Super Soldier King-Chapter 30: Simple and Honest Expert

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After Li Zhao Xing finished speaking, he actually picked up a beer and approached them. Wan Chun Hua’s face turned cold and he huffed as he stood up. Fu Jun Sheng helplessly shook his head. Since these xiaozi acted so recklessly, he didn’t need to say anything anymore. However, what surprised the three was that Wan Chun Hua had yet to make a move. The group of boys ate with bowed heads. Zhao Tie Zhu clapped Li Zhao Xing’s shoulder and stood up and placed himself face to face with Li Zhao Xing and said with a foolish smile: “Xiaozi, let me join you in playing.”

“Tie Zhu, are you really going to do this?” Wan Chun Hua said with some alarm. He wasn’t looking down on Zhao Tie Zhu, but rather it was because today was Ye Qian’s first day of work and so Ye Qian didn’t know Zhao Tie Zhu well yet. But Wan Chun Hua knew him very well. He had been working together with Zhao Tie Zhu for almost two years now. While he couldn’t say that he deeply understood him, he had a pretty clear understanding of Zhao Tie Zhu’s character. If you ignored the fact that Zhao Tie Zhu was a tall and rough Beijing man, he was actually a very easy-going and naive person. In the years he has worked in Tian Ya Conglomerate, no matter who bullied him he only foolishly smiled back. Forget about actually coming to blows with anybody.

Zhao Tie Zhu turned his head and laughed: “Just give it a try, what harm could there be.”

“Kao!” Wan Chun Hua helplessly waves his hand and had nothing more to say. Is he really going to try to scuffle over this matter? At worst it could cost somebody’s life, and at the very least wouldn’t it cost someone injury? Wan Chun Hua couldn’t understand Zhao Tie Zhu. This xiaozi … he must be a real fucking idiot.

Fu Jun Sheng’s expression remained unchanged. He was clearly very confident in Zhao Tie Zhu. Ye Qian merely smiled indifferently. While he didn’t know Zhao Tie Zhu very well, from the manner in which Zhao Tie Zhu made his approach, he coudl easily tell that Zhao Tie Zhu was a master.

Li Zhao Xing could not accept that the group was not paying him any mind and that they seemed to just be chatting about. He glared at Zhao Tie Zhu and said: “Kao, tough guy. Laozi will cut you to death.” After saying this, he swung his beer bottle in his hand towards Zhao Tie Zhu’s forehead.

Zhao Tie Zhu slightly turned his head to the side, he used the move Double Dragon Crashing Into The Sea on Li Zhao Xing’s chest. After a “kaka” sound, he was suddenly hurled into the air and thrown onto the floor. He must have also had broken some of his ribs. A swift punching fist like a great storm gale, boxing momentum like that of a landslide, it was clearly pure Baijiquan.

TL: Baijiquan = “Open Gate Eight Extremes Fist”.

Only Ye Qian and Fu Ju Sheng knew from the start that he was skilled in Kung Fu, everybody else was shocked, especially Wan Chun Hua. He did not expect this Zhao Tie Zhu who was always bullied and never fought back to reveal himself was a hidden master. None of the remaining three xiaozi helped Li Zhao Xing up when they witnessed what happened. Their whole bodies trembled in fear. Just as Huang Jin said, they could only bully naive and guileless people. They could not really go head to head with experts the likes of Zhao Tie Zhu - they did not have the guts! They were lucky that the one that stepped out was Zhao Tei Zhu and not Ye Qian. Even though Zhao Tie Zhu was a martial arts expert, he wasn’t comparable to Ye Qian who had been through the valley of death. If Ye Qian had stepped forward, even if he didn’t take away their puny lives, he would have left them with less that half of it.

Zhao Tie Zhu chuckled and exclaimed: “What were you planning on doing? One punch seemed to be enough to defeat you. I thought you were stronger - you even seemed to want to chop me down. Best that you go home and study.” He smiled foolishly as he said those words, making people feel it was a strange remark. But the people who really understood Zhoa Tie Zhu would understand that he really wished for these kids to study well. If one were to study well, they would have good future prospects. If at this young age, they didn’t study, what could they possibly hope to achieve? They should at least gain a bit of knowledge as well as good principles!

Du Kai’s lips quivered, but in the end he blurted out with bravery: “Kao, do you know who my da ge is? Do you guys wish to make a living in this town? You can fight, but what use is that. You can fight one person, but can you fight hundreds? Kao! Laozi has many brothers, if you have skill then why don’t you fight all of us.”

They still hadn’t learned their lesson it seemed. At first, Fu Jun Sheng sympathized with them, but their attitudes made his brows start to knit. Wan Chun Hua could no longer bear it as he stood up to curse at them: “Cao, laozi doesn’t care who your da ge is! If you don’t take a hike, laozi will kill you!? See if i don’t!”

Zhao Tie Zhu laughed and replied: “You should all hurry home and study well in the future, understand? This bastard is much fiercer than I am, if you don’t leave and he gets angry, I won’t be able to stop him.” Zhao Tie Zhu was looking at Wan Chun Hua as he said this, making it apparent that the “bastard” he was referring to was him. In the past, Wan Chun Hua would have made a sarcastic remark, but after seeing Zhao Tie Zhu’s skills he suddenly recalled his own. The difference was like that of heaven and earth. Compared to Zhao Tie Zhu, he was just a weaning child. If they were to actually fight - if Zhao Tie Zhu were to release the pent up resentment that had accumulated over all this time, even if Wan Chun Hua had ten lives they'd all be use up.

Du Kai had only spoken up to save some face. He knew that it would be foolish not to make an escape considering the circumstances. Compared to this expert, they were only a bunch of children. “I will remember you bunch of security guards of Tian Ya Conglomerate. Just wait and see.” After Du Kai said these words, he commanded Huang Jin and Zhou Yuan to carry Li Zhao Xing away, and they quickly left.

Zhao Tie Zhu returned to his seat with a smile across his face. He greeted his three friend with laughter. Then he lowered his head and continued to mind his own business: stuffing his face with food as if he were some refugee from Africa with speed like a brutal gale pushing itself through the clouds.

“Tie Zhu, you kept it secret from us for so long, but it turns out you’re actually a martial arts expert.” Wan Chu Hua said.

“Haha, only you didn’t know. Fu Jun Sheng and Ye Qian da ge already knew from the start!” Zhao Tie Zhu said while chuckling. He looked at Fu Jun Sheng and Ye Qian as he said this. Evidently, he could also sense that Fu Jun Sheng and Ye Qian possessed some skill.

Wan Chun Hua stared confusedly at Fu Jung Sheng, then shifted his eyes towards Ye Qian. He couldn’t understand how they knew. It made sense for Fu Jun Sheng to know since he and Zhao Tie Zhu had been working together for a while now, but today was just Ye Qian’s first day. How could he possibly know? Ye Qian and Fu Jun Sheng smiled faintly and did not say anything.” Tie Zhu, tell me the truth. Where did you learn your Kung Fu?” Wan Chun Hua said, feeling quite left out.

Translated by: korezmi

Edited by: Fatty_Uncle