The Redwood Saga-Chapter 43 - After All These Years
Temple of the Mind Sage - Isle of Kazam (circa Chapter 7)
The entire island rumbled, and the Alakazam sitting before the Trainer suddenly awakened, eyes wide, and entirely obscured by the intense purple that was his aura. Ash Ketchum watched quietly, and observed the Sage's reaction. He did not know what was happening, but his own senses were picking up an immensely powerful mental presence that reminded him very strongly of Sinnoh. He'd had quite a few adventures there though, and he couldn't recall from which he recognized this familiar presence. The last time he'd been that far north in Japan, he'd lacked any real comprehension of his own natural ability. He did at least know it was from a Legendary Pokémon, though for him, that didn't exactly narrow the list of Pokémon he could be sensing.
For several minutes, that soon became twenty, the usually fidgety Trainer resisted the urge to move as he struggled to remember, and examine the larger presence, but as swiftly as it appeared, it faded. Like his Pikachu, he kept still, though where his Poképal had continued to focus his pools of rather volatile electric energy within his body, Ash had lost focus, and kept staring at his master, eager to know what exactly was transpiring.
Finally, the glow faded, and the Alakazam, who was usually in his Mega Form, let it drop for the first time in months. After another lengthy period of silence, his calm, but deep booming voice echoed in his head. "You've come far, since you came to this island...young Ash Ketchum...but perhaps not yet far enough, to handle what is to come…"
At that point, Ash could only hold back his rabid curiosity slightly, and while he didn't fidget, his right toe did tap against his leg, as he was sitting with them crossed. There was an eager look on his bearded face, as he sat patiently, garbed in a deep blue training gi, the standard attire of one of the Sage's pupils still in training. His hat was a classic, dirty, well worn, with a green check mark on its relatively simple red and white color combination. "I can handle any challenge, Master. Bring it!" He was followed by an affirmative "Pi, Pikachu!" It seemed they were, as usual, both ready to learn more.
The Isle of Kazam was home to one of the more psychically powerful Sages across the world, as his species' potential matched very well with their psychic typing, and the Sage's quiet nature made him that much stronger. Indeed, most of the isle was quiet, and slow. Adapting to that, had been the hardest challenge for a Trainer that was usually always in motion. His team hadn't seemed to mind though, as a change of pace could sometimes be a good thing.
"The Pokémon League was originally founded by the first Human able to Tame Arceus, roughly ten thousand years ago, who used the Alpha Pokémon's might and wisdom to better the Human race. When he died, Arceus returned to sleep, and the world spiraled into chaos, that is, until the present era, where most of Humanity has managed to live alongside my kind peacefully."
Ash nodded, as the Sage paused. "Professor Oak always said it was Pokéballs that let us grow so close to them. But I'm not so sure. Pikachu barely uses his, and that was only after I traded his old one in for a Luxury Upgrade."
The Sage nodded. "The bond between Humans and Pokémon can be forged without a capture device, however, it takes much longer. Your sphere inventions allowed your kind to catch many at once, and thus enabled your scientists to understand us better, as well as the role we play on your planet. To a degree, at least. Those who challenged the League back in the old days had such bonds, and many of my peers believe potential candidates have it 'too easy' in this era, now that capture devices have returned, and advanced so rapidly."
Ash blinked, several times. "Candidates? What's too easy? I don't get it."
The Alakazam chuckled in his head. "As you well know, World Champion, there will be a tournament soon, your people call it the World Tournament, a contest of skill designed to bring out the best Trainers in the world...but it has another purpose. To push the best of the best as high as they can go, high enough perhaps to reach the level needed to tame Arceus himself."
As the Sage mentioned Arceus, Ash's eyes went wide, as did his Pikachu's. "We've seen Arceus! We helped return the Jewel of Life to him…" He smiled at his Pikachu. "I must've been...what, ten?" "Pika." The electric mouse nodded, and they both looked back to the Alakazam with a smirk, as their mentor eyed them with what seemed like disbelief.
"Explain this encounter to me." He said.
