The Princess's Inner Thoughts Were Overheard by Her Emperor Father-Chapter 195: Let the Chu People Experience Water Conservancy Irrigation

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Chapter 195

The King of Chu set out, accompanied by his secret guards, Prime Minister Ji Duan, and Princess Yun Wu, heading towards the border between Chu State and Jing Country.

Having ruled for many years, the King of Chu faced little opposition within the royal palace and among the civil and military officials of Chu State.

Leaving a few ministers of the Imperial Cabinet behind to handle urgent matters, the King departed with confidence.

"Father, it's right here," Princess Yun Wu led the way, descending a small path from the back of a Chu temple, then traversing through the forest to reach the riverside separating the two countries. As they approached, they could hear the bustling of a crowd.

Just as Yun Wu was about to step aside to let the King go first, she froze in surprise.

On the opposite bank, the usual site of Jing Country's refined gatherings was teeming with activity.

But on this side, in Chu territory, what was once barren land now had tables and chairs set up!

Around each table sat people from Chu, some holding milk tea or fruit tea, others munching on skewers of grilled or fried foods, chatting away.



The King of Chu's mouth twitched.

He had forbidden his people from crossing the river, but the Jing people had brought their food over instead!?

That Xiao Yunzhou! He was even wilier than his father!

The King of Chu was finally becoming wary. No wonder that fellow Sanda had been persuaded by Xiao Yunzhou to form an alliance between the two countries.

Even Duoti, the spy he had once heavily bribed, had inexplicably switched sides.

"Jing Country..." Prime Minister Ji Duan, catching a whiff of the enticing aromas of roast duck and hotpot, swallowed hard. He wanted to say that Jing Country was adaptable, but seeing the King's expression, he changed his wording, "The Jing people are crafty."

The King nodded, but quickly shook his head, "No, I fear it's not that the Jing people are crafty, but that Xiao Yunzhou must have a mastermind behind him!"

He couldn't believe that Xiao Yunzhou, a fellow who loved cultivating the Dao, could suddenly become so clever.

Jing Country's cooperation with Wu Yun Country, their recruitment of Duoti and Sanda, and their recent successes in thwarting Chu State's plans - there must be a mastermind helping them!

It was very likely the mystical expert behind that strategy book!

The King of Chu hadn't believed in ghosts and gods before, but he found it even harder to believe that Xiao Yunzhou had suddenly become so smart.

After all, things he couldn't achieve despite his diligent efforts had been accomplished by this lazy meditation enthusiast.

The King of Chu would rather believe in the existence of mystical Taoist immortals!

"Let's find a table to sit at," the King of Chu decided to make the best of the situation, waving for his disguised chief eunuch to make arrangements.

Some people seemed to be finishing their meals and preparing to leave.

However, in just a few breaths' time, the chief eunuch returned, looking embarrassed, "Your Majesty, all these seats are reserved. There are no empty tables."

"Oh?" The King raised an eyebrow, glancing at the sun high in the sky, well past breakfast time. "Then we'll wait."

"Your Majesty," the chief eunuch lowered his voice, ensuring only their group could hear, "Every table is booked for the next ten days."

"As soon as this round finishes, the next group will arrive."

"Each round lasts the time it takes for an incense stick to burn, and all slots are fully booked now."




The King of Chu, Prime Minister Ji Duan, and even Princess Yun Wu were dumbfounded.

This was preposterous! The King's temple throbbed.

Were his Chu people some uncultured bumpkins who hadn't seen the world?

As if they hadn't eaten a decent meal in centuries? Just because the Jing people came to sell food, riverside seats were booked solid for the next ten days?

The King felt his face burn with embarrassment. He recalled how he had listened to the Crown Prince and forbidden Chu people from attending Jing Country's gatherings across the river. Now look at the result - his people had found a loophole in the royal decree and were completely ignoring their emperor.

They were queuing up, waiting to eat Jing Country's food!

The King took a deep breath and turned to give Princess Yun Wu a long, contemplative look.

Judging from her support for Jing Country's gatherings, the Princess indeed had more foresight than the Crown Prince and was more in touch with the people's hearts.

The King began to regret his hasty decision in following the Crown Prince's advice. freewebnσvel.cѳm

He realized he had been too long confined within the palace walls, out of touch with the voices of his subjects.

"Buy a table. I want to taste this food," the King said, narrowing his eyes.

Half an hour later, after devouring five plates of lamb rolls dipped in spicy hotpot oil and sesame oil, the King of Chu could barely move.

But he wiped his sweat and glanced at his daughter beside him, then said, "Go buy ten more plates, no, make it twenty. Yun Wu loves this."

Yun Wu: "..."

She had long since stopped eating!

But the King of Chu, eagerly anticipating more lamb rolls, soon found his expectations dashed!

Across the river, there was a commotion at the Jing Country stalls, and before long, they began packing up.

"Huh? They're closing? Wait, it's barely past noon!"

"That's right, I still had an order for roast duck!"

"What's going on?"

Not only were the Jing Country roast duck and hotpot stalls closing, but even many of the mobile snack vendors were starting to leave.

The Chu people saw it first, then heard the news relayed by Chu boatmen from across the river.

The boatmen shouted the message back, explaining, "The Jing people say they're moving their stalls upstream!"



The Chu people on the bank, including the King of Chu, frowned in displeasure.

They were enjoying their meal, so why the sudden relocation?

Upstream, the river would be wider.

Transporting food would take longer, causing it to cool faster.

The Chu people all pouted, unhappy.

But there was nothing they could do - after all, the Jing people were the ones running the business.

"Why are they going upstream?" With no other choice, the Chu people began moving tables, following the mobile Jing stalls as they relocated.

The news was once again relayed layer by layer through the boatmen in the middle of the river.

After a while, the answer reached the Chu side, "The Jing people say their Ministry of Works has developed new irrigation and plowing tools. They haven't seen them either and want to take a look."

"The Jing Country's special gathering for the latter half of today will showcase farming tools, located upstream."

Chu people: "!"

King of Chu: "...!"

Prime Minister Ji Duan: "!"

Irrigation tools?

Chu State had never lacked for grain, being more prosperous than Jing Country.

At this point, they lost interest.

"What new irrigation tools? Xiao Yunzhou just loves to exaggerate." The King of Chu didn't believe a word of it.

Jing Country's food was decent, and Xiao Yunzhou was known for his love of luxury.

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But when it came to farming, Jing Country had no particular advantage. To be honest, the white rice from Jing Country that the King had eaten today wasn't even as good as Chu's - it tasted a bit off.

How could they possibly come up with any groundbreaking farming tools?

The King didn't believe it, but since he was already here, he followed the crowd.

Many curious Chu people gradually moved along with the Jing people on the opposite bank.

But after walking for just the time it took an incense stick to burn, everyone was astounded!

In the upstream region of Jing Country, a newly excavated field came into view. At this moment, a large wooden contraption was positioned between the field and the river.

The rushing river water, following the motion of this pulsating wooden machine, was being continuously drawn out and channeled into the newly dug irrigation ditches of the field!

Irrigation was effortlessly accomplished as the wooden device rotated!



Not only were the people of Chu astonished, but even the King of Chu, who prided himself on his power, widened his eyes in amazement.