The Big Shot's Movie Star Wife Is Beautiful and Sassy-Chapter 418 - 370: Surround and Block

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Chapter 418: Chapter 370: Surround and Block

Translator: 549690339

After lunch, they continued on their journey.

Daisy Zane dozed off again after getting back into the car.

Firstly, she hadn’t slept the previous night and was genuinely tired. Secondly, it was genuinely quite uneventful seemingly calm and peaceful all the time.

But since they were carrying the ‘Thing’, how could it remain calm and peaceful all the time.

It was 2:06 in the afternoon, local time.

Daisy Zane heard the gunfire and opened her eyes.

Simultaneously, voices came from the walkie-talkies inside the car.

In their car, other than the driver, there was only Michael Jackson in the copilot seat and Daisy Zane in the backseat.

A burst of static, then voices from the walkies talking about being ambushed by more than one group of people.

It could be some powers temporarily teaming up to intercept Dark Radiance’s ‘Thing’, or it could simply be every faction trying to compete on their own.

After this message came over, Adrian Roberts’ voice rang out: “Stick to the plan, prioritize the cargo. If forced to disperse, rendezvous at Shallow Creek.”


The sound of gunfire drew nearer, and Daisy Zane noticed the vehicles approaching from afar.

The walkie-talkie crackled again: “Kent Jericho, follow James Cooper’s car. Ensure Lady Zane’s safety.”

Kent Jericho was Daisy Zane’s driver, and quickly responded, “Roger that.”

There were vehicles ahead and behind Daisy Zane’s car specifically for her protection.

Michael Jackson turned his head to look at Daisy Zane in the rear, saw her calm and somewhat sleepy demeanor, and silently turned his gaze forward again.

Who was protecting who It was hard to tell.

The forces on the perimeter were closing in fast.

Driving their cars in an attempt to crash into theirs, they opened fire on their cars.

Daisy Zane’s car was unaffected— vehicles swiftly surrounded it for protection.

All their cars were modified: glass and tires were bulletproof, and the entire body had been refitted.

To avoid impacting the speed, special materials were used in the cars. They could still maintain high speeds.

As long as there wasn’t a sustained attack, the cars would generally not have any issues.

The opposing factions quickly engaged in combat, with gunfire and crashes heard all around.

The driver called Kent Jericho was very skilled at driving.

Though they were under siege, he could always manage to evade. However, while the car’s speed was fast, it was only circling around, not escaping the area.

There were many enemies, and they couldn’t break away for now. So, to avoid the enemy, all he could do was circle.

The cars carrying the cargo, driven by James Cooper and his team, too, were engaging while circling around.

The scene was incredibly chaotic.

Daisy Zane felt dizzy from the circling in the car. At the front, Michael Jackson kept cautioning her to be careful and avoid getting hit.

Two minutes later, one of the protective vehicles around her car was hit and came to a stop on the spot.

With one side losing its barrier and opening a gap, the enemy’s attacks intensified.

Furthermore, the vehicle that had stopped was immediately surrounded and attacked.

Daisy Zane immediately took a gun from a black bag beside her and rolled down the car window, saying, “Slow down.”

On instinct, Kent Jericho tapped the brakes. freē

However, in the very moment he instinctively did this, an enemy car caught up, trying to ram into theirs.

Startled, Kent Jericho hurriedly hit the gas pedal and swerved the steering wheel. Just at this instant, Daisy Zane fired three shots at the oncoming enemy car.

The enemy car’s windows were also bulletproof, but of lesser quality. Daisy Zane shattered the window into a spiderweb crack with two shots and with the third shot, the bullet penetrated the window and hit the driver in the shoulder.

The enemy car came to a halt.

Kent Jericho had his eyes wide open, panting heavily. He was first shocked by his mistake of hitting the brakes, and then surprised again by Daisy Zane’s astonishing marksmanship.

As soon as Daisy Zane acted, Michael Jackson immediately reached for his gun.

And the opening that had been breached was quickly filled by another protective vehicle, which once again ensured Daisy Zane’s car was protected.

