The Lucky Heiress-Chapter 326 - You are okay now_l

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Chapter 326: Chapter 326 You are okay now_l

He was half lying on the pile of straw and half on the ground.

Wei Ruo walked over to him with some water accumulated on the ground soaking her embroidered shoes, feeling a slight chill seeping through her sole.

Thankfully, it was July now. The cold he must have felt if it were December is unimaginable.

When she arrived at Wei Yichen’s side, she saw him with his eyes tightly closed, completely unconscious.

Wei Ruo reached out and touched his neck to confirm his pulse.

Fortunately, there was a pulse, he was still alive. But his body was scorching hot; he was having a high fever.

Just as Wei Ruo was about to retract her hand, Wei Yichen suddenly opened his eyes and, from an unknown source of strength, fiercely gripped the hand Wei Ruo was retracting.

At this moment, there was an unprecedented intensity in Wei Yichen’s eyes that Wei Ruo had never seen before.

“You’re fine now, we’ve found you,” Wei Ruo said to Wei Yichen.

Wei Yichen paused for a few seconds, and then, as if confirming something, his eyes closed again, his hand loosened, and he lost consciousness once more.

That moment seemed like the last flash of consciousness before death.

Wei Ruo ordered someone to carry Wei Yichen out; they had to leave this place immediately.

Wei Yilin also ran over. Upon seeing Wei Yichen being carried out, Wei Yilin’s eyes went red instantly.

“Big brother! Big brother! What happened to big brother…” Wei Yilin stammered, desperate and anxious, but was held back by Wei Ruo.

“He is still alive, just having a fever. Don’t block their way, let’s go back home immediately and get him medical treatment,” Wei Ruo told Wei Yilin.

Wei Yilin promptly nodded, “Okay, let’s go back! We need to find a doctor for big brother!”

While Wei Ruo and the others found Wei Yichen, the rest of the crew also located the five guards who had been following Wei Yichen.

They had been locked up in the shed at the back and were somewhat weakened, but they were in better condition than Wei Yichen.

Wei Ruo handed over the subdued “kidnappers” to Chu Lan’s subordinates, leading the Wei Family guards to take Wei Yichen back to town immediately.

An hour later, they arrived at the Military Prefecture.

Madame Yun rushed over and saw the unconscious Wei Yichen who had been rescued. Her face turned as pale as a sheet.

“What happened to my Yichen?” Madame Yun started to cry, her voice trembling and her legs giving way, barely able to stand upright.

“Nanny Zhang, please bring Doctor Cheng from Zhenyu Hall here; Cuiping, prepare hot water in the kitchen and brew ginger soup; Xiaonan, you change big brother’s clothes and wipe his body with a hot towel.”

Wei Ruo, knowing that she couldn’t rely on Madame Yun to stay calm at this moment, simply started giving orders herself.

The servants of the house immediately did as they were told.

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“My dear Ruo, what happened to Yichen?” Madame Yun asked Wei Ruo with her face full of tears.

“He’s still alive, just having a fever. The room he was locked up in was damp and cold, he probably got a chill,” Wei Ruo answered.

Wei Ruo had already taken Wei Yichen’s pulse, and knew that he was infected with a cold.

She asked Nanny Zhang to bring Doctor Cheng merely to prescribe medicine conveniently.

“Who on earth would lock my Yichen up? He had always been studying at Anzhou Academy and never offended anyone!” Madame Yun cried and cursed at the same time.

Wei Ruo didn’t respond to this; she wasn’t sure who was behind it either.

Wei Ruo glanced at the people standing in Wei Yichen’s room, and didn’t see Wei Qingwan.

So she asked Nanny Li, “Where is Wei Qingwan?”

Nanny Li hesitated, but had no choice but to answered Wei Ruo respectfully, “Young mistress, the second young mistress has been praying for the eldest young master’s safe return in her room. It seems that the second young mistress’s prayers have been answered, the patriarch has truly returned.”

Hearing Nanny Li’s words, Lady Xiumei rolled her eyes in annoyance, retorting, “Nanny Li, are you blind? It was our young mistress who personally found the eldest young master and brought him back. How could this be considered as your young mistress’s contribution?”

Nanny Li said, “Lady Xiumei, that’s not the right way to put it. There are gods above who watch over us. You may not believe it, but you cannot disrespect the gods.”

Lady Xiumei replied, “If your young mistress’s prayers are really that effective, can you arrange for her to pray right now for the eldest young master to regain consciousness immediately? And while she’s at it, she can also pray for all the Japanese pirates to drop dead, and for a productive harvest this year.”

Nanny Li retorted back without backing down, “Lady Xiumei, do mind your words. Even if you are the mistress’s servant, it’s disrespectful to the master to defame the second young mistress like that.”

Wei Ruo shot Nanny Li a cold look, “If you say one more word, I’ll send you to the manor.”

Nanny Li wanted to seek justice from Madame Yun, but when she looked at Madame Yun, she saw that she was in a state of complete confusion and was completely following Wei Ruo’s lead. The words she wanted to say sunk back down to her stomach.

After a while, Wei Qingwan came.

“Big brother…” Wei Qingwan strode towards the bed, only to be stopped by Wei Ruo.

“Sister?” Wei Qingwan looked at Wei Ruo in surprise, a hint of guilt hidden in her eyes.

“Anyone who is unnecessary should leave. Big brother needs rest and quiet now,” Wei Ruo said.

“Sister, let me see big brother…” Wei Qingwan pleaded.

“Xiumei, please everyone out,” Wei Ruo commanded.

“Yes, young mistress.” Xiumei stepped forward, grabbing Wei Qingwan’s arm and started pulling her towards the door.

Xiumei’s grip was considerably strong. Wei Qingwan wanted to resist, but had no choice and was dragged out of the room.

Everyone else complied and left, and Nanny Li had to follow out too.

Wei Qingwan, after being dragged out of the room, didn’t leave. Her eyes were fixed on the room’s door, contemplating how she could get back in.

She was extremely anxious at the moment, unsure of what the eldest young master would say when he woke up, and she was terrified of what would happen next.

When Wei Ruo came out of the room and saw Wei Qingwan still standing in the corridor outside, she asked, “What are you waiting for, little sister?”

“Big brother is unconscious, and I’m very worried.” Wei Qingwan explained.

“Worry as you might, it’s best not to stand here. There are people coming and going. Not only can you not help, you’ll also get in their way.”

“But I can’t relax, sister, let me go in and take care of big brother, can I?”

“Big brother doesn’t need you to take care of him. Doctor Cheng will be here soon, he will prescribe medicine for big brother and guide the servants on how to take care of him. Moreover, as a young lady of your age, you should avoid any inappropriate interaction with big brother. There will be maids and servants giving big brother a bath, changing his clothes, and wiping his body. How is that appropriate for you to be present?” Wei Ruo said.

“But sister, aren’t you here too?” Wei Qingwan bit her lip and asked.

“Don’t I plan to leave now? Little sister, you should go back first. Nanny Zhang will report to us anything about big brother,” Wei Ruo said..