The Redwood Saga-Chapter 61 - The Professor of Myths and Legends

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Redwood Ranch, Secret Basement - Northern Unova Region

Alex, Jess, Eric, and Geralt gathered in the lab the day after the First Eve Feast, and the newly engaged couple ascended to the main lab itself to find Geralt and Eric already waiting. The newest Professor Redwood pushed up his glasses, as he addressed his brother. "Alex. I take it Gelauros is doing well?" Alex nodded, and he continued, "Good. Now what's this about a secret underground basement? I know Gruncle was kooky, but that's a lot of effort for a very old man. I think I'd know if there was a secret passage in the basement."

Alex nodded absently as he subconsciously stroked his bearded chin. "You're right…that is a lot of effort for a Human that old…Lux, bring up Sceptile in the Dex, for me." His Rotom yawned and floated out of his pocket. "I don't need the entry, I need Moves…aha. There." He looked at Eric then. "You said you found his old Pokéballs, right?"

Eric nodded. "His Rotom and Sceptile were missing. His Tauros passed years ago, he released his Lapras to help repopulate them in the Atlantican Ocean, his Rapidash is still here, and Soren is…around too. Somewhere. Actually, I haven't seen him for a while, now that I think about it."

Alex nodded, a grim expression on his face. He'd noted the psychic bird's lack of presence on the ranch and had a bad feeling that he'd joined his Trainer. "We…probably won't be seeing Soren again. He was quite old, even for a Noctowl. But Sceptile live quite long…and nobody has seen that one for years, right?"

Eric nodded again. "I asked Mom. She said not since he came back from his trip to Unova with a new daughter and a lost wife. After that, it seemed to disappear, and nobody ever asked where he put it. I checked the local wildlife for Treecko line biorhythms, but there's nothing outside of White Forest, as expected in a region this cold. Even if he released it, and it moved south, I would've picked up something as strong as a Sceptile. The ones I did find all had active Trainer IDs."

Alex glanced down the stairs leading to the basement, then. "Sceptile can learn Dig. I think the old man gave it one last task, in his grief, and then left it in its ball, in hibernation. A guard for his research. If that's the case…we should be able to sense it…"

The four descended then, and Geralt began inspecting each panel of the wooden walls with his enhanced eyes. Alex and Jess meanwhile, linked hands and sent their psychic search towards the main house. Eric stood there, looking at the eastern wall, the one most likely to house a secret entrance. His eyes were drawn to the old man's 'trophy cabinet' then, a piece of the decor he hadn't had the heart to do more than dust. Moving it, even when empty, had been too taxing even for Squirt and his Poliwrath, and he liked having the old man's 'trophies' where they were. It was one of the last reminders of the many years he'd spent in this space. His bong was there, of course, a half-empty jar of the mixed blend of Leaf he'd enjoyed in his final days before his lungs were too weak for smoking. A trophy, belonging to the Kuleen Chaar of Indius that they had been told many times to never touch, and then various pictures of a much younger Gilroy Redwood with his wife, daughter, and friends who were likely gone by now, and he'd never really spoken to them about.

One picture had him presumably with Indius's Elite Four, and an old white-haired man with elongated earlobes who, based on positioning, seemed to be the Champion. In another, a man with a rounded face and a classic Galar-style hat had his arm around a much, much younger Gilroy, who had an arm around him in turn. Then there was a picture of him with his Pokémon team, in the prime of their youth. Given how old it was, turned yellow with age and taken with more primitive picture capturing methods, that seemed to be the first he'd put in there.

As Eric marveled at how much of the man's life they didn't actually know about, Alex and Jess spoke simultaneously, in their creepy psychic manner. "Found him." They opened their eyes as one and pointed. "There is a Sceptile in a Pokéball about forty feet in that direction." They said, again in perfect unison.

"It's creepy when you two do that." Geralt muttered, as they needlessly confirmed the space existed. It would do them no good if they couldn't find the entrance. Then, suddenly, the other three watched as Geralt single handedly, and quite easily, lifted the heavy futon with a folded-up mattress inside of it, and moved it out of the way of the northern wall of the basement. "Here." He growled. "There's a door…but no button or switch."

Alex stretched out his arms and raised a hand at it. "I can handle a door…" Three minutes passed, as he frowned, and eventually lowered his hand. "...or not. This thing is triple deadlocked, and the mechanisms are either rusted, or won't move unless we find the lever."

"Let me try." Jess said, also raising a hand. Eventually, she stopped as well. "Geeze…together then?" Alex nodded, and both of them focused their considerable psychic might on the ancient tumblers. They heard a slight creaking, but it didn't open. Eventually, faces suddenly sweaty, they stopped. "It's not a door…" Jess muttered. "It's a thing of evil."

"We're going to break it if we keep trying like this…and knowing Gruncle Red, that will trigger some kind of trap or alarm." Alex said, forcing his breath to even out.

As Alex, Jess, and Geralt debated on how to pry the door open, Eric looked back at the trophy cabinet. The glass was dusty again from lack of anyone touching it, and what better place to put a lever to a pile of information one wanted to keep hidden? 'Surely, it can't be that simple…' Eric thought to himself, before a memory of his granduncle filled his head. He'd been young, young enough for Squirt to be a freshly evolved Wartortle, and he recalled sitting with his Gruncle, on his lap, as they enjoyed the summer sun, and watched the Tauros. Alex had been waist deep in their dung, and having a decidedly worse day, but Eric had gotten stories about the Midnight Marauder, and how he had also been a detective, as well as a butt-kicking cowled hero.

"And that, young Eric, is why the simplest explanation is usually also the most likely. We Humans like to overcomplicate things with our big brains, but often you will find that the simple answer, is the right one."

Eric opened the case then, and drew only Geralt's attention, as both Alex and Jess tried to psychically open the door together. "Hey, Alex, Geralt, you remember that trophy from Indius we were told never to touch any time we opened this cabinet?"

Geralt nodded. "That's why he stopped keeping his old toys in there…" Though, as expected, said antique toys had lasted about a week outside of the case, and in the hands of young Redwoods.

Eric grabbed the trophy and tried to lift it. Seeing what he was doing, Alex and Jess stopped to watch as well. Finally, after twisting and pushing and pulling several directions, the trophy moved, and behind them a cloud of dust erupted from the wall as a door that hadn't been opened in almost half a century pushed itself as far open as it could go. Alex and Jess psychically yanked it open all the way, and the hinges shrieked in protest. The tunnel beyond was indeed dug out but sturdy, if rusted, steel supports kept the six-foot tunnel from collapsing. The 'ceiling' of it had also been reinforced, which made some sense, as there were stampeding Tauros and Bouffalant around.

The curious quartet scurried through it, and came to a musty, but similarly reinforced room. They held their noses as Alex and Jess sent a psychic wave over the open surfaces, kicking up decades of dust, and then Teleporting it away from them to be dispersed into the fresh outside air, while Geralt gave them light with his Ranger flashlight. Eric found a light switch, and old incandescent lights burned to life, flickering as the decades old, buried wires suddenly had electricity running through them again.

"Jackpot…" Alex said, as he took in the room properly. In the center-back part of it, was a literal mountain of sagging cardboard boxes that looked haphazardly stacked and abandoned. Atop one of them that was on the floor and away from the others, was a faded, but once flamboyantly green, yellow, and red Pokéball. It was miniaturized, and a low yellow glow pulsed on its button, signaling it was in hibernation mode, and that it had an occupant. "I think it's long past time we give this guy some fresh air." Alex said, as he enlarged the ball, with a slight squeeze on its top and bottom.

