Super Gene Optimization Fluid-Chapter 711: On the Precipice of Life and Death

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Several minutes ago, if a spectator had been standing in the void of space beyond the planet, they would have been able to witness clearly the moment when all four entities unleashed their most powerful attacks at the same time!

First, there was a dazzling flash of light, which cut across the galaxy, akin to a giant cosmic knife carving out a quarter of the planet's surface! The sharpness of this knife did not dissipate after, instead continuing to penetrate the vast expanse of space. It only stopped after it had slashed three other planets, which were in its path!

What were once round celestial bodies had turned into sliced planets that resembled apples someone had taken a sizable bite out of. A large chunk was missing from each!

An attack that destroyed planets! The only entity that could achieve such a great impact was none other than the Holy Beast Shatterstar!

This was Furball's all-out power!

Without a doubt, if Furball's angle of attack had been a little more accurate, the attack would have devastated the entire galaxy!

Furball's full power attack was like an enormous flash of light, which rapidly shot toward the distant galaxy, disappearing without a trace just as quickly as it appeared. With this planet they were on severed, scorched earth across its surface was all that was left in the attack's wake!

What followed after was a gigantic mushroom cloud! Just like what would be seen in a major nuclear explosion!

This mushroom cloud, which was split into black and white, was glaring.

This was the result of two powerful law forces clashing with each other!


The white portion was Ulcen Ward's Law of Spatial Compaction, while the black portion was the disruptive force from Xia Fei's Law of Primal Chaos!

The white washed over the entire planet, while the black stubbornly resisted! Right in the middle was a wail imperceptible to human hearing. That was the Immemorial Mystical Armament Peacock Blue desperately trying to grow. It relied on its tenacious will to keep living so that it could protect Xia Fei from the interference of the Spatial Compaction.

A weed and a ball, both had given it their all, even at the cost of their own lives!

Seeing as this unfair contest intensified, suddenly, a fifth power joined into the fray and attempted to separate Xia Fei from Ulcen Ward!

It was akin to an overly ample balloon; when a needle suddenly poked it, this created a chain reaction that popped the balloon!

The four were sent flying by this powerful force. Xia Fei was thrown into the air. Peacock Blue had been utterly ruined, and all that remained of it was its rhizome, which was still stubbornly clinging onto Xia Fei's arm. Meanwhile, Furball was tightly secured in Xia Fei's palm as he fell from some ten thousand meters' height!

The Law Overlord Ulcen Ward was encapsulated in a mass of black, disappearing to someplace unknown there and then!

It was hard to imagine that, in this match that had a difference of eleven levels between both parties, this gruesome fight ultimately ended in a stalemate!

It was a tragic resolution!

The Holy Beast Shatterstar, severely injured!

Immemorial Mystical Armament Peacock Blue, severely injured!

Law Emperor Xia Fei, severely injured!

Law Overlord Ulcen Ward, severely injured!


Actually, the ten Great Law Emperors of the Law Enforcement Board only bore witness to the final moment in that cataclysmic battle. Despite this, it was enough to leave each and every one of them shocked. Had they actually witnessed the entire fight, it would have most likely become a dark and unforgettable memory to them!

Mingxin looked at the dimming afterglow of the explosion and solemnly stated, "Don't act rashly. There are two Law Overlords over there!"

Everyone was stunned. Their eyes all left the bloodied Xia Fei and stared ahead.

Several seconds later, after the light dissipated, they saw two elders standing side by side, protecting themselves from the explosion with a powerful Law of Space isolation.

One was kneeling on the ground, with two hands raised, holding up the two-meter-wide spatial isolation bubble, while the other had collapsed in his bosom, his right arm severed right in the joints with blood spurting out from it!

The ten Great Law Emperors from the Law Enforcement Board were all stunned. They looked at the two and then back at Xia Fei on the ground. They were speechless!

Xia Fei was biting onto a bloody red dagger, his face covered in a thick layer of fresh blood.

The situation was as clear as day. The one who had managed to chop off the right arm of that Law Overlord was none other than Xia Fei!

The difference in levels between the two were like heaven and earth. Forget Xia Fei; even these distinguished elites born of powerful clans, who were proficient in law powers, were not confident that they could achieve that themselves!

Even ignoring the explosion, which had torn asunder the land, Xia Fei also managed to remove an arm off a Law Overlord? This was an unbelievable feat in itself! It must have been an absolutely brutal fight!


