The rise of the pervert primordial-Chapter 327 The First Mission (Part 2)

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Using Aster's identity token, everyone was transported in front of the space fate near the city lord's mansion, since under normal circumstances the space gate only led to the neutral city, there was no fee to use it.

There was no line as there was only one destination and the guards didn't interfere too, a couple of seconds later, the disciples who were in front of Aster's group already used, so it was their turn.

While they were travelling through the dimensional tunnel, Aster remembered the place used for the trial.

"Now that I think about it, among the places we saw earlier, there was no such a thing as training grounds, so where do disciples go for training?", he asked to Agnes.

There was no need for public cultivation places, since all the residences for the core disciples had a private room for that, the difference between the castles of the Twin Sword valley and normal mansions, was that he didn't have to spend spirit jades, since the formations took the spirit energy directly from the atmosphere.

That same for the training room, it was spacious enough to not have the need to go to a public one, but others didn't have access to such privileges, also the whole point of the sect was to make them compete with each other, so there was bound to be public trials who everyone should be able to challenge for rewards.

"Ah, I almost forget about that, the gates for the training grounds and the monthly trials are all displayed at the neutral city, so that disciples from the four peaks have access to them, … one of the training grounds is under maintenance though, since a certain someone cut the mountains without caring about the fact that there were some important formations inside of them".

Aster bitterly smiled; he did notice there were things hidden inside the mountains, but only after he cut their peaks, since the formations hid them pretty well, luckily, he wasn't asked to pay for the damages, since it was the sect's fault for not foreseeing the possibility of an aspirant having an attack which's power surpassed the mortal transcending realm, or the limit that endured the training ground used for the third trial.

"In the future, please refrain from entering the training grounds designed for inner disciples", mumbled Agnes.

Lilia who was hugging her son giggled.

"I wouldn't worry about that, with my darling's current ability, nothing below the Mortal Transcending realm is even worth a try, those monthly trials sound more interesting though".

Aster nodded, in the Heavenly Rankings some of the names had medals next to them, besides their current position, with a quick peek he counted twelve different designs with three different colors, meaning there were 36 medals spread among the top one hundred of the Heavenly Rankings.

The travel to the neutral city only took a couple of minutes inside the dimensional tunnel, once they arrived Aster noticed they appeared practically at the center of the city.

"Oi you, don't just stay there, there is people waiting to go through the space gate…", seeing that there was someone "holding" the line, one of the disciples that was waiting his turn to descend to the battle peak planet, complained.

But the harsh words she was planning to say, died in his throat once he noticed the winged emblem ring in Aster's hand.

Although fighting in the neutral city was prohibited, it was still considered a part of the territory of the battle peak while at the same time it was property of the other three peaks, meaning that if Aster felt offended, he could fight with him to death without going to the life and death arena.

"Isn't that the guy who killed senior Hector".

"Yeah, black hair, golden toned eyes and surrounded by beauties".

The inner disciples began to whisper between each other, and they moved aside to make Aster a way, the only ones who didn't move were core disciples.

Aster saw that the inner disciple who was shouting a moment ago, practically hid in the crowd and he ignored it, instead of getting into a useless fight with a nobody, he and the girls walked towards the universal space gate which was guarded by two Genesis Manifestation inner elders as well as long bearded old man in the Void Manipulation realm.

Unlike the other space gates which were used to travel from and to the planets of the sect, the universal space gate had the incredible ability to take them to any of the star clusters within the Galatia stellar system, it was a trait supposedly exclusive of high ranked stellar systems. 𝙛r𝚎𝐞𝑤𝚎𝗯𝗻𝗼𝐯e𝚕.𝒄𝐨𝓂

But since the Myriad Occupation sect was backed by the Talis, they had enough space related materials to use as they pleased, Galatia wasn't among the strongest medium ranked stellar systems for nothing after all.

The old man whose eyes were closed a moment ago, slightly opened them and recognized Agnes.

"Little girl, what troubles does your black sword faction wants to cause me today?".

Agnes chuckled, she pointed at Aster before saying.

"I'm only a spectator this time old Samuel, the Lord of the Twin Sword valley has accepted his first mission, so we are going to Tellaria".

The old man had a surprised expression as he gazed at Aster.

"Oh, kid can you show me your ring, I need to register the usage of the universal gate since the sect will cover the cost for you".

