Supreme Harem God System-Chapter 737 Earth Element Is Strong.

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The 7 Star Wolf Beast howled in rage.

None of its attacks were getting through.

'It's getting angry.'

Edda muttered with a little smile on her face.

Both her arms were extended forward, she was the one that kept the Magic Circle that was protecting them running.

Yes, for once, Edda was actually being useful to her sisters.

Surprising, isn't it?

No, she is always useful. She was just not appreciated enough.

'Heh, of course, it will. Don't you see all these dead bodies around?'

Evane replied with a small smile on her face.

Her expression then changed as she glanced at the woman standing behind Edda and couldn't help but sigh.

'A Genius and a monstrous freak.

Amaya, you are a cheat.'

'The Mist is certainly stronger than before.

It can even affect 6 Star Beasts now.

It probably has something to do with the Dense Mana.'

Amaya replied.

'Actually, I can feel that it is affecting this wolf as well, however, the effect is just too slow to actually be considered.'

'Well, it is like a slow poison, its movements are definitely slowing down.'

Evane judged.

'They are, but you guys have to do something faster,

I don't think I can continue this for a long time now,

I am running out of Man-'

Before Edda could even complete her sentence, Amaya just stepped forward and fed her the Mana Potion.

'Don't worry about that.

Aisha gave me plenty of these,

You just continue to create these Earth Boulders and defend us from this dog.'

Edda glanced at Amaya with a deadpan look on her face.

Alright, she gets it,

She now had Mana due to the Potion, but keeping a spell running for so long still takes a lot of mental energy, you know? She was getting tired.

Edda then glanced at Evane with a pitiful look on her face.

'Help me.'

She requested.

'Oh c'mon, this is unfair.'

Evane complained.

Amaya was just using the Mist, and Edda was the one defending. So the responsibility to fight the beast head-on was on her shoulders.

She wasn't exactly a fighter, you know?

Of course, she was ready to do anything for Nux, however, at the very least, she could at least have someone guide her through this, right?

'You learn as you experience more.'

As if knowing what she was thinking, Amaya chuckled.

'You have to know, none of the people from this Kingdom has fought 7 Star Beasts before. You are the first one. Devising Strategies, using different Spells, finding weak points, we have to do all of this on our own.

Also, you still have me, don't you?

Think about your Sister Skyla.'

Amaya spoke.

A wry smile appeared on Evane's face as she recalled how that sweet little Sister of hers was stuck with Felberta and Lane,

Both of them had an affinity with Earth Element.

What did that mean?

Skyla, who had an affinity with Wind Element was the only one who could attack their team.

So all the responsibility for the offense was on her little shoulders.

'I would rather you focus on yourselves, girls.'

Felberta spoke with a haughty look on her face.

'Who said Earth Element was useless? I would argue that it is the strongest Element there is.'

'I agree! I wish I had an affinity with Earth Element as well!'

Skyla replied with her usual cheerful voice as well.

'Oh? You two sound pretty chill, what? What's your situation?'

Amaya questioned with a curious look on her face.

At the same time, she was also keeping an eye out for Evane, who was fighting against the beast alone.

With her Mist spread all over, she had made sure that the Beast couldn't activate its innate ability, she also made sure that Evane has enough Mana around her to continue her battle without any problems, she sometimes even blocked the beast's vision using her Mist, giving Evane opportunity to step away and regain her composure.

All of this required calculations and planning, and of course, Amaya didn't lack those skills.

Although she was it looked like she was just chilling, hiding behind Edda, in truth, she was the one who actually held the battle together with her Mist.

With her Mist, Amaya was actually attacking, defending, and controlling the battlefield, all on her own.

If it was Nux, he would have messed up within the first 5 seconds,

Of course, it is an entirely different point that if it actually was him, this fight wouldn't even last for this long.

'Hmm? We are surrounded by two 7 Star Beasts, and a few 6 Star Beasts.'

Felberta answered Amaya's question.


Evane's expression changed.

'Have you called Nux?'

Amaya questioned with a serious look on her face.

'Huh? Why would I do that? We are doing perfectly fine. We don't need him right now.

It's just two 7 Star Beasts after all. The 6 Stars Beasts are just small fries anyways.'

Felberta replied.


The others turned silent.

'Oh c'mon, sisters! Don't act so shocked!

This is nothing! Especially when we have unparalleled defense and insane control over the battlefield.

At this point, we are just waiting for the right opportunity.'

'What do you mean?'

Amaya frowned.

'Earth Spells are ridiculously strong.'

Suddenly, Felberta spoke with a serious look on her face.

Then, she started explaining.

'Earth Spells are good for defense, yes. However, that is not the only thing you can use them for.

Just think about it, the Beast pounces at you by raising two of its legs in the air, what would happen when at that moment, the ground under the Beast's other two legs moved?'

'It would lose its balance.'

Edda replied.

'Correct. And what would happen if you shoot a Wind Blade at it right at that moment?'

'A sure shot hit.'

Amaya realized.


Felberta smiled.

'It may not be possible with only a single cultivator, but with two, one focused on defense, and one solely on harassment,

Everything becomes too easy.

And if you have someone who is fast, and can constantly attack the Beasts together with you,

It is only a matter of time before either the beasts run away, or they die.

It is an insanely simple strategy, however, its effectiveness is on a completely different level.'

Felberta explained.

'Fel, that is not a bad way to battle at all! If you master this, defeating you would be insanely difficult.'

Amaya spoke with an impressed look on her face.

'Well, I was not the one who came up with it.

It was Lane.'