The Achievement Junkie-Chapter 624 News Spreads of Trodar's Victory
Chapter 624 News Spreads of Trodar“s Victory
Estonya erupted into cheers! Sure, the elves were brand new to Trodar and knew little to nothing of its current place in the world, but so far Trodar had only made a good impression on the elves.
Recently, more products than ever before were flooding the marketplaces of the elven cities. This was attributed to the trade pact with Trodar. More and more elf merchants were starting to leave Estonya to become mobile merchants as well, gaining far more wealth than what was possible within Estonya thanks to their unique products against the markets of the outside world. And after witnessing the gods and military of the Leisure Guild fend off dragons and the legendary gods, how could the elves question the capabilities of Trodar's military might? Even without asking for help from Estonya or the other nations under Trodar's banner, the Leisure Guild alone managed to repel the draconic threat.
Hearing that Korten wasn't being overrun by Trodar but under their protection meant a lot after witnessing that battle. The very mention of retaining their freedom added to their boosted quality of life after the trade pact, cementing Trodar's influence in their hearts and plant a seed of loyalty. It wasn't too difficult after seeing Lyrun and the other formerly-named holy gods attempt to eradicate Estonya. Plus, Trodar proved it could also wipe out Korten or oppress the elves, yet they opted for free enterprise and rule to keep Estonya and Korten in peace.
One elf took to the sky and shouted with all his might. The elven chief spoke loudly, proud to have followed his gut and witness his people begin their own change of hearts. "Thank you!"
"It's to be expected!" stated Jack, keeping his fist up. "Under Trodar, you're still the Korten of ancient legend and heritage. Only now you can share that legend and heritage with the world without fear of war or discrimination. Only prosperity awaits you under Trodar's protection, not radical change or war! Now is a time to celebrate! Let all of Kartonia know of the peace that's possible under Trodar!"
After Jack finished his words, he dropped his arm to the side and hopped off of the city wall.
As Jack's silhouette vanished along with the other gods, Gwendon led his people in a chant, "TRODAR! TRODAR! TRODAR!"
"ESTONYA!" Gwendon shouted, regathering the people's attention after the crowd mentality had spread throughout the entire city. "Let's commemorate this day, the day Estonya was both threatened with extinction and returned to the global stage as a rising star of Trodar!"
Shouts and cries of joy filled the capital's streets as elves admired the chance of a new holiday. It didn't take long for the restaurants and dispensaries to distribute their food and drink at an all-time high. The quick action of the stores and restaurants added to the excitement and pulled in the crowds to incite more enthusiasm.
While Estonya was celebrating, the elven merchants in the city updated their counterparts spread throughout Trodar. Those traveling elves were elated to hear the public announcement and understand the true prospect of joining Trodar.
The same traveling merchants were too excited not to share the news with their latest customers and begin the spread of information through Trodar. This started the domino of rumors about the event, as well as excite the people and merchants of Trodar. Not only had the Leisure Guild won a decisive battle, now Korten, the long-time ally of Halmut and his subordinate gods, would be open for Trodan visitors and merchants.
Of course, aside from the people of Trodar getting excited about the matter, the informants of the other nations soon heard about the results. They wasted no time contacting their home countries and fully explained the reappearance of dragons along with Trodar's unexpected victory.
Adding the declaration of freedom under Trodar, a life without overbearing pressure of the gods, the kings and rulers of Kartonia felt all the more tempted to rethink their alliances. Not only had their gods lost, but Trodar was also offering a much fairer style of governance. Their nations were allowed to rule as they always had with minor changes, proven by how the Leisure Guild had paid for their newly made branches without any extortion of the new nations' people.
Those that were on the fence had little to think about. Combining a key show of strength and a much less oppressive form of ruling, the neutral nations immediately began drafting letters to Trodar for conferences and discussions regarding the requirements to join.
The meteoric rise of Trodar had officially become unstoppable. Not even the opposing gods could stop them. It was an irrefutable fact now.
All the while, the gods and military of the Leisure Guild traveled back home via a spatial rift. They came home to a city that had already begun its own celebration, but many of the returning combatants didn't join in the festivities.
The gods and key figures of the guild were among those that didn't celebrate. Instead, they hurried to the strategy room to discuss the announcement that Daruun had made to stop the fight.
Jack sat at the head of the table but was slouching back into the seat without a word, twiddling his fingers around the contact crystal that Eedaj had just returned to him.
"Jack, what do you think about all of this?" asked Moranti, wanting the discussion to get started.
Sighing, the hero replied, "Well… I've never heard of Glacier Keep, so I don't even know where to start. But since someone should know about it… Mom, do you know where that is?"
Lunara nodded. "I do… It's been so long but I can't forget my original home."
Caught off guard, many of the other gods present looked at the Water Goddess in surprise. She continued, "It should be off the west coast of Aazoon's small shoreline. But it will take some time to find the definite location."
"Is it that hard to reach?" Dragas asked.
"Yes. After all, it's more than ten thousand meters below sea level."