The Omnistore System-Chapter 385: Hawkers market

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Chapter 385: Hawkers market

The bustling night hawkers market was alive with vibrant lights and a symphony of sounds. Colorful stalls lined the narrow streets, offering an array of tantalizing street food, handmade crafts, and lively entertainment. The air was filled with the mingling aromas of grilled meats, exotic spices, and sweet desserts, creating an intoxicating atmosphere.

Kevin arrived at the market, the destination for his second date with Key. As he looked around, he spotted the three girls near one of the stalls, each engrossed in their own conversations and browsing.

"Hey, guys!" Kevin called out as he approached, weaving through the crowd.

Riya turned first, her face lighting up with a big smile. "Kevin! Over here!" she shouted, waving her arm high. She then nudged Key, who was blushing a bit, and said with a teasing grin, "I told you he was interested in you. He was just busy dealing with business."

Key's blush deepened, and she gave Riya a playful shove. "Stop it, Riya," she mumbled, looking both embarrassed and pleased.

Riya was excited because Natalie had been constantly asking her about her brother, wondering when he was going to have his second date with Key. Natalie had said key really liked Kevin and wanted to date him, frequently asking if he was interested in her. Kevin hadn't mentioned anything about them, so Riya was worried he might not be interested, which could strain their relationship, too.

Kevin reached them, smiling broadly. "Hey, sorry I'm late. This place is a maze! I got distracted by some amazing-looking dumplings back there."

Seeing him call her out of nowhere to arrange a second date didn't seem like him, but as Kevin walked over and saw them eating some type of meatballs glazed in sauce, he asked, "What are you ladies eating? It looks delicious!"

Key blushed, looking down at her food, while Natalie grinned and held up a meatball skewer, licking a bit of sauce off her fingers. "These are the best meatballs you'll ever have, Kevin! You have to try one."

Riya chimed in, playfully nudging Natalie with her elbow, "Yeah, Nat's been raving about them since we got here. I think she's on her third skewer."

Natalie laughed, waving her skewer at them. "Don't judge me! They're really that good. Here, Kevin, have one."

Kevin was a bit surprised by Natalie's casualness since it was only the second time they had met, but he still took the offered skewer and took a bite, his eyes widening in delight. "Wow, you're right! These are amazing."

Turning to his date so as not to seem uninterested in her, he asked, "Key, have you tried these yet?"

Key nodded shyly, "Yes, they're really good."

"Well, don't let Nat hog them all," Kevin teased, giving Natalie a playful nudge as he reached for another bite.

Natalie pretended to be offended, placing a hand dramatically over her heart. "I'm just helping support the local economy!"

Riya rolled her eyes, smirking. "Sure, Nat. You keep telling yourself that."

Kevin laughed and turned to Key, "So, what else should we check out? Any recommendations?"

Key glanced at Riya and Natalie, who both gave her an encouraging look. "Um, there's a really nice noddle stall just down the street. They have all kinds of noddle dishes."

"Sounds perfect," Kevin said with a smile. "Lead the way."

As they walked, Natalie couldn't resist adding, "Just make sure Kevin doesn't get distracted by more dumplings."

Kevin laughed, popping the last of the meatball into his mouth. "No promises there. This place is a foodie's paradise."

Riya nodded, shaking her head with a grin. "Yeah, we'll have to keep an eye on you."

Key giggled softly, starting to relax a bit more. "Maybe we should put a leash on him."

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Kevin raised an eyebrow, his smile turning mischievous. "Whoa, Key, I didn't know you were into that kind of thing."

Key's face turned bright red as she stammered, "N-no, I didn't mean it like that!"

"Don't go overboard with teasing, Kevin," Riya chided, giving his arm a playful slap, her eyes sparkling with mischief. Natalie chuckled along, though her smile seemed a touch forced. Meanwhile, Key's cheeks flushed deeper with embarrassment, clearly uncomfortable with the attention.

As Natalie and Key walked slightly ahead, Natalie slowed her pace to match Key's, her grip tightening on Key's arm. Leaning in, she spoke in a hushed yet firm tone, maintaining her forced smile, "I asked you to act shy, not become mute. Why aren't you talking to him? And when you do, you mention putting him on a leash?" Her words carried a hint of frustration. "You really want to be a cultivator or not?" She squeezed Key's arm gently, her gaze searching Key's eyes for a response.

"Let go of me," Key said with a pained expression, wincing as Natalie's grip tightened on her arm. As Natalie released her hold, Key massaged the spot gently, trying to alleviate the discomfort. With a wide smile, she tried to play it off, saying, "Don't worry, That just slipped out while I was thinking about how he might look in one of those." The shy, cute demeanor she had displayed earlier seemed to have vanished, replaced now by an expression filled with a mix of desire and anticipation whenever she glanced at Kevin.

Just as Key's smile turned back to her shy self, Riya suddenly turned around towards them, and asked, not seeing them walking. "What are you two up to?"

Natalie forced a smile and replied in her usual tone, "Oh, nothing. Just had something on my shoes." She gestured down, pretending to brush off an imaginary speck.

As she brushed off her shoes with the forced smile still in place, Natalie spoke in a low tone, "Tonight, make him your boyfriend. Who knows, when he might wander off on another adventure?" She referred to Kevin's previous escapade to Chernbog Den, which had caused over two months to pass since their first date.

"Why does they in first place wanna do it? Don't they like their comfortable life?" Natalie muttered in annoyance as they walked back to join the others. She couldn't fathom why cultivators were so eager to embark on dangerous adventures risking their lives. Perhaps she'd understand once she became one herself, something she was eagerly anticipating.

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