The Fallen Vampire-Chapter 87: Breaking The News
Aveena stepped outside and yawned as she checked on the progress of the two girls
Just as they had been a few hours ago, they were still sitting on the dock with their legs crossed and their eyes closed; focused solely on their cultivation
If she had to be honest, she was fairly impressed with them.
Vermeil and Lucia were both so young and hyper active that she thought it would have been hard for them to sit still for such an extended period of time
Their ability to focus and concentrate solely on their cultivation was certainly commendable.
'I was certainly a lot different at their age…'
Aveena caught herself remembering something that made her heart hurt, and her eyes drifted towards the mountain peak she could see in the distance.
In her entire twenty eight years of life... she had never felt so far from her home, both spiritually and mentally.
Aveena suddenly felt a surge of power and the air within the nearby area and pinpointed Vermeil as the source.
Her hair blew wildly as the wind surged all around her and an abundance of energy flooded her being.
"She managed to hit the beast realm already..? Quite the talent indeed." Aveena muttered.
Normally, it would take one a full year to reach the beast realm from the mortal realm.
She thought it strange that she was lying in the home of not only one talented monster, but two.
It was also rather surprising to suddenly see humans and fallen living together with a war going on.
Everyone said it was because Vermeil was Taira's 'thrall' or something like that but if she was honest she thought everyone treated her more like a true companion than a food source.
She had even watched them all play together either willingly or unwillingly when the human girl got drunk and begged Keran to say 'Delta is really good at hunting.'
Why exactly she wanted her to say this, no one was exactly certain of the reason.
Aveena watched as Vermeil opened her eyes slowly and inhaled a breath of fresh air.
Almost immediately, a look of surprise formed on her beautiful porcelain face.
"It feels good, no?
"O-Oh, hey Aveena! How long have you been there?"
"Not long. I just came to observe your progress just a bit."
Vermeil looked down at her hands and placed a palm across her beating chest.
"I thought that being in the mortal realm was already crazy but... this is something that feels utterly incomparable."
"Yes, it is always like that." Aveena explained. "Every new realm you reach will feel better and better, taking you to higher peaks."
"Woah... No wonder Taira is such a training junkie." Vermeil muttered.
"Hmm... That may be a bit disingenuous on his part. He certainly seems to be driven, but his talent for the art need not be overlooked either. He is the perfect mate."
"Yea... Hey, get in line bitch!"
"What line? For what purpose?"
"Christ, never mind..."
As the girls sat around having a nonsensical discussion, there was suddenly another flux of qi in the air centered around Lucia.
While it was less dramatic than Veremeil's was, it was still quite a noticeable change in presence.
A black tar-like substance began to drip out of Lucia's pores from all over her body.
She became noticeably prettier, and her body seemed to take on a much healthier glowing luster.
When she opened her eyes, she found Aveena and Vermeil standing above her, wearing smiles of approval and elation.
....But they were also holding their noses.
"Congratulations, Lucia! You're a cultivator now!"
"Indeed, you have done exceedingly well, young friend. Your talent seems not to fall below your mate and companion."
"T-Thank you guys! But I feel like your kind words would mean a lot more if you unclenched your noses..."
""Sorry, but no.""
"So cruel!"
Lucia looked down at the excess waste that was dripping out of her body and she made a disgusted face herself.
"Ugh... I feel great but this is really gross. I should go snd take a shower before husband returns home and I lose any potential sex appeal I could've had."
As Lucia lifted herself up by her tail, a horrified expression crossed her face and she started looking at a very specific direction.
"I-I'm too late! He's coming back already, w-what do I do?!"
"You'll thank me for this later."
"I wha- KYAAAA!!!"
Aveena suddenly pushed Lucia backwards into the lake and watched as she fell in with a loud splash.
Mere moments later, the girls heard the loud sound of footsteps and cracking branches and looked through the trees on their left.
There, they saw a large four legged monster with steel grey fur and eight swaying tails.
