The Extraordinary Urban God of Medicine-Chapter 234 - : The Wealthiest Hu Family (Fourth update)

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Chapter 234: The Wealthiest Hu Family (Fourth update)

Translator: 549690339

Song Yuru sat in the passenger seat, feeling a bit peculiar as she listened to her parents’ words.

It seemed as if she had already married Huang Xiaolong and he was now accompanying her back to her parent’s house for a short stay.

But this feeling brought about a sense of bursting happiness in her.

“Dad, Mom, don’t worry about us.” Song Yuru said in a coy and shy manner.

Huang Xiaolong, on the other hand, responded seriously, “Okay, I will definitely stay for a few days.”

Since he was already here, Huang Xiaolong had to find out who the mastermind was behind the raiding of the village’s thousand families’ fortune.

“You really take an inch when given a mile, Huang Xiaolong! You lackey!” Song Yuru teased and laughed.

Huang Xiaolong cheerfully drove the car to a large, free parking area at the entrance of the village.

Although there were no noticeably extravagant cars, there was an abundance of public vehicles such as the Magotan, Malibu, Regal, Yue, Compass, and Tiguan.

This indicated that the life of the village inhabitants was considerably affluent.

“This place is much better than my hometown.” Huang Xiaolong nodded approvingly.

“Let’s go, Little Long, I’ll take you to my house.” Song Yuru briskly led Huang Xiaolong towards her house.

Following a reasonably wide four-lane road led them directly to the heart of the village.

They continued on when suddenly, a car zoomed past them. The speed was terrifying, absolutely exceeding 120km/h.

‘What the hell… driving so fast?’ Huang Xiaolong was a bit startled. Glancing at the flashy car, he discovered it was a Maybach with a highly impressive license plate number — “Binhai A.NB888”.

The Maybach stopped right in front of Huang Xiaolong and Song Yuru.

“Wife, whose car is this? It looks quite imposing,” Huang Xiaolong curiously asked Song Yuru.

“Oh, Little Long, this is the personal vehicle of the richest young master in our village,” Song Yuru explained helplessly. “Young Master Hu is a very haughty and arrogant rich second generation.”

“The richest man in the village?” Huang Xiaolong couldn’t help laughing. “There’s a richest man in this small village?”

“Why wouldn’t there be?” Song Yuru laughed. “Little Long, let me tell you, even though our village’s richest man, the Hu Family, can’t compare to the four great families of Binhai, they’re not inferior either. Do you know about Subway Line 14? It’s attributed to the joint efforts of the Hu Family and the government.”

“Building subways? Wow… that’s impressive…” Huang Xiaolong exclaimed.

“No, not an entire line, just a few extra stops leading directly to our village,” Song Yuru clarified. “The Hu Family reportedly invested billions in this. It’s actually quite convenient for the village residents – a great public welfare project.” ƒгeewebnovё

With a giggle, Song Yuru continued, “And a few years ago, during our village’s reconstruction, all the houses were built by the Hu Family. You could say they are real estate developers. However, the houses they sold us were not that expensive, much cheaper than the city’s house prices.”

Building subways and houses…

Hearing Song Yuru’s descriptions, Huang Xiaolong got an impression of an ancient, generous, and wealthy benefactor.

Just then, the window of the Maybach parked in front of them rolled down. A young man in his twenties with an average appearance poked his head out, staring at Song Yuru. There was a lustful and greedy look in his eyes.

“Little Long, that person is Young Master Hu… he’s very unpleasant… lecherous, and rumored to have defiled many girls from our village. But his family has substantial influence in the village and has indeed done a lot of charity work. Hence, these issues have been overlooked,” Song Yuru frowned in disgust, subconsciously leaning towards Huang Xiaolong. “Little Long, don’t get angry about this. He had approached me before, but I turned him down…”

“Oh…” Huang Xiaolong nodded. His eyes narrowed slightly as he watched Young Master Hu.

This Young Master Hu, judging from his face, had an incredibly good fate!

Extraordinarily good!

No matter if it was his fortunes or health, everything was as good as it could be!

Even his eyes, where a few scar-like marks were visible, were similar to birthmarks. Those who had such marks usually had extremely good fates that caused even the heavens to be jealous, thus leaving these marks.

Young Master Hu’s face was flushed, bright between the eyebrows. His fortunes were undeniably extraordinary!

Contrastingly, Yuru’s parents, their faces revealed ill fortune and calamity.

‘Hehehe Hus? A charitable family? The richest? And this Young Master Hu?’ Huang Xiaolong smirked. ‘His fate was not naturally this good… it has developed gradually, and the marks around his eyes are new… and, through divination, it’s easy to see that his life’s qi is very chaotic, as if he has absorbed the qi of many people and made it his own!’

Just then, Young Master Hu glared harshly at Huang Xiaolong, as if warning him, before stepping on the accelerator and disappearing into the distance.

“Hmph so arrogant.” Song Yuru rolled her eyes.

Huang Xiaolong looked thoughtfully at the spot where the Maybach had disappeared.

“Little Long… you’re not angry, are you?” Song Yuru pouted and tugged at Huang Xiaolong’s hand. “I swear, I’ve rejected Hu Family’s Young Master every time he approached me… I haven’t even been out with him once. Little Long, you believe me, right ”

“Er ?my dear, you thought I was angry over this?” Huang Xiaolong couldn’t help but laugh. “Rest assured, I am not jealous. I would never be jealous of a guy who’s worse than a privileged young master. He’s just not worth it! We have a match-made heaven fate, a law of nature, a decree of heaven; we will always be together in this life, and nobody can separate us. It’s just that… I’ve discovered something interesting…”

“Not the mandarin duck and butterfly fate again! Don’t mention it anymore!” Song Yuru chuckled and then asked curiously. “Little Long, what interesting thing did you discover?”

“Well… it’s a secret for now. Let’s go, let’s go, let’s get to your house,” Huang Xiaolong hurriedly said.

Continuing along the highway, they eventually entered the village!

Although it wasn’t exactly a village anymore, there were still a lot of buildings, with the tallest ones reaching over ten stories high.

There were garden-style houses, villas, supermarkets, even branches of KFC, McDonald’s and Pizza Hut.

A lot of villagers were riding electric bicycles, motorcycles, and cars, shuttling back and forth.

There were pedestrians crossing the zebra lines.

Lazy local dogs were sunbathing at the street corners while stray cats rummaged for food in the garbage cans.

Overall, the village in the city was like a small town with a slow, leisurely pace of life. It would be quite cosy to live here.


In this village, there was an invisible yin energy and resentment that ordinary people could hardly discern, wafting through the air…

Besides, everyone Huang Xiaolong saw along the way had a cloud of misfortune hanging over them!

Everyone’s face was filled with bad luck!

No one, adults or children, was exempt from this! Everyone was affected!

Their mien was darkened!

There were green veins wriggling between their brows.