About two seconds after he did, the ball opened on its own, and the Sceptile within appeared with a roar. Arbor popped free of his own ball then, and the two male Sceptile stared each other down, arms raised, as Arbor said, "Easy, old one. You've been asleep for a long time."

"Get…out…" The Sceptile snarled at Arbor. He raised a clawed hand to strike, but Geralt slid between them, and he fixed the Sceptile with a hard stare.

"Easy now, big guy…" He said, as this one was quite a few feet taller than Arbor, nearly bumping his head on the twelve-foot-tall ceiling of the room. "We're Gil's family! It's been a long time since I saw you, but I remember meeting you, once. I was still young, but…"

The Sceptile just stared, as he processed the human's words, something that he'd learned over the course of his long life. He lowered his claws slightly, as he did as the human asked, and stared closer. "…you are…umm…" His memory blanked as he tried to recall the small human's name. He had been quite young the one time they'd met, before Gilroy set him to guarding his research indefinitely. Geralt also looked quite a bit different.

"I am Geralt." He said, smirking. "Geralt Redwood." He nodded at Arbor, who also lowered his claws. "That's Alex. This is Eric, they're my cousins, and Jess. She's not a Redwood…well, not yet anyway."

"What's important is that we're not here to abuse the Professor's research. We want to read it." Alex said, taking over so the Pokémon could understand them.

The Sceptile stared at Alex, as he perfectly understood not just the words, but the tone and intent of them as well. There was something about his words, his very speech, that made him more inclined to believe him. He'd only met one human that could speak to Pokémon before, and he had been quite decent. "How…did you learn to speak to us like Champion N?" He asked.

"That is a long story, my friend. One that Arbor here can tell you, while we start looking through that mountain of boxes for what we need. If that's alright. I imagine you're hungry as well, yes? Eric, could you…?"

Eric nodded and examined the Sceptile closely. "I see. Yes, I'll have some of your preferred food in just a minute." He scooted back out the tunnel then, and Arbor guided the larger male over to an unoccupied corner, where they began chatting. He'd seen Alex's adventures in Unova second hand, but he'd still paid attention to them when Terra had recounted them for the new additions to their team.

Alex opened the box at the top of the pile, levitating it down. They were almost shoebox sized, with some being larger than others, but within, he found a series of papers, handwritten by his granduncle. Thankfully, he'd kept the letters in Common and not the cursive variant of it. He knew pretty soon it wasn't what he was after, but there was a video disk atop the paper, and his curiosity got the better of him. He popped it into Lux, and both Jess and Geralt looked over as they heard the older Professor Redwood's voice. The Sceptile looked their way as well.

Vengeance For A Friend

"The following video is the last recorded footage of the honorable Ser David Pokénborough, on his first and only attempt to showcase the beauty and wildlife of the Paldea Region from above."

An older gentleman with a rounded face and wispy white hair was sitting in what appeared to be an older model of Corviknight Taxi, and instead of a car that could inflate safety balloons from its engine compartment and trunk, as well as its wheels, it was a sight more rickety, open to the air, and less secure. A lighter load for the Corviknight, but far, far less safe than modern cabs. The camera shifted to the Paldean countryside, and Alex noted that it hadn't changed much. In fact, the old man and his driver were near where he'd found the Water Tauros for his father. Below, was a Tinkaton, and Alex squinted as he swore he saw it teeing up, like one might in Pokémon Golf.

"Here we see, the wild Tinkaton. A tiny pink fairy dwarf Pokémon, that spends its days roaming the countryside of Paldea, plundering for- oh! Oh, I say! Was that a rock!? Driver!"

"Hold on, ser!" The driver shouted, as he and his Corviknight desperately tried dodging. Naturally, the camera panned towards the front of the cab. A massive boulder narrowly missed the driver, sailing right over his head.

"It's- it's hurling boulders at our Taxi Pokémon! The absolute cheek! Look out! Here comes anoth-"

The video cut then, and a younger, ragged looking, Gilroy Redwood, his hair newly turning gray at a rapid pace, appeared on the film then. "Arceus as my witness, David…I'll get your camera back, at least."

After that, the footage became black and white and grainy, and Alex didn't have to guess what had happened. Ser Pokénborough was still a legend, renowned for the many documentaries of the wildlife in various regions he'd traveled through. From Fornia to Japan, he'd covered many of them, but had avoided Paldea for a long time, for reasons unknown. The rumor was that his filming in Kalos hadn't gone so smoothly either, and he'd put off covering much of Europa after that.

Alex picked up the papers then and began reading.

Observational Notes, Day 1: The life cycle of the Tinkaton line is one that, until my efforts, was largely unknown, for a number of good reasons. These Pokémon have the desire for plunder akin to a pirate of the South Blue Sea, and the lack of morals of an ancient Norstadder. It is this combination that makes study by Humans so treacherous.

As Tinkatink, this Pokémon will do little more than smash rocks for ore for the first weeks of its life, as it seeks to create its ideal hammer, and plant confusing or draining kisses on any enemies it meets in the wild. It is the Tinkaton that operate the fully functional forges that Tinkatink use to smelt this ore, that forms the basis of the hammer they will use throughout their lifetime. From what I have seen, this hammer does not change. Even if the hammer is 'misplaced', the Tinkatink will search tirelessly for it until eventually giving up and crying. At that point, the older members of the species will crawl from the woodwork to find the little one's hammer, and they very nearly found me, when they started searching. Even upon moving my location several times, the creatures seem to have a sixth sense for detecting metal, especially the hammers created in their forges.

Observational Notes, Day 7: Upon learning how to brutally swing their hammer, Tinkatink evolve into Tinkatuff, and begin their lives of greed and plunder, always searching for more metal. It seems that Human garbage dumps are their first stop in crafting the initial enhancements to their hammers, and once they are suitable size for the newly evolved Tinkatuff, they gather with other members of their species and fall upon groups of Pawniard and Bisharp. I even witnessed a rare, peaceful exchange between a wild Kingambit and what seems to be the elder Tinkaton of northern Paldea. In exchange for metal that the Bisharp under the Kingambit shed or willingly cut from their bodies, the Tinkaton avoided attacking its territory, and instead weakened its rivals. The Kingambit then took over the defeated Bisharp and Pawniard, though it should be noted that their limbs, facial horns, and body blades were all severely broken. Thankfully, they are known to regrow, with time.

Observational Notes, Day 14: In my study of this Pokémon line, I have tracked this elder Tinkaton that possesses enough intelligence to barter and work as mercenaries for a species it was once thought to simply prey upon. It appears their dynamic is an ever-shifting one, for if the Kingambit in question does not provide enough metal, the Tinkaton will simply attack them, next. The one I have marked however seems to be able to keep its greed in check, where the Kingambit line is concerned. There is no such concern, however, for the Corviknight line.

I cannot know for certain what sparked the hatred between these species, but many times I have seen them prey upon Tinkatink and swallow up their hammers, only for the local Tinkaton leader to rally a group and hunt down every Corviknight they see, until they find the hammer's core. I can confirm that they often kill the Corviknight in question, though those who do not possess the core of the Tinkatink hammer are usually left beaten, stripped of their wing metal, but alive. No such mercy is shown to the predators however.

