Super Gene Optimization Fluid-Chapter 651: Enemy to the Entire Demon Race

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Chapter 651: Enemy to the Entire Demon Race

“Level 8? What difference does it have from level 9?!” Oro was annoyed. Level 4 was already a very high assessment of what he expected Xia Fei could achieve, while level 5 was close to the maximum, yet this human had actually cultivated Concealed Flash Dragon up to level 8! This was well beyond what Oro had expected.

Xia Fei answered with a straight face, “Of course, there’s a difference. Level 9 means I’ve already completely mastered it, while level 8 means I’m still lacking by that bit.”

“Didn’t you just say that learning to conceal the Law of Space was very hard? Yet you’ve already reached level 8. Why couldn’t I see this difficulty you claimed to have experienced?”

Xia Fei shrugged, helpless. “In the beginning, I did stop using this sort of law power due to incompatibility. After all, I was used to unleashing my law force peremptorily, hitting the enemy in a single burst of power, but as I cultivated it more, I slowly began to grasp the delayed technique needed, which in turn increased how fast I went through the levels.”

Lionheart Emperor Oro shook his head. “Just words aren’t any good. Show me what you’ve mastered. I’m interested in seeing just what degree you’ve cultivated Concealed Flash Dragon to.”

Xia Fei nodded, standing straight as he looked ahead.

Taking a deep breath, he bent over and struck the ground with a single fist. The sound he made was soft, though dull.

There was hardly even any commotion ahead of him in that cultivation chamber. It was as if Xia Fei had merely patted the ground without releasing any attack of sorts.


After some time, a single white spatial tear suddenly erupted about a hundred meters away from Xia Fei. Like a lion leaping high into the sky, its gaping maw gnashing ferociously at the air before disappearing without leaving a trace!

Disbelief! Speechless disbelief!

There was not even a single trace left on the ground, while there was no shift in air due to the spatial tear that had appeared. From the time it appeared underground to the end of the attack, everything had been accomplished without making a single sound!

The attack spanned over a very short interval, too. Any warrior lacking in terms of eyesight would surely have no way of discerning how that frightening tear had appeared!

Even more scary was the fact that, given the pause in the release of the attack and the actual attack itself, Xia Fei was facing an opponent yet he did not strike at them and, instead, slapped the ground. Any experienced warrior would promptly exercise great vigilance to their surroundings, but if several seconds passed without receiving an attack, they would surely let their heightened guard down a bit; it would then create the perfect moment for the Concealed Flash Dragon to strike!

Lying dormant underground, waiting specifically for when the enemy became negligent to abruptly strike, and devastating the opponent with a single strike!

The old demon lord was stunned for several seconds before finally heaving a helpless sigh. Given how reality had proven to him, it was evident that Xia Fei’s potential and degree of comprehension toward law powers completely surpassed his own.

Every genius had a stubborn side, though. Oro refused to believe that there was anyone who could be stronger than him, but he must admit that Xia Fei was much more talented than him. After feeling disappointed, all the old demon lord could feel was prickling pain all over his body. The waves behind drove on those in front, and it was the fate of the young to surpass the old. He had incidentally become part of the past.

Now that reality had proven Xia Fei to be so greatly talented, all that remained was to find Xia Fei’s break point, which would also be his limit.

Oro was also interested in this. Having a talent greater than his was one thing; just how strong someone could be was another.

“So did I cultivate my Concealed Flash Dragon to an acceptable level?” Xia Fei asked. Different from other extremely powerful and talented warriors was the fact that Xia Fei was never prideful. He treated everything he did as something very natural, almost as if cultivation and promotion ought to be at that speed, and there was nothing to be boastful about it. In his not-very-long life so far, he was already used to this insane rate of advancement, overcoming all obstacles in his path.

Oro was even more speechless. Xia Fei actually believed that such an overwhelming rate of advancement to be natural. If this was spread throughout the Law Realm, there might be quite a number of prideful geniuses who would suicide. Everything that these geniuses were proud about were treated as commonplace by Xia Fei, no different from casual play, and that itself was an infuriating thought.

Pouting, Oro said gruffly, “It’s fine.”

Forget about the discomfort he felt in his heart, had he not been worried about Xia Fei becoming complacent, Oro would have long heaped him with praises.

“However, I still feel that the power of Concealed Flash Dragon isn’t too great. The difference between this and the level 5 martial technique Golden Sand Dance is too wide.” Xia Fei expressed his skepticism as he lit a cigarette.

“Staying concealed underground for nine seconds will be considered as achieving mastery of the Concealed Flash Dragon. Though it may seem like nine seconds isn’t much, the lethality of it is immeasurable. Say the enemy has no idea that your killer move has already been unleashed, and even knowing will just make it even worse!”

Xia Fei was surprised. “Of course, it’ll be quite tragic if an enemy who has no idea how this move works ends up getting struck by it, but why will an enemy who knows the skill have it worse? By what you just said, isn’t there no solution to this? Whether an enemy knows it or not, they’ll end up dying?”

Oro solemnly explained, “Think about it. A warrior who knows this is the Concealed Flash Dragon will definitely be panicking because that dragon concealed deep underground can rear its ugly head at any time and attack them. If this person isn’t completely prepared for the sudden attack, every second he spends waiting will be a torment!”

Xia Fei laughed. “I get it now. The Concealed Flash Dragon also has the function of unsettling an opponent, with the timid maybe instantly fainting from the fear. It is like the old saying: ‘An unseen enemy is the scariest.’”