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“Let’s go back.” Daisy Zane rolled up the car window.

Kent Jericho glanced at Daisy Zane through the rearview mirror: “Lady Zane ”

“The car that was forced to stop just now is under attack, we have to go back and help.” Daisy Zane said.

“Lady Zane, we must prioritize your safety ”

“Go back,” Daisy Zane commanded in a low voice, “Don’t make me repeat it for the third time.”

This was the first time that Michael Jackson, having known Daisy for so long, had heard her use such a commanding tone.

Kent Jericho hesitated for a moment before turning around and driving back.

The vehicles protecting them didn’t know the reason, but they followed back as well.

Kent’s car drove very swiftly. There were two people in the besieged vehicle, using the car as a shield, they were fighting against the enemy from inside the car.

Kent’s vehicle, along with three other vehicles, attacked from the periphery of the enemy.

The enemy had surrounded that car, and they attacked the enemy around the car from the enemy’s periphery.

Daisy’s marksmanship was very accurate, nearly every bullet found its mark, even in such high speed conditions.

By the time their vehicle had made the third round, the besieged car had gotten a chance to breathe. The driver started up the car and quickly broke away from the siege, then followed Daisy and the others.

Seeing them come out, Daisy fired the last bullet in her gun, closed the car window, and while replacing her magazine, said, “Continue circling, every enemy we pull in counts.”

The vast plain was filled with power from different factions; being inside the car was the safest.

Daisy asked Kent to continue driving around, intending to wipe out the group of people chasing them right there.

Since it was a plain, people could roam everywhere. How many they could draw into their circle depended on Kent’s driving skills.

“Aren’t we leaving?” Kent asked her while looking at her from the rearview mirror.

He saw her quickly refilling the magazine very quickly, her face cold and composed.

Even though bullets were constantly hitting the car windows and doors, her expression remained unchanged, her eyelashes didn’t even blink once.

“Five minutes.” Daisy loaded the magazine, “Pin them down here.”

Her calm demeanor, the dismissive tone of her voice gave Kent great comfort. He obeyed and kept circling the car.

Four other vehicles also mimicked their action.

For five minutes, Daisy attacked with her gun while also guiding Kent on the road.

All those who had chased them were either injured or handicapped, and some also retreated

When they were completely unable to chase them anymore, Daisy then said, “Retreat.”

Kent took a breath and exhaled slowly, both nervous and excited. His hands gripping the steering wheel were completely wet.

Just their five cars had wiped out a team that had been chasing them.

He had never felt so exhilarated before.

Kent’s eyes glittered with excitement as he drove towards James.

Their plan was that James was responsible for taking the goods away, and couldn’t afford to be involved in battle.

Most importantly, the goods were the second priority, Daisy Zane’s safety was the first priority.

On the other hand, Adrian was part of the group who wished to fight, purely to distract the enemy’s firepower.

Compared to them, Daisy was initially in the safest position.

But because of the location being a plain, it was barren all around, only dry weeds were present.

When the enemy surrounded them, the whole team was being attacked from all directions.

Under the current circumstances, whether they wished to fight or not, all were in the heat of battle.

Even though James’ team was moving, the battle was not let up.

In fact, initially when attacked, the team was somewhat dispersed, fighting individually. They were currently retreating while trying to regroup.

When Daisy left, neither James nor Adrian noticed.

One, they did not foresee Daisy leaving the safe area, and two, they were too preoccupied in that moment.

Only when Kent drove back to join forces with James to strike the enemy did James realize that Daisy was not with the team.

James instantly broke out in cold sweat.

Even though Daisy was safe and sound, the image of Harton Clark’s murderous eyes still floated into his mind

The enemy was flanked, and suffered heavy losses.

Now was a good opportunity to retreat.

Even though the thought of Harton Clark made James’ legs go weak, he did not drag his feet and immediately ordered the retreat.

Leaving some people to cover them, Kent drove the car to a safer location.

From the car window, Daisy looked toward Adrian’s team.