Observational Notes, Day 32: From the size and number of Corviknight residing in Paldea, it seems that even the wisest of them eventually fall to the Tinkaton and their hammers, and thus any lesson they might have learned about eating a Tinkatink's hammer is lost, and with the new generation the cycle inevitably repeats.

After a solid month of searching, I believe I have found the Tinkaton responsible for downing David's taxi cab. It seems to have reinforced its hammer's core with my dear friend's camera. This shall not stand.

Alex grabbed the last few pages then, as they seemed to be a smaller addendum to the more research-focused first half of the paper.

Observational Notes, Day 35: The Tinkaton in question didn't last long against my Rapidash, and his Flare Blitz. It was over before she even knew she was battling. It took longer than I hoped, and I had to dismantle more of its hammer than I would have liked, but I have retrieved the only remains of my old friend, as it seems the Tinkaton this far north simply throw what they don't need into the sea. They also seem quite a lot more violent than those further south, though this may be because there is a heavy Corviknight presence in this area, and they are very much one of the apex flying type species around.

Upon returning the camera remnants to Mesagoza and shipping them to Galar, I was approached by a young man and his two colleagues, who seem to have heard of me. No idea why, but they wanted my opinion on their research: Paldea's Great Crater. Little Malina is waiting for me…but I've been trying to get into that crater for decades, and theirs is the first real scientific expedition since Heath's.

Great Crater Record 1, Day 1: It feels like a different world down here. There's something in the very air that teases the mystery of this place…I don't care for it.

We had our first encounter with one of the local Pokémon. If you can call it a Pokémon. It looked more metal than flesh, and after we managed to drive it off, we saw something resembling a Jigglypuff engaged in truly brutal combat with a creature that resembled a metallic Volcarona. They used moves and registered as having types their known counterparts simply don't have. Turo and Sada have been arguing over what they are since they appeared. I wish they'd just get a room already. Mr. Clavell and Mr. Cyrano seem to share my sentiments, but I can tell Clavell cares for them.

Great Crater Record 2, Day 5: The arguing has mercifully stopped, and after cutting a path through all this vegetation, we've finally found a deeper entrance leading into the earth. The Pokémon around here are only getting stronger, though, and our supplies are running out.

Great Crater Record 3, Day 8: Another attack today. This time by what looked like a Mega Salamence, and just when it was about to make a meal of us in the cave we were exploring, a creature I can only describe as a robotic fusion of a Gallade and a Gardevoir appeared to drive it off. It nodded at us before it left, and their rampage seemed to last for hours as they disappeared into the trees. There were strange symbols marked in the dirt of the cave, but none of us can figure out their meaning or purpose. They're too straight to have been made randomly, and the pattern to them suggests either a Human, or a smart Pokémon left them behind.

Great Crater Record 4, Day 10: Clavell and the others are leaving. Sada and Turo, naturally, want to stay. They've learned so much about a place they've only dreamt of, but we're out of supplies, and I've been gone long enough as it is. This Crater is a hostile environment made for Pokémon, and man has no business being here, of that, I am certain. Even the species we did recognize attacked us as fervently as the Mystery 'Mons, as I've dubbed them. Clive and the others are setting up a base just outside of this deeper opening to come back to.

Great Crater Record, Final: Sada and Turo opted to stay behind at the new base. Surprising literally no one, they seem to have fallen into a passionate entanglement. Just another reason I need to get out of here. They've begun growing berries to survive on, and they're young. They'll be fine. Clavell has discussed creating other bases on their next trip down. He offered me a permanent spot on the research team, and while there is certainly a tempting mystery at the bottom of this crater…this is a young man's game. Were I forty years younger, you bet I'd sign up with Naranuva Academy to stay on here. But not now. Now…I'm done.

"Well that was informative…and depressing." Alex muttered, placing the papers back in the box. "How about you, love? Anything?"

Jess smirked at him. "Actually…something fairly interesting. Not as long as your Paldea adventure, but…interesting."

The Failed Clone

Entry 01: The following is a set of notes on various experimentation done with DNA of the Pokémon Ditto, and DNA I was able to acquire at great personal cost, of the Pokémon known as Mew. Any layman can observe the obvious similarities between these two single evolution species. Both are capable of shapeshifting, both come in a variant light blue coloration, and both weigh the same. There are too many identical factors to be coincidence, but what do they mean?

Entry 02: The DNA of a Pokémon does not linger in a Ditto's cells. After testing various species like Tauros, Squirtle, Rockruff, Poliwag, and Swablu I believe I can safely conclude, short of testing over a thousand known species, that none of their DNA will linger in a Ditto's cells. The barest fragments of powdered Mew bone I was able to retrieve however, Did cause a stabilizing reaction with the material taken from Ditto. The extraction process also does not seem to hurt Ditto, and upon promising I'd give it back, it became less agitated when I extracted a piece of its body for study. Unfortunately I used half of my miniscule Mew sample on Ditto's cells. I can only speculate as to what would happen if the complete Ditto was given a complete Mew strand of DNA.

Entry 03: I showed my Ditto a picture of Mew, and injected a solution of my remaining Mew DNA into it while transformed. The Ditto held the form longer than any other I've seen, with this individual managing an average hold over a transformation for around two straight hours. Mew's lasted for six, and while Ditto lacked its awe-inspiring move set, it did seem to enjoy being able to fly, and seemed quite happy floating about the lab.

Entry 04: The experiment has had an unfortunate side effect on the subject. Sadly, the poor creature seems to have taken ill, though I confirmed its cells are as unstable as they've ever been, Ditto isn't supposed to even have a stomach, or internal organs, and yet it managed to hurl regardless. The poor creature has its favorite food now and after a trip to the Pokémon Center, seems much better. I'm ending the experiment here. Even if Ditto are failed clones of Mew, it seems turning them back into Mew would likely do more than make them puke, and I don't have the heart, or the currency, to try this with a full fossil.

"Did you ever see Armeniaca's Mew again after Mewtwo took me away for training?" Alex asked.

"No. I sensed it around, but it's as shy as the Pokédex says. I caught a glimpse of it playing with some of the Squirtle, but it vanished when it sensed my eyes on it." Jess said, frowning.

"Interesting…I've heard it can be as destructive as it is playful. Maybe it's just wary of psychic Humans. If it's really a Mew…it could have existed since Pokémon arrived on this planet. I wouldn't be fond of some of the things we've done to them either. Especially from the perspective of a Mew." Alex sighed. "Let's keep looking. There's got to be something in here on Albion…"

He didn't find anything on Albion, but he did find mention of another name of note in the next box.

Bigger On The Inside

What he found, was a series of experiment notes on Pokéballs, and mentions of Professor Armeniaca, who later in the entries, the Professor had referred to as 'Pashy' for some reason that wasn't explained. At the bottom of the box, he found what looked like a small journal, and that had a more intact account. Alex smirked to himself as he could almost hear the old man's voice as he read his words.

'I was contacted today by an old acquaintance of mine. Magnolia may not be as much of a looker as she used to be, but her wit is just as sharp. It seems she's passed on her interest in the Box Link she developed with that Alolan gentleman to a successor, and she wants me to help her as well. I'm keeping this as a record of these events.'

