The Best Actor Insists On Living With Me!-Chapter 234 - Turbulence (Monthly Ticket Extra 1)

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Chapter 234: Chapter 234 Turbulence (Monthly Ticket Extra 1)

And somehow, she feels even more voluptuous than she did seven years ago, and her waist is even slimmer…

Seven years ago, she had just turned nineteen. At nineteen, one’s body hasn’t fully matured, with many girls even taking until the age of thirty to fully finish growing.

Nineteen-year-old Xia Siyu, although already very attractive inheriting her mother’s looks and good figure, was still a bit baby-faced due to her young age. Naturally, her body management wasn’t as strict as it is now. What she ate and drank each day, how she exercised, were all strictly controlled by professionals. If she overate even a little, she’d have to sweat it out on the treadmill for half an hour.

Xia Siyu herself had the kind of body that would gain weight from drinking water, so she was slightly heavier back then than she is now, but after all, she hadn’t yet fully developed. She was like the tender shoots on the willow trees in March, so fresh that you could seemingly wring out water with a squeeze.

But now, she is at a woman’s prime age, at her most perfect state. Like a blossoming flower, not only is her beauty at its peak, but she also exudes a charm that transitions from green to ripe, involuntarily attracting people’s gazes.

With every breath, the air was filled with her scent, warm, mixed with the fragrance of her shower gel and shampoo, slightly sweet.

Now this aroma lingered in the cramped room, failing to dissipate for a long time.

Perhaps because of the recent closeness and awkwardness, both of them were somewhat unsure of how to carry on with the conversation.

Xia Siyu “umm”ed, which counted as her generous acceptance of his apology.

After all, who said only men can take advantage of women? When Bo Yan was protecting her just now, she also pinched his waist. It’s just that he probably didn’t pay much attention at that moment.

Although Xia Siyu herself also exercised regularly, the beginnings of abdominal definition could be seen, strong yet flexible.

But Bo Yan is a man, his waist slim and firm like a machine made of steel. When she pinched his waist, she couldn’t help but recall that night seven years ago…

The source of this c𝐨ntent is freё

Each lost in their thoughts, it was Bo Yan who finally spoke after a while, “Why don’t you just rest properly. I’ll go sleep on the chair.”

He was afraid if he stayed any longer, he really wouldn’t be able to control himself and would do something against her wishes.

Since there was an available room, there naturally was a chair. The chair looked somewhat like the ones in the economy class outside; one could only sit and rest on it, and to prevent from swaying, one had to buckle up the seat belt, clearly not as comfortable as lying down to sleep.

Xia Siyu didn’t know if it was her conscience kicking in, or because she felt somewhat indebted for his protection earlier, or because she trusted him as a gentleman, thinking he wouldn’t do anything improper to her, but she rarely nodded, “You can just sleep here. As long as you don’t move about, it’s fine.”

After all, it wasn’t the first time they had slept together, and it seemed like every time he never got much of an advantage. Instead, she had gotten her hands on him quite smoothly.

Bo Yan looked up at her, with not much joy in his eyes, more like a hint of difficulty. Seeing his difficulty, Xia Siyu felt even more at ease: “Sleep if you want, I’m going to rest.”

She didn’t pay him any more attention after that and lay down directly, rightfully rolling most of the quilt towards herself.

Bo Yan watched her with a shadowed gaze for a while, then finally lay down too, sleeping a restless sleep.

The two of them didn’t speak again, sleeping peacefully through the night.

Early the next morning, as soon as they disembarked from the plane, the person there to pick them up was Qin Baizhou.