The Primal Hunter
The Primal Hunter
Onjust another normal Monday, the world changed. The universe had reached athreshold humanity didn't even know existed, and itwas time tofinally beintegrated into the vast multiverse. Aworld where power isthe only thing that one can truly rely on.Jake, aseemingly average office worker, finds himself thrust into this new world. Into atutorial filled with dangers and opportunities. Inaworld that should breed fear and concern, anenvironment that makes his fellow coworkers falter, Jake instead finds himself thriving.Perhaps Jake was born for this kind ofworld, tobegin with.***Author Note: Tags and content warnings are mainly to give me creative freedom later on. This is my first novel ever, and English isn't my native language, so go easy on me chaps.
- C.940: Level 290 Hunter Skill Selection
- C.939: Prima Guardian Aftermath
- C.938: Prima Guardian (6)
- C.937: Prima Guardian (5)
- C.936: Prima Guardian (4)
- C.935: Prima Guardian (3)
- C.934: Prima Guardian (2)
- C.933: Prima Guardian (1)
- C.932: Accelerated Difficulty
- C.931: The Prima Guardian Event Begins
- C.930: Prima Guardian Cometh
- C.929: Mysterious Third Party
- C.928: An Emotional Plan
- C.927: Favors Owed & One Last Surprise
- C.926: A Very Black Blade
- Announcement: Book 10 is out! September Break! Patreon Changes!
- C.925: Vision, Phones, & End of World Congress
- C.924: Someone Just Had To
- C.923: Politics Still Suck
- C.922: The Fine Line Between Cute & Terrifying
- C.921: Hive Queens Are Scary
- C.920: Insecurities
- C.919: Prima Guardian Preparations
- C.918: Union Oath 2.0
- C.917: ”Let the construction begin!”
- C.916: Board (Read: Bored) Meeting
- C.915: Holiday Is Over
- C.914: Back In The Laboratory
- C.913: The Sword Of A Hero
- C.912: Not An Egg
- C.911: Ghostvine
- C.910: Vipers & Hunters
- C.909: Lunewood Forest
- C.908: Dark(?) Side Of The Moon
- C.907: To The Moon!
- C.906: All Good Things Must Come To An End
- C.904: To Visit One’s Parents
- C.903: Results Of (Un)Intentional Assistance
- C.902: Prima Preparations & Northpeak Wyvern
- C.901: Blood On The Ice
- C.900: Science Worm & Rolling With Rick
- C.899: The Dark Ones And He Who Knows
- C.898: An All New Haven
- C.897: Planting Seeds & Sandy’s Return
- C.896: Demon Lore Galore
- C.895: Yggdrasil
- C.894: Years of Change
- C.893: Post-Nevermore Status
- C.892: Time To Head Home
- C.891: Demonic Soulspace Adventure: Cerulean Devil Edition
- C.890: A Couple Of Major Oversights
- C.889: Time To Make History
- C.888: Pillow Talk
- C.887: Forbidden Knowledge
- C.886: The Mystery Deepens
- C.885: A Day Of Forced Socialization In Nevermore City
- C.884: Having A Cold One
- C.883: Temporary Farewells
- C.882: Heartfelt Conversations & Hidden Agendas
- C.881: Mysterious Boots & Dragon Princesses
- C.880: An Unexpected Encounter
- C.879: A Proposal From the Heart
- C.878: A Little Get-Together
- C.877: Something Worth Celebrating
- C.876: Peerless Conqueror of Nevermore
- C.875: Nevermore: Leaderboards
- C.874: Nevermore: The Calm Before the Leaderboards
- C.873: Nevermore: The Final Stretch
- C.872: Nevermore: Winds of Change
- C.871: Nevermore: Wind
- C.870: Nevermore: Independence Achieved..
- C.869: Nevermore: One Tanky Bastard
- C.868: Nevermore: Emperor vs. King
- C.867: Nevermore: Twinhead Emperor
- C.866: Nevermore: Lord of Hunger
- C.865: Nevermore: Different Points of View (AKA the Laziest C.Title Possible)
- C.864: Nevermore: Twin Emperor Identified
- C.863: Nevermore: Wartime
- C.862: Nevermore: Floor Eighty
- C.861: Nevermore: One Last Floor
- C.860: Nevermore: Approaching the End
- Book 9 out on Kindle/Kindle Unlimited!
- C.859: Nevermore: Some Proper Bloody Hunting
- C.858: Nevermore: Level 260 Class Skill Selection
- C.857: Nevermore: Chief Overseer
- C.856: Nevermore: Floor Seventy-One
- C.855: Nevermore: The Gang Back Together
- C.657: Nevermore: First Floor - START OF BOOK 10
- C.12: A splitting provocation
- C.11: Friend or foe?
- C.10: Reflection & frustration
- C.9: Blood
- C.8: A wonderful night
- C.7: Training & rest
- C.6: Questioning
- C.5: Big pig
- C.4: First battle
- C.3: The tutorial commences
- C.2: Introduction
- C.1: Another Monday morning