'The kid is a genius. I looked into her history, but all I found were sketchy hints about Giovanni's mafia in Italia, and some vague tie between the current Italia Champion, and Giovanni himself. Probably best to avoid that subject, I can only imagine how useful a mafia found a woman like Professor Armeniaca. Magnolia and Armeniaca are trying to revolutionize how Pokéballs function, namely, they want to take environments like Mohn's Poké Pelago, and make such virtual paradises the norm for everyone's Box and Pokéball. Currently, they're based on the old methods of crafting them, using Pokéjade stones and an apricorn-like shell to miniaturize the Pokémon in question, and then revert them to full size when the ball is opened. The kid wants to take it a step further. Since Bill managed to artificially create an alternate dimensional space to store multiple, even hundreds of Pokémon at once, the technology for that space, and making it akin to the Pokémon's habitat based on 'wallpaper' has only grown. Using the Box Link, Armeniaca intends to recreate these ideal spaces in Pokéballs as well.'

'After looking over the kid's schematics, I'm convinced she can do it. I made a few edits to her upgrades on Professor Westwood's designs, and she ran with them. She claims to have already made a working prototype, though so far all she's stored is inanimate Pokémon materials. I lent her my Ditto as a test subject, as he's pretty sturdy as far as Pokémon go. If anything can stress test her design, it's a Ditto.'

'Apparently, my Ditto loves the prototype ball so much, it doesn't want to leave. This may be tied to the artificial fondness device modern Pokéballs have, to encourage wholesome bonds with newly captured Pokémon and their Trainers. We've opted to scale back how effective this device is on new captures, and the result seems to have 'fixed' my Ditto. The technology is promising though. Now all she needs is an introduction to the Pokéball manufacturers.'

'Unsurprisingly, Silph Co. and the Devon Corporation were less interested in her new designs. The Japanese are slow to change, if they ever do, and anything that impacts their bottom line tends to be outright refused. Not that our businessmen over here are any bloody different. Fortunately for the west, the Kalos manufactory, the Galar manufactory, and several here in the States have all seen the obvious sense in making Pokéballs as comfortable as possible for their occupants. The new designs aren't all that much of an increase in cost, either.'

'It's been about a year since my last entry. I'd almost forgotten I had this, so I'll cap it here. The production of new Pokéballs has increased their price slightly, but the increase in capture rate and comfort has quieted those who were 'outraged' by the price hike. Once Devon and Silph realized how popular, and numerous, these new Pokéballs were, they hopped right onto the bandwagon as well. To her credit, Pashy didn't charge them extra or withhold her designs. Pokémon in Japan are still Pokémon after all. Ultra and Luxury Balls in particular are the most sought after. Luxury Balls now have the same catch rate as an Ultra Ball, but naturally, cost quite a bit more than they used to. Pashy is planning on upgrading the habitat system in the lower tiers of balls with time, so that the rich aren't the only ones who can afford prime habitats for their Pokémon. I've introduced her to my friends at Pegasus, too. Her engineering and computer skills are something they've needed for quite some time, I'm sure she'll do great.'

Alex smirked to himself, as he read the last entry. Judging by how absurdly popular stylizing one's Pokéball had become, she was indeed doing great, as predicted. He wasn't all that surprised to learn about her tie to Pegasus, either. It was starting to become a theme with people who had known his granduncle.

Jess came over to him then, with contents from what was the largest of the boxes in the pile. "Alex…you should read these…I can barely make sense of them, they're like a fever dream in some places, and in others I can't make out his Torchic-scratch handwriting."

Alex nodded, joining her by the box. "Let's have a look, then." He linked their minds more intimately, combining their reading and mental ability as they looked over Gilroy Redwood's most crackpot theory. Some parts of it were old, and crossed out, while other pages were newer, but there was one overarching theme to the entire set of papers.

The Archeus

'There is a legend in the Sinnoh region of Japan. A legend of Arceus, the Alpha Pokémon. The creator. The wielder of Infinite and Divine Judgment. In the beginning, it is said, Arceus's egg appeared in this empty reality, and with his 'hatching', the universe as we know it began. With over a thousand arms, Arceus ordered his universe as he pleased, but over time, the strain of using so much power to micro-manage the natural chaos of the Infinite Spiral was too draining. Arceus slept, and woke, and slept again over and over, for eons beyond knowing, until finally, he found our little rock. The ancient people of Japan, in the wake of nuclear disaster irradiating their island nation and making their population infertile, prayed for a miracle. They say, that not long after, a golden stag-like being descended on the northernmost island of the nation, raised up Mount Coronet higher even than Mount Silver, and from there, saved the Hisui region with his awesome power, and the rest of Japan as well. The people of that era called the creature Sinnoh, the name that the Hisui region would one day inherit. To this day, many older folks in Sinnoh, Johto, and even as far south as Hoenn believe that their island is a favorite of the Alpha Pokémon's.'

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'I did some digging. My Professors all laughed at my 'Multi-armed Arceus' theory. They called me a crackpot. Well now, I have the proof. With my Rotom, I was able to sneak into the old Team Galactic base, long since abandoned, and in its bowels, I found a room only a Rotom can open. A room with old documents from a time when Sinnoh was still known as Hisui, and a certain Trainer caught, befriended, and cataloged every known Pokémon in the Hisui region, at the behest of one Professor Laventon, and the Galaxy Team. Professor Laventon is a well known creator of one of the first Pokédexes already, but his research was thought lost long ago. Now, I've found it. We'll see who the real crackpots are.'

'This world is corrupt. They made me a Professor for my findings, but the images of that Trainer are gone. Scrubbed. Altered. As are the images of what I believe are the Origin Forms of Palkia and Dialga. Both of which bear a strikingly obvious resemblance to Arceus. That Trainer even had photos with a white Arceus. He was a Trainer deemed worthy in the eyes of the Alpha Pokémon and the Lords of Time and Space, and they Erased him without a second thought. Hypocrites. It doesn't matter…if I can recreate the True Arceus, I can erase their meddling and show the world the truth. I only hope these Legends heed my words and my fears. This world Needs the true Arceus.'

The next entry was on a fresh paper, in slightly better condition than the first one.

'Not many Professors go on a journey after they receive their degrees. Or so I've been told. A journey has a way of putting everything in perspective. How small I am. How large the world is. I've spent many decades at this point searching Eous for any sign of Arceus, Palkia, Dialga, or any other Legendary Pokémon for that matter. I suppose there is a reason they're called Legends. Champion Gireesh, of Indius, has had me helping his pupil lately. A rather young but bright child named Sikandar. Gireesh believes he will be the next Champion and has tasked me with helping him find a suitable first Pokémon.'

Alex paused. He and Jess reached the same conclusion at the same time. The pages were out of order. They combined their power then, using their psychic sense and Past Sight to psychically organize them by age, more or less.

"That should make more…chronological sense." Alex said. Jess nodded, and they continued with a new page two.

'What I've been able to find on the Lords of Time and Space has been mostly guesses, old tales passed down by verbal telling from decaying minds, and just straight up fiction. I've decided to look into other Legends first, as I believe there are several that will inevitably lead me back to Arceus. I started with the oldest, in Galar, with an old friend of mine, David Pokénborough. He and his wife, Professor Magnolia, told me about the entity that caused the Darkest Day in Galarian history, and Dynamax energy. I witnessed this energy in action myself and have acquired a sizable amount of what the Galarians call 'Watts', for future experimentation.'

'As interesting as Galar is, the entity behind the Darkest Day was assumed defeated by the Hero of Galar, and his magic sword and shield. I'm sure there's more to that story, but I need to be moving on. I've heard interesting legends from Kalos and Paldea, and intend to head there, next.'

