Super Gene Optimization Fluid-Chapter 629: Heavenly Symphony!

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Chapter 629: Heavenly Symphony!

Seraph. This was the new gene optimization fluid’s codename.

Without a doubt, this was developed jointly by Xia Fei, Phantom, and Harris and was something that practically had a 100% chance of opening the seventh brain region. It was an unbelievable amazing gene optimization fluid, which was completely without any adverse side effects! If it was mass-produced in earnest, it would bring forth an unprecedented wave of change to the rules of the universe.

There were nine identical flasks of gene optimization fluid sitting on the table. These were all sent over after Charlie completed his human experimentations. Out of the hundred flasks, Xia Fei picked the best to administer to Avril.

Even though the human experimentations had proven that Seraph was completely harmless to humans and it had even achieved the shocking 100% success rate at opening a person’s seventh brain region, Xia Fei could not help but still be somewhat worried.

Avril was very nervous, too, but she did her best to keep herself calm and composed so as not to worry Xia Fei.

Slowly, Avril drifted into sleep; this was the miracle of Seraph. Without the subject even realizing and while they slept, it would begin opening the seventh brain region.

This was completely different from that Purple Jade that Xia Fei had drunk years before. That gene optimization fluid sought to shatter the walls of the brain region in an explosive and direct manner. Though Xia Fei had achieved a fully opened brain region after surviving that ordeal, he was also severely damaged by it. The fact that he remained alive was nothing short of a miracle!

Meanwhile, the Seraph utilized a precise and gentle approach to release drugs into the subject. Slowly but surely, without any rush whatsoever, it eroded away the walls of the brain region.

The entire process took a full twenty-four hours, and Avril slept like a baby throughout without any abnormality. The dozens of life-monitoring devices were all very carefully observing for even the slightest changes in her body.

“Relax. The human experimentation data you collected has been largely successful; Avril will surely make it. Besides, with how advanced the medical treatment equipment we have here, there’s no way that anything will go wrong,” Phantom said to Xia Fei.

Xia Fei nodded, but it would be lying if he said that he was not in the least bit anxious right now. He refused to take even a step to leave Avril’s side.

“Have you ever considered just what sort of a shock the universe will get if you mass-produce the Gene Optimization Fluid Seraph and sell it on the market?” Phantom asked

Xia Fei shook his head and firmly stated, “Seraph will never be sold in any market.”

“Why? The drug is practically perfect.”

“This has nothing to do with perfection but rather the rules surrounding it. Every civilization who attempted to open their seventh brain region was extinguished without an exception, same as any species that ever thought to resist the Law Realm. Don’t you find that strange?”

“What if there’s some power we don’t know that’s controlling this universe? As such, the moment Seraph goes to market, humans will see an unprecedented development, and it’s something those masters of the universe don’t wish to see. With the equilibrium of the universe tipping, mankind will just become another species who faces extinction,” Xia Fei solemnly explained.

“It couldn’t be that serious, could it? The opening rate of the Panhuman Alliance before has been very high, too, but nothing happened to them,” Phantom said.

“That’s completely different!” Xia Fei said. The formula for the gene optimization fluids of the past were incomplete. I won’t deny that many people only managed to open their brain region after the use of gene optimization fluids, maybe even obtaining special abilities, but the extent was still within control.

“It’s like a corridor connected to a room. Originally, the corridor and the room were being blocked by rocks, and humans couldn’t gain entry, not to mention make it within to live inside.

“Whether it was left to the stars or the optimization fluids available in the past, it would only open a small gap, pulling down the walls just a little. Statistically speaking, less than 0.001% of the people in the Alliance achieved a degree of over 1% openness of their seventh brain region!

“What use is 1% of the seventh brain region? Cultivate special ability? Law? It’s completely pointless. At most, it made humans slightly smarter and increased their longevity by a handful of years. That’s why, though we have many people with open seventh brain regions in the Alliance, we are still considered as commoners due to the issue of degree of openness.

“Humans are already very weak, and this little degree of openness of the brain region isn’t enough to destabilize the balance of power in the other species. The Lionhearts for example; they’re tall and heavy, with immense strength. Even ten normal humans are no match for one of them.

“Many of the people in the Panhuman Alliance have their seventh brain regions open, but only so few can become Ability Warriors, while higher-ranking warriors are even rarer; that’s the reason.

“If we make Seraph popular, humanity will achieve, on average, 49% openness of the seventh brain region, far beyond the current 0.315%! It’s 155 times more than the current rate! 155 times!

“Forget the Alliance, even the Law Realm may not achieve the average 49%! If right now, there’s only a single Immortal-rank warrior in the entire Alliance, then that will mean we have 155! Going by the theory of irregular distribution in genetics, the Alliance will have countless genius warriors, with 100% open seventh brain regions!

“A 155 times increase is just in theory. I dare to assure you that the actual strength of the Alliance will increase beyond 155 times! It can even be several hundred times more than now and be on par with the Law Realm!”

“Do you think that those people in the Law Realm would let the Alliance off if we were to become as strong as they were, that they would let humans become superior existences in the universe?”

Phantom was speechless. The Law Realm was a dark place where only profit mattered. The people were extremely proud, and there was no way that they would let humans rise in the universe.

“What you said makes a lot of sense. If I were in charge of the Law realm, there’s no way I would just stand by and watch the rise of mankind while doing nothing about it. If we were to make Gene Optimization Fluid Seraph be well-known, not only would we fail to help mankind, we might even bring calamity to it, instead,” Phantom said.

