The Era of Gods-Chapter 105 - Super Combined War Artifacts

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Chapter 105: Chapter 105 Super Combined War Artifacts

Translator: 549690339

The Chaos Sea of Void is vast and boundless, who knows how many Crystal Wall Systems float and sink within, with the Main World being just one of the relatively special and slightly more powerful systems—it’s not the strongest.

At least among the Crystal Wall Systems currently discovered by humans, there is no shortage of extremely powerful ones, including those as unique as the human Crystal Wall System.

The vast emptiness is infinite, and a streak of flowing light swiftly passes through the boundless void.

After an unknown length of time, Lin Xiao was awakened by a crisp notification sound, and upon opening his eyes, he saw dazzling colored streamers of light before him.

At first, he thought they were lights inside the aircraft, but he quickly realized that these colored streamers were flowing in from one side of the aircraft’s exterior and passing through the other side’s unusually hard alloy walls. He swiftly turned to look out the window and saw a boundless sea of colored streamers, with the aircraft threading its way through it.

At this point, many fellow travelers gradually woke up, and Bai Ze, sitting beside him, said,

“This is the Seven-Color Vast Sea, not far from the Void Fortress.”

A few girls joyfully stretched out their hands, and streams of beautiful colored light wrapped around them like ribbons. fr𝚎𝗲𝐰ebnov𝐞𝐥.𝐜o𝗺

This beautiful colored light can penetrate everything except Divine Power, so it can travel through the aircraft but not through them, causing no harm to them. However, if any non-Divine Beings come here without Divine Power to protect them, they will be slowly assimilated, eventually turning into a stream of colored light and merging into this vast sea of the Seven-Color Vast Sea.

The Seven-Color Vast Sea is not only a great spectacle near the Void Fortress but also a natural defense system.

The aircraft travels at great speed along the route, but it still takes several hours to cross the Seven-Color Vast Sea before entering a clear expanse of the void again, where far away, two immense vortexes lie vertically across the void.

The vortexes are unimaginably vast, perhaps with diameters measured in billions, even tens of billions of kilometers, looking like two slowly intertwining Milky Ways parallel in the void; from the silvery centers of the two cosmic whirlpools shoot dazzling columns of light like the pulses from a supernova explosion, one end directed toward the far reaches of the void millions of kilometers away, and the other converging at the center of an immense, unimaginable metallic disc-shaped sphere at the heart of the two giant vortexes, with circles of light spreading out from the sphere as the center.

This disc-shaped metallic sphere, larger than a planet, is the Void Fortress of the Human Federation located within Subspace and also a Super Combined War Artifact, with those two supergalactic vortexes each spanning tens of billions of kilometers being part of this super weapon.

When necessary, activating this Super Combined War Artifact can harness energy from the two immense energy vortexes to unleash its terrifying might.

It is said that with the guidance of Powerful Divine Power, it can withstand Great Divine Power head-on.

As the aircraft slowly approached this Void Fortress, named Yan Huang Number Five, Lin Xiao was astonished to discover that the circles of light surrounding this planet-sized fortress were not the energy halos he had imagined but powerful energy defense systems.

From a great distance, the fortress seemed frighteningly large, but as the aircraft approached, it appeared even larger and more terrifying; looking up at the sky, he felt as if the entire Milky Way was overhead, boundless to the eye.

Super technology combined with super myth has created such a terrifying War God Artifact.

On their first visit here, everyone inside the aircraft quietly sat in their seats, staring out of the window with a devoted and pilgrim-like attitude towards the immensely powerful fortress.

Countless flying vehicles of various sizes flew from afar or out of the fortress, presenting a scene of bustling activity.

This is one of the foundations of human civilization, as well as its guardian, protecting the Main World from invasion by other powerful Crystal Wall Systems of the Chaos Sea of Void.

Although human civilization is powerful, its rise has not been long enough, with less than 300,000 years of history, and cannot compare with those powerful Crystal Wall Systems that have existed for hundreds of millions of years.

After passing through fifteen inspections, the aircraft landed in an area of the Void Fortress named Yan Huang Number Five. The team leader clapped his hands to rouse the still-shocked students, including Lin Xiao, and spoke loudly,

“Everyone, prepare to disembark. We have only temporary access permission, so don’t wander around after leaving the aircraft. Wait for the Summer Camp officials to come and fetch us. Now, follow me.”

With that, he turned and left, with the nearest student immediately following him.

No one dared to make any noise; making a mistake here would be quite troublesome.

Lin Xiao obediently followed, and upon exiting the aircraft, what met his eyes was an impeccably flat unknown silvery alloy floor, shining as if it were transparent crystal. From time to time, signal indicators, like lightning, flashed beneath the crystal layer of the floor toward the distance, the sense of science fiction even stronger than that of myth.

