss of the Zi Clan kicked into the river?”

“He didn’t want the young lady, instead wanting to get with her mother! Serves him right!”

“There’s something like that? This Ludi is also a very special character, then. It’s no wonder they’re walking together. Birds of a feather truly flock together.”

Xia Fei had not imagined that the mention of Ludi’s name would earn even more jeering than his own.

Pulling Ludi into the martial hall, Xia Fei looked at the pale-faced Ludi with malicious intentions.

“Zi Lanyi is my former fiancée; I think that her mother is prettier.”

Ludi’s explanation left one speechless. While this fellow looked very refined, he had a very special taste: He only liked mature women.

Without even asking, Xia Fei could guess that Ludi had indulged in fantasies about his future mother-in-law and ended up infuriating Miss Zi Lanyi to be kicked out. The marriage was also naturally over.

Xia Fei smiled. Strange taste was Ludi’s affair, and Xia Fei had never had interest in the domestic matters of others, nor did he like it when people meddled in his affairs.

“I don’t regret it,” Ludi raised his head and obstinately said. “Zi Lanyi’s mother truly is more beautiful than Zi Lanyi. Even if I had to do it again, I would still love her mother.”

Xia Fei was startled. While Ludi seemed weak, he had a stubborn streak.

The White Horse Constellation branch of Dragon Ascension Martial Hall was very large. As Xia Fei and Ludi made their way to the assessment ground, they received no small amounts of criticism.

Bad news always spread quickly, and it was not long before people knew about Xia Fei and that special person next to him, who tried to get at the mother of his fiancée.

“How could you be so deaf to these jeers? Do you really not care?” Ludi curiously asked. He could not understand how Xia Fei was able to endure all these jeers.

Xia Fei shrugged and helplessly replied, “What does it matter if I can’t endure it? Should I fight all of them?”

Ludi stomped his feet, a helpless look on his face.

Phantom did not believe this at all, whispering to Xia Fei’s ear, “What trick are you playing? Not avenging a wrong is not your style.”

Xia Fei was very frank with Phantom, smiling. “Just watch. Today will be a very interesting day.”

Phantom was taken aback. Time and again, it had been proven that when Xia Fei had this sort of naughty smile, someone was about to meet with disaster.

“Tell me: Who’s the unfortunate soul this time?”

“All of them,” Xia Fei softly said.

Twelve spatial gates were erected on the assessment ground. At the scheduled time, the assessment ground was closed, and all late examinees would be unable to get in even if they cried for their parents.

After a headcount was taken, the spatial gates opened, and the examinees passed through them to the assessment ground, the same as they had done for the previous three tests.

Several minutes later, Xia Fei arrived at the location of today’s test. Unlike the first three tests, today’s assessment was being held in the wilderness. A large flat alloy platform extended to the horizon. Cages were set up at given intervals, each one a square kilometer in area and holding an exotic beast, their incessant howls frightening to hear.

Twelve spatial gates, this enormous assessment ground, the exotic beasts, and the cages that held them… The strength of the Dragon Ascension Martial Hall was truly wondrous!

As the examinees were chatting with one another, a round platform suddenly rose up. Standing on it was a wild beast of a man who did not seem completely evolved, his body covered in hair. At his side was Chief Proctor Lu Qiuyan. Xia Fei saw Ludi’s eyes flash when he saw her. It seemed like he was not willing to give up just yet on this furious woman.

“This is Chief Proctor Lu Qiuyan of the human race. I am her assistant and the supervisor of today’s exotic beast exam, Khedira.

“The rules of the exotic beast exam are very simple. You pass as long as you can tame the exotic beast in the cage. How high you score will depend on how much time you need and the degree at which you can tame the beast.”

Saying this, the hairy Khedira disappeared. A moment later, he appeared inside a cage. Across from him was a hummingbird, its sharp beak bristling with sawteeth and its appearance savage.

Khedira pointed his hand at the hummingbird and roared, “Lie down!”


