The Extreme Alchemist of the Mighty Cauldron-Chapter 258 - : Gu Hanshan, Hand Over Your Life!

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Chapter 258: Chapter 258: Gu Hanshan, Hand Over Your Life!

Translator: 549690339

Not just Fang Lin, but others also witnessed the Thousand-year Ginseng leisurely strolling among numerous of the Beast Bones, which made them particularly astonished.

It seemed like the Thousand-year Ginseng was intentionally irritating them. It walked towards them, then retreated, then walked towards them again.

Fang Lin was so angry that he gritted his teeth. This action of the Thousand-year Ginseng was absolutely deliberate. If he caught it, he would definitely give it a severe lesson.

Feng Qianqiu, who was outside the Ten Thousand Beast Graveyard, also saw the Thousand-year Ginseng. His eyes lit up momentarily, but then he furrowed his brows.

“So, it’s a Thousand-year Corpse Ginseng. No wonder it can move so freely without being affected by the Demon Qi here.” Feng Qianqiu said to himself with a gleam in his eyes.

Fang Lin and the others ignored the damned ginseng and started searching for valuable items nearby.

Although they were forced in by Feng Qianqiu to scout, it didn’t mean they couldn’t pick up some good items. Now that they were already inside, they would feel bad if they didn’t take anything out.

Fang Lin’s eyes glowed as he continuously scanned his surroundings and occasionally stretched out his hand to explore.

Seeing this from behind, Feng Qianqiu didn’t say anything but silently observed everything in the Ten Thousand Beast Graveyard.

“Huh? This Beast Bone is not bad, it’s very solid.” Fang Lin picked up a large bone club which was quite heavy and swung it twice. Surprisingly, it was handy.

Fang Lin had always wanted to find a weapon that suited him. He didn’t like swords and isn’t proficient in sword arts either.

This large bone club was carefully chosen by Fang Lin from the large skeletal frame of a Demon Beast. Its flesh had completely decayed leaving only the skeleton which was radiating a silver light.

Clearly, this Demon Beast must have dedicated most of its power to refining its bones while alive, which is why the bones still glowed after hundreds of years.

The bone club Fang Lin held in his hand was the most solid piece of the entire skeleton, it could even be considered a Divine Weapon.

Fang Lin delightedly put the bone club into his bag and continued his search.

The others also found some items. Qing Jianzi found several oddly shaped pieces of metal, he was so joyful that he couldn’t help but smile.

However, Fang Lin put more attention on Gu Hanshan in front of him who he had been pursuing.

Gu Hanshan had already taken more than seventy steps. It could be said that he was struggling with each step as it required meticulous effort. f𝐫eewe𝚋nove𝗹.𝗰o𝚖

Gu Hanshan looked back and saw that Fang Lin and the others were getting closer and inwardly cursed. Clenching his teeth, he pulled out a Jade Slip.

Gu Hanshan crushed the Jade Slip and immediately a stream of blue light appeared and then disappeared into his body.

Straight after, the tired look on Gu Hanshan’s face instantly disappeared, his originally feeble aura became vigorous like his body was filled with strength.

Then, Gu Hanshan continued onwards and he could now walk more smoothly. Clearly, the power from the Jade Slip greatly helped him.

Upon seeing this, Fang Lin frowned. This wasn’t good. This Gu Hanshan was obviously prepared. If he didn’t speed up, there was no chance of catching up with Gu Hanshan.

As such, Fang Lin no longer cared if there were other treasures around. After all, the closer they were to the center of the Ten Thousand Beast Graveyard, the greater the treasures.

They saw Fang Lin’s aura filling the surroundings and suddenly, the phantom of a gigantic white elephant appeared around him.

The roar of the white elephant echoed throughout the Ten Thousand Beast Graveyard, even Feng Qianqiu was surprised.

“What powerful Martial Arts!” Feng Qianqiu exclaimed, and looked at Fang Lin a few more times.

White Elephant Trampling Mountain!

Fang Lin finally executed the Martial Arts he acquired from the White Elephant Mountain for the first time. When the white elephant phantom appeared, the pressure he felt from the Ten Thousand Beast Graveyard significantly weakened and he felt a lot more nimble.

Fang Lin strode forward, chasing after Gu Hanshan.

The white elephant phantom also started running with Fang Lin’s steps. Suddenly, the ground started to rumble and countless Beast Bones were crushed by the white elephant.

This scene left everyone stunned. Fang Lin at this moment was like a monster.

Hearing the commotion behind him, Gu Hanshan looked back, and his face turned pale when he saw what was happening.

“How is this possible?”

He saw Fang Lin charging towards him, and the rampaging white elephant behind him was like a destructive beast, creating a cloud of bone dust.

Gu Hanshan panicked, it was clear that Fang Lin was targeting him. He had to get away! He quickly started to sprint forward.

Fang Lin and Gu Hanshan both used all their trump cards and both their speeds were swift, but Fang Lin was obviously faster. He was gradually closing the gap between him and Gu Hanshan.

We need to show our true skills too.” Qing Jianzi laughed from behind. An ancient longsword floated out from behind him, emitting a soft glow.

The longsword floated above Qing Jianzi. Qing Jianzi leaped up and landed firmly on the longsword.

“Brother Yang, I’ll go first.” Qing Jianzi let out a loud laugh to Yang Pojun, then he directed the sword to fly. In the blink of an eye, he flew away.

Yang Pojun snorted, not willing to be outdone. He reached into his Nine Palace Bag and took out a pill without hesitating, he swallowed it.


After swallowing the pill, Yang Pojun’s vitality seemed to be ten times stronger. His hair stood on end, and his face was oddly red.

Yang Pojun rushed forward with an extraordinary momentum which was even more outrageous than Gu Hanshan’s Jade Slip. The Demon Qi of the Ten Thousand Beast Graveyard didn’t affect Yang Pojun at all.

Li Youbing, in the back, had a gleam in her eyes. She also had some tricks she hadn’t used yet. If she used them now, she could also accelerate like Qing Jianzi and the rest.

But Li Youbing didn’t do that. She wanted to save all her trump cards to find the right opportunity to escape from Fang Lin’s control.

If she revealed her trump cards now, it would only compete for short-term gains and would only make Fang Lin and the others more cautious and wary of her.

Feng Qianqiu was in amazement. He didn’t expect there to be a few formidable characters among them, it was somewhat unexpected.

However, his attention was still focused on the entire Ten Thousand Beast Graveyard. He came here with his own agenda, everything else was just minor details.

Gu Hanshan was running very fast. The power from the Jade Slip was prepared for him by his father, Gu Daofeng. However, even with the power of the Jade Slip, the deeper they went into the Ten Thousand Beast Graveyard, the stronger the Demon Qi. After struggling for half an hour, Gu Hanshan began to feel heavy again.

But Fang Lin who was following behind him was like a fierce beast, not slowing down in the least.

“Gu Hanshan, your life ends here!” Under the protection of the white elephant phantom, Fang Lin roared as he chased after Gu Hanshan, holding a large bone club in his hand.