Sheer shock! There was nothing else to add!

Mingxin furtively nodded, and the nine Great Law Emperors tacitly understood the motion. Wordlessly, they surrounded the two Law Overlords. The fact that those two had disregarded everything and attempted to kill Xia Fei was proof that they were the real culprits behind the tragedy of the Yu family.

The Feng family of Dragon Ascension and the Withered Mu Clan were urging the Law Enforcement Board to crack the case and apprehend the culprit, so even though they felt fear in their hearts, they still had to try and remand these two significant characters.

The two wore masks, making it impossible to make out their true visage, but everyone knew that there were only a handful of Law Overlords in this circle, so the moment that their identity was revealed, the entire White Horse Constellation would be due for bloodshed!

The situation was turning very awkward. Though the nine Great Law Emperors of the Law Enforcement Board had the two Law Overlords surrounded, they had no idea how they should handle the situation. After all, they held high positions that even the Law Enforcement Board could not afford to offend. Everyone exchanged glances, uncertain just what they should do. Eventually, they turned their gazes on their president, Mingxin.

Mingxin was conflicted deep down. Normally, no one cared about him, yet now that they were facing a big conundrum like this, they instead wanted to have their president step out and act. They had reaped all the benefits, so now Mingxin had to be the scapegoat for this? What sort of logic was this?

"Brother, are you okay?" White Ward asked in a grave voice.

At the final moment, it was of course the patriarch of the Moonward Clan White Ward that had rushed into the battlefield and rescued Ulcen Ward. In order to kill Xia Fei, the Moonward Clan had sent their two Law Overlords!

When Xia Fei's Blood Crystal was thrusting toward Ulcen Ward's heart, if not for White Ward's sudden appearance, the one lying on the ground would not have been just Xia Fei alone; the two Law Overlords would have been as well!

Xia Fei had staked his life on that final strike of his, all in order to inflict the greatest damage and generate the greatest loss on both sides!

Ulcen Ward gritted his teeth fitfully, his eyes glaring right at the unconscious Xia Fei in the distance. The meaning in them was clear: "Forget about me. Kill Xia Fei first!"

That moment before, Ulcen Ward's heart turned hollow as he felt his body being emptied out. That dagger Xia Fei had wedged between his jaws was practically a vampire! Even a Law Overlord like him could have been drained clean by it!

White Ward was slightly taken aback, his right hand balling up into a fist.

The Skywing Xia Zonghai was in the middle of examining Xia Fei's wounds. This was an opportunity! While Xia Zonghai had yet to figure out Xia Fei's true identity, he could eliminate the young man right now, saving themselves from a future disaster!

Proudly lifting his head, White Ward addressed the Nine Great Law Emperors present, "Kill Xia Fei and we can all leave this place, never saying a word about whatever happens here. It's not that this old man is unwilling to show you all my face, but I'm afraid that none of you will know how to act after seeing it! You all have three seconds to decide if you wish to make enemies out of me!"

Anyone invested in this matter could already guess White Ward and Ulcen Ward's true identity. Sail Ward, the representative from the Moonward Clan on the Law Enforcement Board, could feel his heart in his throat right now!

Even though the Nine Great Law Emperors from the Law Enforcement Board were nothing compared to his grand ancestors, behind them nevertheless stood the Nine Great Clans of White Horse Constellation! The moment they decided to investigate this matter until the truth came out, it would likely cause the other eight Great Clans to be at odds with the Moonward Clan!

This was when they heard a series of coughing sounds coming from the side. Xia Fei's eyes then fluttered open as he spat out blood. His face was paler than ever.

"Still alive?" The corners of Xia Fei's bloody mouth curled as he grimaced unwillingly.

"Well done, young lad! Having lopped off a Law Overlord's arm like that," Xia Zonghai burst into laughter, saying, "this old man admires you. Don't say a word; let me look at your wounds first."

The lot present became annoyed. The two Law Overlords were still alive, yet Xia Zonghai dared to crack a joke at their expense while in their presence. It could not be helped; every member of the Skywings was known for their eccentric nature, their personality stranger than the next. While the representatives of the Nine Great Clans felt dismay over this, Xia Zonghai acted as if none of this was his business, chatting and laughing as he pleased.

One representative of the Nine Fan Clan, Nine Smiles, was the first to turn his head around, implying that he did not wish to be an enemy to the two Law Overlords. He was willing to turn a blind eye to this and let them kill whoever they wanted.

