The Return of the Condor Heroes-Chapter 33 – Conversations at night in Fengling, Part 3

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Chapter 33 – Conversations at night in Fengling, Part 3

The people were shocked to hear him say that. The Guangdong man curled his thumb upwards, saying “Young General Wang, you are a good man. Anyone who dares to inform the government authorities of your whereabouts may have a white knife entering him, a red knife coming out.” Many people loudly praised this. The beautiful woman heard him say this and could not argue.

The refined young girl looked at the flickering fire and was lost in thought, gently mumbling, “Eagle Hero, Eagle Hero… … “Turning her head to young General Wang, she said, “Uncle Wang, the Eagle Hero has such excellent martial arts, how could he lose an arm?” The beautiful woman’s face changed greatly, the lips moved slightly, wanting to speak, but she controlled the impulse.

Young General Wang shook his head saying, “I didn’t even get to ask his name, how could I ask about his life story?”

The beautiful young woman made a ‘humph’ sound, saying “Of course you don’t know.”

The Linan youth said, “The Eagle Hero killed the traitor which young General Wang witnessed with his own eyes, then naturally it was not the deities who did it. But that traitor Ding Daquan’s face turned green in one night, so it must be due to heaven’s punishment.”

The Guangdong man said, “How did his face turn green in one night? This is really strange.” 𝗳𝔯𝙚e𝒘e𝚋𝘯𝚘ν𝙚l.𝑐o𝙢

The Linan youth said, “Formerly the people of Linan called Ding Daquan as Ding Qianquan, but now he is called “Ding Qingpi” (Ding Green Skin). His originally fair skin suddenly turned green in a night, and it didn’t go away. All the wise doctors were not able to treat him. I heard the Emperor also once asked about it but that disloyal official said that he wholeheartedly served the Emperor and his anxiety over national affairs caused him to lose much sleep, so his complexion turned green. But in Linan everyone said this deceitful scoundrel brings disasters on the nation and the people, so the Jade Emperor turned his face green.”

The Guangdong man smiled shaking his head, saying, “Indeed this is very strange.”

The man with the straightforward face suddenly laughed loudly, patted his leg and called out, “This was also the work of the Eagle Hero, heh-heh, this makes me happy.” People quickly asked, “What, the Eagle Hero did this too?” That guy only laughed and said, “Ha-ha, this is funny.” The Guangdong guest desired to know the details and ordered the servant to bring two catties of wine and invited that guy to drink.

He drank a big bowl of wine and was satisfied and happy, loudly saying, “This matter is not a cock and bull story; I also have a bit of credit. That evening the Eagle Hero suddenly arrived in Linan; he called me to lead some followers and we tied up the Linan Qian Tang Xian Yamen (Something like a District Court) officers, removed their clothes and let us play the roles of the officers. Everybody was pleasantly surprised, as we did not know why the Eagle Hero gave such instructions, but we wanted to play along and so we acted accordingly. Soon the Eagle Hero arrived at the Qian Tang Xian Yamen, he put on the magistrate’s costume, sat the hall, banged the wooden block and shouted, ‘Bring that scum Ding Daquan here!’” Saying this, his saliva splattered and he drank a big mouthful of wine.

The Guangdong guest said, “Friend what did you work as in Linan at that time?”

The man returned his gaze and said, “What job? I drank a lot, ate a lot, had much money but I was a businessman without capital.” (Hinting he was involved in shady activities.) The Guangdong visitor was startled and did not dare ask again.

