The Era of Gods-Chapter 126 - : The Mentor’s Interference Intensifies the Difficulty

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Chapter 126: Chapter 126: The Mentor’s Interference Intensifies the Difficulty

Translator: 549690339

This arena was, of course, placed in the Divine Realm at the first opportunity. Lin Xiao’s gaze delved into the Divine Realm, scanning the entire area several times, before finally settling on a location in the bottom-left corner of the Divine Realm, which was also a highland to the left of the Clan’s Tribe.

He then proclaimed a Divine-mandate, bestowing upon his Clan a divine monument.

With a flick of his hand, the Ancient Godly Card crumbled; a massive and sparkling beam of light descended from the heavens, striking the Earth. A wave of crystal light, like an explosive shockwave, rapidly spread out for a thousand kilometers, covering a wide expanse of mountains and forests.

This particular region was dominated by mountainous terrain and forests, and after the Divine Domain Heaven Card was activated, it fostered lush woods and thickets teeming with various insects, creating a perfect ecosystem.

However, as the crystal light swept across, all this was eradicated, and the outline of an immensely large structure slowly materialized where the crystal light passed over it.

This structure, in shape and appearance very much like an ancient Roman colosseum but even grander and more ancient, was constructed of weathered rock. Massive columns engraved with images of gladiatorial warriors encircled the entire arena, supporting a colossal ancient coliseum nearly a kilometer in diameter.

The moment this ancient arena took shape, even Lin Xiao was stunned for a moment; he hadn’t expected it to be so massive, reaching a diameter of one kilometer, occupying a large portion of the land within the Divine Realm.

Luckily, the current main diet of the Divine Realm’s inhabitants consisted primarily of fishing, supplemented by cattle herding, wild game hunting, and berry picking. The cultivated lands were few, so they could sustain the Clan’s survival, without requiring much arable land.

Following the integration of the Heaven Card, the Divine Realm had developed a perfect ecosystem, with random wild fruit trees and berry bushes spread across the wilderness, truly a heaven-sent land of abundance. As long as the population within the Divine Realm did not exceed the limit, and no one was too lazy to move, it was impossible to starve.

Not to mention anything else, just the resources in the Divine Realm’s sea were more than enough to sustain them.

Lin Xiao estimated that with the current bounty of the Divine Realm, it would likely be a population of around thirty thousand before any food crisis would begin to show. Currently, the population of the Divine Realm’s species was only at about fifteen thousand, so there was time yet.

Minutes later, the crystal light finally solidified into the shape of the arena. freew𝚎bn𝐨𝘃𝐞𝗹.𝗰𝚘𝗺

In the moment it formed, Lin Xiao thought he heard a distant and ancient horn.

As the ancient arena took shape, numerous members of the kin who had knelt down a few kilometers away, awaiting the divine wonder, loudly prayed:

“We praise You, the Supreme Creator, the god of Naga and Fishman…”

“Before Your faithful followers, demonstrate Your grand power and supreme might….”

“My Lord’s might is unmatched, My Lord’s glory shines upon us….”

For these members of the Clan, this giant structure that had descended from the sky was indeed a miraculous sign, a grand manifestation of the deity they worshipped. Witnessing this miracle, their faith would deepen further, and their devotion grow stronger.

After their prayers, filled with curiosity, many from the Clan drew near the ancient arena, approaching the edges of the structure. They touched the massive building with a reverence akin to a pilgrimage.

Lin Xiao didn’t open the ancient arena for the time being, as he planned for Slarda, upon awakening, to control the opening and closing of this ancient arena as the Pope.

Although they could not enter, it did not stop the Clan members’ curiosity and desire to explore the vast structure, but without permission, they could not step inside.

And now, after a long wait, Slarda-who had transformed into a blood cocoon —started to undergo changes.

The shell of the cocoon had become extremely hard by now, radiating a faint oppressive power. With a soft ‘crack’, the cocoon split open.

It was like a piece of glass developing a crack, which instantaneously expanded, fissuring into countless cracks. In an instant, the entire cocoon shattered into numerous fragments, revealing a huge figure curled up inside.

As the figure seemed to awaken from a deep slumber, a powerful presence stirred. A faint blood light surged on the large body, coalescing into a dense and crystalline halo of blood that quickly traced out a complex and mystical pattern.

It flashed like lightning, spreading outwards, and extended to form a blood rune aura tangible over five hundred meters.

The Epic Hero, Slarda was awakened.

Lin Xiao immediately checked his attributes:

Hero: Slarda.

Race: Supreme Naga.

Level: Epic.

Hero Aura: Bloodsucking-Converts 25% of the damage inflicted on enemies into life energy to heal oneself, with an aura radiating within a one thousand meter diameter, allies within range gain half the effect.

Hero General Talent: Epic Hero’s Vitality-Immune to instant death damage, high-level regeneration, physical damage reduction by 25%, all resistance +25%.

Hero Specific Talent: Heroic Tyrant Body—A creature with this talent is incredibly powerful, Constitution +30%, Strength +30%, Agility +20%, removes all weaknesses, immune to fatal and lethal blows, cannot be slowed down, significantly weakens negative status and damage from spells, substantially reduces physical damage, and possesses very strong regeneration and vitality.