And so, they did. Outlining the entire series of events, now that they'd remembered them. The Sage watched the human as he spoke animatedly, and began to wonder if he wasn't looking at the One destined to tame the Alpha as he name dropped not only the Alpha Pokémon, but the God of Time, the God of Space, and even the Renegade. From what he knew of the last human to Tame Arceus, he had been exceptionally kind, when the situation had allowed for kindness. He had not lived in peaceful times, as in his era, mankind had just discovered they could forcibly control the new magical creatures around them through science that, in the modern age, seemed more like magic. Naturally, everyone with a capture device had tried to carve out their own personal kingdoms, while the majority of regular humans had embraced the usefulness of having endless water supplies, endless electricity, and the whole host of other useful abilities Pokémon had provided happily, and usually without overbearing control.
"I see. From what I understand of the Alpha Pokémon, he is not the only one of his kind. As the legend goes, he came into this universe by way of a portal, and when his egg finally hatched, he breathed alone in the void, before our universe even began. My sire was told that the Alpha had never seen another golden Arceus, even when gazing through dimensions. It would make sense that such a species was rare, or hard to find...for Humans are not the only Spiralspawn that usurp the usefulness of Pokémon. What you encountered was a clone of our true Alpha, who just now, woke up again. For the first time in centuries. He has decreed that the next World Tournament shall kick off the process of finding the strongest Trainer alive."
The Alakazam floated towards the enraptured pair as they listened carefully. "Ash Ketchum of Pallet Town...do you have what it takes to become a Master?"
The nine time World Champion Trainer replied, by turning his hat backwards, and the Alakazam chuckled. "Good. Because of this turn of events, we may now advance your training quicker than we would otherwise...you will not be the only one to start, either. All across the world my fellow Sages will be preparing other challengers for the responsibility of Taming the Alpha Pokémon."
Despite his own comparable lack of psychic training, Ash's eyes were on fire, as were his Pikachu's. "I don't know about catching the Alpha Pokémon...but if I get to Battle super-strong Trainers like I did in the last World Tournaments, I'm in! Teach me, please!"
The Sage paused, at that answer, and then sighed. "Summon as much of your Aura as you can…" He went silent for a moment, and Ash vaguely felt him reach out to the other student who was training on the Isle of Kazam, and had been allowed to stay, despite what staying required of them. Once the doors to the Sage's spartan meditation chamber opened, his voice rang out as he projected it. "Isamu. Welcome. Come, sit with us. Important things are happening, things you must be aware of. Once you know what Ash knows, we will begin training your aura-related abilities as well. The time has come for your power to advance."
Isamu Midorinoki was from Johto, with fair skin tones, that went well with his black and primarily dark green hair, and similarly green eyes. His own gi was also a match for his aura, a deep green, but not sleeveless like Ash's. It was tighter too, highlighting just how physically fit Isamu was. Isamu's muscles had been growing for years at Japan's finest Trainer Academy, but it took more than muscle for a destiny like his. He looked as plain to the Alakazam as most humans did, for Pokémon sometimes had issues telling them apart, especially when they gathered in crowds. Isamu glanced between Ash and the Sage, and then frowned. "Why did Ash get to know before me?"
The Alakazam sighed, heavily. "He was here when they developed. Now sit, young Isamu, and focus on cloaking yourself with your aura, like Ash has done." As Isamu looked, he did indeed see Ash had already managed to project his bright blue aura around his form, in a perfectly layered shield of his power. It didn't wastefully radiate off of him in waves, staying condensed and strong enough to block even Pokémon moves. The usually fidgety Trainer had focused, and now he and his partner were pictures of calm, as they focused their respective powers.
Isamu sat, and followed suit. His own green aura flared as wildly as his unkempt hairstyle, and as usual, he felt it threatening to run out of control. He took a deep breath then, and focused on each part of his body, forcing the overwhelmingly powerful energy to surround him. It wasn't as perfect as Ash's shield, for it still flared up, but it successfully covered his form. Sweat covered his brow, as he forced himself to hold it in check.
The Sage sighed again. "Sloppy. And this is...only ten percent of your potential. Mmm. We have much work to do." With a flash, the Alakazam resumed his Mega Form, and the auras of his students dimmed, in the presence of his overwhelming psychic power, which manifested as an intense pressure that would, if they failed, force them to the ground with its power. "Now...keep your shields going. Both of you."