Xia Fei nodded. “It’s a good thing that Charlie is smart enough, destroying all the remaining products, including the formula, of Seraph, so there’s no way to discover any trace of Seraph ever again.

“Perhaps we can use the hidden formula in the future to concoct gene optimization fluids in secret, but not now. It’s not time yet.”

The distribution of Seraph had been rejected outright by Xia Fei. He had not been tempted by the immediate benefits, remaining cool and analytical as always.

The universe was too vast, and there were too many unknown dangers. There were potential traps everywhere. All it took was a single misstep and he could find himself deep in a bottomless abyss. Was that not what had happened to the once prominent mechs? So much so that only three survivors and their leader became all that was left of their civilization?

Twenty-four hours later, Avril rubbed her eyes and got up, as if she had just woken up from a long dream.

“How are you feeling?” Xia Fei asked Avril as he helped her up.

“Like I just slept. There were so many strange scenes in my dream that my mind’s a little foggy. I even thought that the gene optimization fluid would be very painful, but it’s completely different from what I thought.”

Xia Fei said, “You slept a total of twenty-four hours, so of course it’s normal for you to be groggy. Sit up first. I’ll be right back.”

There was a monitoring room right beside the medical center’s reception, with all sorts of instruments inside. Xia Fei pushed the door open and entered, only to find Dimsky nervously examining the collected data.

“Congratulations! Avril’s brain region has achieved a 81.37% degree of openness, which is an absolutely astounding figure!” Dimsky finger tapped the screen non-stop as he collated all the data.

“There doesn’t seem to be any problem with her body, so she should be fine after eating and two days of rest.”

Xia Fei pondered for a bit before asking, “The degree of openness isn’t bad, but her special ability. What ability did she obtain?”

Dimsky somewhat awkwardly answered, “Unfortunately, Avril did not gain any combat ability. Her special ability is music.”

“Music!” Xia Fei appeared to be very excited rather than displeased by the results.

Dimsky was perplexed. “Why are you not worried but rather happy that your girlfriend can’t fight?”

Xia Fei chuckled. “Which man would want their girlfriend to kill and fight every day? Fighting’s a man’s business, while women can do whatever they like. If Avril could just fly everywhere she wanted to, what use would I be to her?”

Dimsky was ignorant to all this. He was a mech, after all, and he had a completely different view about relationships.

“I guess what you said makes sense, though I still don’t really get it.”

Xia Fei chuckled as he quickly made his way back to Avril’s side.

Given Avril’s personality, she was not suited for combat. After all, what was required of warriors was great ruthlessness, and Xia Fei did not wish for Avril to walk down this path. It would be better if women lived without all the complexities that came with that.

Perhaps Avril would be able to protect herself if she got a combat special ability, but at the same time, she would lose her innocence and naivety. Besides, Xia Fei was around, and he was more than happy to pick up the responsibility of protecting his woman.

At the end of the day, Xia Fei was quite conservative in how he thought, and he was more used to the idea of the man doing work outside while the woman stayed indoors and took care of the house.

After a sumptuous meal, Pod brought in tea and snacks, as well as congratulated Avril for successfully opening her seventh brain region. At this rate, her mental sensitivity and lifespan would also greatly increase.

When Xia Fei told Avril of the news that she had obtained the talent of music, she appeared to be somewhat disappointed. She originally hoped that she could become as strong as Xia Fei, so he would not need to divide his attention to protecting her.

However, Xia Fei hurriedly told her how he was more than happy for Avril to live a simple and free life, which caused her frown to turn upside down. Honestly, Avril’s wish to acquire a combat special ability completely stemmed from her consideration of Xia Fei. After that savage war he waged against the insectoids, the considerate Avril wished that there would be no more fighting in this universe and that there would be forever peace.

Since Xia Fei said that he did not care that her special ability was music, Avril was, of course, more than happy to accept the fate she had been given.

Two days later, Xia Fei was led into a darkened room by Dimsky.

“What are you up to?” Xia Fei asked skeptically.

“Don’t ask so many questions. You’ll know soon enough,” Dimsky said, looking delighted.

There was not even a bit of light in the room, and Xia Fei stumbled his way in, his stomach full of doubts.

“I’m currently researching something very important; you’d better have a good reason for this interruption,” Xia Fei muttered.

“Don’t you worry. This will definitely be a pleasant surprise,” Dimsky said.


Suddenly the lights turned on as a temporarily constructed concert hall appeared before him. Countless robots were seated, their eyes all looking expectant.

Furball and Pod were seated in the front row, with Pod standing up to beckon Xia Fei into joining them. Meanwhile, for some reason, Furball had been tied to a chair, an emotionless expression on his face.

“Master, master, the concert’s about to start!” Pod very excitedly buzzed.

“Concert?” Xia Fei was still confused.


The stage rose, and he saw Avril in a short pink dress, somewhat shyly getting up on stage.

She looked exceptionally beautiful today, so Xia Fei was somewhat stupefied just looking at her.

Music abruptly sounded and the entire concert hall went wild! Even the robots could not resist the performance and got up to their feet, looking at Avril with great admiration.

Xia Fei slowly revealed a surprised smile on his face, which soon turned into one of astounded delight!

He simply could not believe what he was hearing. The moving music struck Xia Fei in his heart like little birds, causing his heart to beat along with the music.

This was not merely a music special ability.

This was practically a heavenly symphony!