Super Gene Optimization Fluid-Chapter 656: A Disturbance Among the Slaves

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Chapter 656: A Disturbance Among the Slaves

Xia Fei let out an expletive and delivered two punches to Seth’s face.

Seth was dumbfounded! His two eyes went as wide as bronze bells, his eyelids twitching uncontrollably.

He did not understand just how someone could penetrate his Crag Defense. It had to be stated that be it the defense-type special abilities or the various Laws of Defense, all were considered top tier, and every time a practitioner was struck by an attack, Crag Defense would automatically activate, with hundreds of smooth pebble-sized stones would quickly form into a mass, blocking the enemy’s attacks.

Though Seth was now a slave, he still had his Law of Defense, so none of these slave traders could do anything to him, which was why he could be so arrogant, becoming a lord while locked up in a cell.

Therefore, Xia Fei’s punch easily breaking through his layers upon layers of Crag Defense and landing squarely on his right cheek was actually Seth’s first time to experience such a thing!

The entire warehouse went silent. The courtesans and slave traders could all hardly believe their eyes! The Law Emperor Seth, a man who had been an unrestrained force of destruction throughout the Exiled Grounds for forty years and someone who had single-handedly ruined countless villages and tribes with his bare hands, had been successfully hit by Xia Fei! This young man had very effortlessly and simply penetrated his Law of Defense, and his powerful fist struck Seth right on his face!


A drop of fresh blood streaked down Seth’s nose before it landed on the ground.

Seth could only feel his nose souring, and he wiped it with a hand. His fingers came away stained by the color of blood.

“Blood?” Seth uttered in shock. He had already forgotten when it was the last time he had fought with someone and bled, and seeing this scrawny human, who was many times smaller than him, injuring him, Seth’s expression turned cold.

“RAWR! I’M GONNA KILL YOU!” Seth bellowed as he pounced on Xia Fei!


Seth seemed to have some misgivings. The Law of Defense could defend while on the attack, which was what made it quite an amazing Law to cultivate, but for some reason, Seth only used his Law of Defense for defending, while he relied on his fists to attack.

Given Xia Fei’s current cultivation, Seth still had a chance of putting up a fight if he gave it his all, but he was not using his law force at all, only his bare hands; this was as good as pointlessly giving himself a handicap. As for the defense he was so proud of, it was simply no match for the Law of Primal Chaos. If even the Law of Ternary Spectrum, which had held Lionheart Emperor Oro hostage, could not stop Xia Fei, of course a mere Law of Defense stood even less of a chance. Besides, after all his rest, Xia Fei was already capable of wielding his Law of Primal Chaos up to level 3! It was even stronger than before.

Hence, an appalling scene soon unfolded in the Liu Family’s warehouse. The Law Emperor Seth could be seen huddling on the ground like a suffering shrimp, his face a patchwork of white and bluish purple, with his head swollen like a pig. His two front teeth had fallen off, so he was now speaking with a lisp. Of course, after Xia Fei’s unforgettable lesson, Seth no longer dared to talk again.

“Good heavens. I haven’t gone blind, have I? That young man is actually beating up the Master Bounty Hunter Seth!”

“This must be a dream! Seth is a level 2 Law Emperor. How could he be reduced to such a state?”

“This is too scary! Never have I seen such a horrifying scene in my life. Seth, who’s numb to the act of killing, has actually been beaten till he’s all swollen. No one will believe me even if I tell others about this!”

The courtesans were all gasping from time to time, trembling non-stop. They had been so frightened that every bit of color had drained from their faces. The legs of the slave traders shook, unable to believe that Seth, who had been causing much unrest in the slave trade market, was actually so easily brought down until he assumed a fetal position, letting out moans of pain.

His fists were stained in blood, Xia Fei wiped them off with a handkerchief even as he asked with furrowed brows, “You clearly have a powerful Law of Defense; why didn’t you retaliate?”