The overwhelming pressure from the psychic aura only grew, and both Isamu and Ash struggled, as their own psychic potential fought in vain to be present in the space, despite the massive power of their teacher. Alakazam's aura, especially in his Mega Form, took up most of the space within the chamber, manifesting as an omnipresent purple haze that seemed to be focused solely on breaking their barriers. Isamu's aura eventually brushed against it, and with a pitiful spark and a plip, it vanished as he lost control, and swore, as the sheer power of their mentor forced him face down into the floor. Again.
Ash, did slightly better. As did his Pikachu. The two frowned, as the Sage's attention now focused solely on them, and both of their shields, one bright blue, and one yellowish gold, began sparking as Alakazam's aura threatened to overpower them. Then, Ash did what he'd always done when his back was to the wall in the face of overwhelming strength. He reached out to his partner.
Pikachu felt his Trainer's mind brush his, and the link that had always existed became more tangible, obvious, as the mind of the Pokémon met the mind of his human, and not for the first time. This time, they both endeavored to maintain the connection, and as they did, their auras shifted together, forming a green one, not unlike Isamu's.
Minutes passed as the three struggled, and Isamu watched in disbelief as Ash and his starter Pokémon resisted the awesome psychic power of a Sage who was also an Alakazam. Finally, the pressure ceased, and the two let their aura fall, panting and covered with sweat, but grinning.
Mega Alakazam sat back as he floated in the air. A slight twitch of the Pokémon's impressive beard gave away his smirk, as his voice echoed in their heads. "Well done." Then, the glowing intense blue eyes shifted to Isamu. "Ash, Pikachu, go and rest. Maintain that link between your minds for as long as you are able. You will find it useful."
Seeing Isamu was about to get a private lesson, and knowing that it would likely involve his Pokémon, Ash nodded, glanced at his newest rival, and then left with his Pikachu on his shoulder.
"We will try again."
Isamu shivered, slightly, as he knew what came next. The Sage's words echoed. "Bring him out."
Isamu summoned his partner, and his inherited Zygarde Core appeared, glanced between them both, and narrowed its eye at the Sage. "You are far from your goal, Isamu Midorinoki. If you are to take up the World Warden's mantle, you must become stronger. Youta Maito will not live forever. As you well know." The Sage's eyes flared with his aura once more. "Now...push beyond your limits!"
The Zygarde Core jumped on his Trainer's shoulder, glaring at the Mega Alakazam as his aura became overwhelming once more. Isamu linked with the tiny Pokémon, and focused his energy. This time, the shield around both of them was a deeper green, and significantly stronger, giving off an audible hum, as the intense green manifested to the naked eye. The clashing fields of aura sparked in a circle around the pair, as the Sage's power slowly increased.
The green aura barrier pressed in on Isamu, and his Core, and the little green creature spoke directly into his mind with a single word for the first time since Isamu had inherited his ball.
Isamu took a deep breath, and did as he was bid, unwilling to lose, this time. If he failed, the Core would ignore him again, and bonding would become that much harder. Several green lights flashed from within his bag, as the Cells he'd caught so far, finally responded to his call, covering his green training gi, and bonding with the Core. His aura took on a vaguely canine shape, and as the Sage increased his power slowly, his beard twitched, as he smirked. "Good...now attack!"
Isamu's eyes, slowly turning bloodshot, focused on the Alakazam, as he started a proper Battle. According to Ash, it was one he needed to win, to advance. Thus far he hadn't had the honor of facing the Sage. He had not been strong enough to survive such a match, until this moment, and his Core had refused to help, until now. He and the Zygarde Core howled, and the Cells fused together along his back forming a cape of sorts, and bringing the aura cowl into a clearer intensity. He kept his focus, as he leapt, and formed claws around his hands, focusing an attack, as ordered.