Aster nodded, he showed the old man his ring which had the serial number of the mission, the old man scanned it and then took out a talisman which worked as the master key of the gate.

"I have set the coordinates of Tellaria, you can use a spaceship as long as it isn't bigger than the transport cruises of the Galatia family".

The spaceships of which the old man was referring to, where those huge ones rented as public transport by the ruler family of Galatia, the dimensional tunnels were divided in two lanes, one was exclusive of the Galatia family and the other belonged to the sect.

With a wave of Lilia's hand, her black spaceship appeared floating above, then they all flew towards it, the old man was in awe for a split of a second, as a Void Manipulation, he couldn't see the grade of that imposing black spaceship.

But it wasn't his place to ask, so he simply shrugged and activated the gate with the master key.

The arc which formed a see-through circle a moment ago, split apart and then a one kilometer tall and half kilometer wide gate opened.

Lilia's spaceship entered the gate and disappeared inside the dimensional tunnel; the gate then closed leaving a curious old man who was rubbing his chin.

'What an interesting fellow, I guess our sect had finally found someone good enough to represent us against those guys', thought he old man before he closed his eyes again returning to his meditation.

Inside of the dimensional tunnel, Lilia's spaceship which was camouflaged advanced through the sect's exclusive lane, this route was reserved for core disciples who were on missions and other important matters of the sect, so it was less transited and worked differently.

"How long will it take us to arrive at Tellaria?", asked Aster while he looked through the windows of the spaceship, unlike the previous times they travelled, this time the spaceship didn't have the need to advance by itself, instead the tunnel moved it at an insanely high speed.

Agnes smiled feeling proud of this special dimensional tunnel architecture which was created thanks to the combination of efforts, of her family as well as the Talis.

"It will only take us about eight hours, I suggest you all to rest because the stars at Tellaria have very dim light, which causes their planets to be in a semi night state practically all the time".

"I guess that explains why those bandits fled to that place, it should be easier to hide there", mumbled Aster.

"Yeah, Tellaria has the highest crime rate of within the Galatia stellar system, normally the disciples don't like to go there since that's supposedly the gathering point for the people that live in the underworld, but that's also the place where the missions for those who wish to become core disciples tend to take place".

Alice who was listening form the sides, interrupted Agnes with a frowned expression.

"Then why don't the ruler family or the sect wipe them out?".

Agnes shook her head.

"They are a whetstone for the sect, of course if they get out of track as in joining an evil sect or using evil cultivation methods, then an executor is sent to remind them who is the real ruler of the stellar system".

Aster nodded, basically the sect kept a small "virus" in the form of rogue cultivators who were oriented towards evil, to work as a "vaccine" to show the disciples the cruelty of the world.

'A star cluster which exists for the sole purpose of being an example of the law of the jungle, now that is interesting', thought Aster as he looked at Kana, it was a perfect place to take her training to the next level.

Everyone followed Agnes suggest and instead of training just rested to be in optimal conditions, for when they arrived, it wasn't hard for some like Alice who immediately laid down on her bed to laze around, which of course involved cuddling with Aster, the other girls followed her example too, so it wasn't an unpleasant wait for them.

But it was a slight torture for those who didn't like to be static, like Erick and Tiana, who used the time to meditate.

Before they noticed the eight hours were gone and everyone gathered at the captain's cabin, where Agnes stayed the whole time.

Just as she explained, unlike the other exits of dimensional tunnels Aster has seen before, this one wasn't a "light at the end of the tunnel", in fact it was darker outside of it.

Once the spaceship came out, the gate closed, there was a small border station but there weren't any stores nor a city, instead of that there was only an outpost inhabited by a couple of elders who guarded it.

They didn't even bother to inspect who came out of the tunnel and instead just wrote something down on a board, before they gave the greenlight.

"This small outpost is the only place with official laws stablished in the whole star cluster, once we are outside whatever it happens, it's up to the parties involved to solve it".

Aster had a contemplative expression as he looked at the dim stars floating in the space.

"There is no honor among thieves, so there must be a place where we can buy information right?", asked Aster, that was one of the lessons Lilia gave him, rogue cultivators only worried about benefits.

"That would be the Crescent Moon planet, it's one of the eight biggest planets in this star cluster", answered Agnes.

,m "Okay let's go there".

Agnes nodded, with Lilia's permissions she set the coordinates, the concealment formation of the spaceship activated as it shot itself towards the west area of the star cluster.