There was an addendum to this page, written with comparatively fresher ink. 'The entity that caused the Darkest Day was recently reawakened by League Chairman Rose of Macro Cosmos. He called it Eternatus. I have reason to believe Macro Cosmos is also involved in the scrubbing of the records I found from Hisui, and submitted to Galar's Universities. Perhaps some Team Galactic members joined them after Cyrus went missing. Note to self: look into the disappearance of Cyrus. Champion Shirona knows something.'

'Paldea proved to be a dead end. Their Great Crater has been sealed off by their Champion tier Trainers, and I've been denied access to even venturing down on my own merit. I've traversed thousands of Pokémon habitats without angering them, and the fools told me I couldn't handle what was down there. There's rumor of a strange energy in Paldea, but without access to this 'Area Zero', I can't confirm or deny if said energy is from a Legendary Pokémon, and if that Pokémon might comprise a piece of the Original Arceus.'

'Kalos has proven far more fruitful. The use of Infinity Energy is a secret hidden by the nobility, but a young man by the name of Sycamore is helping me learn more about it. We believe it's tied to the Legendary Pokémon known as Xerneas, and its dread counterpart Yveltal is said to gorge itself on this energy in a rampage of death, before falling back asleep. Xerneas seems to be a Guardian of the Kalos region however, rather than the de facto source of Infinity Energy.' Another addendum was added at the bottom. 'Sycamore and I have discovered Infinity Energy's source…his Gabite accidentally jumped into the path of our scanner and lit it up like a Festivus tree. The primary source of Infinity Energy is the life force of Pokémon themselves…this coincides with the tale of an old King in this region, who used a terrible power with a terrible price to end a terrible war. The Gym Leader of Anistar City even claims that this King yet lives, cursed to grow older and taller for all of time for the sins he has committed. When I asked where I might find this wandering old giant, he performed a Future Sight reading, and claimed he was deep in the Mediterra Mountains.'

'I…found him. He calls himself AZ. He seems almost mad from sadness and age, but some of what he says has…set me on the right path. He spoke of the Gyptians, an ancient people whose region, according to him, rose into the sky to avoid the devastation wrought by the reordering of the continents by Arceus, and supposedly still resides there to this day, hidden with techniques the modern world has long forgotten. When I asked about the Original Arceus, AZ led me to a series of glass tablets he'd hidden deep in the Mediterra Mountains, a gift he apparently received from three wise men. Or one wise man who mastered three disciplines. He is hard to understand. I've recorded a few of the writings I could make out. Despite being quite sturdy, for glass, age and erosion have weathered many of these words of wisdom, but I'll record what I can here, for future perusal.'

'Shadow and Light are both of one nature, different only in seeming. Each arose from the Source of All, and ever has the battle between Order and Disorder raged across the Planes. The next part was eroded, but it mentioned something about transmuting Shadow into Light.'

Another note was added here. 'Purification of Shadow occurs through strong bonds. Could this be the mentioned transmutation? Pokémon cleansed of a true Shadow possession often have an aura of Light after cleansing. The artifact capable of purification in Orre seems to have been created there by an offshoot of the Draconids. The Arcean's method of Shadow Infusion does not leave such an aura, when cleansed.' The list of wise phrases continued, scribbled haphazardly, but even the Professor's hurried scrawl was translated by the combined minds of Alex and Jess. While they read the words, understanding them was something else entirely. Eventually, they reached the final one. 'In the silence of one's material senses lies the key to the unveiling of wisdom.'

'It seems that Xerneas is as hard to find as all the other Legends. I shifted my investigation to a man claiming to be a Guru of Mega Evolution, in Shalour City. He was my age, and once we had a rather decent battle, he told me the story of his ancestor, the supposed first man, in Kalos, to achieve Mega Evolution alongside his Lucario. I'm convinced that this ancestor of his was an Aura Guardian. Perhaps figuring out where they went will lead me to a Legendary Pokémon.'

'There was one more Legend in Kalos, and this one, I actually 'met', in a sense. I caught one of its cells. For a time, anyway. Like Unown, they are weak by themselves, and I'm not going to waste my time hunting all over the region for them. According to Sycamore, this 'Zygarde' is a defender of the ecosystem in Europa, and has cells scattered all over Kalos, Germania, Italia, etcetera. I still think that Xerneas is far more likely to be the source of Infinity Energy.'

Another addendum was added here, on much newer paper. 'If Infinity Energy is the lifeforce of Pokémon, then it follows that its source must be Arceus itself. After seeing what my grandnephew did with it, and unifying the Original Dragon into one being again, I am convinced of this. If there is a way to reunify Arceus, it will definitely require Infinity Energy, the Spiral Power that exists in Humans, and the reaction those two forces create when unified in conjunction with a strong bond.'

Alex paused. "He…came down here. Recently. This note is barely a few years old." He looked at the later pages, and while they didn't seem as new as the note, he wondered what else the old man had added. The more he read, the more he was convinced he was holding his Gruncle's magnum opus. He also began to wonder how the man he knew could just leave his Sceptile here, though for all he knew, his Gruncle had come in somewhat regularly to let him stretch his limbs, reaffirm his willingness to be a guard, and feed him. Stasis for Pokémon could only last so long after all. It was something he intended to ask the Sceptile about.

He continued reading then, as he sensed Jess shared his concerns, but was still determined to read on. She seemed oddly captivated by this information in particular, for some reason. Whatever her motivation behind this sudden interest in unifying Arceus, it was being kept in a part of her mind he didn't plunge into, even when linked. Reading each other's instinctual thoughts only ended in needless arguing. It was the fully formed words that mattered.

'The Gyptian's tablets have revealed much to me. They categorized the pieces that comprise the True Arceus into four different types of energy. Infinity Energy, to them, represents something they called 'Life Aether', a kind of energy that exists and expands best in lifeforms compatible with Spiral Power. Dynamax Energy represents the 'Chemical Ether' and evidently is a force for great changes. Perhaps this is why it sometimes can do more than just alter a Pokémon's size. Alola is referenced as a great source of the Light Ether, and the final piece seems to be something they term as Reflective Ether. There's no mention of which Legendary Guardians might represent or be the source of these ethers.'

Another addendum was added below that, and indeed, this passage in particular had by far the most notes attached to it. 'I've come to believe that the various energies which power the various form changes and ultimate moves across the world are all the same energy, albeit filtered through a different source. The base form of these energy types seems to be Infinity Energy, as it is the most common and abundant. Eternatus, as Rose called it, seems to alter Infinity Energy into Dynamax Energy, and Watts seem to be the byproduct of this alteration. Necrozma, the entity that appeared in Alola, was rejuvenated by the Light of Solgaleo and Lunala, and resumed what I believe, from pictures the locals took of the creature, to be its true form. Given its power and typing, it may very well be another piece of the Original Arceus. The Plates of the Arceus we know of have been confirmed to give off type-specific Infinity Energy, and several corporations have already begun using them to power cities and vehicles. This would make Arceus as we know it, the largest source of Infinity Energy. That just leaves the Reflective Ether. I believe the last piece of this puzzle may lie within Paldea, but as long as I'm unable to get into their Great Crater, I cannot say what kind of energy or what Legend may be the source of this.'

There was another addendum below the addendum, with only a single word, on a very small piece of paper. 'Terapagos'.