He arced above the Sage's head, raised his hands, and brought them down with the intent to hit, hard enough for a knockout, at least. His form was stopped by the Sage's Psychic just before the attack landed, and Isamu suddenly found that maintaining the power was becoming more and more difficult to focus, as the Psychic Master focused a powerful move at him. His cowl's outline became vaguely canine once more, but he held it for several moments after the Sage lowered him back to his starting position.
"Well done. You are ready for the training course. You may use your Core, and only your Core. You should find summoning the cowl easier, now that you've learned to focus your aura into an attack. Rest, for now. Tomorrow, you will begin catching up to Ash." The Sage dropped his Mega Form, as he prepared to rest, and Isamu bowed, before leaving. The Core continued glaring at the psychic type, and leapt for him, as the human made to leave.
Isamu sighed, and recalled the angry Pokémon into its ball, which twitched, several times, before finally stopping. The appeal of Luxury always calmed the Core eventually, but the longer he stayed out, the angrier he became, and because Isamu still could not completely understand him, as Ash could with his partner, he had no idea why the Core with a deep green hexagon visible within its opaque body lashed out at everyone it locked eyes with.
As he walked through the Temple of the Mind Sage, he spied Ash, his Pikachu still on his shoulder, staring out at the ocean around them. His hands were in the pockets of his Trainer jacket, a long sleeved blue and white coat that fit over his gi, and was warm enough for cold places. Like most modern clothes, it could become longer and warmer, if one randomly found themselves in colder climates. Isamu heard him speaking, as he approached the pair, not for the first time, seeking insight from them, gained from their quite frankly absurd adventures, if even half of them were true.
"Another World Tournament...that takes me back…it's been so long."
"I know we'll see Leon again...I wonder who else will go. We may have to get some old friends back together, for this one, if it's as important as it sounds. I can't leave them idle on the ranch forever."
"Pi, Pikachu." The electric mouse said, nodding in agreement, before then thwacking his Trainer's head with his tail.
Isamu joined Ash then, and the pair shared a mutual nod of respect. "I just looked up the rules. Apparently, we can have ten partners. Those matches are going to be so long…and it isn't even being held for a few years. Unova has to build a new stadium, and according to John Crimson, it's going to try to match Wyndon's."
Isamu trailed off, seeing Ash's face, mouth agape, and then smirking with an expression that was, for lack of a better term, on fire. "Ten!? That settles it…" Ash looked back at his partner, and the two nodded as they smiled. "We have to train harder."
Two Years Later - The Isle of Kazam (Circa Ch. 30)
"Reach out, beyond yourselves. Open your hidden Eye, and view the world around you."
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Isamu Midorinoki and Ash Ketchum did as the Sage instructed as they sat before their teacher in his training hall, and both of their auras flared, burning with intensity, before settling around their bodies. Then, they focused their power in their forehead, and looked...beyond.
"See the energy of the beings around you. See the energy keeping the lights on. It is not so different, and often, one can follow these paths of energy towards a goal they can stay focused on, like a friend, or family member. Everything is connected, even the planet. Reach out further. Beyond the temple. Beyond the island. Expand your perspectives."
While Isamu did as instructed, starting to see how the entirety of the planet was connected, thanks in no small part to the Zygarde Core on his shoulder. Only two Zygarde existed, which meant there were only enough cores for two fully formed defenders of the planet. Cells and Cores of both color variants had spread across the Earth, and formed lines of rejuvenating ground typed energy that covered the entire globe. As Isamu realized there was likely another who, like him, had inherited a Core from a Tamer of the Land, Ash found himself distracted, on the path to a wider view, as he sensed danger, from a mind he hadn't felt in years, but recognized instantly. Then, he saw what his Greninja was looking at. Serena's face drew his attention, and their surroundings held it.
He could feel the Sage's eyes narrowing, as Ash remained distracted, but he was determined, now. He reformed the bond with the water and dark type, much easier than he had in the past, and his Greninja gained an aura shield of his own, increasing his speed as he matched Serena's Talonflame, in the race towards their common enemy, what appeared to be some sort of man dressed in dark colors and fused with a Venomoth. But with far more black and deep purple.
He continued to remain unfocused on the current task, as he recognized a trap had been laid for Serena, and his Greninja leapt into action, as did some sort of strange, but insanely cool fusion of what had to be a Liepard, and a younger human.
