Taken By The Mafia Lord-Chapter 832 - 832 Call For BackUp

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832 Call For BackUp

“On a scale of one to ten, how mad do you think Marcel would be at me?” Winters asked Chloe. Perhaps, it might be because the both of them were young, but they seem to get along and were close like sisters since they met.

“Well, if you’re talking about my brother….” Chloe thought over it, tapping her chin in an innocent gesture while Winters looked at her with great anticipation.

Winters was scared of Marcel, not after the way she ran off with Akim without dropping as much as a call to him. The both of them did not have the time to talk last night because he sent her away with his men after saving her ass. But the conversation was inevitable today, the both of them were going to talk and Winters wasn’t sure she was ready to face him.

If only Arianna was around, then she would take shield behind her. Sadly, Winters was on her own. Hence, one could imagine the way her face fell when Chloe, whom she put so much faith in said, “I don’t know.”

“What?!” She was wide-eyed, “What do you mean by you don’t know? I mean, you said it yourself, you know your brother the most. Just give me something, Chloe, my heart has been pounding non-stop since I woke.” She was close to grabbing her feet and begging her even though she was much older.

This was a critical situation. Someone should help her! Winters cried inwardly.

“That’s exactly what I mean, my brother is unpredictable, so I can’t tell what to expect. However, the only thing I can tell you is if he yells and scolds you, then accept that in good faith. It’s kind of a blessing compared to when he gives you the silent treatment. Marcel is really petty and could bear a grudge for days, months even. And trust me when I say he’d surely get even with you in the end. Payback is his thing.”

She was finished, Winters buried her face in her palm with a loud groan. What was she going to do? Was Marcel giving her the silent treatment? Was that why he wasn’t downstairs yet? It was almost afternoon and way past his waking time already.

Should she go upstairs and start begging for his forgiveness already? No, that was a bad idea because Marcel hated anyone interrupting his sleep, especially not her. She was unfortunately not in his good grace at the moment. Ugh! There were a lot of activities going on in Winter’s head.


Suddenly, there was a commotion outside and both of their attention was drawn in that direction.

“What’s going on? Is there an attack?!” Chloe went white in the face. She hated the sight of blood and gore. She witnessed a hit once in the base as a child and she was nearly traumatized by the incident and wouldn’t want to experience such again.

This was why she preferred Spencer’s residence, it was always peaceful unlike here and she could go anywhere she wanted without anyone trailing her in the shadows for safety’s sake.

Winters slowly stood up, and stretching her neck while looking out, said,

“I don’t think so.” There should be the sound of gunshots if there was an attack and someone should have come to alarm them. Moreover, who in their right mind would attack them in broad daylight? Those attacks were very convenient at night.

“Then what is…..” Chloe trailed off when an unfamiliar man ran into the house, looking around frantically with his disheveled appearance from the scuffle outside and she would have screamed in fright only to hear Winters call his name.


What in the name of an unexpected scenario is going on here? Winters had never thought in her wildest imagination that her royal-ass boyfriend would fight his way into Marcel’s place. It was startling and romantic. Aww, she has never had a guy fight for her like this.

“Winters.” Akim was practically panting by the time he strode over to her and pulled her into his tight embrace. “Thank God, you’re safe,” He breathed, the air tickling her neck.

From over his shoulder, Winters watched the two soldiers on duty who Akim bravely fought to gain access here – and she was so touched by the gesture. So she gestured to them and they reluctantly left them alone, returning to their position outside.

“Akim…” He was almost squeezing her lungs and Winters needed to breathe. As if sensing her discomfort, he pulled away and took a good look at her.

“They didn’t hurt you, did they?” He asked, looking at her closely as if inspecting for hidden wounds.

“Well, Richardo slapped me a lot and threatened to cut off my fingers,” She of course, didn’t say that outloud knowing that was only going to send him into a full-blown panic

“Aside from my bruised ego, I’m fine.” She said to him instead, with a smile and he hugged her once more in relief. Although he was gentler this time in the way he handled her..

When they broke contact, she was about to say, “Also, this is Marcel’s younger sister….” But those words never left her mouth because Akim’s lips were on hers and he kissed her.

“Oh-oh,” Chloe was stunned when the scene played out right in front of her and she turned the other way, going red in the face. In the next few seconds, she stole a peek at them – for educational sake, nothing else.

“Oh…” Winters was surprised to feel his lips on hers but soon she relaxed into the kiss and responded, her lips perfectly molding against his.

It wasn’t until she felt a slight tug on her clothes from an external force that she realized that they have been kidding for a while without air and they broke apart with knowing smiles on their faces.

“I missed you,” Akim said, running his hand through her hair. He was so grateful nothing happened to her.

“I missed you too.” Winters finished saying only to feel another tug on her clothes and she looked at her side to realize that it was no one else but Chloe.


Was Chloe annoyed because she didn’t introduce her boyfriend before they started smooching? Not that, she intended to go straight into that, you know. It just took her by surprise. Akim took her by surprise.

Chloe didn’t say a word, rather she tilted her head in forward and Winters followed her line of sight only for the blood to drain from her face. Oh no.

It was Marcel. And he looked as startled as she was, his feet stuck to the ground, clearly never expecting that this was the scene that would welcome when he finally came downstairs. Dear God, kill her now.

Akim noticed the tension in the room and turned as well to notice Marcel and he swallowed nervously. Truth be told, when he stepped out on this journey, he was determined to stand up to Marcel and prove his feelings for Winters.

But now that he saw Marcel bare-chested with the stack of raw muscles and tattoos running down his arms and over his back and peeking out over his shoulder, Akim was a hundred percent sure that even with his royal defense class, he could never defeat this man. Marcel would beat the crap out of him. He was a child compared to him – although he would try his best to survive. The fate of his kingdom depended on him.

“Sir….” was the word that left Akim’s mouth especially when he saw the deep frown set on his face. With his stance, Marcel looked like a lion who was mad that someone trespassed into his territory. Or perhaps, he woke up on the wrong side of the bed and he – Akim – didn’t want to offend him.

So he said, “I’ll take my leave now….” freℯ𝓌e𝚋𝐧𝘰vℯl.𝐜𝚘𝗺

“Akim?...” Winters looked at him with a longing expression before turning her pleading gaze on Marcel.

“Hell no!” Marcel grunted and turned the same way he came from. He didn’t just painfully drag his body off the bed only to come to deal with teenage love. Could his day get any worse?

At least, it seems his father spared him the confrontation, which was new. However, he was returning to bed. Marcel swore to God he would lose his mind dealing with Winters and Akim right now.

He had a lot to say to Winters, but not when he could hardly breathe without wincing. Everything hurt like a mother fucking bitch and the pain made him grumpy. Extremely grumpy.

“Marcel….” Winters tried to go after him, but Chloe grabbed her arm and shook her head as a warning. This was not the time.

“Then what do you want me to do then?” Winters ran her hands through her hair. Marcel was the only thing she had close to a family and couldn’t lose him all because of a stupid mistake.

“Call for backup?” Chloe suggested.

“Backup?” Winters was confused.

But Chloe made her fingers meet suggestively with a frivolous smirk at the corner of her lips.

“Oh,” Winters was able to connect the dots.

That kind of help?

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