His voice was like a rumble of thunder, and that savage hummingbird instantly lost its temper, sitting its butt on the ground while trembling.

The examinees also sighed in wonder at Khedira’s power. With a single phrase, he had scared this Beast King out of its wits.

Khedira smugly said, “If you can do this, you’ll get full points!”

“There are 120 cages in total, and all of them contain Beast Kings! There are high-ranking and low-ranking ones, and the cage you get sent into will depend completely on your luck.

“Remember: While taming these exotic beasts, you can’t injure them, and even touching them will get you zero points! This old man will take one hundred points from anyone who dares to punch one! One of you already has negative points. Anyone who wants to be the second can come forward now!”

The examinees all laughed. Clearly, Khedira was talking about Xia Fei.

All kinds of weird and jeering looks turned to Xia Fei, which made it so that even those examinees who did not know who Xia Fei was at first would soon realize.

Xia Fei continued to smile at all this mocking, but his fists quietly clenched as he said to himself, ‘Keep laughing. You’ll all be crying soon!’

“Silence!” Khedira roared, his face cold. “Taming exotic beasts doesn’t depend on strength but rather on presence!

“Exotic beasts are extremely sensitive to hostile aura. If your presence can overcome theirs, they will yield to you.

“Cut the chatter. The test begins now! You’ll all be automatically sent into the cages.”

Saying this, Khedira returned to the round platform and joined Chief Proctor Lu Qiuyan in looking down at the examinees.

A crafty smile appeared across Xia Fei’s lips as he silently closed his eyes.

He placed his hand into his bosom and lightly stroked Furball. “Get started. Today’s objective is a total wipeout! Leave no survivors!”

The Beast Spirit Codex!

The Art of the Chaotic Demon Dance!

Mental energy came forth from Xia Fei’s mind, enclosing the entire assessment ground in an invisible net.




Unsettling information instantly entered the minds of the exotic beasts, stimulating their nerves and causing them to go insane!

The somewhat calm assessment ground was instantly engulfed with hellish howling!

All 120 exotic beasts had gone mad!

Their eyes turned red as the Beast Spirit Codex made all of them sense danger, extreme danger!

Beasts were extremely sensitive. Just then, Xia Fei issued a signal which had seemingly come from the death god. To survive, they must fight back and take their vengeance even if they had to sacrifice their lives!


Letting out a howl, a golden-haired bear threw its body at the cage, wanting to escape, but the alloy cage was not something it could move. Seeing that it could not escape, the bear hardened its heart and prepared for a desperate battle, its hair standing up as its eyes gleamed with savagery!

The stimulation of the Beast Spirit Codex had mobilized the fighting will of all the exotic beasts.

At this time, Furball let out a low growl. It was so soft that it was difficult for humans to make out amid the roars of all the other exotic beasts but not for other exotic beasts. They could clearly tell that the one making this noise was much stronger than all of them.

This was an order—an order from a stronger being to die!

Fight to the death or meet an even more tragic end!

Exotic beasts had an extremely powerful desire to live. The stimulation of the Beast Spirit Codex and the majesty of Furball merged together firmly told the 120 Beast Kings that, if they wanted to live, they had best start killing!

The mood became very strange. In the space of one second, the assessment ground had exploded!

The beasts let out terrifying roars, their lungs almost exploding from the exertion!

The examinees turned pale and began to back away in fear.

Alas, the exam had already begun, regardless of their fear.

*Whoosh whoosh whoosh!*

The first batch of examinees, 120 in all, was sent into the cages.

The waiting exotic beasts immediately lunged!

Their jaws opened, and they began to fight without even a pause!



“This is too much! Let me out!”

“I want to withdraw! Is that not okay?!”

Screams filled the air!

Xia Fei made a wicked smile. As he looked at the amusing and gruesome sight taking place in the cages, he muttered, “Do you know why I didn’t take vengeance for their mocking?”

Phantom laughed. “Because you would take revenge here.”

“Correct answer,” Xia Fei softly said.