Ash did not break the connection, until he was sure Serena was safe. Nor did he have a choice in when it ended. His master cut it short, once he saw the danger that had caught his pupil's attention had passed. What Serena had said last still hung in his ears, and he was more eager than ever for the World Tournament to begin. But he had learned patience long ago. It would come, in time, but likely not until Unova itself was far less wartorn.
He'd wanted to help, of course, when Isamu mentioned the strongly supported rumors of Shadow Infusion on the part of the reconstituted Dragon Empire's adversary, but the Sage had refused, assuring his students that Unova, and all the other regions once separated into States, also had a Psychic Master to watch over them, and help the continent's Guardian once more achieve balance. As Tamers of Legendary Pokémon, they had their own parts to play in other parts of the world.
"You were drawn to that conflict, weren't you."
Ash nodded, as the Sage's powerful baritone thundered in his head. "My Greninja...he needed help...and so did my...friend."
Isamu smirked, as Ash broke eye contact, but stayed quiet. For his part, he had succeeded in the lesson, and was fascinated by just how many energy streams criss-crossed their world. Before the Sage could press Ash on attachments, and removing them, Isamu interrupted with a bold question, before the Sage began speaking. "Why is our planet so thoroughly covered in so many different kinds of energy? I saw so much more than Ground Type, once I was out far enough."
The Mega Alakazam's eyes shifted to Isamu, as he answered immediately, as he always did when his students had questions. He encouraged them, though not in the middle of one of his sentences. "When Arceus Judged this planet to be worth saving, the result was an uncountable number of Plate shards embedding themselves in the planet. Humans discovered them eventually, and have begun using Infinite Energy to power their homes, and Pokémon. Too much mining of these shards will eventually remove these lines of power, and this planet will begin to deteriorate once again." He paused, as he noticed the looks on his pupil's faces. "Worry not, Humans...many are deeply embedded in the planet's crust. You would have to truly mine out your world to find them all, and your species has come far from that desire, in this era."
The two Trainers glanced at each other as they shared a worried glance, but by this point in their training, they were aware of how the Sages, Guardians, and even Tamers played a role in maintaining the planet's balance. If some organization ever made a concentrated effort to so brutally ruin the world, they would rise to stop them. Theoretically.
"The time has come for you two to Battle... You will bond with the Guardian each of you has Tamed, and practice battling alongside them." The Sage spoke again once the silence dragged on, and the two students rose, as he Teleported them to the Isle of Kazam's own battle stadium. The 'stands' if one could call them such, were little more than whitish gray stone slabs, but floating above them, were other members of the Sage's species, of all life stages, crowding the slabs as they Teleported in with multiple bamfs. Unlike a human crowd, the members of the Abra line were silent. At least, to their ears.
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The psychic cacophony of so many minds was difficult to battle within, and for Isamu, it would only put himself and his Guardian at a disadvantage. Their connection was weaker than the one Ash had with the Guardian he had convinced to come to his call. The Sage appeared over his usual spot, a massive circle of the same stone, in the exact middle of the field, but out of the boundaries of it, of course. It was large enough to match Galar's stadium's, though it had the unique trait of not taking collateral damage, at least to the audience. The Pokémon watching them would redirect, and otherwise disperse the titanic forces that usually met in this arena.
The Sage glanced between both of his human students, and then, his voice rang out above them. "Summon them."
Isamu went first, bringing out his Core, who landed on his head. Over time, he had eventually learned how to understand the creature, though when it revealed it could indeed 'speak human', keeping it calm became easy, as misconceptions were cleared up when they occurred. It had remained opposed to bonding with him for a while, until Ash mentioned another Trainer and rival he knew who had run into a similar problem with his strange, but absurdly powerful Ninetails. The first step, had been asking the creature's name, and it was one step that Zyx had apparently appreciated. Over the past few years, they had maxed out their potential, according to the Sage, and only recently had Isamu finally mastered the cowl at fifty percent of its power, what Zyx called the Dragon Cowl.
