The Law of Attraction-Chapter 611: Comfort In Her Arms

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Kenzie had just finished showering and changing into her nightgown. The weather was hot so she wore a thin nightgown. She was about to jump on her bed and rest her exhausted body and brain when Kimmy knocked and entered her room.

"Kimmy, I'm really doing fine. The doctor has removed my cast already and I'm already ready to kick ass. Do you want a sample?" she mumbled with pouted lips because Kimmy was often going overboard in looking after her.

"Boss, I know you're ready. I'm here because it is an issue about Daryl so I thought I should let you know first before making any move," Kimmy informed.

"What about him?"

"Daryl's car is parked near the gate," Kimmy answered.

"Did you confirm that it was his car?" Kenzie asked.

"Yes, it's his number plate. Should I ask the security to approach it and make sure?" Kimmy asked.

"No! No! Don't do that! He will leave if you do that… Wait I will go out myself," she shouted and hurriedly put on a robe before she rushed outside her room.

Kimmy escorted her outside and quickly instructed the driver since the main gate was still a far walk from the mansion.

"Boss aren't you cold?" Kimmy asked, just noticing Kenzie was on her thin nightgown.

"I'm fine," Kenzie said while she hurriedly stepped out of the car as soon as they reached the gate. She walked towards Daryl's car with Kimmy following behind. She immediately knocked on the window and Daryl opened it.

"What's going on? Why are you parked here?" she asked but Daryl did not reply. He was just staring at her, blankly. She leaned closer and smelled the alcohol. "Did you drink?" she asked softly.

"Just a little bit…" Daryl answered with a timid smile.

Kenzie creased her forehead then looked at Kimmy and instructed, "Get someone to help me bring Daryl inside. He's drunk…"

Two of her men assisted Daryl who started grinning and swaying as they walked. Inside the mansion, Kimmy halted and turned to Kenzie to ask, "To which room boss?"

"Where else? To my room of course." Kenzie immediately replied.

"But…" Kimmy mumbled in hesitation.

"Don't worry. I won't eat him alive okay? So move quickly and bring him inside my room," Kenzie commented in jest as she excitedly walked ahead to her room.

"What should we do?" one of the bodyguards holding Daryl asked.

"You heard the boss. Daryl is drunk so I'm sure Boss can manage him alone," Kimmy mumbled. She was actually not worried about her Boss but him. She worriedly looked at Daryl and murmured, "Good luck to you Attorney Cha."

"Hey, I'm not drunk! I can manage on my own," Daryl complained and glared at the two men who were assisting him.

Daryl got out from their grasp and walked in clumsy steps to follow Kenzie. He was swaying at every corner of the hallway so the bodyguards hurriedly ran to him and assisted him.

As soon as he was put on the bed, Kenzie dismissed everyone. She removed Daryl's shoes and socks then she sat next to him on the bed and mumbled, "Why did you drive when you're drunk? Geez, I can't believe that you're so careless about this.

You even parked outside my house so suddenly. Good thing my security recognized your car. Did you plan to sleep inside your car if I had not come? Such recklessness is annoying..."

There was no response from him so Kenzie let out a long breath. She was worried about him. Daryl's eyes were closed and she could not stop herself from staring at his face.

'He looks so tired.' she mused. 'But still so handsome…' she silently added.

She wondered why Daryl ended up outside her home. She could not help but squeal inwardly at the thought of Daryl probably missing her so much that he wanted to stop by her mansion just for her.

She lovingly touched his face and mumbled, "How come you ended up here huh? What were you thinking, driving here drunk? You should have called for a driver instead of driving the car on your own. I can't believe how careless you are in such simple matters."

She was about to retract her hand when she felt a firm grip on her wrist. She looked at Daryl and gulped seeing he slowly opened his eyes and met hers.

"I was sleeping but you're nagging me too much," she heard him whisper before she felt him pull her on the bed such that she ended up resting on top of him.

She tilted her head to look at him and scolded, "You deserve it. Why were you driving drunk?! What if you met with an accident while driving? Besides, why did you end up at my place when it's the opposite way from yours?"

She could hear the fast and loud thumping of Daryl's heart because her head was pinned against his chest by him.

"Stop nagging and let me just sleep," Daryl whispered as he shifted her to a comfortable position next to him. He pulled her tightly and buried her face in his chest. He snuggled his face in her hair, inhaling her scent.

Kenzie smiled. She loved how Daryl smelled so she breathed his scent. She was in a daze as she comfortably closed her eyes to sleep. She was hoping it was real and not just another dream.

Soon she dozed off to sleep. Daryl felt the steady breathing of Kenzie and thought, 'How come she can sleep so easily next to me?'

He was not actually drunk out of his mind but he did not know what came over him that made him pretend to be drunk. All he wanted to do was to see Kenzie and hug her like this. He felt comfort in her arms. Hugging her like this made his heart feel so warm that all his worries started fading away.

It was not easy to control the burning sensation of his body due to their simple intimacy such as hugging but he managed to control himself and soon fell into slumber.

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