The area they landed in resembled one of the many station platforms not open to the public, from where they could see magical technology flying vehicles and even magical battleships taking off and landing at other berths in the distance.

A group of people on this vast platform looked as insignificant as a small cluster of ants in a huge warehouse, so inconspicuous that Lin Xiao felt a strong sense of being trivial and alone.

Luckily, they didn’t have to wait long, less than two minutes, before someone pointed upwards and exclaimed:

“Look over there.”

A streak of blue light flew from the distance and quickly transformed into a meteor landing in front of them, revealing a Demigod whose lower half was a swirling blue vortex, resembling the Lamp God who had sent them the invitation letter.

This was a kind of magical creature, a result of the Magic Technology branch of divine beings inspired by ancient legends, crafted by the True Gods of the Main World. To honor their name, they were still called magical creatures and were a type of artificial Demigod.

These creatures known as magical beings lacked Godhood but could perform most spells from First Level to Ninth Level, along with a few Tenth Level Legendary Spells. More powerful than Mages, what made these beings famous was their lack of spell slot limitations and their most renowned ability to cast a High-Level Wish Spell three times a day, granting mortals’ limited three wishes just like the legendary Lamp God.

Most of these magical beings were less combat-effective than real Demigods, but they made for an impressive display when used as tokens of power.

For example, delivering the invitation earlier made quite the impression, immediately establishing an aura of majesty.

The magical creature scanned over all present with an unknown method of confirmation, then with a grand gesture, Lin Xiao felt a shift in space-time. When he opened his eyes again, he had left his initial spot and appeared in a small room by himself.

Just as he was puzzled, the bare wall in front of him suddenly lit up, and a series of information appeared:

“Congratulations, Lin Xiao, you have become a member of this year’s Super Newcomer Summer Camp. To ensure a pleasant experience at the camp, please remember the following rules.”

Below was a series of so-called camp rules, totaling six; he checked and memorized each one.

The rules were not too strict in general and included stipulations such as not leaving the campgrounds, not entering others’ private areas, and not intruding into places without authorization. Violations would incur penalties as written in the rules, with the harshest being immediate disqualification from the Summer Camp and a major demerit on one’s life record, which could have severe consequences.

After memorizing all six rules in one go, he hadn’t had a chance to look around when his wrist device indicated a notification. He opened it to find an invitation from the team leader, confirming entry into a group chat filled with students from Yunmengxing Province. By then, conversations were already underway.

“Hey, where is everyone? Let’s meet up in the hall first.”

There were a bunch of responses, including some from acquaintances.

Lin Xiao casually replied that he needed rest and muted the group chat as such gatherings were pointless. With this free time, he thought it better to browse the network and look up some information.

Within the Yan Huang Number Five Void Fortress, ordinary people couldn’t connect to the Main World’s network, but there was a local network. As members of the Super Newcomer Summer Camp, they automatically had basic network permissions to access any ordinary network, including the civilian network which was active with civilian adventurers in the Yan Huang Number Five Void Fortress.

These civilian adventurers were mostly students who failed the college entrance exams or were eliminated during the three years of high school. They included many civilian adventurer teams, companies, and True God families.

For instance, several hundred students who were eliminated at the end of the first year from the Dongning City No. 5 High School, after leaving school, mostly joined various civilian adventurer teams and arrived at the numerous Void Fortresses. Through the teleportation gates here, they would depart Subspace to enter the boundless Chaotic Void Sea.

Of course, the majority explored the already discovered and opened Crystal Wall Systems or took on various missions published by the military within the Void Fortress. Others ventured into the Crystal Wall System in teams to search for resources or were hired by various powers to acquire resources, among other things.

Countless adventurers gathered here which naturally resulted in a network channel for communication. Adventurers could exchange messages, form teams, or convert their resources into Cards to sell on the trading platform.

Lin Xiao, with his basic permissions, could purchase various Cards through the trading platform.

The prerequisite was having enough Faith value or Divine Power. Here, they didn’t use the reality-based credit points, the universal currencies being Faith value or Divine Power. Of course, extremely rare treasures could also be bartered for goods.

The ten million points of Faith value that Lin Xiao possessed seemed like a lot, but in reality, it probably wouldn’t be enough to buy even an average Epic Five Star Card.

Since he was idle and curious, he opened the trading platform and began browsing, taking the opportunity to check out the price levels beyond the Main World.

As he was browsing leisurely, of course, he was only looking at the good stuff. He directly set the filter to Five Star, Legend quality and above, and clicked confirm. The screen flashed, and instantly he was met with a blinding orange- gold light that nearly dazzled his eyes.

Indeed, the entire page was filled with Legend-level orange glows and Epic gold lights, with a few strands of translucent Divine illumination he had never seen before instantly catching his eye.

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