Supreme Tamer-Chapter 284: New Year’s Eve, Charming Pet’s 100th birthday, Fish Talk.

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Chapter 284: New Year抯 Eve, Charming Pet抯 100th birthday, Fish Talk.

Translator: 549690339

Exactly one hundred days, a splendid duration. I also wish to thank those readers who remained loyal to Charming Pet even on New Year抯 Eve.

The New Year has arrived, with resounding gongs and drums, and the continuous roar of firecrackers. There is joy everywhere such lively celebration! Haha, let me try a hand at a couplet to join in the fun: (reciting) In public affairs, family matters, personal issues, may everything be to your heart抯 content. XO XO XO OOXX, horizontal scroll: None of your X business.

Haha, just a little joke there. Let me tell everyone about a lucky moment I had in mind as I accidentally smashed a glass last night:

In the New Year, pick up a glass and smash it hard on the ground. Let抯 discard (cast off) our tragedies to achieve 憇ui sui ping an (peace and safety in every year).

Haha, it抯 time to pay a New Year visit! To you, who is reading this, may you have wealth and prosperity, may you find your good match, may you have a child soon, and live a hundred years.

In short, everyone must ensure good food, good sleep, and always maintain a good mood!

Let抯 do a little summary and continue to make excuses about recent situations.

January is a month worth reviewing. The stored credits from consistent and quantity updates may have been somewhat exhausted.

As for the reason, there are many, and you might think I抦 just rationalizing. But, if you could imagine someone about to face societal pressure, huddled at home every day, wracking his brain in front of the computer, you抎 understand why the updates often come late at night or even in the early morning, and why a writer can have so many excuses.

Indeed, many writers, like those who can抰 even get a sick note from the doctor without sincerely explaining to the readers, do live a life filled with lots of obstacles and burdens.

In the new year, Little Fish also has to consider many things.

Honestly, being a writer does bring income to Little Fish, but the income is not as high as you might think. If graded, among Great Gods, Demigods, first, second, and third tiers, Little Fish is considered second-tier at Qidian. There are quite large differences in income at each level. Mainly, it抯 my love for novels that keeps me writing.

Here, I have to mention the issue of subscriptions. Back in my school days, the concept of money wasn抰 really strong. Whether I was reading an official or a pirated copy was not really important. I even thought some excuses were somewhat justifiable

However, now online transactions should be pretty convenient, and it抯 becoming more popular. Recharging should not be too troublesome, and with the New Year, everyone抯 pockets should be filling up. If both the path and conditions are met, please try to read the official copies as much as possible. If you are really short on spare change but still love to read, then I hope you can help promote Charming Pet. Little Fish will be very grateful.

(Even though it抯 the New Year and I抦 asking everyone to spend money on official subscriptions, I feel a bit guilty even though it抯 the fruit of my labor)

Rest assured, everyone, Charming Pet will be finished at the normal update speed. I抣l set work-related issues aside for now and continue to hibernate for some time. After finishing this work, I will definitely keep writing. To those who like Little Fish抯 novels, please rest assured. No matter how busy, Little Fish will still keep writing. In short, may every year be filled with Fish, every year with Fish!

As they say, rise and fall due to Monthly Tickets. Since I抳e wished everyone a Happy New Year, didn抰 hold back on the Monthly Ticket bundles, and let Charming Pet once again rush to the top of the rankings.

I抳e unknowingly said a lot. Anyway, a very Happy New Year to everyone, Little Fish will continue to work hard. (To be continued. If you like this work, welcome to Qidian ) to cast your recommendation votes and monthly tickets. Your support is my biggest motivation..)

This content is taken from (f)reewe(b)novel.𝗰𝗼𝐦