With it, had come extra training, in the form of a martial art that the Sage referred to as the Dragon Style. It was something Zyx already knew, and had sped Isamu's memorization of, once they found inner harmony, and used it to form a bond. Five green 'tails' composed of aura fell behind him, dangling by his legs as the Core manipulated his aura shield into the base of the cowl that gave him, and all his predecessors, ridiculous amounts of strength.
For his part, Ash simply raised a gloved fist into the air, and with a loud splash, and then hurricane force winds, the Guardian of the Sea, the oldest Lugia alive, flew towards the human who had managed to befriend more of its kin than any human had in generations. The brilliant white psychic and flying type came down in front of its human partner in a whirl of wind and water, flaring its wings and roaring, at the comparatively tiny opponent it was meant to face.
Lugia and the Sage shared a nod. These battles were more to prepare Zygarde's next Tamer than to hone Ash's skill, but the bond was still formed, and as always, the Trainer from Kanto was eager to win. He shouted a move before Isamu had even taken his stance. "Aeroblast!"
Hearing the move, and then countering it, Isamu moved right with an impressive leap from a standing position, and then a circular turn out of the path of the wide beam of flying energy, as Lugia shifted its aim at the last moment to still try and score a hit. Isamu managed the dodge though, and charged the Legendary Pokémon, calling out his own move, as he focused Zyx's energy into his fist and leapt surprisingly high, soaring above the Lugia's head. His hand became heavier as the ground energy suffused it, and he brought it down as he shouted, "Land's... SMASH!"
The Lugia went down, hitting the ground hard as fist-shaped beams of green light pummeled the focus of the move, but before Isamu could follow up with another smash, the Guardian spun in place, righting itself as its scales flashed, and an impossibly strong wall of wind sent him sailing backwards across the field. Below the now once more levitating Legendary, Isamu saw Ash, smirking, hat already backwards. "We're not done yet! Dragon Rush!"
When cowled, Isamu was technically classifiable as a normal and dragon type, as Zyx's ground energy was directly tied to the Cells, and since their power was finite, they weren't always used for training. Ash was aware of this, and had finally added memorizing the type chart to his improvisational battle style, which meant he wanted to secure the victory. He had done so in every battle they'd had in this arena so far, against his usual team. Isamu was determined to win, this time.
With the perfection of the fifty percent cowl came access to another Move, one that would give them the same edge Ash was after. The cowl covered Isamu's forehead and skull, leaving only his jaw visible, as well as his eyes, when he wasn't attacking. Naturally, it resembled Zygarde's skull shape, and as the Lugia roared again, and propelled itself forward with a single wing flap, dragon energy surrounded its body.
Fangs of dark typed energy came down from the cowl's head, as Isamu focused the recently learned Crunch. Lugia came close as it charged them, and then snarled, as it realized it was going to miss. Isamu capitalized on the Legendary's bad luck, and a bottom pair of dark fangs formed just above his midsection, meeting with the top, and causing the volatile clash of darkness to come together around the Guardian's shoulder.
Isamu rode it down, as the Legendary Pokémon crashed, not quite fainted, but at Isamu's mercy. A hauntingly beautiful tune echoed across the field, as the Trainer from Pallet Town brought out what appeared to be some sort of blue coral flute, and played it. He looked up, once the brief tune ended, and smirked. "Blizzard."
The rejuvenated Legendary shrieked, and rose into the air, just above its target. This time, it did not miss, as the Guardian summoned the wind and ice with a single flap, surrounding Isamu in freezing cold, namely, arctic level blasts of wind, that eroded his aura down to just his shield, and as that faded, so to did the Blizzard, as the Guardian spun in place, and calmed the skies around the isle.
"Not bad."
The two words echoed like a thunderclap as the Guardian projected its voice into the air above the Core and its latest wielder. Isamu waited for the Sage to call the match, glancing his way as only silence followed. Then, he realized why. His shield was still intact, but the cowl had been blown away. He needed a new tactic, if he wanted to win.
