The Invincible Full-Moon System-Chapter 1075 Brink of Defeat (2)

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Chapter 1075 Brink of Defeat (2)

Rex, weathered by the weight of the fight, lay in his own pool of blood.

His regenerative abilities were trying to heal his wounds, but it was way slower than normal.

As a peak ultimate element, the chaos energy put up a fierce resistance.

Groaning lightly, he fixed his eyes skyward—watching the dark clouds swirl, indifferent to the turmoil below. The symphony of battle raged on, clashing spells and desperate cries echoed through the battlefield—all clear in Rex's ears.

Even as he couldn't see the battle, the vibrations beneath him were a constant reminder.

It was a reminder that the violence was still going on.

Struggling against the brutal pull of exhaustion, with wounds marred across his body, he rose—his movements labored and heavy. Adorned with a painful look, Rex swept his gaze across the battlefield that had now turned against his forces.

Blood with different hues stained the earth, mingling with the soil of the battlefield.

Corpses of Vampires, Demons, and Humans littered the ground.

As he surveyed the scene before him, a knot tightened in his chest, constricting his breaths.

His side was faltering, the constant bombardment from the enemies crumbled their defense, and there were too few Supernaturals who managed to reach the opposing army's formation—dismantling their ranks.

Even Carmilla and the Archdemons were having a hard time surviving.

On the contrary, the Executor's forces were still robust.

Regardless of their defensive formation granting them an edge on the open plain, Rex could see that Brigitta was experiencing a massive power boost. Her energy seemed to resonated with the First Breath, able to stimulate the white sphere in the sky.

It easily shows that she was already in the realm of her own, nearing the Executor and him.

Clearly, the tide of the war is going in the Executor's favor.

Just the realization alone hung heavy in the air, a bitter truth that threatened to engulf him.

Only at this moment that Rex realize that he could lose.

I couldn't let the Executor inside the creek. The Shapeshifters wouldn't be able to last long enough for me to reach the ninth epiphany, and even with the Passue Matriarch, there's no saying that she wouldn't attack the Shapeshifters too.

Rex deliberated his situation after he observed that the fight was going very south.

Jolted by his situation, he was barely able to regain back his mind.

His willpower was weakened severely by the Executor's antics that had gotten into him—but there was no other choice for him other than to fight. It was hard to do—the strangling of his mind was crippling.

But he had to persevere, there was no turning back.

Likely, the fight is going to go badly—but he has too many responsibilities on his back.

He couldn't give up now, not when he boasts of peace to others.

Rex coughed a mouthful of blood and gazed at the Executor, standing his ground firmly.

No... I should be able to reach the ninth epiphany. He thought, seeing that the Executor was still being wary of him. He might know of the System Relaying Bet quest, but I doubt he was aware of everything—the fact that I couldn't use the System too. In his view, I still could use the System, that's why he was being careful like this.

It was true that the Executor was able to trap him and trigger the System Relaying Bet quest.

However, Rex doubted that the Executor knew everything.

For all he knows, the Executor, or the Fifthborn should he say, never possess the System.

Gripping both weapons tightly in his hands, Rex could tell what the Executor was thinking. Knowing his personality, he's going to use his own forces to fend off the Passue Matriarch as he advances toward the Symposium. Forcing my forces would be impossible—he's not going to enter the creek until he annihilates my forces and paves the way for his own forces.

Even though it was still a hot assumption, Rex believed that this would be the case.

Despite the pain, he lowered into his battle stance.

Good, I should bring our fight back to the middle of the battlefield.

Just as Rex was about to make a run back into the battlefield—his intent fixed on absorbing more Life Essences to increase his epiphany, his eyes widened in shock. Suddenly—without warning, the Executor threw his black spear straight at Rex.



His throw was infused with chaos energy, breaking the sound barrier.

In mid-air, the black spear was split into four pieces—speeding up immensely right after.

Brandishing his weapons expertly, Rex deflected the incoming projectiles.


None of the projectiles managed to land on their mark, he deflected them all perfectly.

But before he could recover and make a dash back into the battlefield, the Executor made a leap into the air with his entire body coated with swirling rushes of windy chaos energy. He raised both hands into the sky, seemingly preparing for a massive spell.

"Arcane Spell..." the Executor began his chant.

Rex's heart began to thump faster as it was an arcane, not the regular one.

Each spell the Executor had woven thus far had been nothing more than normal or only great spell, but they were all deadly—capable of even injuring Rex. Now that he was using an even higher spell grade than that, the Arcane Spell, the effect must be devastating.

At the sight of this, Rex gritted his teeth in alert, fearing what the Executor was trying to do.

Shit! He's aiming for the army!

As the Executor's intentions became clear, he wanted to quickly rush forward to help protect the army from this massive spell—but his advance was abruptly halted by something holding onto him.

Looking down at his body, he found that there were purple chains binding him in place.

Four chains to be exact—one choking his neck, two holding his arms, and last on his waist.

His movement was constricted in place.

Rex glanced over his shoulders and found that the chains were coming from the four pieces of the black spear the Executor had thrown earlier. He was too distracted by the arcane spell that he didn't realize the chains came from the back.

Only then that his eyes widen, realizing that he had thought wrong.