Seth had still not recovered from his despondence, muttering non-stop, “It failed. Crag Defense has failed…”

To him, the pain he was currently feeling was just superficial and meant nothing. However, the fact that Xia Fei had managed to break past his Crag Defense was what dealt the fatal blow to him! Once a warrior’s pride had been heartlessly ruined, the ensuing pain would be nightmarish, and it was something one could hardly recover from.

This was the power that the Law of Primal Chaos had! It was able to turn black to white and break everything in its path!

“You really don’t know how to keep a low profile; this time, you’ve really caused quite the stir. Best we leave here as soon as possible,” Oro said. He seemed to be somewhat dissatisfied with Xia Fei’s methods.

Xia Fei nodded and he started to leave under the shock gazes of everyone present.

Rocko’s face was pale first before turning red from the excitement that he was feeling. He puffed out his chest and followed behind Xia Fei. This was the first time in his life that he had felt so dashing. Even those slave traders who normally bullied him did not dare look at him twice, and Rocko felt very pleased about it.

“Hold it!” Seth suddenly shouted. He slowly got up to his feet and approached Xia Fei.

The courtesans clutched their mouths in fear, wondering to themselves if Seth was displeased about what had just happened and if he was thinking of going all out.

Xia Fei turned around and stared at Seth. The man he saw was ignoring the fact that his head was completely bloodied at this point, taking bold strides over with his two fists clenched, as if he had made a decision.

“Do you still want to fight?” Xia Fei asked frigidly. It had been some time since Blood Crystal drained some blood essence, and it was slowly losing its dark luster. Xia Fei did not mind using the life of Law Emperor Seth to feed Blood Crystal. At most, he would just level this city and depart. He believed that there was no one here who could stop him.


Unexpectedly, Seth knelt in front of Xia Fei, his two hands grabbing hold of his calves as tears streaked down his cheeks. “Please buy me. I’ve had enough of living here! I want to be a slave! I want to be your slave!”

Xia Fei was stunned. A Law Emperor expert with the Law of Defense was actually at his feet right now! To have a man of such capabilities crying and wailing about his desire to become his slave, what more needed to be said?

“This mere cell can’t hold you; just what sort of ploy is this? Tell me the truth, or else I’ll end your life right here!” Xia Fei coldly remarked, curling a finger, as the sound of his joints popping resounded.

There must be more than what could meet the eye to an unusual situation; everything was simply too inconceivable. Why would a Law Emperor become a slave? He even begged Xia Fei to purchase him after he had been given such a good thrashing! Xia Fei’s mind was working overtime, but he could not come up with an answer.

“I can swear to my ancestors that I truly wish to become your slave! If I even have a trace of lies in my words, may the heavens strike me down where I stand! Please take me in, and I, Seth, am willing to be your dog from here on out! I’ll serve you with all my heart till my dying breath!”

*Thud thud thud*

Several slave traders, who had been watching this spectacle, fell over when they heard what the Law Emperor Seth said. This once famous Master Bounty Hunter, a monster that would not blink an eye killing anyone, actually called himself a loyal dog, swearing piety to Xia Fei until the day he died. This huge disparity was hard for people to swallow at that moment, while no one had any idea just what sort of madness had descended upon Seth.


At the shocked looks from the crowd, Xia Fei kicked Seth off himself.


Seth’s body bent, flying away and landing heavily on a metal fence; the forearm-thick metal bars all got torn and bent from this! What strength!

“Swearing is of no use. Even if you do so in the life of your entire family and bloodline, I won’t believe you, either. Don’t try to get close and get acquainted with me, or else I’ll end you on the spot.”

With that said, Xia Fei turned to leave. Law Emperor Seth could not hide the disappointment on his face, his lips trembling uncontrollably, uncertain if he should stop Xia Fei from leaving again.

Liu Jinzhu came to a start. He had been watching from the sidelines since earlier, and he quickly walked over to Xia Fei to stop him from leaving, a big smile across his face.

“Please, my lord. Don’t go just yet. Let us discuss this matter nicely. There’s surely room for negotiation.”

Xia Fei ignored him and continued making his way out.

