Super Gene Optimization Fluid-Chapter 689: Exposed

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Chapter 689: Exposed

‘Why don’t I strike first?!’ This thought momentarily flashed in Xia Fei’s mind.

With his sharp observation skills, Xia Fei was sure that this was only Quinn probing them. Seth was wrapped in a jacket and did not dare to reveal himself. Anyone would have suspected his motives.

“Have you met Lord Qui?” Xia Fei asked, smiling at Seth.

Seth hastily shook his head, saying nothing.

“You are seeing Lord Qui, yet you still wrap yourself up so tightly. This is very impolite.” Xia Fei smiled at Seth. “Lord Qui isn’t some ordinary individual, and he won’t care about your ugly appearance. Take off your disguise and let the lord see if he recognizes you.”

Seth was taken aback, and though he had many apprehensions, he still did as Xia Fei said, taking off his jacket and undoing the mask around his face.

Quinn was startled at first, but then he shook his head and bitterly smiled.

What sort of face was it? The features were all scrunched up together, and to call Seth ugly was actually to beautify him. It was such a face that Quinn would have never forgotten it had he had met this fellow before.

June and Joey were given a scare. They had never imagined that Xia Fei’s slave assistant would have this sort of appearance.

“It’s no wonder you covered yourself too much. This sort of face would probably have the children weeping,” Juen said in a good-natured and teasing tone.

Xia Fei pointed at Seth and loudly declared, “This is my slave. He normally does a few miscellaneous tasks and physical work for me. He’s a very obedient person, but his appearance is far too unbearable, so I normally have him cover up himself. Even if he can’t frighten women, it’s not good to frighten the flowers and grass, either.”

Everyone burst into laughter. The Phoenix Tail Stone stowed away its aggression and flew back behind Quinn while Seth frantically covered himself back up.

Quinn laughed. “Master Ah Fei is rather amusing. The appearance of this slave of yours truly… makes one worry a little. Since Master Ah Fei has such miraculous skills, why don’t you modify the appearance of your slave?”

Xia Fei shook his head. “It’s just a slave. It’s fine as long as he can work. He normally covers his head with a scarf, and you can’t be annoyed by what you can’t see. Why waste the energy to modify his face? Besides, plastic surgery isn’t difficult for me, but I can just use the money to buy a few more slaves. There’s no need.”

Quinn repeatedly nodded. In the Exiled Grounds, the life of a person was worth less than a dog, and slaves came incredibly cheaply. No one would treat the life of a slave seriously.

Seventy percent of Quinn’s doubt had been dispelled. His greatest worry had been Seth, for Seth had a large body and was somehow covering himself. Meanwhile, Xia Fei was young, so Quinn did not take him as a threat.

After chatting a little more, Quinn finally got to the main topic and prepared to have Xia Fei treat his illness.

“I invited Master Ah Fei over this time primarily to see what sort of top-class apothecary you are and also in the hopes that you can look at an old injury of mine. For many years now, the slightest humidity in the air will cause the injury to flare up, leaving me in excruciating pain, which makes living full of suffering. Plus, as I have grown older, the injury only worsens,” Quinn said with a sigh.

Xia Fei chuckled. “Lord Qui, there’s no need to be so polite. It is Ah Fei’s honor to have the fortune of meeting you. Where is this injury of yours?”

After some thought, Quinn pressed a button on his armor. *Pop!* The hard alloy shell opened, revealing his furry chest.

The Lionheart Royalty possessed golden fur, but Quinn’s body was split down the middle, his left side completely bald! It had a dark and gloomy color. Meanwhile, his right side possessed fur that was the same color as an ordinary member of the Lionheart Race.

“Law of Darkness! This is a scar left behind by the Law of Darkness penetrating through the body!” Xia Fei blurted out in shock.

Quinn furrowed his brows and casually closed his armor back up. This Enigmatic Autumn Sun Armor was a product of Demon Race Master Artificer, Campos. It had powerful functions, and Quinn would not so easily take off one of his most valuable resources.

“Aren’t you a human? As a resident of the God Race, how do you know of the Law of Darkness?”

Xia Fei softly chortled, putting on an aloof and profound appearance. “Recently, the conflict between the two supreme races has been stirring up again, and there are often private brawls between them. To tell the truth, this isn’t the first time I’ve seen wounds inflicted by the Laws of Light or Darkness. There have been many warriors in our race who have sustained deep-seated injuries after private fights with the Demon Race.”

Quinn considered Xia Fei’s words and felt that there was no problem with them. The battle between the two races had never stopped, and where there was battle, there were casualties. Xia Fei belonged to one of the God Race’s subordinate clans, so it was very normal for him to have seen the Law Powers of the Demon Race.

“Since Master Ah Fei has seen the wounds left behind by penetration of the Law of Darkness before, do you know of a way to heal such a stubborn wound?” Quinn somewhat anxiously asked. This pain had tormented him for many years, and he spent every moment thinking about having it healed.

“It’s very difficult,” Xia Fei helplessly shook his head. “From what I can see, someone who could inflict such a large-scale wound must be a peak expert, and after so many years, it has penetrated into your body. Let alone me, no apothecary in the Law Realm will be able to clean out the dark energy in your body completely.”