As Ash also realized the Battle was not yet over, Isamu formed his cowl, or rather, the tails, and sank them into the ground, as he closed his eyes, and slowly moved his hands in the air before them. Then, he stomped the ground, and raised both fists, even though they were nowhere near coming close enough to hit Lugia. Ash smirked, thinking victory was his. A point blank Psychic was sure to end Isamu. He was barely standing as it was.
And yet, as the command formed in his mouth, Isamu's attack manifested rapidly in response to the seemingly useless arm movement, and the Lugia noticed only moments too late as a series of massive rocks rose up from the ground before the Trainer, lancing into Lugia's already injured abdomen, and hitting critically, as one of the rocks struck home on a wound from the Crunch.
The Lugia fell to the field, fainted, and Isamu was already by its side with a Max Revive in hand as Ash sprinted forward, a grim expression replacing the shock he'd experienced from watching Isamu make a seemingly useless strike, only to have it followed so quickly by a move that seemed like Stone Edge.
Moments later, the processed medicinal herb, maximized for healing potential, restored the Guardian of the Sea yet again, though the stress of nearly fainting twice in a row still showed. Ash's hands met its head as the indecipherable voice thundered in their skulls again. "I am going to rest." It gave Ash a meaningful look. "It was a good Battle."
Lugia levitated itself into the air then, and with one flap, purposefully aimed so nothing behind it was obliterated, it returned to the sea. Ash met Isamu's green eyes then, and gave a light smile. "That was impressive, using Stone Edge like that. I've never seen it hit so accurately before."
Isamu chuckled, but before he could answer his rival, the Sage Teleported them back to his temple's training hall, and answered for him. "That...was not Stone Edge, young Ash Ketchum. But in terms of strength, it is classifiably a Move, and is equally damaging."
Ketchum's eyes went wide, and he looked at Isamu again, used to rapidly shifting location, by this point. The Sage often brought them to where he was convinced they would excel the most. From Selva Muerta, to the frozen wastes on both North and South poles, their stays were usually brief, but enlightening, and not once had the Sage let real harm come to them. They had been ambushed eventually, of course. Both Isamu and Ash had rather determined enemies, but the Sage had Teleported them back to the isle, and handled the danger personally, often refusing to speak of what had occurred once they left.
"If it's not Stone Edge, then what is it? I've never seen an attack Move like that!" Isamu chuckled as Ash pressed him eagerly for more.
After a glance at their mentor, he answered. "One of the villains I was tracking back home fled north to Koria, before I ever even knew this island existed. While I was there, I noticed the people didn't always use Pokémon to Battle. Some people battled by themselves, using Moves related to specific elemental types. Mine, turned out to be Earth. Once I learned martial arts, Zyx suggested we combine the two styles. It's...effective, but not all that different from how they do it in Koria."
"Humans...doing Battle? That sounds awfully...Imperial." Ash looked at the Sage as he trailed off.
"While the Imperium of Man does use Humans to Battle alongside Pokémon, as a method of training their Thunder Warriors, they typically fight alongside their Pokémon partners, and only in coliseums devoted to the art of Battle. In Koria, there are four nations that dominate their region, and each one has ties to different elements. Those without ties to the elements, usually become Pokémon Trainers, while those who can command this energy and bend it to their will tend to Battle alone, or with only one partner, usually one that can carry them across the region. There is a reason why these Humans have developed these ties, but that's a whole other tale. Your insight serves you well, however, for the Humans who embrace Fire and heat have allied with the Imperium, and have spent the past three hundred years subjugating the region in the Imperator's name, giving the Imperium its first real foothold in Eous." The Sage answered Ash's words quickly, as he was still not entirely comfortable discussing the massive empire that was the Imperium. He had tried other methods to cure Ash of his fears, but in the end, it was evident only one thing could help the Trainer overcome his well-earned fear of the Imperium.
For his part, Ash seemed to have moved on from the disturbing thoughts, focused instead on something new, and interesting, something he did not yet understand. Learning how other regions battled, and just how varied that could become, had fascinated him as he traveled the world. "So...Fire and Earth...are there any other elements that Humans have ties to?"