“Why don’t you do me a favor and just buy Seth? We really can’t keep a great man like him around.

“As long as you’re willing to buy Seth, we of the Liu family won’t ask for a single crystal and will even give you a thousand grade 4 Origin Crystals! No, make it two thousand!”


“Five thousand grade 4 Origin Crystals, and you can have your pick of slaves from this market! All of them! Free!”

Xia Fei was still unmoved, while Lionheart Emperor Oro laughed raucously. “Looks like this slave trader has truly been tortured by Seth, ready to give you a large sum just to take him off his hands. Actually, it’s not that you can’t take him in. He does have some strength to him.”

Xia Fei shook his head. “Something’s off. Everything about this situation from start to finish feels peculiar. Unless I can make sense of everything that happened, no amount of cash offered will convince me of taking in Seth. I’m already in enough trouble as it stands.”

The communication system that Dimsky invented was truly very marvelous. Xia Fei’s thoughts could be turned into sound, which allowed him to communicate with Oro who was inside the isolated dimension of his spatial ring, with no one outside knowing that this was happening.

Oro was unwavering. “There’s a kind of plant in the Exiled Grounds called the Rosemary Thornberry. Eating it will force even a warrior with Law Emperor cultivation to acquiesce to faithful servitude, making it impossible for them to resist their own master. Whatever their master orders, they must act in accordance, so there’s no need to fear Seth going off his leash. The slave trade, which has a long history in the Exiled Grounds, is very clever with its methods.”

Xia Fei mused. “I understand what you’re saying, but what I’m worried about isn’t losing control of Seth; it’s why he reduced himself into a slave from being a mercenary who could easily sweep mountainous regions for slaves. There’s a huge problem here.”

Lionheart Emperor Oro felt that Xia Fei’s concerns were not unfounded, so he did not try to persuade him to purchase Seth any longer. It was just that the owner of the market Liu Jinzhu kept pestering Xia Fei, raising the price from five thousand all the way to ten thousand grade 4 Origin Crystals.

After finally coming across the opportunity to get rid of Seth, Old Liu was not about to let it slip by. Ultimately, Seth would be nothing more than a scourge if kept around for much longer, and just the expenses of food and entertainment Seth incurred every day cost him plenty already. The sooner he got rid of this ticking time bomb, the better. After all, he had been driven to the brink of insanity while he had Seth around!

Unfortunately, Xia Fei had already made up his mind, and he no longer paid any attention to Liu Jinzhu. To pay ten thousand grade 4 Origin Crystals just so he could get rid of a slave, Old Liu was truly incurring heavy losses in this business of freeing his hands of Seth!


After an internal struggle, Seth finally made up his mind and chased Xia Fei. With a deep voice, he said, “Whatever you wish to know about me, I’ll gladly tell you everything. I just ask that you give me a chance to finish my story.”

Xia Fei turned around and eyeballed Seth. “Fine, but you must wear a face mask.”

The office had a transparent french window where Liu Jinzhu would sit in as he watched his underlings go about their work. At the moment, he was standing outside the door, anxiously waiting. Whether he could get rid of the slave who was making him lose money or not all depended on today.

Speaking of which, Old Liu could only blame himself for the bad luck. He had never heard of anyone in his line who would lose money when they sold their slaves, which was exactly the predicament he had found himself in at this very moment. What made it even more tragic was that he could not even make the sale despite the fact he would be paying out of his pockets for the transaction; he needed to see if Xia Fei would give him some face and do it! Truly, it was such a peculiar situation to be in.

Lighting a cigarette, Xia Fei stared at Seth with his face mask and asked, “Tell me right now: How come a Law Emperor like yourself, who’s a notorious slaver, ended up becoming a slave?”

Seth lowered his head and solemnly answered, “Actually, it’s me who got myself locked up in a cell, forcing that Liu rascal to take me in as his slave. I’m even the one who signed the deed myself.”

Xia Fei was stunned. “Why would you do something like that?”

“In order to survive. If I didn’t become a slave, he’d kill me!” Seth said with his heart palpitating heavily.