The Cannon Fodder Turns His Sister Into A Soaring Phoenix-Chapter 330 - Su Waner’s Death

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At dusk, the sky turned yellow, and the south gate of Heavenly Gate City was already crowded with people who came to watch the show.

After all, Su Waner had been at large for many decades, and the name "Immortal Thief" had resounded through the Central, Southern, and Western regions, so many cultivators had come here to have a peek at the great master thief who brought chaos into the Southern Region's Hidden Sun Sect.

Among them were even some self-proclaimed descendants of the Immortal Thief. After all, criminal cultivators of Su Waner's level, before dying, would generally say things like, "I hid my secret legacy in so-and-so a place." They might even leave instructions for a "treasure map" hidden in the world for people to explore.

Ye Anping had made a reservation at noon and was now sitting by the second-floor window of a restaurant overlooking the execution platform, while Feng Yu Die ate roasted chicken next to him.

"I want to see what the man who stole the virginity of the Lin family's daughter from the Western Region looks like."

"It's not just the Lin family. I heard that this Immortal Thief also defiled Elder Hu's daughter of the Hidden Sun Sect... But I still want to see if this Immortal Thief will reveal where he hid his stolen goods and spirit stones before execution. He stole so many valuable things, who is going to get it if he's not telling?"

"Anyway, the Justice Division has probably already found out, do we still have a chance?"

"Heh... who knows..."


Now all the guests on the second floor of the restaurant were talking about Su Waner's past "great achievements".

Ye Anping didn't have any interest; he basically knew all that, but when Feng Yu Die heard that she had defiled Lin's daughter, she suddenly stood up and said, "Huh? Young Master Ye, is this for real? She defiled the daughter of the Lin family?"

Ye Anping picked up the teacup and took a sip. Remembering how Feng Yu Die gave Su Waner to that person in the game, his face darkened as he explained, "Lin family's daughter had a close relationship with a young cultivator and engaged in intimate activities without the others' knowledge. It happened that Su Waner went to steal something, and in order to cover it up, the man simply put the blame on her." freeweɓnovēl.coɱ


"As for Elder Hu's daughter of the Hidden Sun Sect, the situation is similar. Anyway, she has to carry the blame wherever she goes..."

"So it's like this..."

Feng Yu Die scratched the back of her head and then continued to gnaw on her roasted chicken.

It was also at this moment that the noisy street quieted down.

Several Justice Division cultivators in the Foundation Building stage appeared at the end of the street, holding the hooded Su Waner who was wrapped with countless chains. The fake breasts she had before were now gone, and with the hood, it seemed impossible to distinguish if she was male or female.

The two burly men at the table next to him were also suspicious of the Immortal Thief's gender. "Eh? How come he looks like a girl? Didn't the Immortal Thief take advantage of a lot of girls?"

"So what, you think girls can't sleep with other girls? Haven't you heard of the two-headed dragon?"

Feng Yu Die pricked her ears and immediately caught the keywords that seemed to be a substitute for 'bird', so she hastily raised her head to ask. "Young Master Ye, what is a two-headed dragon?"


"..." Ye Anping's mouth hung open, then when he finally managed to restrain himself, he reprimanded her with a frown. "Eat your chicken!"

Feng Yu Die frowned and complained, "Tell me what they mean. Is the two-headed dragon a substitute for the bird? With that thing, can two girls also have children?"

Ye Anping's eyes were slightly cold as he glanced resentfully at the two passers-by at the table next to him, then shook his head. "Go and ask Xiao Tian. She should understand."


Ye Anping sighed, but couldn't help thinking that Xiao Yunluo might actually have that thing in her storage bag. He should take advantage of her sleeping time to clean out the stuff in her storage bag.

That kind of stuff was detrimental to her cultivation. Dual cultivation could improve her results, but indulgence in lust would only consume her yin essence and unbalance her yang essence, which would do no good.

This 𝓬ontent is taken from freeweɓnovel.cѳm.

After returning to the Black Star Sect, he should find an opportunity to search Xiao Yunluo's house and burn all those shady things of hers.

In the blink of an eye, Su Waner arrived at the execution ground, escorted by the Justice Division officers.

The execution ground was a high wooden platform with three tents erected behind it.

Liang Zhu and several officers waited on the high platform with their hands folded. Seeing that Su Waner was already in place, he raised his head and looked toward Ye Anping.

Ye Anping nodded, took out a few spirit stones from his storage bag, and placed them on the table.

"Let's go."

"Ah? I haven't finished my roasted chicken yet."

"Come with me while you're eating."



The two stood up and went downstairs, leaving half of the roasted chicken uneaten on the table. At the same time, Su Waner was also escorted to one of the tents behind the execution platform.

A bureaucratic official from the Justice Division came forward, held out a scroll, and shouted, "Su Waner, female cultivator from the Western Region, early Core Formation stage. She has stolen magic artifacts and treasures worth millions of spirit stones in the Western, Southern, and Central Regions, and defiled twelve young heirs and heiresses from noble families..."

After reading this, the audience was dumbfounded.


--- "Eh? Oh boy, both men and women..."

---"What the hell? Twelve? I only knew about the Lin family and the Hidden Sun Sect..."

The official took a deep breath and activated his Core Formation spiritual energy, saying in a booming voice, "Quiet!! Several cases will be dealt with today, and the method of execution will be golden arrows! Noon has arrived, let's proceed with the execution!!"

He took out a jade token from his storage bag and slammed it heavily on the execution platform, turning it into a stream of light that dissipated. At the same time, the two drums on the platform rumbled.


Accompanied by the sound of the drums, Su Waner, who had just been brought from the tent at the back, was once again dragged forward by two Justice Division officers and tied to a stone pillar in the middle of the execution platform with the Binding Immortal Locks.

The official stepped forward and ripped off her hood, revealing a bloodless face.

"Do you have any last words?"


"If not, then the execution will be carried out. Bring the bow!!"

However, upon looking at the 'Su Waner' who had her hood removed, a few people near the stage exchanged puzzled glances and whispered, "Is this person the Immortal Thief? Why doesn't he seem like it? Did the Justice Division trick us?"

"Keep your voice down... Don't let them hear you, but I also don't think it's him... I heard before that the Immortal Thief is good-looking with an exquisite face. Although this person looks quite good, it gives me a sense of evil, like a demonic cultivator..."


After giving the order, a strong man dressed in black standing before the execution platform raised a long fine iron bow that seemed to weigh a hundred pounds, caught a golden arrow in it, and stretched the string, aiming at 'Su Waner' tied to the pillar.

When the official raised his hand, 'Su Waner', who had lowered her head and remained motionless, suddenly raised her head and spoke with a voice wrapped in spiritual power. "The name of the Immortal Thief will live forever in the Heavenly Star Mountain!!"

The somewhat delicate female voice resounded through the streets, reaching the ears of the crowd in the square and the surrounding restaurants, and most of them understood in an instant that the words meant: "She has left her inheritance somewhere in the Heavenly Star Mountain."

This sentence was enough to dispel the concerns of those who were doubting the identity of the Immortal Thief.

The next moment, the official brought down his raised hand. "Shoot!!"


The golden feather arrow broke through the air and pierced Su Waner's chest, spattering blood seven feet away. After a few convulsions, her head suddenly dropped like a puppet's, swayed for a few moments, and then stopped moving.

---Thus fell Su Waner, known as the Immortal Thief.