Oro continued. “Not just that. Concealed Flash Dragon is not just a martial technique but also an introductory technique for practitioners to learn the control of law force!

“The hardest aspect of law isn’t how to unleash powerful law force but rather the free control over its discharge!”

Xia Fei was shocked. Lionheart Emperor Oro’s words led Xia Fei to think in a direction that he had not considered before. In the past, Xia Fei only knew how to release his law force in the most explosive manner possible, how to do so tyrannically, how to unleash a great destructive power! This free control of discharge that Oro mentioned was something that he currently lacked.

“Let me ask you: What constitutes a powerful Law Adept?” Oro asked.

“One who wields overwhelming law force,” Xia Fei immediately answered without any hesitation.

“Wields. Okay. So what do you consider as wielding?” Oro asked again.

“This…” Xia Fei was somewhat stumped. He really had no idea how to explain wielding.

With a slight smile, Oro said, “Wielding is divided into various levels. I know you enjoy warships, so what’s the difference between wielding a warship and your Blood Crystal?”

“It’s different because a warship is more unwieldy, impossible for me to have that level of control like Blood Crystal.”

The old demon lord nodded. “Then let me ask you again: Comparing your Blood Crystal to your fingers, which will you consider more wieldy.”

Xia Fei was shaking. “Of course, my fingers. No matter how freely I can use Blood Crystal, it can’t compare to my fingers. After all, a finger is a part of my body; broken bones are ultimately still connected to tendons.”

Oro burst into laughter. “That’s precisely it. We learn law not just to toss out law force however we want; Our end goal is to make such a power become part of us so that you, Xia Fei, become law!”

His cigarette had burned to its butt, and Xia Fei had been oblivious to this.

The old demon lord’s words had sparked something deep in Xia Fei’s heart, giving him a completely new comprehension of law force!

‘I am Xia Fei. I am law!’ Xia Fei repeated what Oro had just stated in his mind, his understanding reaching a deeper state of comprehension.

“Actually, telling you such things is still a little too early, not something you ought to be learning at your current level. I had a momentary outburst, so I ended up leaking the esoteric connotation of law force to you.

“You’re not at the level required yet, so it’s very easy for you to lose your way holding such profundity in your mind. Everything at its pace; no need to put yourself at risk coveting for greater progress.”

Xia Fei suddenly felt burning on his fingers. He lowered his head to find the cigarette butt already burning till his fingers, so he flicked it off and extinguished it under his heel. At his level, he was not going to be hurt by burns from such a little flame.

“As someone from the Demon Race, you sure have a deep understanding of the things related to the God Race. Could you have tried learning the Three Great Laws of the God Race, too?” Xia Fei smirked.

Xia Fei could not be faulted for his wild guess; Lionheart Emperor Oro came from the Demon Race, and those of the Demon Race could not learn laws from the God Race. Seeing Oro’s performance during this time and how well-versed he was in both the Law of Space and the Law of Matter including all the minor laws, it seemed like Oro would even have knowledge of the long lost Law of Time.

Oro gladly laughed. “Aside from cultivation, it is important for warriors to also understand and observe their enemies. Given how the God Race and Demon Race oppose each other, I, of course, understand the God Race to quite a strong degree as a member of the enemy camp.

“Also, the conclusions I reach were naturally different since I approach the problems and issues from a different angle. Not only do I know the law powers that the God Race possesses, I can even brief you on how to counter them. After all, this is what we of the Demon Race do. We specialize in targeting the weakness of the God Race.”

Xia Fei was unamused. He originally thought that the Demon Race had no comprehension of the Laws of Matter and Space, yet it turned out that they not only had knowledge of them but also were very proficient with them!

“We normally don’t cultivate in the laws from the God Race because we of the Demon Race simply scorn the things that the God Race dabbles with. However, the Law of Space is an exception. Plenty of those in the Demon Race cultivate it because there’s no way to travel through space or create spatial storage tools without the Law of Space.”

Xia Fei furrowed his brows. “So that means you all have learned a law from the God Race, while the God Race doesn’t have any of yours; wouldn’t the God Race be at the disadvantage here? After all, the God Race has lost the inheritance for the Law of Time.”

Oro shook his head. “Where have you ever heard that from? The Law of Space is originally something both peak races share, and it’s the God Race who called the Law of Space and its offshoots as theirs for the sake of saving face and making it seem like it’s in balance. As for the lost Law of Time, I don’t know much about that myself. The Demon Race also lost a great law, so that makes us even.”

Xia Fei was instantly interested as he hurriedly asked, “Which law did the Demon Race lose?”

“The Law of Life.”

Xia Fei was startled as he angrily demanded, “If the Law of Life had been lost, then what was it that you gave to Avril? Were you trying to trick me?!”

The old demon lord burst into raucous laughter. Xia Fei would get agitated the moment Avril was mentioned, and this was indubitably his greatest weakness. As long as anything that would affect his most cherished person got mentioned, Xia Fei would immediately become extremely anxious.

With an indiscernible smile across his face, Oro said, “The Demon Race might’ve lost the Law of Life, but not me.”

Xia Fei was stunned for a good while before he slapped his thigh in realization. “That’s why you got sealed in the Eternal Ice Plains! It’s because you’re hiding the Law of Life? Doesn’t that make you the enemy of everyone from the Demon Race?”

Though Oro was somewhat helpless, he nevertheless nodded his head and admitted to it.

“Oh, no!” Xia Fei instantly thought of a very serious issue. “If you’re an enemy to everybody of the Demon Race and I’m the one who subsequently saved you, doesn’t that by extension make me an enemy of the entire Demon Race?!”