The final pages only held a few more entries. Notes on his time in Indius, a lengthy account of how he helped Sikandar befriend a Chimchar who stole his Trainer Card, memories of the other Kuleen Chaar, and mentions of a Grand Tournament that involved all of the Eous leagues. By his account, a standard six versus six contest with no Mega Evolution or other 'gimmicks', just a straight test of Trainer and Pokémon. Finally, they reached one of the last entries.

'I've traveled all across the world at the time of writing this and have been unable to come into contact with a single Legendary Pokémon in all that time. I'm not giving up yet, but it's starting to seem like this is not my destiny. Therefore…it will fall to me to leave behind what I've learned. I've just been told that my grandfather has passed. Our region needs a new Professor, and I believe it's time to go back home. There's a new generation of Redwoods coming, and they will need a guide. My disappointment at not meeting even one of these Legends is immeasurable…and yet the journey my efforts took me on was quite worth it. I wouldn't change a second of it.'

'I stopped by Sinnoh on my way home, one last attempt to find that which I saw in pictures so very long ago. I dug my way into the bowels of Mt. Coronet after meeting a man who told me of the existence of Sinnoh's vast underground cave network…and I discovered a gleaming cavern full of crystals there the likes of which I haven't seen before. By my reckoning, we were directly under Mt. Coronet. In front of the largest crystal, my Pokémon found an old chest, with more old photos, and writing in an ancient form of Japanese I couldn't decipher. These photos revealed something important, though. That Trainer, Kohki I believe his name is, in the past, it seems he also managed to, somehow, tame Giratina as well. I'll pass on the writings to someone in Japan I can trust, but the pictures I'll be including here, hidden, so nobody can alter them again. If he was born in this era, that means it's likely an entity like Dialga pulled him into the past at some point in the near future, and yet his being in the past is what created this version of modern events. I've decided not to warn him, even anonymously. Whatever entity pulls him into Hisui must understand why he must be there better than I do.'

'Speaking of that Trainer…he was there, apparently, when Team Galactic attempted to control Time and Space. Standing alongside the former Sinnoh Champion, Shirona. A third entity stopped Team Galactic's plans and pulled their leader…somewhere else. I remember reading the Graceland Theory of the Distortion World, and I remember the Professor himself as someone who is not a fool. I believe, for whatever reason, Giratina itself reached beyond its prison, and pulled in the man attempting to control Time and Space. I don't know what's more concerning. The fact that The Renegade can reach beyond its prison, or the fact that it seemed to be helping Palkia and Dialga.'

'A new power was recently discovered in Paldea. It seems Sada and Turo managed to find their big discovery in that hellish crater. They call it Terastallization, and evidently, it can turn Pokémon into types they would never normally be or have access to. After witnessing their demonstration of this power, I am convinced. It's what the tablets called the Reflective Ether. I believe its source must be the final Legendary Guardian that comprises the Original Arceus. I've sent a letter to the Professors, asking for information on whatever Pokémon is the source of this power, and I shall add it when and if they respond.'

'This will be my final entry, in this account. I've long since accepted that I will not be the one to see Arceus reunited. I'll put my trust in the next generation. Malina, Geralt, Alex, Eric, one of them, I'm sure, will find these records at some point, and hopefully will be spurred to seek the truth of the matter. Of all the new generation of Redwoods…it's those four that I believe have the most potential, and the drive to do what I could not. I leave it to them.'

The next page contained the aforementioned photographs. They were faded, due to the manner in which they'd been stored, but as the Professor had said, there was Kohki, grinning and giving a victory sign next to Arceus, Giratina, Palkia, and Dialga, all floating outside of a large building with a Magikarp atop it, and various, awestruck villagers around him and the godly quartet. The gods of Time and Space were in a strange, altered form that seemed reminiscent of Arceus.

Alex and Jess separated their minds, returning to their usual level of interconnected mental activity. Alex spoke first. "We need to figure out what happened in Hisui in the past, at some point…" Jess nodded, as he continued flipping through the pictures. Most of them were of villagers that Kohki had evidently befriended, including a girl, who was in the same outfit as him, and a man Alex recognized as Professor Laventon, the man who'd compiled the first complete regional Pokédex. Then, someone in the photos, one of the last, made Alex and Jess double-take. "Is that…?"

"It certainly looks like him…but tattered…"

"I've got something." Geralt rumbled, interrupting and joining the two. "It's not his notes, but it is an account of ancient Albion. I wonder how he got it…"

The Spire

'To anyone who reads this, spread the word, I beg you. This is an account of the region of Albion, an isolated land to the north of Galar, that is in desperate need. Our false queen, Morgana, is raising an idol from our past, an object of magic and mysterious technology that must Not be. Below is an account from an Archon, scraped from what writings remain of that forgotten era.'

Let this record of our success stand for all of time, for the Successor has been defeated, and the Hero of Albion is victorious, though gravely wounded in the fighting. We do not know if he will survive his injury. Despite this, he bid us rally the people of the region, to draw forth those who would be Archons, and train them in our arts of Will manipulation. Pyrokinesis. Electrokinesis. Telekinesis. Conjuration. Shielding. Healing. With these arts combined with the skills of the Sword and the Bow we will train a new generation to defend this land with the first among them being the Hero's own sons.

The people have been receptive to our decree, but in the wake of the Judgement War, we Archons have decided to split. Those who will go to the supercontinent to hunt down the Successor's Shadow Cultists will be known as Aura Guardians. Those who remain here, will train a new generation, not of Archons, but of Heroes, in the style of our own newly crowned King of Galar.

'The next few passages were lost to age and faded, but the next text that was readable said:'

With the Hero of Albion's departure, those of us left here have begun…other pursuits. An image has come to some, who dared to peer beyond the veil of time and space. A hint of the Truth of this Universe.

I saw it as well. What we are, what this existence is. It's…enough to shake a man. Change how he sees the world. I will not record it here. Some among us wish to defy this truth. In a combined divination using the might of our Will, we received an image of a Tower, a structure designed to regulate the very flow of psychic energy in our region. Using our powers, those of us who aren't training have begun building this structure, to see what might be wrought with its power. It could be enough to change everything. We shall call it The Spire.

'The dates are faded from this log now, but as I write this I recall now that some years passed between entries. My only solace is that the mighty Heroes of the past age took decades to build this object. I can only pray to Arceus that aid comes from the south…from somewhere…before she completes it.'

The work is all consuming. Infusing the stones with psychic energy, levitating them into place, binding them together, it is taking more Heroes than we believed it would, but Albion is largely peaceful, and has a new generation of defenders to keep it that way. We now have facilities in the Spire to train more Will users specifically for building. Once they are done here, we will send them to the mainland, but for now, they will learn and grow in these magical halls.

How short a life is. It feels like we began this work yesterday…but nine decades have passed, and we are not even halfway done, for what we wish to accomplish. It has become clear to my generation that this…will be a multi-generational endeavor. If that is what it takes to defy what we Know, than that is the price we gladly pay. I find lately that…I cannot recall Albion. I know it is beautiful and yet I cannot recall specifics of its beauty. I know it has a mighty kingdom, and yet its name escapes me. This morning I found letters, old letters, six decades out of date…from my own family. And even their faces escape my mind. The Spire encompasses everything. It must. It must be finished. We must succeed, even if it costs us…me…everything.

The handwriting changed, and evidently a new author took over the journal.