Quinn sighed in disappointment, but he did not doubt Xia Fei’s judgment. Quinn knew very well how powerful the Law of Darkness was. If Xia Fei had declared with absolute confidence that he could cure this old wound, Quinn would not have believed him at all.

Xia Fei stroked his chin and said, “Still, I have ways of alleviating the wound. If you’re lucky, the frequency of flare-ups can be reduced by more than fifty percent.”

Quinn was stunned. Greatly reducing the pain and more than halving the frequency of the flare-ups was terrific news to him!

Quinn had never planned to have Xia Fei completely cure him, for he knew just how powerful the Law of Darkness was. Xia Fei’s proposed solution was already far beyond Quinn’s expectations!

“Master Ah Fei, are you telling the truth?” Quinn hastily asked.

Xia Fei’s eyes turned cold as he sternly said, “I’m of course confident, but it will require a long treatment process, painstakingly scraping off the power of darkness in your body. In this period, you must live exactly as I order you to. You must refrain from any sort of spicy food, not even the smallest bit.”

“That’s no problem at all!” Quinn was so excited that he almost jumped to his feet. The thought of his pain finally being alleviated had him overjoyed.

Xia Fei truly could reduce the pain brought by the Law of Darkness, but he would never use those methods on Quinn. After all, his goal was not to cure Quinn but rather to exploit his illness and to take his life!

“Before carrying out the treatment, I must examine your body to see how far the illness has progressed and confirm the amount of medicine that should be used,” Xia Fei said.

“As you please, Master Ah Fei.” Quinn nodded. He rolled up his sleeve, revealing his pitch-black left arm.

Xia Fei stood up and said, “Your left arm is no good. The injuries are already too severe, and the meridians are damaged. I need to go through your right arm.”

Quinn hastily rolled up his right arm’s sleeve, saying with a smile, “Master is right. The left arm is truly in such a bad state that I don’t feel anything from it at all.”

Xia Fei casually walked over to Quinn’s side, a subtle flash of killing intent in his eyes.

As long as his fingers could touch Quinn’s arm and release mental energy, his powerful mental energy would immediately tear Quinn’s seventh brain region to shreds! Not even a god would be able to save him!

Oro was so nervous that he could not speak. Although he did not want Quinn to die so easily, for Xia Fei, killing Quinn on the pretext of treating his illness was an excellent choice. After all, if they actually got into a fight, Xia Fei’s chances of winning would be greatly reduced.

Bringing two fingers together, Xia Fei gathered mental energy on his fingers and slowly reached out.

The hall became stiflingly oppressive. Every person had their own plan. Xia Fei wanted to use this chance to take Quinn’s life, while Juen and Joey were waiting to be richly rewarded once Xia Fei healed Quinn.


Just as Xia Fei was about to complete his mission, his fingers less than half a meter from Quinn, a contented shout came from Xia Fei’s body. It was not very loud, but it contained a frightening strength, like a giant dragon stirring from its dreams!


Quinn nimbly jumped out of his chair, covering over a dozen meters with one leap.

At the same time, Furball lazily crawled out from Xia Fei’s bosom, completely unaware that his mouth had ruined Xia Fei’s plan.

Xia Fei inwardly cursed. If Furball had only woken up a few seconds later, Quinn would have been dead, but at this point, the moment had passed. It seemed that he would have to rely on force.

“Holy Beast Shatterstar!” With his sharp eyes, Quinn instantly recognized Furball for what the creature was. His face turned icy-cold as he grimly asked, “Who are you?! An apothecary can’t possibly have tamed a Holy Beast, not unless he’s both an apothecary and a high-ranking warrior!”

Furball was smart, so he quickly realized that he had once more caused trouble. He helplessly spat out his little pink tongue and began to focus, preparing to help Xia Fei take care of Quinn so that he could correct his mistake and so that his master would not rebuke him very severely.

“It’s true that I’m an apothecary, but I didn’t come here to treat your illness but rather to take your life!” Xia Fei loudly declared, casting aside all pretenses.


Seth struck first, taking the heads of Juen and Joey before they could react!

Seth was truly quite the coward, but there was no going back. Xia Fei was determined to fight, and no matter how afraid Seth was, he had to make do. In desperate times, one would often unleash one’s potential. Perhaps because he was confident that Xia Fei would not lose, Seth suddenly erupted with strength and killed Juen and Joey. With a grim face, he covered Xia Fei’s rear.

“I have no quarrel with you. Why do you want my life?” Quinn asked in a hoarse tone, his eyes erupting with killing intent!

The Phoenix Tail Stone stirred up its energy and began to fly circles around Quinn. It was a lethal weapon and Quinn’s strongest defense. In order to take Quinn’s life, Xia Fei would first have to get through the Phoenix Tail Stone!

“Don’t waste any more time talking with him! Hurry and kill him! Take the Bloodswallow Gem! I guarantee that you’ll immediately become a top Law Emperor of your generation!” Oro excitedly bellowed.