The Famous Detective of the Red Mansion-Chapter 408: Suspected Murder Case [(2)]

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Chapter 408: Suspected Murder Case [(2)]

“Get some wet towels and put them on the shelf, ready for the Master to wipe his sweat later.”

“Put two chilled sour plum soups on the case.”

“Remember to ice a few watermelons in the well; our Master would prefer this one.”

There was still some time before 1 p.m., but the Yamen attendants were already busy in the lobby, sweating profusely one by one, but their faces were filled with the joy of surviving the disaster.

On the contrary, there were a few shirtless and wandering idle people in the hall, their faces as black as ashes from the bottom of a pot.

As soon as he saw the mess outside being tidied up, the Yamen attendant went to the side hall and knocked on the wall with an iron ruler. He shouted in a loud and grand voice, "You guys, wake up! Hurry up, put on your clothes, and come out on duty.”

“Got it, Boss Li.”

“Hasn't the time arrived yet? Why are you urging us?”

“Oh my goodness, isn't this goddess weather going to heat people to death?”

The side hall was filled with complaints, and the ”idle people” cursed and slowly put on soap robes and square scarves. They also took water and firesticks from under the wall and angrily left the side hall.

Originally, these were all unlucky people on duty today. No wonder they were so carefree just now, but no one envied them.

One should know that this Yamen servant's soap robe was made of coarse cloth, which was much hotter than the silk texture of the official uniform. Especially when they stand in two places, they might not be able to move for a moment. The taste of it was unbearable.

When they arrived in the lobby, Boss Li urged them again, "There's a bucket of well water at the door. Let's go wash our faces and wake up from the nap. When we go through the hall, give some energy. If anyone dares to show off or make a mistake in front of the Master, don't blame me for not showing mercy.”

The Government Officials responded weakly and placed their water and fire sticks on the silent plaque, then rolled their arms and sleeves to wash up.

There was still a distance from the bucket of well water, and two Yamen attendants suddenly stood still, their four eyes shining brightly. How could there be any hint of weakness?

When the lobby was just being decorated, Xu-Shi was taken outside again. At this moment, she was sweating from the scorching sun, and her lush green dress had already soaked through most of it. It was tight and wrinkled, wrapped in the unique, seductive curves of a young woman.

Moreover, half of her sleeve was torn off, revealing a white porcelain-like arm, like a peeping leopard in a tube, like a leaf knowing autumn. It became more and more imaginative, only filling the spring light at the bottom of the skirt with a thousand charming thoughts.

So and so, how could they still need any well water?

The Government Officials stood up one by one in high spirits and chattered loudly, “How could such a beautiful little woman murder her husband?”

“Nonsense! How many ugly women have murdered their husbands these days?”

“Brothers, if the Lord uses torture, later on, you need to hold onto me first. I've never seen such a delicate white woman before.”

“Get out of the way! It's been set that I'll be in prison today.”

Speaking of the commotion in the room, they unknowingly insulted Xu-Shi several hundred times with their eyes. Only then did everyone, under the urging of Boss Li, reluctantly returned to the lobby.

Due to this delay, as soon as Sun Shaozong had just taken his place in front, he strode out of the back hall and sat down behind the case. He then waited for Qiu Yunfei and Sun Chengye, each holding a pen, ink, paper, and inkstone, to reach the audience seats. He then gave a sudden shout, "Someone, bring the plaintiff and defendant to the court.”

Wei<del class="chakra-text css-0">Wu</del>

The Yamen Guards, who were just covered in obscene faces, immediately shouted out righteously.

Amidst the tinkling sound of gongs and drums, seven or eight people, male, female, old, and young, all appeared to be filled with righteous indignation. It was obvious that it was Song Changgeng's Uncle's family.

Before these few people could kneel in disorder, the two Yamen guards escorted Xu-Shi in again.

They originally wanted to take her to the front and kneel, but unexpectedly, as soon as Xu-Shi came in, a woman inside rushed up and scratched her claws, while she cursed loudly, "Shameless little scumbag, pay back my Elder Brother's life.”

After watching for a while, Sun Shaozong first scanned the performances of everyone in the hall one by one. Seeing that the remaining two middle-aged women were also somewhat restless, Sun Shaozong quickly hit the wood on the table and shouted, "Someone, drag out this crazy woman who is roaring at the court.”

The two Yamen attendants were accidentally scratched by this woman a few times. As soon as they heard this, they caught the woman with their backhand and dragged her out like a dead dog.

“Your Excellency.”

The Old Woman suddenly looked foolish and screamed, "I am the Lord of Sorrow! I am the Lord of Sorrow! I am..”

As her piercing voice gradually faded away, Sun Shaozong calmly asked, "I wonder who you are suing or what you are accusing?”

At the sight of a disagreement, Sun Changgeng's sister was dragged out. Sun Changgeng's Uncle was deeply frightened and heard the Lord asking. He quickly and cautiously kowtowed, "Replying to the Lord, I am Tian Dahai. Today, I am going to sue this little scumbag... Sue this Xu-Shi for murdering her husband and killing my nephew Song Changgeng.”

Upon hearing this, Sun Shaozong turned his gaze to Xu-Shi and said, "Xu-Shi, is what Tian Dahai said true?”

After hesitating with tears in her eyes for a while, Xu-Shi hesitated and said, "I didn't mean to kill him, It just happened, and I don't know why.”

“Your Excellency.”

Before she could finish speaking, a middle-aged woman behind Tian Dahai pointed and poked with a sneer, saying, "This woman is clearly lying. If it weren't for her disorderly gestures with a kitchen knife, could the Song family's young man still rush up and hit the blade?”