Hero Skills: Sprint LV2, Salted Fish Rush LV2, Thunder Break LV2.

Constitution: 31+10 points (You possess a transcendent constitution, you have a strong regenerative ability, allowing even severed limbs to regrow over time.) Strength: 38+13 points (You possess transcendent strength, and your power allows you to easily overpower fierce beasts like ferocious bears.) Agility: 25+9 (You possess transcendent agility, surpassing the speed and reflexes that mortals can imagine.)

Spirit: 20+7 (Your spirit is beyond the reach of mortals, and even without training, you can sense the presence of magical elements.)

Evaluation: This is a very powerful Epic Hero, he is the mountain, he is the bedrock, he is the strength itself!

Slarda has upgraded. Although heroes do not have levels, Ins template is still Epic Hero, but his current state has indeed upgraded. If one must categorize, it’s like he has gone from First Level to… Fourth or Fifth Level.

Firstly, the diameter of the Hero Aura has changed from the previous 100 meters to 1,000 meters now, greatly enhancing its practicality.

Secondly, he inherited the Dominator’s Body talent from the Supreme Naga race and transformed it into a unique Hero Talent.

Thirdly, all Hero Skills have been upgraded by one level.

Fourthly, there is a massive surge in all attributes.

At this moment, Slarda’s strength has leapt from Fifth Level into Sixth Level, and with the existence of the Heroic Tyrant Body, a talent that’s considered supremely tyrannical, his power is definitely the strongest among the transcendent level of Rank 6.

According to the common classification in civilization, Fifth Level attributes range between ten and twenty points.

Attributes for the Transcendent Level of Rank 6 exceed twenty points, with the maximum at fifty points. Slarda’s Constitution, with the amplification of his unique talent, has reached forty-one points, and his Strength exceeds the upper limit of the Transcendent Level of Rank 6, reaching a high of fifty-one points.

Besides, due to the Supreme Naga’s Child of Nature talent, the Supreme Naga can now be considered an all-weather species, no longer limited to aquatic beings, so there is no distinction between land speed or water speed. Now, whether in water or on land, the Supreme Naga’s speed is the same.

Of course, Slarda’s attribute table does not list the Child of Nature talent, but that does not mean it is not there; it is just hidden.

As soon as Slarda woke up, the thunderous voice of Lin Xiao resonated beside his ear:

“My most devout child, an evil force will soon arrive. I want you to lead the other children to prepare for the evil invasion.”

Slarda clenched his anchor, bowed his head, and with his body now exceeding twenty meters, emitted a suffocating pressure like a small mountain as his calm and forceful voice rose:

“Supreme Creator, your most devout believer has heard your call. I am ready to defend your glory and offer everything for you!”

“But that is still not enough. You need more powerful strength. I have bestowed a miracle upon you; you have half a year to prepare. Enter the miracle to fight and train, to become even stronger.”

Lin Xiao’s voice was deep and powerful, and the surge of Divine Power emanated a stern divine might that mortals dared not face directly.

“I need more elite warriors!”

“As you wish!”

Slarda solemnly made his vow.

With this, Lin Xiao passed the information about the ancient arena to Slarda and then withdrew his Divine Thoughts, believing in Slarda’s capability to achieve the goal.

The wait began; with more than half a day left before the team’s internal elimination, translated to half a year in the God Country, Lin Xiao hoped that Slarda could train a batch of elite warriors and that the ancient arena would prove powerful.

Now with more than 280 million chaotic Power of Faith in hand, unable to use it for himself to transform into Divine Power or to condense Divinity, but using it as a currency for transactions or squandering it like Divine Power was no issue, and especially for recharging the ancient arena.

After receiving the Divine Mandate, Slarda’s gigantic body slowly stretched, and his immensely powerful presence washed over the area like a tide, attracting countless Naga merpeople from all directions.

He slammed the anchor, now seemingly somewhat small, into the ground. A circle of cracks spread from the deep pit formed, and his massive voice traveled in all directions.

Lin Xiao looked down upon the Divine Realm from the God Country, observing all the Fishmen and Supreme Naga gathering under Slarda’s leadership at the edge of the ancient arena. On his command, some Naga entered the ancient arena to begin training, while others started to clear the dense jungle around the arena, carving out a road through the lush forest between the arena and the tribal settlements.

Additionally, he mobilized the Fishmen to quarry stone from several small hills at the edge of the Divine Realm and to cut down trees-he seemed to be preparing to build a much larger tribe.

However, as the collection of stones and accumulation of felled trees progressed, Lin Xiao was astonished to discover that Slarda did not intend to build a larger tribe. He actually had plans to establish a city.

This surprised him greatly and also filled him with joy.

Indeed, his most devout follower had deeply understood his heart.

Lin Xiao had entertained this idea long ago. As the size of the Clan continued to grow, the formerly lax tribal structure was becoming outdated. However, as a Deity, he could not interfere directly, only hint from the sidelines, letting them realize it on their own.

Unexpectedly, even before he began hinting, Slarda seemed to have guessed his thoughts and took the initiative to begin construction.

The emergence of a city signified not only a change from the loose tribal system in the Divine Realm to a city-settlement system within the God Realm, but it also represented the cultural