Pivoting his head back to the Executor, Rex saw him casting him a playful, sadistic smirk.


In a breathtaking instant, the Executor gathered a massive amount of chaos energy, creating a colossal orb of swirling purple chaos, an amalgamation of immense spirit and arcane mana—bearing the weight of his true power.

Even the effect of amassing this amount of energy could be felt directly by those below him.

Not only the Supernaturals, but the Humans were also suffocating under his shadow.

Cackling in a maniacal manner, the Executor pointed both of his hands and placed the ball of chaos in front of him, aiming it at Rex, "Don't think I don't know what you're thinking-! Arcane Spell, Chaos Nova!!"


A brilliant light illuminated the battlefield as the Executor unleashed his might.

He unleashed a relentless torrent of unbridled chaos energy, tearing through the atmosphere with a deafening roar, a visceral testament to his power. The force of his attack swept across the landscape, causing the very air to quiver and the earth itself to quake in submission to its overwhelming might.

On the other hand, the target of the attack was standing with widened eyes.

Rex was surprised that the spell was fired directly at him.

I thought he was going to attack the army with this attack but no... He's aiming for me!


Under the onlookers' very eyes, the ground rippled and cracked—fissures snaking their way across the once-barren expanse as the blast hit Rex and created a massive explosion. All of the trees lining the edge of the creek bent and splintered, their branches torn asunder.

Even the creek itself churned and roiled, its tranquil waters whipped into a frenzy.

Mud and debris alike were hurled into the air—carried on the winds of destruction.

The Executor's arcane spell consumed everything in its path with relentless hunger, and the mere thought of Rex surviving that attack was near impossible. For a fleeting moment there, silence descended upon the battlefield, shrouding it in an eerie stillness born of devastation.

Not one could remain fighting—all turned to look at what had happened.

In battles from ancient times until now, commanders or the mightiest beings leading armies didn't have the luxury of commanding from afar. Each one descends onto the battlefield—confronting the opposing commander with their own hands.

Aside from protecting the army from getting slaughtered, there was another reason.

For the weaker entities, their battle will determine the morale and also the result of the fight.

Had any one of them dies, then the battle is basically over.

Just like right now, the entire Supernatural Army turned to see if Rex had survived the attack.

Even at the very back, the Witch was holding back Gistella.

Seeing that Rex endured such a devastating blow firsthand made her scream in terror forcing the Witch to press her hand over Gistella's mouth, and pin her down—fearing that she might be heard by the Executor, even though he was in the midst of battle.

"Calm yourself, Gistella!" the Witch warned whisperingly.

But even then, Gistella kept on wailing, feeling the connection she had with Rex weakening.

It was nothing but a bad sign for her.

Clouds of dust settled and blocked their visions, and the echoes of the blast faded slowly.

As the dust got blown by the wind, a plain lay scarred and ravaged could be seen. Under the Executor's power, the once serene plain is now forever altered by the destructive force of his vicious arcane spell.

Even with the sight of the devastation alone, the Supernaturals recoiled in awe and fear.

Looking at this, the Executor crossed his arms in arrogance.

Despite the fact that he was weakened from being recently Awakened, and also only able to push the limit of the First Breath to the ninth-rank realm, his attack was still devastating. Not even Rex would be able to come out of it unscathed.

It didn't take long before his assumption was proven to be true.

Surprisingly, the wind blew lightly and exposed Rex still standing on his spot motionlessly.

His body was still chained in place, and the armor on his torso was destroyed.

Grievous injuries could be seen marring across his form, slashed and burned, remnants of the brutal onslaught and the explosive force of the arcane spell. Shoulders slumped, face turned towards the sky, he displayed the toll of battle in every scar and weary line.

In the nick of time, he deployed everything that he could.

Rex braced himself for the incoming attack, knowing full well that it would be lethal for him.

But that doesn't stop the attack entirely as he got wounded beyond measure.

His situation was very bad, but some saw this as a testament to his resilience.

Even after receiving such a powerful attack from the Executor, Rex still remains standing.

Standing on his unyielding legs, he remained motionless with only his ink-black hair danced by the passing wind. Though his chest rose and fell faintly—displaying that he was still alive, his strength was ebbing away, leaving him teetering on the brink of life.

Nobody moved as they watched Rex with mixed feelings.



<Warning—the user is in a critical state!>

<Recuperation is advised, under the moonlight is preferred to quicken the recovery process>

Multiple warning notifications that only Rex could see flooded his vision.

But even without the notices from the System, the spectators, particularly the Supernaturals, fixated on the crimson rivulets meandering down Rex's brow, converging with the red stream coursing down her arm, pooling at his fingertips before dripping into the ground.


Each of the Supernatural present felt their heart slowing down drastically.


Dread started to grip their hearts with icy fingers.


At the third beat of their united hearts, an echoing metallic sound made them skip a beat.


Only then that the Supernaturals collectively sucked in a sharp breath when both weapons in Rex's hands—the Amuerus Katana and the Blood Devourer—fell to the ground. It was akin to a thunderclap that had erupted within their minds, shattering their morale.

Seeing this sight, the Executor's smile spreads from ear to ear.

"The Royal Black Prince," His voice echoed, eyes ablaze with excitement. "has fallen..."

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