The Nine Fan Clan had always maintained a good relationship with the Moonward Clan, and Nine Smiles was no less shocked than Sail Ward, for he had already identified the true identity of these two Law Overlords! Never had he imagined that the ones responsible for the series of events in the Yu family were the Moonwards!

Next was the representative from the Snowdrift Clan, Diao Qi. He turned around, meaning that he was unwilling to be involved in this mess.

Diao Qi was not actually someone from the Snowdrift Clan, but the Diaos were an affiliated family to the aforementioned clan. Because the clan members comprised only women, they very rarely showed their faces, hardly having any regard for the realm at large. However, since the Law Enforcement Board needed one of them as a representative, the Diao family had been directed by the Snowdrift Clan to act in their stead, joining the Law Enforcement Board to become a vice-president.

Dia Qi hardly had any standing as a vice-president, forever a follower and never proposing any opinion of his own. Though it was stated that the Nine Great Clans took turns occupying the seat as president, it had never once been the Diao family's turn. Every time they were up, they would immediately decline, and everyone did not care to trouble this family. It was because everyone knew that the Diao family was just a figurehead, and they did not have the qualifications to become the president.

Therefore, now that he was faced with this conflict among the major clans, Diao Qi played it safe and kept to his creed. Not participating was a very normal choice for him.

Actually, it was not hard making this choice. On one side was the esteemed Moonward Clan, while on the other was just Xia Fei, a mere nobody in the Law Realm. Only a fool would stand at Xia Fei's side.

Fairness and justice? In the Law Realm, only material gains mattered!

Very quickly, the Nine Great Law Emperors from the Law Enforcement Board backed off, indicating that they had no wish to become enemies with the Moonward Clan. They were more than happy to let them kill Xia Fei and would all pretend to have not seen this happen.

Even Mu Qianling and Wolf Jiulin did not voice their objections. Patriarch Mu Qiyun's instructions and Wolf Shunye's pleas were just that, hardly having any effect in their final decision. Mu Qianling believed that, even if his grand ancestor was present, he too would not make an enemy out of the Moonward Clan.

Sacrificing the small Xia Fei in exchange for peace between the Nine Great Clans, no matter how anyone saw it, this was a very worthwhile exchange.

"I'm afraid that you're really doomed this time," the old demon lord's expression was filled with sorrow. Seeing that Xia Fei no longer had any strength to even get up, Oro, who could see and hear what was happening, told everything to the young man.

This was a transaction of naked interest; the Nine Great Clans had decided to sacrifice Xia Fei in exchange for peace in White Horse Constellation.

Sometimes, this was how the cookie crumbled. Xia Fei, Furball, and Peacock Blue had agonizingly lasted for five minutes, bearing the insurmountable pressure of fending off a Law Overlord, and after the various tribulation they faced, they had finally managed to last until the Great Law Emperors from the Law Enforcement Board arrived to enact justice on his behalf.

Unfortunately, what they had waited for was still a catastrophe!

Now, it was not just the Moonward Clan that wanted Xia Fei dead; even the other Nine great clans had decided that Xia Fei should not live! This was no more than the misfortune of the insignificant.

Peacock Blue squirmed effortfully. Immemorial Mystical Armaments had a soul, and it could sense danger. It kept trying to regrow in an effort to protect its master, but the injuries it had sustained were too severe. What was once a five-hundred-meter-tall, three-blade grass was now just a short root, which was weaker than a bean sprout.

This grueling and impossible merciless battle had left Peacock Blue in its throes of death. It kept trying to grow, slowly forming three emerald green shoots about the size of a palm.

It was evident that this little weed was unable to protect Xia Fei in its current state. In fact, it could hardly even protect itself…

This was when Furball, who was nestled in Xia Fei's palm this entire time, suddenly let out a soft whimper. It was so soft, like that of an extremely ill child. He was still resisting even in his unconscious state, his two small eyes closed.

He kept wanting to crawl up to Xia Fei's side, taking up on his usual spot to extend his small tongue and lick Xia Fei's neck, ingratiating himself to his master.


Unfortunately, Furball was too weak, and no matter how much he crawled, he was still unable to leave Xia Fei's palm.

If Xia Fei could see Furball right now, he would notice that he was vomiting blood repeatedly!

However, unlike humans, his blood was golden.

It was a very tragic sight.

Exotic Beasts would protect their masters to the death!