The Billionaire's Genius Wife-Chapter 373 Feeling Unwell

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As they stepped into the VIP room, Scarlett was captivated by the sight that greeted her. A spacious room adorned with elegant decor dominated by natural colors and featuring a large glass window that offered a breathtaking view of the vast blue sea.

The beauty of the scenery reminded her of the scenery from her RAS office on Palm Avenue in her home country.

"Stunning," she murmured in awe, walking closer to the window to satisfy her eyes in the beautiful view expanse unfolding before her.


"Babe, what would you like to eat?" Xander asked, his eyes fixed on Scarlett, who was mesmerized by the breathtaking view outside the window.

"Sorry, Xander," Scarlett apologized with a smile, turning her attention to him. "You can order anything. I'll just go with your recommendation." She sat beside him and glanced at the menu in his hand.

"Alright," Xander replied, closing the menu and handing it back to the attentive restaurant manager, who patiently awaited their order. "You can bring me my usual," he instructed.

The manager nodded and excused himself politely, leaving the room.

As the door closed, Scarlett turned her gaze to Xander. "Xander looks like you visit this place a lot," she said, curious about the person who greeted them before knowing Xander as they entered the restaurant.

"Hmm, I used to visit this place whenever I was in town. Well, this place is part of Riley's group F&B department," Xander explained, pouring water into her glass.

"Really? This place belongs to your group too? Wow, I had no idea you guys owned a seafood restaurant as well," Scarlett was surprised to hear that.

She had heard of the Riley Group's F&B business, which was well-known in their country and even abroad. Still, she had never known this particular restaurant before.

"Well, this isn't a franchised restaurant. That's why we only have one here. The chef running this place used to work at R Hotel. It was a shame to see him retire, so I proposed the idea of opening a restaurant for him," Xander explained.

"I can't wait to try the food. It must be really good if you are willing to make this restaurant for that chef," Scarlett said eagerly to taste the food.

As Scarlett's eyes sparkled with excitement to wait for the delicious food, Xander couldn't help but smile. He gently ruffled her hair, a gesture filled with affection.

"Hahaha, don't set your expectations too high, babe," Xander chuckled. He worried that her taste standards might surpass his own, and he didn't want her to be disappointed if the dishes didn't meet her lofty expectations.

Moreover, Xander was aware of Scarlett's peculiar hobby—she had an uncanny ability to taste and discern the quality of a restaurant before deciding to add it to her collection.

"We'll find out soon," Scarlett replied, returning his smile. 𝙗𝙚𝙙𝙣𝒐𝙫𝙚𝙡.𝙤𝙧𝒈

Before long, there was a knock on the door, and several waiters entered, carrying their orders. Scarlett's eyes widened with astonishment as she beheld a platter of grilled lobster and prawns placed before her. The presentation of the food enticed her appetite.

"Sir, Madam, if you require anything, you can press this button," one of the waiters placed a black bell box on the table. "Please enjoy your meal," he added politely before leaving the room.

Scarlett's eyes sparkled as she gazed at her favorite dishes adorning the table.

"Go ahead, try it, babe!" Xander warmly smiled when he saw his wife had not touched her food. She had only looked at it.

"Hmm..." Scarlett returned his smile and prepared to take a bite. However, just as she was about to eat the slice of black pepper-grilled lobster, a sudden wave of nausea washed over her as the aroma filled her nostrils.

Her stomach churned unexpectedly, leaving her shocked and bewildered.

Why was she suddenly feeling this way?

"Why aren't you eating?" Xander asked, surprised as he noticed her face pale. "Babe, is something wrong with the food?" he asked.

Scarlett placed her spoon down and took a sip of water, emptying the glass in an attempt to alleviate the discomfort. Once she felt slightly better, she gazed at Xander, her expression troubled.

"I... I don't know why, but... I feel like I'm going," she paused. Don't want to make Xander worry. "Ugh, Xander, I need to use the restroom," she continued, rising from her seat. She hurriedly made her way to the restroom, ensuring to lock the door behind her.