One of the mainland Heroes arrived today, claiming the local citizens have rebelled against the Heroes Guild. Evidently the peasants are not fond of the new Will powers the Guild created, and allowed to be used. We have incorporated the remaining Heroes into the Work. With this increase in labor I may live to see the halfway mark of this glorious endeavor. Let the powerless peasants on the mainland do as they wish. They cannot sail. They can barely think. Only those with the Will to complete this great Work are worthy of being here.

'From here, dear reader, that person's entries only become more mad. Obsessively mentioning the Work, until that was the only word they wrote. There was, eventually, a later entry, and as I stare at the original journal, I note the pages, while ancient, seem newer. More akin to those fashioned from Albion's printing presses.'

We have begun importing citizens from the mainland to the Spire. It was only once we left, that we realized what kind of effect it has on the Will of those who do not protect themselves from the Spire's great power. It was simple to bring this region to heel, they have not seen a fully realized Will User in generations. We expect this mind-numbing effect to be a good control mechanism for the populace, and we believe with their hands and modern machinery, the work will increase in pace exponentially.

The Collars have proven a most effective secondary measure for those who are brought here, and find their Will awakening. Most, are easily coaxed into joining us once they learn the Truth, and become our Commandants. Others…with more…morality…prove useful in other ways. Even with only simple Telekinesis spells, many of them try to escape. None succeed. Their dissection proves most enlightening. We have found significant differences in the structure of the brains between them, and the simple workers who die of fatigue and the sapping of their Will. It has become clear that the stones of this Spire, perhaps by design, are draining and storing the power of the Will of those who reside here. With this much power…we could remake the world. The very fabric of this Universe. We must increase the pace.

'It is here that I will stop recording their mad efforts, for they end abruptly, and as with past authors, that one also descended into madness…albeit of a different kind, since they were shielding their minds by that point. I believe their darkness is the same that now possesses our false queen. A shadowy power with unnerving sentience. It's historical fact in my region that the Old Kingdom, as we call it, simply ended one day. The sun rose, and when it did, it was on a shattered Albion. Those who didn't vanish in whatever the Spire unleashed have never managed to even come close to their level of technology and power of Will since, but this seems to have only affected Albion. Please. If you're reading this…send someone to Albion! The Heroes Guild once had a schism, and it is written that those who left called themselves Aura Guardians. If they still exist in the world, please…send them back. We need someone, anyone, with the power to master their Will. Albion has not produced a Will User in generations now…and any rumors of one are viciously hunted down by the Queen. Please pass this on, and spread the word. I will continue to write these messages, and hope that my Pokémon has managed to deliver them beyond Albion's borders.'

"That…explains much. And yet raises new questions as well…" Alex said, frowning. He wondered just what these ancient psychics had discovered, but Tao had warned him of peering beyond the veil of time and space with his power. Staring into the chaotic abyss of the untamed potential of Possibility drove humans mad. He felt a silent affirmation from Tao in his gut, as he wondered if these were the humans he'd been referring to. Jess and Geralt raised an eyebrow at him, as they waited for him to elaborate. "Two of my Scales, Rick and Drake, traveled to Galar recently, seeking the aid of Zacian and Zamazenta against the Arcean's invasion. Apparently Chairman Leon told them to prove themselves as Galarian Champions, and then the Legendary Hounds would, perhaps, heed their call. Instead, around Circhester Gym, they came across Morgana, and unraveled a plot that involved her replacing Gordie, the local Gym Leader, with a Shadow Ditto. They tracked her back to Albion, befriended the locals, and then ended up forming a resistance group, and making Pokémon Trainers of the rebels, with the Pokéballs they'd brought with them. Once their army was trained enough, they sailed to where the rebels claimed Morgana was. A massive tower, off the coast of Arborstone. Sound familiar?"

Geralt's brow furrowed. "Did they win?"

Alex nodded. "They prevented Morgana from using the energy stored in the rebuilt Tower. Luckily, it hadn't had time to accrue much psychic power, and Rick wished for all the Shadow in the world to be Purged at once. It had enough power to Purge the room they were in, which happened to include Morgana, and many of her Shadow Pokémon at that moment. They decided not to kill her for her crimes, since she seemed innocent once free of corruption, and they left the rebel's leader, a woman called Paige, in charge. Not long after they returned to us though…things went south in Albion. Morgana was re-infected with Shadow, the rebels were slaughtered, and the people's will to resist her was shattered. This note seems to be before all that. I wonder who Gruncle managed to send…there's no way he'd ignore this. Let's keep looking…something like another journal or personal diary would help."

The three searched for hours, but eventually succumbed to mental exhaustion. Geralt grew tired of reading in the dim light, and went out to work out his stiff muscles alongside Ghost. Jess eventually sensed her parents searching for her, and went to join them. That left Alex alone, with the pair of Sceptile, though they too also left eventually to go get their dinner. Alex continued to read.

As usual, and perhaps as expected, his foray into his Gruncle's life left him with more questions than answers, but it was a welcome change of pace from the intense battling and combat he'd been up to lately. Eventually, he bamfed his team up to the lab as well, and let them roam as they pleased, leaving him completely and properly alone in the old tunnel. At that point, he began meditation reading, psychically surrounding himself with his granduncle's works, notes, and experimentation data as he speed-read through each box. He did not grok everything immediately, but his altered brain was keeping up with what the old man had been working towards. Eventually though, Alex found what he was searching for. The juiciest of his secrets.

A common term his Gruncle had used throughout his works was 'Spiral Power'. It was something Tao had mentioned as well, but had always refused to elaborate on what exactly that was. After reading his Gruncle's works, Alex understood that this Spiral Power was what made up the composition of Key Stones, and that made him curious about his own.

The Professor had defined it as 'the power produced by the genetic diversification in gametogenesis'. The spiral shape of galaxies represented universal Spiral Power, while the structure of DNA itself constantly propelled evolution forwards. Evidently all life-forms with a double helix DNA structure could access Spiral Power, and in the case of Pokémon, they were able to, upon gaining enough experience, draw in a large amount of it from their surroundings, combine it with the Infinity Energy in their own bodies, and achieve an advanced evolutionary state as a result of that explosive combination of forces. Apparently, though his granduncle had never witnessed it, certain Pokémon could convert Spiral Power into Infinity Energy for more than just evolutionary purposes, as the two forces were not all that different. For whatever reason, humanity just seemed to be made differently than Pokémon were, but for Alex, it confirmed that Arceus was not their maker.

It was in these works mentioning Spiral Power that Alex's eyes noticed a pattern, a hidden code of a sort, and by deciphering that, he found the final journal his granduncle had hidden in the floor of the room, underneath the former pile of boxes, which was fitting, as he'd since read all the other ones, setting aside the notes on Spiral Power for Eric. He didn't know how much time had passed, but he wasn't going to stop, as he read the journal's title.

Dark Side of the Moon

It became clear very quickly that this account belonged in what Alex had termed his granduncle's magnum opus, as the recording style was similar.

Galar, Kalos, Paldea, Italia, Germania, Rio, Japan, Koria, Indius, Stralia…I've traveled across most of this planet, and have yet to encounter a true Legendary Pokémon. My latest stop is with the remnants of the Atlantican people of the similarly named southernmost land mass. The only continent I haven't visited yet. If I could just find one Legend, I am sure I could trace it to Arceus, or the Creation Trio.