Being criticized, Xu-Shi became even more anxious and said, "I... I just wanted to scare him, not…” fre𝚎w𝐞bn𝗼v𝗲𝐥.𝚌𝗼𝚖

In fact, in Sun Shaozong's view, the argument between the two was completely meaningless because, according to the law of the Great Zhou Dynasty, anyone who ”used a sword to fight” and caused death would be punished as intentional homicide.

That was to say, regardless of whether Xu-Shi intended it or not, as long as she was the person who killed him with a sharp blade, she was deemed to have intentionally killed her husband. Although ”killing her husband” was lighter than ”murdering her husband,” it was also a punishment with a final sentence.

Therefore, Sun Shaozong also didn't bother to listen to them pestering about this matter. After observing it for a moment, he asked in a pun, "Xu-Shi, do you confess to killing your husband, Song Changgeng?”

He deliberately accentuated his tone with the words ”Your husband Song Changgeng.”

Xu-Shi was still stunned for a while before suddenly realizing and crying, "Please be clear, My Lord, that person... That person is not my husband.”

On hearing this, the middle-aged woman straightened her waist and scolded like a cockfight, "What a poisonous woman! You used to yell at the brothers of the Song family one by one, but the big guy saw it with his own eyes! Now you killed someone, but you said he was not your husband. Do you think you are the only one who has the final say?!"

As soon as the woman took the lead, the men and women of the Tian family also shouted in unison, some cursing Xu-Shi for their ruthlessness and others shouting grievances for Song Changgeng, causing chaos in the lobby.


After careful observation for a while, Sun Shaozong suddenly slammed the wooden block on the table. As a warning from the past, the Tian family members were afraid that he would drive people out again, so they were so scared that they obediently closed their mouths.

Sun Shaozong then said coldly, "Don't be so noisy. When I ask about the facts, it's not too late for you to speak up again.”

As he spoke, he asked Xu-Shi again, "Do you have any evidence that the deceased was not Song Changgeng himself?”


Xu-Shi lowered her face and said expectantly, "He... He used to have a light taste, but now he only likes to eat heavy and greasy food, and his body is much darker and thinner than before. And... And…


Seeing as what she said was nothing but trivial matters, it was not conclusive evidence for a person who had been missing for four years and had already died without evidence.

In addition, her words were hesitant and seemed to be concealing something. Sun Shaozong immediately raised his voice and said in a deep voice, "If you can’t provide strong evidence, I'm afraid I can only judge you as ”killing your husband.””

As he spoke, he signaled at Sun Chengye.

Sun Chengye immediately spoke up and said, "According to the laws and regulations of this court, killing one's own husband should be punished by hanging, execution, and waist cutting as appropriate.”

After a pause, he made a summary, “All are executions punishment!”

Upon hearing these words, Xu-Shi suddenly fell limp to the ground but then suddenly bounced back, disregarding the sudden tremors in her chest. She urgently said, "Your Excellency! I have evidence, I have evidence.”

“Because this thief knows everything about my family and his appearance seems different from my husband's, I didn’t suspect that he was a fake until last night.”

Speaking of this, Xu-Shi struggled a little before finally gritting her teeth and saying, "It wasn't until last night when I shared the bed with him that something suddenly happened. My husband's object was very thick and short, but he had a slender one…”

“Even if we haven't seen each other in four years, that object... Wouldn't have changed in length or thickness out of thin air.”

As soon as these words were spoken, there was a sudden uproar in the hall. Not to mention the Tian family; even the Yamen attendants on both sides couldn't help but whisper.

No wonder she had previously concealed such private matters. If it weren't for the moment when her life was at stake, who would have told anyone else?

“What a bitch.”

Sun Shaozong was waiting to stop the commotion of the people under his command. Suddenly, someone jumped out from behind Tian Dahai, but this time he was a young man in his early twenties. He heard him speak harshly and scold, "You have already killed Brother Changgeng; how can you still trample on him like this?”

“Brother Changgeng has been home for over two months now, and you are a serious couple. How did you only discover something strange last night?”

“Besides, you bitch secretly colluded with many men while Brother Changgeng was away. You measured those objects all day, and I'm afraid you won't remember what Brother Changgeng looked like, will you?”

“You... You... You...”


Xu-Shi's face blushed with embarrassment and anger, and as she was about to argue for a few words, she heard Sun Shaozong ask in a deep voice, "Don't pay attention to this person's foul language. First, tell me, what is the difference between what you just said and what it usually looks like?”

“What is the usual appearance?”

Xu-Shi was stunned for a moment before realizing what this meant. She blushed and shook her head, saying, "It doesn't seem to make much difference, but when he went to bed...”


Sun Shaozong chuckled and said in half-genuine anger, "Now that Song Changgeng is dead without evidence, but you're talking about the way he looked when he went to bed?! Isn't it because you wanted to exonerate yourself, so you deliberately amused me?”

“I dare not, I dare not!”

Xu-Shi was intimidated and grabbed the ground with her head, crying out, "It was really because I realized something was wrong last night that I argued with him.”

She wept and cried out for injustice here, but everyone in the Tian family spoke loudly and praised the ”Heavenly Master.” “Your divine eyes were like lightning, and you could see through this poisonous woman's sophistry at a glance.”


As the two sides were arguing and entangled, Sun Shaozong suddenly hit the wooden block and said solemnly, "Xu-Shi, you said it was not right to argue with him. Did you mention the matter of ”impersonation” in your words at that time?”

“Yes, yes.”

Xu-Shi seemed to have grabbed a life-saving straw and hurriedly said, "When I was arguing with him, I mentioned this several times and happened to be overheard by a beggar outside the door. If you don't believe me, just ask that beggar and you'll know.”