The man also said, “At that time when I heard ‘ Ding Daquan ‘, I got a shock, carefully thinking ‘The dog Ding Daquan is currently the Prime Minister, how did the Eagle Hero bring him here?’ The Eagle Hero hit the wooden block again, and then two burly men actually brought a man dressed in official court dress before him. A year earlier Ding Daquan went to a Taoist temple to burn incense and obtain blessings and I saw him outside the temple. Now when I looked again, it was really Ding Daquan. His whole body trembled, not knowing whether to kneel or not. Our brothers kicked his knees, he fell over and knelt down, ha-ha, the Eagle Hero asked, ‘Ding Daquan, are you aware of the charges against you?’ Ding Daquan said ‘I don’t know.’ The Eagle Hero shouted, ‘You engage in corrupt practices for your own personal gain, caused the deaths of loyal men, cruelly harm the common people, collaborate with the enemy who invade the country; all these are heinous crimes – quickly, confess now!’ Ding Daquan said, ‘Who are you? You insult the Prime Minister; do you not know the law?’ The Eagle Hero said, ‘Do YOU not know the law? Officers, hit him forty times then we shall talk again!’ Everybody already hated this scum, so this time we hit doubly hard, but we only hit this scoundrel several times before he begged for mercy again and again. The Eagle Hero asked several questions and he answered willingly, not daring to act stubbornly. The Eagle Hero brought a pen and paper and demanded he write a confession. He hesitated slightly so the Eagle Hero commanded us to hit his buttocks and slap his mouth.”

The refined young girl smiled and said quietly, “Interesting!” fre𝙚𝓌𝒆𝚋noѵel.c𝚘m

The man drank another huge mouthful of wine, saying with a smile, “Yes. This is very interesting. That Ding Daquan had never been hit before so he had no choice but to write the confession, but he suffered from the beatings so he wrote extremely slowly. The Eagle Hero had to urge him on repeatedly but he was not willing to write any faster. Soon the Sun rose, outside the Yamen the sounds of people got louder, and a large troop of soldiers arrived, probably because the matter had leaked out. The Eagle Hero got angry and shouted, ‘Behead him!’ and cast a glance at me. I knew the Eagle Hero would not easily take someone’s life, so I drew out my broad sword and brushed Ding Daquan’s neck, then when I chopped the sword down, I turned it in midair, chopping his neck with the flat of the sword. But this scared the living daylights out of Ding Daquan, causing his complexion to turn green suddenly and he fainted. The Eagle Hero laughed heartily, calling us to put back the Yamen’s officer’s clothes and sneak off through the side door and return home. Afterwards he went out to the soldiers and so we never fought with them, and everybody withdrew safely. I heard the following day the Eagle Hero personally sneaked into the Imperial Palace, and handed Ding Daquan’s confession to the Emperor. But we do not know how, but that Ding Daquan managed to sweet talk the Emperor into believing him and allowing him to continue as Prime Minister.”

Young General Wang sighed, “If the Emperor was not stupid, then disloyal subjects could not do evil. When Qin Hui was gone, Han Tuozhou came; when Han Tuozhou has gone, Shi Miyuan came; now Shi Miyuan has gone, Ding Daquan comes. We saw Jia Sidao in power and saw how this brought disaster upon the nation and the people. Oh, since the disloyal subjects are numerous, our great Song Empire may not last long.”

The other man said, “Only if we ask the Eagle Hero to be Prime Minister can we repel the Mongolians and restore peace throughout the country.”

The beautiful woman said, “Humph is he qualified to be the Prime Minister?”

The man got angry, “If he’s not are you?”

The young woman became furious and shouted, “Who the hell are you; how dare you be impolite to me?”

The guy picked an iron rod from the fire; she grabbed a few sticks of firewood and struck his rod. The guy’s arm trembled and he felt half his body go numb so he let go of the hot rod, which fell onto the floor causing sparks from the fire to fly and scorch strands of his beard. People called out in alarm. Although the man is hot-tempered, he tasted her martial arts, suffered a loss and did not dare act rashly. He only stroked his burnt beard, not even wanting to drink the wine anymore.

The refined young girl said, “Others have been talking about the Eagle Hero and it was all going fine, why do you not like to hear it?” Turning her head to the man she gave a sweet smile, saying “Uncle, please do not be offended.” That man was originally filled with anger, but seeing her sweet smile, his anger dissipated immediately and his large mouth also smiled; he wanted to say something polite but did not know what to say.

The young girl said, “Uncle, how did you get to know the Eagle Hero?” The man looked at the young woman, hesitated and did not speak. The young girl said, “Just agree not to offend my elder sister and that will do. How old is the Eagle Hero? Are his looks good?” She did not wait for the man to reply and turned her head to the woman saying, “Elder sister, I wonder how his Divine Eagle compares with our pair of eagles?”

The young woman said, “Compare with our pair of eagles? In all this world, which eagle or eagles can hold a candle to our pair of eagles?”