The Demonic King Chases His Wife: The Rebellious Good-for-Nothing Miss-Chapter 2394: Nangong (7)

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Chapter 2394: Nangong (7)

Translator : MoonWhisperer, BlackieMeow Editor : Frozenfire, Cey

Xiao Luo was wronged. She had thought that she would never be able to clear it up in this life. Moreover, she would never expect that Su Luo, her enemy, would be the one to help her clarify this matter.

"You…could it be you?" Chu Yang stared at Su Luo, while what seemed like two anger-filled flames erupted from the bottom of his eyes!

Su Luo shrugged and enthusiastically told Chuyang the whole story of how she had attacked both parties and, ultimately, caused an unexpected incident: "Therefore, I’m the one who killed Number 064. Those eight crystal shards from before are all in my possession. Oh, and I forgot to mention, I also have another attribute. It’s called the light element."

"You! You!" Chu Yang was filled with so much anger he proceeded to spit blood out!

What the heck was this!

Earlier, he had deliberately transferred out the people in Su Luo’s group and replaced them with a few of his own, all for the sake of killing Su Luo. However, who would have known that he actually led the wolf into the house!

Eight crystal shards, plus the two in Su Luo's hand… Chu Yang really wanted to cry!

In fact, Su Luo was currently in a dilemma. She looked at Lord Luoying: "How should we deal with these people?"

Nangong Liuyun pecked on Su Luo’s lips before revealing an ambiguous smile: "How difficult can that be? Just kill all of them."

Chu Yang was immediately shocked to the core! A look flashed across his eyes as he looked at Lord Luoying, who gave him a familiar feeling of someone he had seen before.

"You…" Suddenly, a bright light burst forth from Chu Yang's eyes!

Chu Yang remembered! That chin, and that pair of eyes. Who else could it be but the disciple who was most important to the City Lord??? However, this person had actually entered the Thorn? He…

Chu Yang was so excited about the discovery of this secret. Taking advantage of the situation, he covertly took out the communication amulet, lit the name of Fairy Wu You, and shouted: "The Thorn’s Lord Luoying is Nangong Liuyun of Purgatory City!!!"

Chu Yang knew for sure that he was bound for death. However, even if he was to die, he would pull everyone down with him!

Just as Chu Yang shouted these words, he lowered his head, and saw a thin wind blade stuck in his throat. The wind blade pierced his neck and penetrated through the back. Chu Yang could feel his life draining away. The Reaper was now walking, step by step, towards him.

"Hahahahaha—Even if I die, you can’t live either, Nangong Liuyun! Purgatory City and the Thorn will never allow a traitor like you to exist!!!"

Even if my squad was to be completely wiped out due to this, I felt that it would be worth it to be able to pull Nangong Liuyun down. Chu Yang laughed wildly, to the point of tears coming out of his eyes.

Lord Luoying’s white slender fingers held the silver butterfly mask on his face. There was a flash of white light before the mask disappeared from his face.

What kind of face was that? Such a beautiful face. Such a magnificent beauty. How extraordinary, noble, refined, distinguished and elegant like the flowing wind? This was a face that would make women fall in love at first sight, and men feel ashamed of themselves.

Seeing Nangong Liuyun reveal himself, one would know that this statement was not false at all.

Su Luo looked at Nangong Liuyun with joy, the corners of her mouth curled, while her eyes brimmed with arrogance and pride. This man, who was graceful, noble and extraordinary, belonged to her, Su Luo.

Nangong Liuyun held Su Luo's hand tightly, a smile gleaming within his eyes. After gazing at her for a long time, he reluctantly moved his eyes towards Chu Yang.

He said three words with casual indifference: "You are wrong."

Those three lightly said words, however, suppressed at once Chu Yang's wild laugh.