Vermeil almost mistook it for a wild beast, but the two familiar women sitting atop it's back dissuaded her from thinking so.
Besides, she had always been a dog lover so it wasn't hard for her to accept this new creature.
'I wanna pet that dawg!'
The large fox bounded right up to the two girls standing atop the dock and stopped just before it bored into them.
"I see you've broken through, Vermeil. You have my congra-"
"L-Let me give you belly scratchies!"
"Why are you always so fucking weird...?"
"If you won't let me scratch your belly I will settle for your chiny chin chin!"
"If you are touch me I am going to- H-Hey!"
Vermeil ignored Taira's usual curmudgeonly attitude and immediately started scratching his furry chin with her nails.
Taira wanted to give her a strong shock to dissuade her from doing this but... it didn't feel... terrible.
"I... am only allowing you to do this because you succeeded in breaking through today... N-No other reason."
"Thank you, Taira!"
Lucia suddenly poked her head out of the water and found her husband receiving chin scratches from Vermeil.
"Umm... Darling?"
Taira quickly pushed Vermeil into the lake and tried to regain some of his dignity by using one of his tails to lift Lucia out of the water.
"My wife has also broken through... I am quite proud. But why were you in the water?"
"T-That's... Why were you letting Vermeil scratch your chin?!"
Vermeil: "And why did you push me in when I wasn't done yet?!"
"...I brought you girls some presents. Do you want them?"
Taira shank back down to his normal appearance and Enyo and Keran dropped down on either side of him.
With a wave of his hand, he brought out two different kinds of weapons and had them float towards the girls.
For Vermeil, he gave her twin sai with blades that seemed to be made from some translucent metal material.
They were incredibly lightweight, and significantly sharper and more durable than most swords.
Lucia received a jiu huan dao with nine golden rings embedded in the weapon.
The blade was a bit on the larger side, almost matching Lucia's full height and clocking in at around half her weight.
As Taira had expected, Lucia's body was more than strong enough to hold up the weapon's extra weight, an she could swing it around with ease.
"Are you girls satisfied?"
Lucia: "Yes, of course!"
Vermeil: "I'm so happy I could kiss you!"
Lucia / Enyo / Keran : "And you'll lose your fucking life in the process."
"You're so mean! And why does it feel like all of you are more unified now?"
Keran smiled and grabbed Taira's arm possessively. "My darling remembers me again! Our love has been rekindled stronger than before!"
"Great, so now I have to listen to all four of you fuck at night? My fingers were pruning up enough as it is!"
"You don't have to listen to us, you know that, right?" Enyo reminded.
"Have you heard yourself moaning before? I don't have a choice one way or the other."
Enyo blushed and looked down at her feet like she couldn't muster up any defenses against this type of assault.
"Well, you should get used to it. I have such enchanting wives that I don't want to be separated from them for even a single moment. In fact..."
Taira suddenly pulled all three girls into his arms and started to carry them back to the house.
Looking over his shoulder, he gave Aveena and Vermeil what was becoming a reoccurring mischievous smile.
"You girls are always free to listen, if you like. Just don't peek, okay?
Vermeil: *Nose bleeds and panties flood.*
Aveena: "I-I will do whatever I want, mind you..."
As Keran relished in the feeling of being in Taira's arms once again, she finally realized something that she'd been forgetting.
"B-Beloved, can you put me down for a moment..?"
Taira obliged her regretfully, and he watched as she walked right up to Aveena and took her hands.
"There's... something that I need to tell you."
"Those men who hurt you... they have all been killed and you have been fully avenged. You may live your life in peace now knowing that."
Aveena smiled wryly and lowered her head in an expression of gratitude. "Thank you, princess... I feel continuously undeserving of the kindness you have shown me..."
"...That all of you have shown me." she corrected.
The oni dragged her gaze across the bodies of everyone present, and there was only true sincerity that could be seen in her eyes.
Perhaps because she looked so genuine about her gratitude, Keran felt she had no choice but to tell her the rest of the news.
"And... there's something else... it's about your home."