Upon arriving in the reclaimed temple of Samiya, now permanently anchored to the northernmost tip of Atlantica, I met the remnants of the 'People of the Water'. They have taken residence in the western half of the continent once called Antarctica in ancient times, long before it melted. The eastern half, now connected to the Stralian subcontinent, was now simply known as Arctica, but Atlantica has, for reasons that mystify scientists, become a livable, almost tropical land mass, for the most part. The further east one goes however, the colder things become.

The people were wary of me, but softened after a pod of Phione approached me. I think they could smell my water-type Pokémon food, but feeding and befriending them helped the locals affirm I was not in their land to cause trouble. After explaining my quest, they spoke of an ancient Old Earth base to the east, in the 'Icelands' of their continent. They promised that I will find something of great interest, provided I can solve the puzzles and traps the ancient Humans left behind. Their people claim to have come from that part of the region, though I think it far more likely that they were once either part of the Draconids or the Water Tribes of Koria. Perhaps even both, as those peoples were known to have traveled together in ancient times.

After seeing my obvious travel experience, they gave me provisions and suitable cold-mitigating equipment for my sojourn to the east. As promised, it is indeed an icy land, but the days can be quite warm. It's the nights that get as cold as Arctica, but their equipment and my clothing is able to repel most of the chill.

It's taken almost two weeks, but I'm finally here. Unfortunately, all I see around me is ice. I'm using Dengeki, my Rotom, to search for the base. Knowing Old Earth, anything built this far south in an environment this cold, it was likely a military base, and military bases will have technology.

Finally, Dengeki found something. My Rapidash burned us a way into the base. It was definitely military, and thanks to the cold, everything is well-preserved, but utterly drained of power. Good thing I have an animate power source floating around me most of the time.

Dengeki was drawn deeper into the base, where we found something rounded covered in a giant shroud. Removing the covering was more arduous than one might expect, but the result was worth it. I can only describe this sight before me as a giant metallic ring with about forty different symbols on it, that seem reminiscent of star formations. A few look familiar, but by this point, I believe the constellations have shifted since this thing's creation.

Dengeki jumped into the giant ring. I was sleeping, and the overly curious spark merged with it. Turns out, it's actually a gateway, the opening of which nearly took my head off with a violent surge of plasma. He hasn't responded to my calls, and can't seem to extricate himself from the ring. I'm going through. Maybe I'll find a way to free him on the other side.

I seem to be alone in this space…so I'll record what I've seen so far. I arrived to find some sort of operating room on the other side of this gate. The areas immediately around me light up, but everywhere else is almost unnaturally dark. Still no sign of my Rotom. Soren is having trouble tracking him, as he keeps saying he senses Dengeki everywhere around us.

After hours…days, perhaps…of searching, I finally found a window large enough with a useful enough view to help me get my bearings. We're on the dark side of the Mukking Moon. This place seems to be a city of some kind, long since abandoned, but the technology is leagues ahead of ours…and seems similar in many ways. If I had my Rotom with me I could power some of these things up, but he continues to elude us.

We finally found Dengeki…Soren led us to a library, and once there, the AI of this city activated. It seems Dengeki has fused with it, and the network of what he's calling 'Stargates', that according to him, spread across the Milky Way, and beyond, to a galaxy our ancestors called Pegasus. I've been watching the records here, now that Dengeki is with me, in a manner of speaking, again. Quite entertaining. It seems a secret military operation of the Old Earth governments came together in this space to secretly explore the Milky Way in an effort to recover advanced technology. It seems they then used this technology to fight the 'Spacenoids', which seems to be a term for Humanity's ancient space-colonists.

The records indicate that our colonies in space eventually started a war with those still on Earth, because of course they did. This base, which I've been told was once called 'Atlantis', was their attempt to fight back against the superior technology of the humans living around the Earth, in what they called the 'Earth Sphere'. Apparently, the war ended with the colonies retreating to Mars, and launching several now-empty colonies back at the planet. I have no doubt the devastation that their landing caused is what made our civilization collapse. At least until Arceus appeared. It figures, I finally discover the secret history of my race, and it's not all that different from our own history of the Dark Times. Truly, we are cyclical, violent creatures.

Dengeki finished repowering the energy cells of the city, something the ancient humans evidently had a very hard time doing. Being what he is now, recharging them only took time. He claims that Atlantis can now run on its own power for over two centuries, provided it doesn't take off. Yes, that's right, this city is also apparently capable of flying through space, though the power required is enormous. Dengeki suggested a few more Rotom would solve that issue, but I'm not bringing any more up here. My Rotom has definitely…changed. But he remains friendly to me. He also claims he can activate numerous Stargates across the Milky Way, connecting to them is just a matter of calculating spatial drift, though it seems some have been destroyed in the intervening millennia since ancient Man made its first forays through the Stargates.

I've made another discovery. I'm not alone up here. It seems Apollonia, the ancient Moon city, is still, in fact, functioning and thriving. They sent a party over to investigate Atlantis, and Dengeki repelled them with a barrier. We've since started communicating. They were able to learn and translate Common very quickly. It appears they've been modifying their flesh bodies with mechanical enhancements for centuries now and have created a hidden utopia underneath the Moon's hollow crust.

It's become clear that this is too big for just me to handle. I'm going to call in some trusted friends in the scientific community, Lusamine of the Aether Foundation, as well as The Midnight Marauder. He could probably bankroll what I have in mind for this place on his own…he'll want to see this. As will Looker, if I'm on my mark.

It was a chore convincing the others to go all the way to Atlantica, but now that they're in Atlantis, which I've told them is called Lantea City by the locals, they all agree it was worth the effort. We've talked more with the Apollonians, and have reached an agreement: they will receive some of the technology we can spare in this place, and in return, grant us their systems for monitoring the planet below. People, Pokémon, natural disasters…from this high point, we can monitor them all with Dengeki's help, and prevent any catastrophes that arise.

The others all agree with me. The world's gangs are getting bolder. Japan alone has been inundated with several, and even Unova can't seem to shake Team Plasma. Men like Giovanni and Ghetsis are teaming up, despite their losses to ten-year-old Pokémon Trainers, and so, we adults have decided to do the same. From the shadows, we will aid these Trainers. We've called this new organization Pegasus, in honor of the humans who once used this city to traverse that far off galaxy. I also showed the others the recordings. It seems once they'd eliminated this 'Wraith' threat in the Pegasus galaxy, they parked Lantea City here, on the dark side of the Moon, or Luna, as the locals call it.

It seems that after the colonies dropped, and the dust settled, the 'Lanteans', as we're calling them, relocated back to the Earth to try to bring technology back to the people. I imagine their efforts didn't go well, or perhaps went too well, given the current state of the people living in Samiya and Atlantica. Though perhaps now we know how the ocean and the continent got their new names in the wake of societal collapse.

Alex was about to continue reading, even though he could guess what came next, when he sensed Jess approaching. He closed the journal then, and put it into his Gruncle's magnum opus, in chronological order. "You're still reading? It's four in the morning, Alex." Came her soft tones. He just nodded and turned.

This 𝓬ontent is taken from freeweɓnovel.cѳm.

"I…had a lot to learn about. I'll share it with you tomorrow…he made some…interesting discoveries."

Jess nodded sleepily. "I'll bet, given his first few journals. But you should really sleep. C'mon." She yawned again, and turned back down the tunnel, already in her nightie. When he felt how cold the bed was, he realized the real reason she'd brought him back, but there were worse things than being pressed up against her and acting as her heater.

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