Desperately, she turned on the water tap, ensuring that her vomit sound would not drown out from the bathroom. Afraid Xander could hear it.

It felt as if the entire contents of her stomach were surging upward into her chest. She exerted great effort to let them out, but to her dismay, nothing came out. She continued to relieve the discomfort, but her efforts were in vain.

Frustration swallowed her, and tears welled up in her eyes. She splashed her face with cold water, hoping to bring some relief. After feeling her face turn cold, she slowly raised her head to look at her reflection in the mirror. She was startled by what she saw. Her complexion had turned as pale as a sheet of paper.

"Am I poisoned?" she mumbled, desperately trying to recall the food she had consumed earlier. However, she realized that she hadn't eaten anything other than the porridge at the Chinese restaurant that morning, and several hours had passed since then. "It can't be food poisoning," she concluded with certainty.

Scarlett splashed water on her face once more, attempting to wash away her tears and regain composure.

"Baby, are you alright?" Xander's concerned voice resonated from outside the restroom.

Swiftly, Scarlett dried her face with a tissue and exited the restroom. She met Xander at the door, mustering a reassuring smile.

"I'm fine, Xander. Let's eat..." She said,

"Are you sure?" Xander questioned, still visibly worried.

"Yes, I'm fine!"

"But why do you look so pale? Are you feeling unwell? Maybe we should go to the hospital!" Xander's tone turned serious.

"No need, Xander. I'm fine!" Scarlett took his hand, guiding him back to their seat. She continued, "Maybe it's just because I missed lunch..." She casually said, realizing it was already two o'clock in the afternoon.

"Oh yeah, you're right. Let's eat quickly," Xander said anxiously. He carefully placed a piece of lobster meat on her plate, urging her to eat it.

Scarlett starts to eat her lobster and is greeted by an unfamiliar scent. Normally, she enjoyed this scent, but today it made her feel nauseous as soon as it reached her nostrils. She couldn't understand why!

Not wanting to alarm Xander, she forced herself to eat the lobster while holding her breath. However, she couldn't consume as much as she usually did. She only managed to take a few bites before deciding to ask Xander to leave. She needs to go home and lie on her bed.

Thankfully, Xander didn't press her with further questions. He immediately agreed to go home.


After leaving the restaurant, Xander was worried when he observed his wife remaining in a weak state.

"Baby, I'm sorry if the food didn't taste good to you. I'll never take you there again..." Xander expressed his guilt, believing that the restaurant with a sea view would remind her of their homeland. However, he realized he had made a mistake.

Scarlett turned to face Xander, feeling relieved to be away from the restaurant and no longer feel tortured by the scent of grilling lobsters.

"No, it's not about the food. But..." Scarlett hesitated, concerned about sharing the truth with him. However, seeing how strongly he blamed himself, she made up her mind. "Xander, earlier I felt unwell..."

"What? Are you sick? Where?" Xander's panic began to show as he held her hand and attempted to check her condition. He worried that she might be in pain after she fought against the assassin sent by Jude Withers.

"No... I mean, my body is fine. But, earlier at the restaurant, I suddenly felt nauseous and vomited. I also experienced dizziness..." Scarlett explained, still bewildered by her earlier condition. It was the first time she had ever felt that way.

"You threw up? Why didn't you tell me earlier!?" He was taken aback to hear that. "Baby, let's go to the hospital. We need to check your condition..."

"No need. I'm feeling better now, Xander." Scarlett didn't want to burden him by going all the way to the hospital just because she had felt nauseous.

"Okay, but I'll ask my personal doctor to come to our house and examine you." Xander gestured for Scarlett not to refuse.

Reluctantly, Scarlett shrugged and nodded slightly.

She knew she was fine; her nausea was likely due to missing lunch. However, she couldn't stop Xander from calling the doctor. He would only worry more if she refused.

Soon, they arrived home, and shortly afterward, the doctor arrived.

Scarlett lay on the bed while the doctor checked her pulse and asked her a few questions.

Meanwhile, Xander stood at the end of the bed, his face tense with concern, as he observed Scarlett.