The Sage nodded. "Those who bend Fire to their will can sometimes also summon Electricity, in the form of lightning. Those with an affinity to Earth can enhance that connection, usually by mastering Ground or Rock energy respectively. Their nation births Humans who can control both Types, and mastery of both can usually be refined into bending Steel as well, though that particular skill is very hard to master. The northern part of the region houses those with a tie to Water and Ice, but sometimes, they can manifest control over Grass as well, depending on where they're raised, and how skilled they are at manipulating Water Energy. The southern sea dwellers of the region also have ties to the Water, but they live almost entirely on ships, and trade only with Sinnoh, and other Korians. Lastly...and perhaps most tragically, those with an affinity to Air, who could fly, and sometimes even manifested Psychic abilities, were all but wiped out when the Fire Nation started their war. They were a peaceful people, though you wouldn't know it these days. The Imperium's propaganda machines have demonized them, and any like them, as mutants that have earned only death. You will have to be wary of them, when you visit."
Ash's eyes widened. "I'm going?"
The Mega Alakazam nodded. "For this next stage of your training, you should journey to each nation...but be aware, the Fire Nation considers those with psychic abilities to be mutant abominations of Humankind, and one step away from being Air Nation rebels." The Sage closed his eyes and sighed, remembering many, who had been his friends, long ago. His island was not all that far to the east of Koria, and the air nation had seen him as a brother to their people once their more inquisitive psychic nomads followed, and discovered the source of his massive psychic presence. "They did not leave enough alive for a proper rebellion...and they relentlessly hunt for any rumor of Air Nation survivors."
Ash's expression grew grim, at the Sage's mental tone, and the sadness that radiated from his powerful mind. "Why? What would drive people to do something like that?"
This time, Isamu answered. "They're hunting the Avatar. A Human who apparently mastered every element, and others besides the main four. Apparently, they could reincarnate themselves, but instead of leaving the cycle of rebirth, and Humanity, they stayed, and maintained balance in the region, as they don't have a specific Guardian. The supercontinent is massive, and its Guardian is focused on regions loyal to Eous."
The Sage spoke again, once Isamu finished, holding up a finger, and presaging a correction to an untrue assertion. "That, is Fire Nation propaganda, twisted by Earth Nation rumors. Their proper title, is the Avatar of Light, and that, Ash Ketchum, is who you must seek out on your journey. The current incarnation of this unique being has been missing for the past century, but with your abilities, and your team's, I am confident that you will find them. The World Tournament is approaching. You should use the partners you intend to Battle with on your journey, but, before you head to Koria, Teleport home to Professor Oak's lab. Gary has something that will make all of your Pokémon partners stronger."
Ash glanced at Pikachu, who was and had been perched on his shoulder throughout their training match. "A new region...it's been a while since we traveled around." He looked back to the Sage. "I'll head out now!"
The Mega Alakazam nodded, and with a bamf and a flash of light, Ash and his partner returned to Pallet Town. Then, the Sage focused his gaze on Isamu. "You did well to take on a Lugia, but you will need more power, for what is to come. Travel to the Kalos region, and find another Core of Zygrade willing to aid you. Ask the local nobility where they like to sunbathe. They will know you are coming. If that fails, I hear there are some in Alola as well."
Isamu nodded, as he levitated his backpack to him within the training hall, and began pulling on his Trainer attire. "I understand. Find the other Cores...and as many Cells as possible. I won't let you down, Master."
For the first time in Isamu's tenure on the Isle of Kazam, the Sage did something new. He dropped his Mega Form, and hobbled over to Isamu, placing one three-fingered claw on his shoulder from his shorter stature. "Her son will be tracking you, Isamu. Her pawn just escaped Kalos, according to Ash, but you can bet she still has her offspring hiding away over there...and he will be waiting for you to seek out the Cores. Remember your training...and do not be afraid to accept aid...whatever form it takes."
Isamu pulled on the hood that acted as protection for his identity, a useful feature of his primarily deep green outfit that obviously resembled the head of Zygarde's fifty percent form, not unlike his aura cowl. "I can handle him...I'm ready...the Shadow will not win." He glanced at his shoulder, as Zyx jumped upon it, and made his species best attempt at a growl. "Not this time."
(And here's Isamu, for those of you wondering how he looks.)