The Rise of the Black Plain-Chapter 1647 Dealing With The Problem

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The shark, already in its humanoid form on the deck of Minos' yacht, looked strangely at this human while in a strange position due to the pain in its body.

It looked muscular, with a large and strong chest and spiky hair, with part of its abdomen and back burned and extremely red.

Its scales protected its privates, making it look like light blue armor, matching its hair colors.

"What do you want?" It asked in a shy way but with traces of irritation.

It was a member of a powerful underwater tribe. Yet, it ended up in this situation and even lost one of its great friends.

But in front of this human who could steal its cultivation base temporarily, this creature couldn't help but lower its normally high spirits.

Minos then said. "Beast, we have no grudges. You were just unlucky to be around when that monster attacked me.

If you want to blame someone for your misfortune, blame it. I just used what I had to survive an attack from a level 94 beast."

"Level 94?" That creature heard that and felt its cartilages shivering but not doubting Minos, for that had been somewhat unusual.

Surely whoever had attacked Minos had been a Spiritual Demigod!

But this did not diminish its anger for the brown-haired young man before it.

Minos had regained all his hair after the Spring of Life. So his current appearance was different from that of moments ago.

Anyway, Minos knew that a grudge could not be resolved that easily and said. "By all means, forget what happened. It's the best you do.

Since we ended up together in this situation, join me, and your future will be unmatched. Otherwise, live as my prisoner for the rest of your life!"

It remained silent, watching Minos and thinking that it would never submit.

Minos frowned his eyebrows and said. "What's it going to be, beast? If you stand against me, living as a prisoner may not be the worst thing.

I'm sure the beasts under my command would love to devour your massive body.

But if you stand by my side, maybe one day you will become the leader of your tribe."

"Tsk! Human, you are powerful, and I have no doubt that you will kill me. But me becoming the chief of my tribe? Do you even know what you are talking about?

The leader of my tribe is a powerful level 92 Demigod! I'm too far away from its glory to aim at its position!

Furthermore, what could a human like you do? Only in the sea can a sea beast like me develop and gain support from sea beasts."

"Soon, I will build my sea empire. It will be your chance to participate and play a relevant role. What do you think? This could change your destiny." Minos said, trying to recruit this Sage Beast, something he did not yet have in his ranks.

It would be more interesting for him to bring beasts friendly to him, like Sapphire, Ross, and Randall, to his side. But getting these beasts to follow him would be more difficult than doing it with this being because some of them would have no obligation to be with him, while this one would. Google search 𝙛𝒓𝚎𝙚w𝑒𝘣𝘯𝘰𝐯𝚎l. co𝙢

Having been used by Minos and now in this passive situation, this being didn't have many choices at its disposal. And through this, Emperor Stuart could more easily get a follower loyal to him who could command the beginning of the Black Plain Empire's marine expansion.

"If you accept, we will sign a Soul Contract, and I will leave it to you to expand my Black Plain Empire across the northeast of the Ancestral Sea."

"Northeast?" That being frowned, ignoring that Minos was telling it where he was coming from to focus its attention on this most important piece of information.

That area of the Ancestral Sea had been abandoned for a long time and was considered a danger zone due to the situation of the North Sea.

Knowing this, this beast couldn't help but fear having to go there because of Minos.

"Are you wanting to die? That place is hazardous! Nobody wants that area!" This shark said, extremely unhappy about the possibility in front of it.

"That's what makes it so interesting to me..." Minos laughed, feeling that he could take advantage of the widespread fear to succeed in expanding his domains into a rich, unoccupied area.

Amidst this, he also intended to build the defenses he would eventually use against the calamity that would come from that sea.

That being then said. "Then so be it. What choice do I have? But let me warn you. My tribe will pursue you. As long as you travel with me at your side, you can be tracked easily."

This was no lie. The breed of this shark had impressive sensory abilities and also sent its members' location to others of the same breed over long distances.

In a way, walking next to one of these creatures was like being on the side of a tracker!

Minos knew this and would not fall for the trick that the shark wanted to play on him.

"Then you can release me, and I will help you from a distance. That way, we can do business without you being chased."

"Don't be so bold, beast. I can keep you close to me even though you have this annoying ability." Minos said before making large shackles and cultivation sealing arrays appear above that man.

Minos immediately controlled them, making them go towards that beast's body, sealing its powers so that its fighting abilities would be comparable in a few seconds to those of level 70 cultivators.

"Human, what are you doing?" It shouted in nervousness, questioning in fear.

"Stay calm. You will wait for me in a special place. Then, when I arrange a spiritual judge, I will release you to go to Stone Island, where you will begin your activities under my banner." Minos said before touching that being and sending it to the Spatial Kingdom.

With that being with its cultivation sealed off, it was harmless to the strongest in the Spatial Kingdom, so Minos was at ease with his decision.

With that done, he sailed back across the surface of that great sea, heading towards the central area from which he was no longer far away.

'A few more weeks and I will reach the vicinity of the Seraphim Ancient Sarcophagus!'