The Great Mage Returns After 4000 Years (Web Novel KR)-Vol 2 Chapter 292

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Garp wasn’t really the one apologising. In fact, he probably hadn’t even known that Lukas was being mistreated.

Nevertheless, as he watched him give a sincere apology without any awkwardness, Lukas couldn’t help but wonder if he was a good person, or a wise person.

“It’s fine.”

It was already in the past and it wasn’t that big of a deal in the first place.

In the end, it wasn’t hard for Lukas to understand the actions of the mercenaries. It was natural for them to be wary of a mysterious person who was picked up during their journey, and seeing that person receive better treatment than them filled them with displeasure.

Of course, this didn’t mean their bullying wasn’t underhanded, crude and childish, but it didn’t cross Lukas’ bottom line.

Garp swept his hand across his chest before continuing.

“I heard that you lost your memories.”

“…what of it?”

“So what kind of swordsmanship was Sir Lukas using…?”

Lukas looked at Garp, whose voice faded at the end of his sentence, with a slightly puzzled expression on his face.

The swordsmanship Lukas used in the battle against Budilem was Lucid’s Dreadment.

Of course, it was his own interpretation of it due to the condition of his legs, but it was still a clear and organised sword technique.

This was something that Garp, an experienced mercenary, could never miss.

‘I don’t even remember the swordsmanship I used.’

If he felt suspicious and tried to question him along this line, Lukas didn’t really have a good excuse to give.

But Garp’s next words took him by surprise.

“…it must have been engraved on your body.”


“Sir Lukas must have been a famed Knight. Maybe your head has forgotten, but your body still remembers. In other words, it’s clear that you’ve reached the conscious body stage, something that all the swordsmen desire.


Garp’s gaze was blazing. Upon closer inspection, it wasn’t just him, but also those around who had similar, or even hotter, gazes.

When he saw this, it finally occurred to him that mercenaries were the ones who were most enthusiastic about heroic epics and legends.

‘It seems like they are creating their own delusions.’

Lukas felt burdened by their gazes, but he could only give a shaky response because he couldn’t think of anything better.

“You’re exaggerating.”

He wondered if he should correct their delusion.

“It’s not an exaggeration!”

“Budilem’s tricks are called ‘an inescapable death’ in the dark!”

“I heard that he once broke free from a deadly ambush, before counter ambushing his attackers and killing all of them! Sir Lukas was probably a great Knight with an incredible background.”

The mercenaries around him all shouted in excitement.

At that moment, the atmosphere had become so noisy that Lukas couldn’t help but open his mouth again and speak in a low voice.

“Although I have lost my memories, I know myself well. I can feel that I was not such a good person.”

The mercenaries could feel the firmness in his tone. Their loud cries slowly died down, and they played with their food.

The burning atmosphere cooled in an instant.

‘Was that the wrong response?’

He wondered what he should do.

He didn’t know what it felt like to be a noble swordsman or famed knight. Because Lukas had always lived the life of a Wizard.

Without any other option, he naturally thought of the most knight-like person he’d ever known.


However, it would be difficult for him to imitate Lucid when he was at that age. If he were to act and speak in an old fashioned manner despite his young appearance, people would certainly find it strange.

This led Lukas to think of Lucid when he was much younger and more immature.

At that time, Lucid had a sharp personality that made it difficult for others to easily approach him. As they grew older, mentioning the ‘Lucid of that time’ became a taboo among their party, but…

No one was going to find out about it, so it should be fine.

“…I… am just me.”

Lukas held the knife in his hands and smiled as coldly as he could.

“The moment I lifted the sword, my body moved on its own… Even if my memories have disappeared, my ‘soul’ must have remembered the memories I have with my partner.”



The mercenaries were silent for a while before the murmurs began rushing in like a wave.

That was probably a bit too much.

Just as Lukas was quickly trying to think of another response…

“S-, Sword God.”

Someone muttered.

“O-, ohhh…!”

“A Sword God has appeared.”

“Amazing! Thrilling!”

The mercenaries began to cheer with excited expressions.

In response to the reaction that far surpassed his expectations, Lukas simply lowered his head and quietly began to eat his stew once again.

…For the time being, it would probably be better to leave their delusions.

(TL: Sword God Lukas.)

* * *

After the meal, Lukas was called. It was Rina.

As he went to the carriage pointed out to him by the mercenaries, he found Rina surrounded by a pile of documents.

“You’re here.”

“What’s the matter?”

“I don’t think the relationship between us is over just yet.”

As she said this, Rina handed a thick pouch to him. With a puzzled expression on his face, Lukas reached out to receive the pouch.


It was heavy.

Behind the thick layers of the pouch, he could feel several round objects, presumably made of metal. It wasn’t just a few either, the pouch was filled.

Lukas immediately realised that it was a money pouch.

“This is…?”

“It’s the return for saving me. I would like to once again thank you for saving my life.”

As she bowed her head, her auburn hair flowed down like a veil. And when she lifted it, he could see the sad but relieved expression on her face.

…She really was a merchant through and through.

“It’s a lot cheaper than the cost of my life, but I hope you’ll understand that I didn’t formally hire you, so I can’t afford to give you more than that.”

“How much did you put in here?”

Rina’s eyes widened slightly as she never expected him to directly ask something like that. For the first time since they met, she smiled in a manner befitting her age as she answered.

“50 gold coins.”

“It feels like there are more coins than that…”

“I mixed silver coins in to make it appear bigger.”

“I see, so you made it look fuller on the outside… Oh. Was that rude to say?”

Rina’s face became a bit serious and she furrowed her eyebrows as she explained to him that it was a part of merchants’ proper etiquette

Of course, the reason Lukas had asked wasn’t because he felt bad.

He shook his head and pocketed the pouch.

“I’ll use it well.”

He couldn’t remember exactly how much 50 gold coins were worth. Nevertheless, it was the reward for saving the life of a fairly well known merchant. So it certainly wasn’t an amount that would disappear after only a few days of spending. If he used it sparingly, he could probably live comfortably for a few months.

It was an unexpected harvest.

“Is that all you wanted?”

“No. There’s one other thing.”

Rina cleared her throat a few times before speaking in a clear voice.

“I would like to formally hire Sire Lukas. The period will be until we arrive at Bairak. I can give you 30% as an advance now, and the rest will be paid as soon as we arrive in the city.”

Rina then pulled out another money pouch. It was similar in size to the one he’d received before.

Lukas gave a small smile.

“Does this one also have silver mixed in?”


Rina smiled brightly.

“This one has a bit more gold.”